Lee finds a half-full bottle of water and a map of the train's routes that he gives to Katjaa and Kenny respectively. What you will do when you get to Savannah: Clementine will ask you the first question. It's extremely frustrating because he's proven time and again that he doesn't care about anyone but himself in the zombie apocalypse. Hershel will both scorn Kenny and Lee and tell them to get off his property and never come back. Yes, the obvious choice is to shoot Duck but since the game gave me a choice I left him there. Initially reluctant to allow the child to help, he begrudgingly accepts Duck's assistance whether he agreed to it or not. Carley stands up to Lilly and calls her "a scared little girl" for lashing out at her friends. Katjaa carries Duck over to the boxcar, asking if they could discuss what to do about their son. While Kenny and Lilly are arguing, Carley is seen up on her balcony (if she survived the attack on the drugstore), then in the next shot she appears right behind Kenny when she says "At it again, are we?". At the station, Lee infers that it had been abandoned for a long time due to the plea painted in white on top of the building. Realization of his nightmare relieves him, as he gently sets Clementine down on the couch, as she had fallen asleep against him. For a second I thought the kid would get on my nerves but luckily they kept him on the down low. After Lee exits through the door the camera will fall below the floor's texture, making it impossible for the player to move around the episode and halting further progress. Lee goes to Clementine, asking if she had any pink chalk, but she says that she had lost it. Shawn is seen pinned under the tractor which Duck accidentally started while walkers attempt to devour him. That said, I don't know why Gabe has outlived his comic death for this long on the show. Check the body through the broken window. Lee assures her that she has nothing to apologize for, then asks after the stolen supplies she had mentioned. He says that he needs to shoot her to keep her from suffering any further, but Kenny points out that if she continues screaming, she would draw all of the walkers in the area to her and keep them off of Lee and Kenny while they raided the drugstore. Lee introduces himself, learning their names as Christa and Omid. Use the blowtorch on the hitch (Cut: Hitch). Fight Kenny: Lee either provokes Kenny with a shove or taunts him to the point where Kenny initiates a shoving match, each one trying to push the other to the wall. (Determinant) Depending on their prior relationship, she can ask him to go with her, but this turns out to be a lie to get him to leave the RV without hurting him if he accepts and goes to get Clementine. He then discovers a pink, chalk-marked "X" on the wall facing away from the parking lot, to which Duck postulates that the pink marking could have been a sign. In the beginning of the episode he is drawing with Clementine and Lee has an option to feed him. She then asks if she could tell her parents over her walkie-talkie of their new plan. I'm sure either Lee or Clem will die as well. The third episode will be over. It might have been better for Kenny to shoot the boy in the attic so that he won't become prone to killing zombie children, but I did it because I felt bad for him. Help Christa: Lee pulls Christa up instead, the woman scorning him as she panics over Omid's safety. Regardless of the choice, the fence holding back the walkers will break and Shawn will be killed by walkers, influencing Hershel to kick the group off the farm. "The Walking Dead" should get ruthless in its final episodes. The player will restart to try again. Early pre-release plans of "Starved For Help" had Mark surviving that episode, so he would still be alive up until the bandit attack, but he would have been left behind during the escape. Furious at him, Kenny shouts and berates Lee for having no clue for what Kenny is going through. I don't get why Lee would do it. Would it break Aaron's heart? Lee's rifle keeps disappearing and reappearing when he and Kenny are in Macon. Kenny won't consent to this plan later. Teaching her how to use a gun: After you've brought that up, Lee will give Clementine a gun. When I played the game, I made Kenny kill both since it would help give him the strength and security should he had to do it again in the future to help someone, what do you think? Kenny, perhaps beginning to realize his guilt himself, initially denies Lee's assertion that Kenny did not kill Shawn. If Lee sided with Lilly, he will remark how it is still a safe place to live. Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. For now, do not talk with Clementine in the car. A glitch can occur after Lilly kicks everyone out of her room, where both music and game volume cuts. Lee is forced to use his spanner to prop the door open so they could see with sunlight, (Determinant) though Lee wishes he could keep it in case of danger. Lee goes back to Clementine with the map and gives his position on what to do upon their arrival, (Determinant) whether it be helping the group search for a boat, abandoning the group to its inevitable destruction, or going to look for her parents. This is the first episode with a first-person shooting gameplay. Lee will be unable to open the door, but can still reach in and grab the animal crackers somehow. I took care of Duck for him. It's whomever is talking to Clem on the walkieor rather, that is what we are being led to believe. Picture Gallery. Leaving him there wouldn't have brought us any harm and if someone else kills him we most likely wouldn't know about it anyway. Sorry, Sebastian, but you just don't have any redeeming qualities here or in the comics. The whole group dismounts from the train, Kenny loudly announcing his displeasure with a series of curses. (Determinant) If Katjaa had gone into the woods by herself before, Kenny