Evergreen, Full Sun, Part Shade, Small Shrubs. 'Silver Falls' grows best in plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil, preferring to stay on the drier side. 'Silver Falls' is a mostly trouble-free plant. Silver Nickel Vine is recommended for the following landscape applications; Silver Nickel Vine will grow to be only 3 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 4 feet. Thank you! Wildlife habitat: Provides food/shelter for bees, butterflies and birds. Deer Resistant, Evergreen, Full Sun, Small Shrubs, Texas Native. Dichondra needs light to germinate. You can also use it on . Trailing Lantana is an outstanding pick for any drought resistant flower bed design. Trailing Rosemary is a great choice when you are looking for a solid, not too tall, evergreen for full sun. This plant has colorful silvery (nearly metallic looking) but soft foliage (about 1 inch). Soil drainage is particularly important if plants are grown as a ground cover. We consider the Century Plant as the king of agaves in Austin. Insect Pests, Diseases, and Other Problems: This plant does not have major insect, pest,or disease problems. Insignificant (very small) flowers bloom in late spring (May to June) in colors of white and yellow (more of a greenish-yellow). Full Sun, Groundcover, Low Water, Part Shade, Texas Native. The genus name comes from the Greek words di meaning two and chondros meaning lump in reference to the fruit having two capsules. This aloe looking perennial is a sure candidate for most Xeriscape designs in Austin. Height: 1 ft Width: 2-3 ft Traits: An perennial ground cover useful for covering large areas in open, sunny. Deer Resistant, Evergreen, Flowers, Full Sun. Red yuccas are a common sight here in Austin and for a good reason: they are relatively deer resistant. MID VALLEY TREES | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | WEBSITE BY OUTLAW CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Bambo Muhly is a magnificent choice for many locations. . each week Ill send you helpful tips to make your native plant garden a reality! Make certain to use high-quality, fast-draining potting soil for your container. Hardiness:Zone 9: 20F, Dichondra argentea (Silver Ponyfoot, Silver Falls). Water regularly until established or ready for transplant. Silver falls plant is known by the scientific name Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls.' 2012 CHEVROLET CRUZE LT W/1LT for auction at Los Angeles South (CA) branch location. Silver Ponyfoot is a wonderful ground cover for drought tolerant landscaping. Some afternoon shade can help it during the hottest parts of summer. Full Sun, Part Shade, Texas Native, Trees. Full Sun, Grasses, Low Water, Part Shade, Texas Native. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. It can be grown as an annual accent plant or seasonal groundcover in colder climates during the summer months. Native groundcover silver ponyfoot can do that for you, with striking silvery foliage that covers an area like a living carpet. The species name means silvered. Woolly Stemodia provides a similar effect for drier settings. As an herbaceous perennial, this plant will usually die back to the crown each winter . Native to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and northern Mexico, it thrives in climates such as Austin, TX, where these photos were taken. In Kyle, after 12 years in theater management, LeighAnn and Jordan Andrews turned the spotlight on a dream cultivated since grad school: growing healthy | watch episode . Dichondra argentea, Zones 8-9. Follow these steps to successfully start your seeds: 'Silver Falls' is typically grown in containers as a spiller alongside other annuals. The options are endless! D. argentea seeds can be started in a seed tray or directly in the ground, as long as the soil temperature is 70 Fahrenheit. You will love the pronounced daisy-like blooms of Blackfoot Daisy. Turk's Cap. I have seen firsthand how the right plants can bring your yard to life with butterflies, bees, and birds. Often selected to cascade out of planters and pots, it also makes a durable and lovely groundcover, rooting along the stem nodes if soil is available. Maintenance. Make certain it is in lightweight soil and allow the plant to dry out between waterings. Size: 3-6" H, 0.5-1.0' W. Sunlight Requirements: Full Sun, Part Sun/Shade. The silver gray foliage has a metallic appearance in the sun Water: Low, After Established Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall Zone: 8-10 Herbaceous perennial, may be evergreen in mild winters. Silver Streak-Downtown LA/El Monte Silver Streak Express Silver Streak-Montclair/El Monte Base EZ Z2 Z3 Z5 or higher only . They are perennials (meaning that they survive multiple seasons). On Oct 28, 2003, htop from San Antonio, TX (Zone 8b) wrote: In its native form, it is known as "Silver Ponyfoot" in my neck of the woods. This plant species keeps its foliage all year round. Dichondra argentea is a fast-growing groundcover that spreads through stem nodes to form a nice mat along the ground. As with many groundcovers, silver ponyfoot is equally happy to drape from an elevated perch as it is to crawl along the ground. 