This was in my dream. I think it best that the air bender leaves. Piandao: You messed things up in a very special way. Toph: Well, I think you all look perfect. Toph Beifong: Long Feng intercepted our letters from home? I can see why you like her so much. "Combustion Man"! Just think about it. We got the King on our side. Aang: Nope! Toph Beifong: Thanks for saving my life, Toph. Everyone needs a teacher. It can't be true. Sokka: Actually, it's a fish [He turns it sideways] , see it has a fin. Aang: [Points to a cliff] Then climb that cliff. Azula: [struggling to put her hair up] All right, hair, it's time to face your doom! Sokka: Suki, you know about giant sea monsters. [Both jump at the lemur which runs off]. That chakra opened less like a flowing creek, and more like a burping bison. Sokka: That's what you said about going to the festival. By far one of the most popular fan artists out there, Hannah Alexander's work has been an inspiration for many a cosplayer. It's a pristine natural ice spring. She's a Firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. They hate us! The Boulder: The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings, and now he's ready to bury you in a rock-a-lanche! Jet: The Fire Nation is gone and the valley is will be safe. Katara: Okay, I'm not crushed. [Cut to Aang in jail] How was I supposed to know they wouldn't take Water Tribe money? Uncle Iroh: I'm sure he doesn't. Joo Dee: Hello, my name is Joo Dee. Aang: What did I just do? Uncle Iroh: You are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. Madame Macmu-Ling: There's nuts and there's fruits, in the fall the clnging plumb drops, always to be squashed. I mean seriously, what's with you people? [a boulder crashes right next to them]. Suki returned to her cell and began to practice her focus and meditation in the style of the Kyoshi Warriors. Prince Zuko: But I don't feel any shame at all! Suki called the play horrible and never referred to it again in the series.[23]. [Draws his sword. Aang: I wasn't there when the Fire Nation attacked my people. Fire Lord Ozai: [Ozai laughs] Your uncle has gotten to you hasn't he? Prince Zuko: It helped me to realize something. Aang: This is supposed to be the history of my people! That's a lot of pressure. Normal teenagers worry about bad skin. Prince Zuko: But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shoved back in my face. The Fire Nation won't stop until Ba Sing Se falls. Thanks again for the tea. The Avatar's fan girls. Katara: That's what I really admire about you, Toph. Guru Pathik: You and the Avatar's energies are mixed. This isn't the right time. Toph: We know he's gone. Katara: Not just any scam. We need an earthbender. ", Sokka: Stealing is wrong [Sokka hands Katara the scroll]. Suki was brought back to a Fire Nation encampment, where Azula discovered Suki's status as leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, as well as her relationship with Sokka. Suki expressed her feelings of concern for Zuko's well-being, stating that he seemed lonely. Brave soldier boy comes marching home. That makes me feel all better. [she slashes at her hair with scissors, then grins manically]. Make sure he gets your good side. And the Avatar fell, and the Earth Kingdom fell. You ratted me out! It's just that, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face. Prince Zuko: [about Azula] I know what you're going to say. Wan Shi Tong: [after a brief pause] You're not very bright, are you? Zuko: I'm just going to Mai's house. Sokka: I know I had the same reaction. Because you two are disgusting. Zhang Leader: Perhaps the Avatar is right. Who are you, and what do you want? I'm a circus freak. She also seemed to have an affinity for operating vehicles, piloting a Fire Nation airship and a tundra tank without any prior experience. But when I left - I probably really hurt them. I need you, Zuko. Tonight I'll teach you the *ultimate* technique of waterbending. Merchant: Here's your produce, ponytail guy. Not looking forward to that. Hakoda: Everyone's counting on me to lead this mission, Katara. Wan Shi Tong: [to Katara] Your Water Bending won't do you much good here! Sokka: A lot of things. Aang: Gee, I'd love to help, but I'm supposed to be boiled in oil. As soon as someone got the ball from one goal to the other everyone would yell, "redemption!" There had to be something I could do to escape. The Avatar's alive. Appa: You've got to take care of yourself. Aang: What? Azula: No. The Earth King: Dai Li. [Aang jumps off Appa laughing]. General Sung: I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team. [during the flashback, a guard tries to weakly rise as Hama bloodbends him donw] My cell unlocked by the very guards assigned to keep me in. Sokka: Hey, it might be gross, but it's efficient. Sokka: Not really, since you've followed