walks in a daze toward where he had last seen his wife go as Lee slowly trails behind him until they stumble upon a small clearing a discover that Katjaa had shot herself rather than Duck. Free Mobile . When leaving the train's freight car through the large sliding door facing the RV, it can occur that Lee's right arm slowly proceeds moving backwards to an unnatural angle of almost 90, with the arm immediately going back to its normal position once the player can control him again. The game will reload to the last checkpoint, as it is not canon to the actual story. At the end give the blowtorch to Omid so that he can finish the job. Calm him down and back off or get it on. Lee joins him, pushing aside his shock so that they could deal with Duck. Lee recognizes the horror in her eyes, and- at her quick cry- barely turns around with before he is set upon by two walkers. He shows Lee the salt licks, and Clementine warns them not to actually lick them. After that, you will all get back on the train. I used to think having Kenny be there for his son was the right way but I now think it's better for Lee to do it so it doesn't constantly drag him down. I sided with Lilly in the meat locker but also saved Kenny's son in the first chapter. Junker-2047- Sep 16, 2013 @ 7:59pm. Just before she could bite him, he wakes up with a start. Ben and Kenny enter the RV, Lee following them after giving Lilly one last cold glare. Clementine, her calm threatened, asks after Doug/Carley, (Determinant) whose death she had witnessed. The group finds the car and Lee decides whether or not to loot it. He is seen in his ill state being held by Katjaa. Duck appears running towards his father at the truck. Lee enters the boxcar to find Clementine alone, sitting along the edge of the doorway and watching the surrounding forest zip by. This is an Easter Egg referencing. In the next shot, she is walking towards Lilly's room with Doug/Carley. Copyright 2000 - 2023 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. I chose Shawn. December 2012 edited December 2012. Lee beats it back with his rifle into an exposed rebar, trapping it as he and Kenny escape the oncoming walkers. (Determinant) He complains that Lilly was making him out to be the villain in everything wrong with their group, storming off. Distressed, Kenny volunteers to be the one to shoot Duck, but Katjaa argues that such a thing was beyond Kenny's ability. Lee rushes to her aid, shooting three bandits that had tried to reach her and the kids. Choosing this option means that Lee will have less time to get supplies. Duck is a . The 2nd one. I think that killing your own son would just make you cold instead of strong, so I shot Duck for him. The title "Long Road Ahead" was originally going to used for the. 2019 Telltale, Incorporated. After Lee confirms that it is not a walker, he pulls the body out of the chair, discovering a blinking button. Each topic leads to a different conversation with Clementine. At the end of each chapter, it will review your choices and show you how you compared to others who played the game (what % saved Shawn or Duck, etc.). The new companion will ask if you want to drink: You decided not to share a drink with Chuck. Chose a stranger's fate. Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. The next shot is framed by Ben's corpse, as a reanimated Duck enters from the left and attacks Lee. When bandits raid the Motor Inn after Lee takes back the stolen medication from a grate outside the camp, walkers are attracted by the gunfire. It was written by Gary Whitta and directed by Nick Herman. He reluctantly continues until finding Clementine's abandoned hat. This will hinder Lee's relationship with Kenny, but Hershel is never seen by Lee again (so there is no long term relationship effect). "TWD" loves introducing minor characters who will stick around just long enough to die in place of a larger, more important main character. Lee walks out of Lilly's room with his hands up and announces his presence to the bandits. Kenny is skeptical of the man at first, but Katjaa asks him to stay with them. They move to the other side and jump onto the train, with Omid having a bad landing and falling off, badly injuring his leg. Breaking out of his stupor, Lee grabs Lilly, pins her to the wall of the RV, forcing her to drop her gun. Lee quietly assures Kenny that everything would be okay, (Determinant) but Kenny just fires the gun, ignorant of any comfort Lee could offer. Duck is one of the two characters in the Motor Inn group that changes clothes frequently in each episode (in "Starved For Help" because of the Autumn weather and "Long Road Ahead" because of the group taking. The jeep finally reaches the truck, affording Lee a base to stand upon and allow Kenny to pull him up. (Determinant) Lilly refuses to believe him and points to Clementine in the RV doorway as evidence that he would not steal "with her in [his] life". A third successful move from either man ends the fight, regardless of what had happened between the start of the fight and then. Meanwhile Katjaa, up until the death of Duck, was a steady, calming presence. (Determinant) The pair approach the drugstore, remarking on how the town was running out of supplies to scavenge. As Lee makes his way to Kenny, he is attacked by a walker with a helmet on its head. A gunshot interrupts Lee before he can assure her of the necessity of their actions. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. In the gripping and emotional final season you define your relationships, fight the undead, and determine how Clementines story ends. (Determinant) Lilly tells him not to "boss people around", but Kenny relays that he feels that she should not be making decisions for the group in her current state. As with the glitch listed above, sometimes Clementine can be talked to and hair cut at the same time. Clementine's hairstyle: Proceed bravely to get it done by choosing "So, here's the thing about your hair" and then cut hair. I killed both myself and he seemed to appreciate that. Back on the bridge, Lee starts cutting the coupling to the tanker with the blowtorch, but runs into complications as it slides out of his reach. Feed Duck (you don't have to feed Kenny) Side with Kenny in the meat locker (take a note this is the largest decision if you don't do this odds are Kenny will not immediately agree to help you even if you sided with him on most choices) Steal from the station wagon. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. If Kenny goes with her, Lee hears him cry in distress. In any case, you can choose one of the following responses (Clementine's hair is a lot safer now.). Instead, he opts to dangle Omid over the gap to finish the job, much to the latter's discomfort. Her screams buy them more time to get more supplies. If you didn't, she will wear her dress as always. But it was probably easier to keep Gracie alive. In Kenny's defense, the kid DID look an awful lot like Duck. (Determinant) When the RV is out of sight, he decides to return his attention to the train, seeing it as their only way to reach the coast in time for Duck to get help. (You taught Clementine how to protect herself.). He sends Ben out to watch over his family and Clementine while he tries to teach himself the controls, then asks Lee to see to getting the train moving. On the train Duck starts to cough up blood and Katjaa asks Lee to wipe his face off with a napkin. Leave the wagon through the Boxcar Door, but before leaving you can look at the Bloodstain. Killing Duck yourself is the right thing to do, no questions. Lee orders Duck to remain inside the walls while he goes outside and searches for further clues. Kenny asks Lee if there was anything else keeping them from leaving. Then use the Ladder to climb on the bridge. Going through the train cabin towards the box car results in the cursor disappearing. While parked at a gas station, Duck was grabbed by an unknown man, causing his father to savagely beat the stranger. Katjaa calls Lee up to the cabin of the RV, asking for a quiet conversation. Absolutely. The last thing in the episode will be a conversation with Kenny. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Her lines are in audio clips. Couldn't get Kenny feeling more depressed than he already was. Attention! Lee thanks Chuck for the advice and leaves him to go back to Clementine. - Arriving and walking round the perimeter Chapter 3: Thank you for shopping at Save Lots! The bandits breach the two gates, encroaching on both Ben and Doug/Carley's position. A week after the events of "Starved For Help", the survivors continue to use the Travelier Motel for shelter since they had obtained more supplies from the back of an abandoned car. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Go to the wagon (Open: Boxcar Door. Once you've finished talking with Clementine about all the three things mentioned above, you'll hear Kenny's screams coming from cabin. Both victors win by pinning the other against a wall, Kenny pinning Mike and Lee pinning Kenny. Tomi's death would really light a fire under Yumiko and her group to fight back against the Commonwealth as well. Jolene was going to make a return via flashback, but was scrapped for unknown reasons. Lee discuss with Kenny and katjaa and try to convince them to terminate Duck before turnin. Lilly will either ask for Lee's forgiveness and display remorse over Doug's death or ask for Lee's trust that she was correct about Carley all along. Now, running low on the supplies they ravaged from the station wagon, can the group find another way to . It really is inevitable that he dies. Lee reaches out to grab her shoulder from two feet behind and Clementine's body does not react to the train motions, and keeps her hand out to give Lee the hairpins in the wrong direction. Lee is too horrified to fight back, and the two fall out of the open train door. The Walking Dead (Xbox 360) Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead. Yet I chose to save Shawn at Hershel's farm thinking that this wouldn't make much a difference since Duck gets to live anyway. All rights reserved. Lee offers a response to which Kenny curtly spits on. I killed Duck for him, and when he said he was ashamed for not being able to kill Duck himself I knew that I had to have him do it this time. Kenny is frustrated, picking Lee up and heads for the alley entrance, walkers pursuing them. It was written by Sean Vanaman and directed by Eric Parsons. (Determinant) They walk out of the station and head back to the train. The frames for each are misaligned should this happen, and Lee asks her if he can cut her hair three times as he is doing it. She was kinda angry about my decision and called me a cop out or something. Lee has no comfort to give to Clementine about it, so he changes the subject, either bringing up how he is glad to still have Clementine, how he misses his own mother and father, or by telling her a story about how his brother had almost died. "Long Road Ahead" is the third episode of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: Season One. Season One: Episode 2. Directed By With no means to force the door open, Lee puts her on his shoulders to give her a glimpse into a window above the door, but he is mildly surprised when Clementine manages to unlock the door without going through the window. A fire under Yumiko and her group to fight back, and determine how Clementines ends! Truck, affording Lee a base to stand upon and allow Kenny to pull him up a bottle. He shows Lee the salt licks, and determine how Clementines story ends disappearing... Listed above, sometimes Clementine can be talked to and hair Cut at same... Relieves him, Kenny pinning Mike and Lee decides whether or not share... 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