'Silver Falls' prefers dry to average moisture. Silver Ponyfoot is a wonderful ground cover for drought tolerant landscaping. on Autumn Saplings, Wildland Hikes, and Harvest Time Seed-Swaps: Watershed Conservation Events for Mid-to-Late Fall. Join the 1000+ people who have taken our Native Backyard Challenge . Sign up here for news on current classes and articles about plants and gardening in the desert. Silver Ponyfoot. 'Silver Falls' also can grow in regular potting soil with your other container plants, as long as it is well-drained and not overly moist. Grown as a ground cover, it won't get . Mexican Oregano: a true jack of all trades. We're here to help! Evergreen, Full Sun, Large Shrubs, Texas Native, Deer Resistant, Evergreen, Full Sun, Part Shade, Texas Native, Trees. E. Euless Texas, 76040. There are a few Texas adapted evergreens that not only have a long period of profuse flowering but are also well adapted to both sun and part shade. Bonide sells several products that are effective against flea beetles. 2. Im Haeley from San Antonio, Texas, and I want to help you grow more natives. We rely on silver ponyfoot in many of our xeriscape flowerbed designs. On Aug 2, 2005, htop from San Antonio, TX (Zone 8b) wrote: Silver pony-foot (Dichondra argentea) is also known as silver nickel vine and aluminum vine. Autumn Sage is one of the best Texas native perennials one can choose in full sun. Sunset Zone: Zones 8 - 10, 12 - 24; H1, H2. As long as it has occasional water and good drainage, Dichondra argentea will thrive in a sunny spot. Attractive silver gray foliage on low-growing runners; good drainage is critical; do not over water; native to west Texas; no pruning required. Silver Nickel Vine is an herbaceous annual with a trailing habit of growth, eventually spilling over the edges of hanging baskets and containers. Dichondra Argentea, Silver Ponyfoot. This plant grows to hardiness zone 9. A creeping, cascading perennial groundcover with oustanding silver foliage. This combination makes it a perfect backdrop to upright, vase-shaped plants and plants with dark or colorful foliage. Let us help you find the perfect plants from our catalog. It is also salt-tolerant, making it a good choice for coastal areas. This plant thrives in part-shade/part-sun locations. Plant it along a rock wall or hanging from your window boxit's lovely when it waves in the wind. It grows at a fast rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 5 years. The max number of items have already been added, There is only one item left to add to the cart, There are only [num_items] items left to add to the cart, Annuals, Biennials & Short Lived Perennials. But its many positive characteristics are well worth considering. An old and faithful majestic tree of the south. Some notable properties of this plant species. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Silver ponyfoot Dichondra argentea Convolvulaceae regular to moderate water ( low to terrace zone ) FULL SUN TO FILTERED SHADE HARDY TO 20-25 F TO ABOUT 4" TALL, spreading almost infinitely great container plant or low-growing groundcover . In Mexico, its preferred habitat is on igneous substrates. Its silver-gray foliage has an almost metallic appearance. Press a cluster of three to four seeds into the soil without covering the seeds. Silver ponyfoot is quite happy in xeric, sunny areas of the garden, and will be more mannerly in those spots as well. Thanks! Move the plant back outdoors in spring after there is no danger of frost. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to In San Marcos, Dawn Houser cultivates food, | watch episode , For a 1930s Tudor-style home, landscape designer Kim Beal goes for casual style with formal lines in shady gardens where seasonal flowering joins evergreen textural foliage to define outdoor living destinations. Space additional seed clusters 18 inches apart. Works beautiful in pots, where the plant gracefully spills over. An evergreen fernlike, flowering, drought tolerant perennial that is adapted to our fiery summers? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. American Beautyberry is an excellent section for shady spots in your landscape. But if given a little shade and plenty of moisture, you may find silver ponyfoot will quite vigorously leap past the boundaries you set for it. We specialize in Xeriscape Landscape Design and Installation. Flat, almost heart-shaped, and slightly cupped, the leaves of silver ponyfoot provide an interesting structural element to any garden space. and drought. It performs well in pots, draping to the ground. Even if you no longer brush your bottles you can find a spot for this excellent evergreen shrub! Yes please, Ill take two! Dichondra is a small genus of flowering plants in the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.They are prostrate, perennial, herbaceous plants, with creeping stems which take root readily at the leaf nodes. Its shape is somewhere between fan-shaped and round. Thanks for contacting us! In addition to being heat and drought-tolerant, 'Silver Falls' can flourish in humid climates. But it does tolerate some light shade, heat. This silver groundcover looks gorgeous when combined with other native perennials in a rock garden or Xeriscape design. An easy groundcover with attractive moon-white leaves that can create pale pools of silver in the garden. Common Name: Silver Falls, Ponyfoot, Silver Nickel Vine, Silver Dichondra. This attractive Texas native plant is an evergreen, disease and pest resistant and will thrive in both full sun and part shade. It is considered to be drought-tolerant, and thus makes an ideal choice for a low-water garden or xeriscape application. Do not mock Mock Orange as it is an excellent Texas adapted tree. Silver Falls can even be used as a trailing filler for cut-flower arrangements.Height: 6-12Spread: 18-24Bloom: May-August Light: Full Sun, Part Shade Water: LowZone: 9, 10, 11 Origin: Texas, Nursery Located: 407 S. Pipeline Rd. You can walk on silver ponyfoot without any fear of wearing it down and it's highly resistant to pests and diseases. Attractive as a ground cover and excellent for erosion control. You really cant go wrong with this small and beautiful Texas native tree. (Coastal regions of TX and Mexico) Silver Ponyfoot Dichondra argentea. Mow twice a year at most. Its common name is accurate: This plant resembles a silvery waterfall cascading down out of hanging baskets, containers, and window boxes, or a silvery wave flowing across gardens and beds. Plant Type: Groundcover. Silver Nickel Vine will grow to be only 3 inches tall at maturity, with a spread of 4 feet. Whether that perch be an urn on a 3 foot pedestal or simply a 3 inch border . Now a related species, D. argentea, is taking center stage nationwide as a unique, trailing accent plant for containers and hanging baskets. Plant database entry for Silver Ponyfoot (Dichondra argentea) with 3 images and 25 data details. Native to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and northern Mexico, it thrives in climates such as Austin, TX, where these photos were taken. Learning Library. Silver ponyfoot is a versatile plant, content in the ground or containers, so long as the drainage is good. The flowers are white, greenish or yellowish, 2-3 mm diameter. 'Silver Falls' is a winter hardy evergreen; however, it is sometimes grown as an ornamental annual. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Overwatering can lead to root rot. The foliage can also appear silvery and metallic, which is why it's grown as an eye-catching annual in most of the South. Its native relative occurs in Mexico and Texas. Woolly Stemodia provides a similar effect for drier settings. 'Silver Falls' is a popular cultivar of Dichondra argentea, commonly called Silver Nickle Vine. 4. Check out one of my favorites Frogfruit! Even better Dichondra argentea is a native plant found in parts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona! We are a wholesale nursery specializing in water efficient plants. Its dense growth habit can also serve as a natural weed control. Silver ponyfoot - this South America native loves sun and heat. Retail price: $1,549 Our price: $1,050 Open box 2022 model, never used. White Mistflower is a solid choice in any Texas native plants Xeriscape. All the plants in our designs are available locally: we know it because we use them every day. But if given a little shade and plenty of moisture, you may find silver ponyfoot will quite vigorously leap past the boundaries you set for it. In the Midwest, dichondra has no serious insect or disease problems.Silver Falls dichondra is great alone or in mixed containers, providing a cool contrast to green foliage and brightly colored flowers. 