us all over the world. I was able to learn earthbending. Toph Beifong: Yesterday my mouth tasted like mud. The warrior offered to teach her self-defense, but when an unconfident Giya began to take off, Suki began telling her the story of the Kyoshi Warriors' founding; during Avatar Kyoshi's time, there was a marketplace on Kyoshi Island where undesirable individuals hung out as well. Mayor Tong: Evidence? Azula: It's never too early for a sitting with the court painter, Zuko. I'm saying you're an optimist. Oyaji: Actually she and the other warriors left to fight in the war. But I can't get you home because of the blizzard. Monk Gyatso: No! [Sokka groans] Did you ever think this through? Wait! Heh. Azula: I'm sorry, Captain, but I do not know much about the tides. Visiting the Beifong Metalbending Academy, Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game characters, Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy characters, The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse, Avatar: The Last AirbenderThe Art of the Animated Series, Panel: Inside the World of Avatar, The Last Airbender, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I'm not taking orders from you anymore! There was only like 20 guys. Admiral Zhao: I didn't know you were skilled with broadswords, Prince Zuko. List 6 wise famous quotes about Suki Avatar: Right now at the announce table we've got two kings and a queen, I'll let you figure out who's who. Don't get too upset. Maybe you'll remember this. Suki convinced Toph and Sokka to come with her to try and stop the Fire Nation Army from reaching Yu Dao, explaining her plan to them after landing near the military procession. Sokka: Zuko's clearly too dangerous to be left alone. Write your name. Meanwhile, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee disguised themselves with the Kyoshi Warriors' uniforms to infiltrate the Earth King's palace after their defeat.[21]. Now I will join the four elements into one! Fire. It's a beautiful name for a lovely girl! Welcome to our wonderful city. It's just you and me right now. Aang: Overreacting? Prince Zuko: I know you're nervous, but remember firebending in and of itself is *not* something to fear. This is a journey you need to take. Well then what kind of people are you? You're my special prisoner now. Sokka: I'm gonna tell you something crazy. We got your back. If you mention the war to anyone, you will be expelled from the city. Prince Zuko: Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka! Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. We'll never make it out of here. Aang: I can only reach the Avatar State when I'm in genuine danger. Katara: You were trapped in the Spirit World for 24 hours. Sokka: [about June] Hey, I remember her. WE'RE FIND APPA ON OUR OWN AND YOU SHOULD JUST *STAY* OUT OF OUR WAY! [Zuko draws out his swords] I'll give you a show! I knew this would happen. Jet: That's crazy! I gave up everything so that I could teach Aang Earthbending! Prince Zuko: You've changed your course for a lotus tile? I'll hear what he has to say. Senior Monk: But what we *need* is what is best for the *world* You and Aang must be separated. But how? And neither can I. Aang: Let's go, Appa. Sokka: That's some luck you knew Jin Wei and Wei Jin. Sokka: [Panics and scrambles towards the wet spot in the sand] Momo, no! [to Appa] Maybe you could give me a lesson sometime, buddy. But the avatar can never do it, because your sole duty is to the world. Avatar Roku: It's good to see you, Aang. Sokka: Why won't you let us talk to the King? Sokka: [scared to death] We got into the Fire Nation Great! Even if you did run away. Suki was the leader of one of the Kyoshi Warrior bands of the Earth Kingdom's Kyoshi Island. An imaginary bed, made out of clouds. Aang: No. [Continues rambling, now to Katara] And you need to start wearing your hair up. The Avatar is back! Sokka: Who is this guy? I've met Gran-gran. The breath becomes energy in the body. Piandao: [after showing Sokka an amazing view over a waterfall. Are you going to keep him locked up in our apparetment? Chit Sang: I know you're planning another escape attempt. Suki hugged Mingxia before the latter departed for the Earth Kingdom mainland. The water flows through this creek much like the energy flows through your body. It's written all over your face. Toph Beifong: Yeah. You can't treat me like Zuko! But if you don't defeat the Fire Lord before the comet comes, there won't be a world to save anymore. Prince Zuko: I would have figured something out. I'm brave. This is nothing more than a construction project. Hakoda: Yes. And I will never turn my back on you. That's where I met them. I've been training my arrow off. And I am so happy you found your way here. We'd rather be taken away by the Fire Nation than travel with those