They've even become extinct in a couple of European . As the name suggests it is a cup with liquid fruit jelly that can be fed on almost any beetle. How to Take Care of Rhinoceros Beetles (Kabutomushi), How to Take Care of Dragonfly Nymphs (Yago), How to Take Care of Japanese Freshwater Crabs (Sawagani), How to Take Care of Your Stag Beetle (Kuwagatamushi). These little stag beetles are the perfect little Bugga Buddies! As the name suggests it is a cup with liquid fruit jelly that can be fed on almost any beetle. The food dishes keep the beetle jelly from spilling onto the bedding. One very popular stag beetle in the pet industry is the rainbow stag beetle (Phalacrognathus muelleri), one of the most spectacular coloured stag beetle of them all. In captivity, well-taken care rainbow stag beetle adults can live for 12-18 months. The male beetles have a pair of enormous pincers. Moreover, the jelly doesnt grow mold as easily unlike the fruits. For most stag beetle species it is best to keep larvae singular after the first larval stage. Apples, mangos, bananas, and pears are good products to feed your stag beetles. For food, you may put a jelly cup in the case. In Japan, stag beetles, as well as several other similar beetles,can normally be bought at home and garden centers, such as Cainz. Beetles often have dani around their leg and body joints. Hence, additional water supply is not necessary. Caring for giant stag beetle grub is very easy. cafes A week later I found a female and male together on the stairwell of my apartment. Do not disturb your beetles during this period. Keep the rainbow stag beetle grubs in moist substrates. Rainbow stag beetle grubs can be kept together in the same container. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There are several distinctions between how stag beetles are cared for and how rhinoceros beetles are cared for. Place a layer of around 5cm (2) in the enclosure. Keep the giant stag beetle grubs in moist flake soil until they turn adults. JLPT Giant Stag Beetle What To Feed Sliced fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, and pineapples are the best thing to feed your pet stag beetles. Im afraid I dont know about raising kabuto mushi from grub and if it will keep dani down. Some of them will lay eggs in the flake soil as well. Showing 1-16 of 39 results Argoporis red legged teneb $ 5.00 Read more Email me when available Armored Darkling Beetle Eleodes armata Rated 5.00 out of 5 $ 6.00 Asian Beetle Jellies $ 6.00 Read more Dang, that lil tank looks like he's heavy! In most houses, there is no need for additional heat like a heat lamp or heat mat. It takes 6-12 months for the grubs to turn into adults. It definitely depends on the type of Kuwagata as to how long they live, but I too was super surprised when I read about their possible lifespan. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This morning our high school Japanese neighbor gave me a young stag beetle or kuwagata mushi in a transparent container with a hole on top and few twigs and little branches in it. Last year we went on a community trip with our village to find kuwagas. Move the gravid female into a tank with decay log buried in flake soil to lay eggs. You can feed it in a little cup or bottle cap. They fight each other using their pincers for the right to mate. Do you know of a website where I can purchase the larvae/grub of a Stag Beetle / Kuwagata Mushi and all of the necessary accessories like habitat enclosure and jelly etc..?? LARVAE: Giraffe stag beetle (Prosopocoilus giraffa daisuke) Sold out. The three most famous bugs of the Japanese summer are crickets, beetles, and stag beetles. You can see a visible white or yellow color spot through the abdomen. Copyright 2023 Keeping Bugs. Instead, wait for it to appear on the surface for feeding to remove it. Also, a little mold is apparently fine, but if it gets out of hand, you can use a tissue to wipe the mold off. LARVAE: Antaeus stag beetle (Dorcus antaeus antaeus) LARVAE: Antaeus stag beetle (Dorcus antaeus antaeus) . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 'Stag Beetle' Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet (BO00030186) at the best online prices at eBay! Every little gift helps us continue our work to make more articles about these wonderful creatures. As with all stag beetles, only males have large extended mandibles and although they look frightening, they are too weak to inflict any pain or damage to humans (and other stag beetles). This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Caring for stag beetles is much the same as caring for rhinoceros beetles, but there are a few differences in how to care for stag beetles. . Hercules beetles are prevalent in Central and South America in the tropical rain forests in the mountains and lowlands and on Caribbean islands such as Trinidad and Tobago. Do not disturb the grubs once it starts building the pupation chamber. And although generally stag beetles live from 3 up to 7 years, the adults last a couple of weeks or months. Stag beetles have a shiny black head and thorax (middle section), and chestnut-brown wing cases. Continue to feed the gravid beetle when she is in the nursery chamber. Please reload the CAPTCHA. However, as the grubs spend all their time underground, feeding, you will need to be patient if you are starting from grubs. Refer to the guide here if you accidentally break the pupation chamber. I hope you have some babies coming soon . They will be severely injured and may die if you drop them! The housing of beetles is quite simple. Giant stag beetles can cost up to $4.50 in Japan, where they are known as "black diamonds." Also two species of kabuto mushi X. Gideon and Chalcosoma Cucasus (a living tank). Another method is by comparing the size of their head capsules. If you are getting the beetle from local store, look for sign of injury or lost limbs.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'xtraordinarypets_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',169,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-xtraordinarypets_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'xtraordinarypets_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',169,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-xtraordinarypets_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-169{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Stag beetles are extremely popular pets in Japan. This ensures this nocturnal beetle has fresh food as he is waking up. Rainbow stag beetles are exotic insects that people love to have as pets. Female grubs can be housed in a 1 qt (~1 L) container instead. Keeping them longer at higher temperatures result in more activity, but will also shorten the life expectancy of your beetles. This means I receive a portion of sales from those links. You can feed them on a little dish plate, but the beetles probably push the fruit eventually into the substrate anyway (and that does not matter because they still eat it anyway and cant do any harm). To catch them, prepare a black light and a white sheet. The price was much higher when they only existed in Queensland. Replace spent substrates regularly for 6-12 months. Petting Beetles and Making Them Fight A Miyama stag beetle (photo credit: Pakutaso) During the summer time, more insects begin to appear. It does not store any personal data. To find out how to identify larva in this PDF guide by the PTES. I am Haomaru.