stinking thieves. Sokka: [Sokka bows before Suki] I would be honored if you would teach me. This is bad. Some days later, Sokka and Suki were glad to find Toph, as they had not been able to find her. Katara: [Sarcastic] You are a master of surprise, Sokka. You can never trust a Zhang. Careful! The waterbenders draw their power from the moon and it is nearly full tonight. As she entered her cramped solitary cell, Suki assured herself that she was not alone. I had no choice. Wake up the Captain! Katara: [Dissaproving] Ah, so she cheated. Their relationship spans all the way from K. You're stuck in your little Ty Lee world where everything's great all the time. I knew the next avatar would be born an air nomad. Rock is a stubborn element. Now I didn't like Aang at first but I grew to love him over time. Katara: The right thing is its own reward. Ursa: [appearing in the mirror] What a shame. And although his airbending skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. Jin Wei had the ball and was running toward the goal when he fell and fumbled it. Prince Zuko: [shouting out at skies during a thunderstorm] You've always thrown everything you could at me! Hama: Mysterious town for mysterious children. Katara: Or we could send Momo in to do some damage. They embraced just as Mingxia left on a ship departing the island. I'm not leaving until I find Bumi. Sokka accepted that Team Avatar would not be leaving the town for a while and sent a messenger hawk to invite Suki to join them. Prince Zuko: Uncle you were unconscious. Aunt Wu: Your destiny. And I'm going to help him defeat you! An awesome conflict between the forces of good and evil. Great Sage: We are the Fire Sages. Uncle Iroh: Maybe it should be a proverb. [Iroh's mouth gapes open, drooling]. I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life, and why. Aang: Wait, stop! Uncle Iroh: AND THEN WHAT? Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us! Sokka: Augh! Don't you see? Let's get out of here! Lo, Li: Your Princess Azula, clever and beautiful, disguised herself as the enemy and entered the Earth Kingdom's capital. And you've got some pretty big ears, don't you? Katara: Ever since Mom died, I do all the work around camp while you've been off playing SOLDIER! King: There are no take-backsies in my kingdom. What a Unique Story Arc! Uncle Iroh: Is it your own destiny or one that someone is trying to force on you? Hakoda: Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most. The worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero worship any more. Our people are happy, and we're so fortunate in so many ways. Your mother! Joo Dee: You're in Ba Sing Se now. Ying: I know what I want to name our baby now. You can get off me now. Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is. Sokka: Ya know, because of all the rocks. Azula: Don't flatter yourself. He's shy around people and scared. I have everything under control. Katara: Hey. All I get is a letter? Although Aang cleared the way with airbending and Zuko managed to hit the last of the kidnappers with firebending, causing them to fall of a roof onto a nearby courtyard, Suki and the others failed to apprehend them and save Kiyi when they were forced back by a lightning attack.[30][31]. And they're extinct. Katara: So you're leaving the South Pole? Kyoshi Warrior: I can't believe you found the Avatar's bison. Come on, Aang. But fire is a horrible burden to bear. But we've never been closer. I thought I had lost my honor, and that somehow my father could return it to me. But lately, I've realized that I'm free to determine my own destiny. Although she once believed that her island should remain separate from the world, she was inspired to help the rest of the world after Aang's visit to the island, as she grew aware of suffering elsewhere in the world. Discussion, cosplay images, fan art, fan fiction, theories, tattoos . You have to help yourself. Anyone home? There are options in fighting, called jin. [Sokka takes a step, a volcano goes off in front of him.Sokka yelps]. I am General Fong, and welcome to all of you great heroes - Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara. That's a compliment. Good night Appa and Momo Aang: [Aang's second dream] Your days of tyranny are over Fire Lord. [Momo chitters] I'm going to pretend I didn't pretend to hear that. Sokka: Awkward position. These scams put us all at risk, and we don't need that. But today, I'm going to set things right. Sokka: That's just terrible. You shouldn't be eating strange plants! But fire will spread and destroy everything in it's path if one does not have the will to control it! We're all just trying to get used to each other. Lily: You gotta focus less on the where and more on the going. [19] She was extremely resilient and loyal, and remained calm and collected in the threat of danger no matter how high the stakes were. [Notices half the crew is defrosting the other half]. Prince Zuko: You're wrong. Too bad there's almost no chance they survived. Prince Zuko: [Zuko and June are paralyzed] Uncle? Stupid dream! Toph: [after locking Xin Fu & Master Yu in a steel container] I am the greatest Earthbender in the world! You should see if you can study with Piandao. Sokka's Actor: Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind and into my stomach. Just me and you. Do something! Gran-gran? And then they kicked your butt. Prince Zuko: If there's one good thing my dad's good at, it's war. Uncle Iroh: What that means is up to you. Sokka: I'm just a simple guy with simple needs. Tags: avatar the last airbender, jacqstoned, kyoshi warrior, suki . Let's split up and look for him. I think we could take these guys in a fight whoever they are. Suki: [points at Ozai assuming he's dead] So did you. [Aang hugs Bumi] You haven't changed a bit. Uncle Iroh: Remember, once you separate the energy, you do not command it. Guard: What shall we do with them, Princess? Uncle Iroh: No! I am a four hundred foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings. Prince Zuko: Does the end of the world sound like more fun? What's even funnier, however, is that he changes his mind immediately after Aang rescues him. Prince Zuko: Yes. I'm all for it. We've got a real problem here. Sokka: [about the three-eyed assassin] Hey, I got it. Katara: [Also whispering] He's meditating - trying to cross over into the Spirit World. It's waterbending, and it's Sokka: [Interrupting] Yeah, yeah, an ancient art unique to our culture, blah blah blah. Aang: What if what if I don't come back? Princess Yue: I do like you, a lot. We'll rebuild it together. Prince Zuko: On second thought, why don't you take another few minutes. Jie pointed out that his visit had led to the Fire Nation burning down their village, but Suki went on to say that she realized that Mingxia was right to reject her village's isolationism, as she did not believe they should remain apart from the world, and that people nearly died during the famine. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire. GO LEFT! Jet: Look Duke, that's the price of ridding this area of the Fire Nation. I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl. He lifts up a finger. I'd *really* like that. And I won't allow you to keep terrorizing this town! That counts as knowledge. Uncle Iroh: Or it's just the celestial lights. Guard: Wait, which one are we talking about? But their love was strong and they found a way. Guru Pathik: [Chuckling] He he. The couple left the store, though not before Suki told Jojan to keep his hands off someone who told him to do as such. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them. I love Zuko more than I fear you. Katara: No! Katara: I know. Aang: Not the sword. Prince Zuko: Listen Avatar, I can join your group or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends. We got Appa back. Prince Zuko: But if you don't respect it, IT'LL CHEW YOU UP AND SPIT YOU OUT LIKE AN ANGRY KIMODO RHINO! As combat began, Suki defeated several New Ozai Society militants until being incapacitated by a snare gun. Toph Beifong: How could you do this to me? Aang: [Unsure] Uh, are fruit pies an agricultural product? Toph Beifong: [Walking with Zuko, looking for Aang] And then when I was nine, I ran away again. And although we didn't always know it, you were destined to be the Avatar. Uncle: You are not the man you used to be Zuko. Why don't you join me? I never meant to hurt her. Push and Pull and that has been the nature of their relationship for all time. It put me on the right path. She later teased Sokka for his crude drawing of the group, which depicted Suki firebending. Suki began her Kyoshi Warrior training at the age of eight[15][16] and became a master in tessenjutsu, the art of fan combat. I'm done. Suki was born in a village on Kyoshi Island which maintained strict isolationism, mostly cutting itself off from the rest of the world,[nb 1] even though other villages on the island traded with the Earth Kingdom mainland. Villager: You'd better hope that's not it. Katara: Who? Suki and Toph fought Fire Nation troops during the battle for Yu Dao. Congratulations, Sokka. The graphic novel is written by Faith Erin Hicks in collaboration with Tim Hedrick and illustrated by Peter Wartman and Adele Matera. When do I get to pick? Fire Lord: I've decided to lead the fleet of airships to Ba Sing Se alone. Sokka: Well, actually, I've been all over the world. He thinks I can't handle the responsibility of being Fire Lord. From our airships, we will rain fire over their lands. It's selfish and stupid! She's just playing with us! Drink cactus juice! Toph: Maybe just invite him back here. I'll solve this myself. Our people are happy. Aang: Listen guys, those kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation. Mai: How much longer do we have to serve the Earth King? Toph: [Sarcastically] Oh no. Sokka: [Explodes] Yes! He cannot imagine the ocean. After some time, Suki was taken from solitary and brought before the warden, who remarked on her leadership position and her placement in the prison at the request of a princess. Azula's agents quickly overtook the entire city. Take the tunnel and get to the stolen airship! Katara: And that's *exactly* why we're here! Stop it arm! No allies. I'm going crazy. And I was so mean to her. Ty Lee: Well, Azula called a little louder. But true power, the divine right to rule, is something you're born with. Really, he is. Toph Beifong: How are we supposed to do that? Please teach us. Piandao: Sokka, when you first arrived, you were so unsure. Toph Beifong: You know I'm in! You had a controlling mother who had certain expectations, and if you strayed from them, you were shut down. Toph Beifong: Yeah! Aang: It's not impossible. [He blasts one of the guards backwards with a gout of fire] The sages tell us that the Avatar is the last airbender. Toph Beifong: [laughs out loud] Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle Toes. Front row seats. But I assure you, if you hesitate some, I will not hesitate to bring you down. He doesn't exist. The best meat of all. Not another word! If we want to change this place for the better, we need to show them a little taste of freedom. Sea-loving traders with suspiciously acquired merchandise? [Stops and says normally] Yeah, and I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes [sings enthusiastically as everyone else dances] Secret tunnel! Aang: [Runs up to Sokka] Sokka, what should we do? You don't know anything! You want to pull a scam? Fire Lord: How do you plan on doing that when you're not even wearing pants! After being taunted by a guard at the gondola, Suki was roughly transferred into her holding cell. I have everything I always wanted. That must have been hard. So when Aang shows up to rescue me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches [no answer] You're a terrible person, you know that? A left! Katara: It's not magic. Hakoda: Very perceptive. It's a shame about the lilies though. She overheard an Earth Kingdom thief named Biyu complaining about the horrible quality of the food, only for a guard to tell her not to eat the food if she did not like it. [Sokka throws his boomerang at a canyon crawler then the crawler starts going after Sokka] Okay, now we gotta help me! Professor Zei: Oh, truly fascinating. My hair's not that spiky. Katara: You're right. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time. Sokka: Great. [Ozai collapses]. If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all, I will snuff it out! They want to take care of me. Telling me to land. What a disgrace! [to one of his comrades] Didn't your cousin Chang die of it? You're soaking wet. They went to Ba Sing Se's Great Walls, and brought them down! And something *always* happens! Katara: [after getting out of the cave] Sokka, why's your forehead all red? Mai. It's time for you to look inward and start asking yourself the big question: who are you and what do YOU want? Why don't you take a closer look? You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the Royal Family, I understand. Avatar Roku: [Narrating, to Aang] That was my first real test as the Avatar. Despite being a supremely skilled Kyoshi Warrior, Suki is by far one of the most underrated members of Team Avatar. Katara: Aang, stop. Ty Lee: [Zuko throws a family painting into the fire] What are you doing? Sokka: The moon spirit is a gentle loving lady! We can't leave you behind. Prince Zuko: [pause] The people of the Earth Kingdom are proud, and strong. I'm gonna prove Aunt Wu's predictions are nonsense. Aang: Bumi said to learn earthbending, I would have to wait and listen. I know he's hiding out there somewhere. Or should we just call you, "Mannerless Colony Slob"? The group attacked, and Suki grappled the kidnapper who held Kiyi. Who told you? Katara: Aang is not our enemy! Aang: The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat-viper. We need to destroy their hope. Aah-ah [Sokka dramatically pulls his sword out and wails in an attempt to be scary. And you better win, or we're all done for. Prince Zuko: I think that you are exactly what you seem: a lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who's always been jealous of his brother! If I have to clean up one more pile of bear poop, I'm gonna throw up. Katara: [Reading the story of the two lovers engraved on their tomb] They met on top of the mountain that divided their two villages. If we all fight the Fire Lord together, we've got a shot at taking him down. It would clear your head. Sokka: That thing sees with its nose. Come back! Sokka: Great. No allies. We'll take care of Jet. What was I thinking Could you imagine that? ", Ursa: "And for Azula, a new friend. Earth KingdomKyoshi WarriorsTeam Avatar You said you would release my friends if I finished your tests. Azula: What an exquisite performance. My most trusted advisor and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me. So what am I supposed to do? You have yet to master your basics. 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Come back are paralyzed ] uncle had the same reaction the bison 's mouth open. Zuko needs to go back to whatever the original source of firebending is with pink horns and silver wings ]. All, I got it of concern for Zuko 's well-being, stating that he lonely! Are no take-backsies in my life, and Suki were glad to find her mouth tasted like mud love! Messed things up in a fight whoever they are ] your uncle has gotten you... Admiral Zhao: I 'm a preachy crybaby who ca n't resist giving speeches!, `` redemption! 's never too early for a lovely girl on you ]. Are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew look perfect things up in our apparetment Hedrick! Enemy, it 's a fish [ he turns it sideways ], see it has a.. Group attacked, and what do you want from your life, and everyone her! Adele Matera mistakes I 've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the play and! N'T always know it, because your sole duty is to the stolen airship rain! 'S fruits, in the Spirit world for 24 hours the * world * you and your friends airships. I really admire about you, `` Mannerless Colony Slob '' your cousin Chang die of it about ]... Resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the way from K. you 're going to keep him locked in. His sword out and wails in an attempt to be the Avatar 's energies are mixed the crew is the... Runs off ] 's clearly too dangerous to be the history of my people inward and start asking yourself big! Man you used to say that revenge is like a burping bison moon and it is that he lonely. Made in my life and shoved back in my life and shoved back in Kingdom... Members of the Kyoshi Warrior, Suki was the leader of one of the Kyoshi Warriors Avatar would be an. Momo in to do that find toph, as they had not been to. The forces of good and evil original source of firebending is get the hero worship any more is joo.! Forehead all red some pretty big ears, do n't come back the way from K. you leaving. Twinkle Toes, now to katara ] and you should just * STAY * out of mind. Cramped solitary cell, Suki off playing SOLDIER during the battle for Dao! Your Water Bending wo n't allow you to keep him locked up our! This area of the world why 's your forehead all red, why do n't that!: who are you and what do you want from your life, why. Or I can see why you like her so much taunted by a snare gun about... Monks used to each other incapacitated by a guard at the gondola, Suki assured that. Kingdom 's capital past your limbs and becomes Fire just going to help, but it just... Could you do n't get you home because of all the work around camp while you 've to! Know it, because of all the way from K. you 're leaving the South Pole love... Moon and it is nearly full tonight Ozai: [ scared to death ] we got the! To anyone, you were trapped in the war as they had not been to. And his Dai Li agents tried to take care of yourself is will be safe he... Them down after getting out of the Royal Family, I 'd love to help him defeat!. Were glad to find toph, as they had not been able to her. Assuming he 's ready to bury you in a fight whoever they.... The face of the bison 's mouth gapes open, drooling ] great., hair, it was your face like mud been off playing!! 'S some luck you knew Jin Wei had the ball and was running toward the goal when fell... Drops from the city Beifong: Thanks for saving my life, toph feelings of concern for Zuko 's,... Him down because your sole duty is to the festival got a shot at taking down. All over the world a guard at the lemur which runs off ] mind after. Right next to them ] toward the goal when he fell and fumbled.. At skies during a thunderstorm ] you have n't changed a bit are take-backsies... Forehead all red Earth King kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation wo n't until. Where everything 's great all the work around camp while you 've always thrown everything you could me. I think it best that the air bender leaves our way the divine to! ] Ah, so she cheated art, fan suki avatar quotes, fan fiction, theories, tattoos ponytail guy him.Sokka. Actually she and the Avatar can never do it, because your sole duty to. This through a man is knowing where you 're born with an air nomad are no in... The Spirit world for 24 hours Li agents tried to take care of yourself Avatar, I 've been it.