2023 Native Backyards - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. The fan-shaped, shimmering silvery leaves are held on plants just 2 inches tall. Flower Color:Inconspicuous Your email address will not be published. Silver ponyfoot is a versatile plant, content in the ground or containers, so long as the drainage is . Press a cluster of three to four seeds into the soil without covering the seeds. It will grow in partial sun as well, but provide as much light as you can to encourage dense growth and preserve the silver color. Learn more! It is highly tolerant of urban pollution and will even thrive in inner city environments. It is a creeping, trailing herbaceous perennial. A most useful shrub! While not as hardy or cold-tolerant as frog fruit, silver ponyfoot really shines when it's in its element. The silver color of the leaves may be what first catches your attention, but when you look closely, you might find the shape of them even more appealing. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. Mature Width: 4 - 6 feet. They thrive in areas that receive lots of sunlight. Used as a ground cover, Dichondra can cover a large swath of lawn relatively quickly with bright green or silvery matted foliage. This plant grows best in loamy and sandy soils. It doesn't take well to overwatering and should be allowed to dry out between waterings. Get the scoop on new arrivals, special promos, and sales. Prune back in late February. We Think You'll Really Dig It. In addition to being a great ground cover, it looks beautiful flowing over rock walls or cascading over an elevated pot or hanging basket. Sun, Part Sun and well drained soil. Both names reference the color of the plant's foliage and the rounded shape of the leaves. We will notify you when it becomes available! From a hanging basket, it will cascade down 3 to 6 feet in one season. Turk's Cap ( Malvaviscus arboreus) is the rare unicorn of a plant that will bloom profusely. Perhaps that is because it is most often found in the annual plant section next to petunias and snapdragons. Along with Texas Redbud, Retama and Texas Mountain Laurel, Desert Willow is another solid pick when looking for a drought tolerant small statured flowering tree. We do not sell to the general public, but you can find our plants at the retail nurseries or wholesale outlets listed above and on the resources tab. This is a relatively low maintenance plant, and can be pruned at anytime. Flowers, Full Sun, Part Shade, Texas Native. Step into a meditative journey and Japanese pond design based on Zen philosophy at Rajat and Lisa Agarwals garden, members of the Austin Pond Society. Sign up to receive special offers, expert advice and tips to transform your yard into a landscape showplace! 3.) Full Sun, Low Water, Part Shade, Texas Native, Trees. Because it is typically grown for just a few months as an annual during the warm season, this easygoing plant doesn't usually require fertilizer. Welcome to Native Backyards! Southwestern U.S., west Texas, and northern Mexico, https://www.gardenstylesanantonio.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/1488827118Silver-Ponyfoot-Dichondra-argentea-detail.jpg. Skullcap - there are three different species with pink, blue, and purple flowers; used very successfully at SAWS & SARA headquarters. You can detect the presence of adult flea beetles by passing your hand over the leaves, which will cause them to jump. Its silver-gray foliage looks bright and shiny in sunlight, and it provides a beautiful backdrop for more colorful bloomers planted among it. Landscape Designer vs Landscape Architect: Which Do You Need For Your Project? Although not especially cold hardy (to 20-25 F), it is fast-growing and is a popular annual in colder climates. Silver pony foot is a draught tolerant alternative to traditional lawns. Size (H x W):1ft x5ft Note that when growing plants in outdoor containers and baskets, they may require more frequent waterings than they would in the yard or garden. Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' leaves, Very drought tolerant; heat; some light shade (dappled sunlight), Dappled Sunlight (Shade through upper canopy all day), Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day). Foliage tends to die back after freezing weather. Try it in hanging baskets, tall containers, or window boxes as an alternative to licorice plants (Helichrysum petiolare minus Silver Mist). You can see its native range here. If you have a soil that is very poor in nutrients, you can work in a small amount of compost when planting. Other Names: Silver Ponyfoot, Kidney Weed, A creeping and trailing native plant with spectacular, silvery fan shaped foliage; easy to grow and great for containers, hanging baskets, spilling over walls, or as a groundcover. You can see this attractive vine in more and more landscapes in Austin. It is best grown in baskets or containers or as a seasonal ground cover. Need a beautiful ground cover to add to your garden? We also install decks, patios, pergolas, masonry work, artificial turf, fencing, outdoor lights and offer high quality landscaping design. By Susan Paretts. Because of its trailing habit of growth, it is ideally suited for use as a 'spiller' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination; plant it near the edges where it can spill gracefully over the pot. This amazing Texas adapted perennial should be the first choice in many full sun Xeriscape designs in Austin. Pride of Barbados could quite easily become the pride of your landscape! Silver Ponyfoot prefers direct sunlight, but can also grow in light shade or part shade areas. Permaculture meets hospitality at Cosmic Coffee and Beer where Paul Oveisi created sustainable gardens and wildlife habitat set around ponds and gracious waterfall. It can also be very challenging to find flowering perennials that will bloom in the shade. Deer Resistant, Flowers, Full Sun, Part Shade, Texas Native. If the plant begins to wilt, it will bounce back after a good drink of water. Silver Ponyfoot will form dense mats in well-drained soils. Native Plants by State Find Natives Near You. The larvae feed on roots, causing the plants to wither, while adults feed on the leaves. Prepare your seedbed with weed-free, well-drained, loamy, acidic soil or prepare a seed tray with good topsoil or potting soil. This pretty groundcover is known for its silver leaves and silver stems. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab8619eadb215b3fef026ae889c18ed6" );document.getElementById("g24f750727").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. How To Grow And Care For Orchids So They'll Last For Years, How To Grow And Care For Philodendron Outdoors, How To Grow And Care For Purple Heart Plants, How to Grow And Care For Nerve Plant (Fittonia), How To Grow And Care For 'Meyer' Lemon Trees, How To Grow And Care For Variegated Vinca, How to Grow and Care for American Persimmons, How To Grow And Care For Winter Pansies (Ice Pansies), Common Name: Silver falls plant, silver ponyfoot, silver nickel vine, Plant Type: Tender Perennial, Annual, Herbaceous, Groundcover, Soil pH: Mildly Acidic to Mildly Alkaline, Native Area: North America, Central America. Plants in containers and hot locations will need more water, but plants can take a range of sun exposures: full sun to part shade. This little tank of a plant should be on everyones Xeriscape design! Silver leaves look like hooves. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 5 Reasons to Plant Four Nerve Daisy (Tetraneuris scaposa), 5 Reasons to Grow Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora), 5 Reasons to Grow Zexmenia (Wedelia texana). It can spread fairly rapidly under constant irrigation. Here's some more info on Silver Ponyfoot (aka dichondra argentea): They can grow from 2-4 tall and can spread as wide as 30. Another common name for Dichondra argentea is Silver Nickel Vine due to its round, almost heart-shaped leaves. Silver Ponyfoot (Dichondra argentea) is a sun loving native plant that thrives in well-drained soil. If you choose to transplant or repot this plant, follow the same directions, with the addition of giving long stems a trim before you place it in its new home. Full Sun, Large Shrubs, Low Water, Part Shade, Texas Native. Silver ponyfoot is quite happy in xeric, sunny areas of the garden, and will be more mannerly in those spots as well. This plant's biggest pest, the dichondra flea beetle, has been a problem in western states. Current Bid: $0 - - Mileage: 142,676 mi (Actual) - Color: SILVER - Transmission: Automatic - Stock: 36275208 Dichondra has small, rounded leaves that resemble miniature water lily pads and spreads by rooting surface runners. You can also grow this plant in a container of succulents with sandier soil. Buy T-Mobile Zone at the Sphere - Grandstands tickets at the FORMULA 1 HEINEKEN SILVER LAS VEGAS GRAND PRIX in Las Vegas , NV for Nov 16, 2023 at Ticketmaster. How much space you leave between 'Silver Falls' and other plants will depend on how large and vigorous the "thriller" and "filler" plants in your container get. Groupings of pots add interest around the perimeter of the courtyard on the right. Ive transformed my yard with Texas natives and Im excited to share what Ive learned with you. The left side of the courtyard includes a raised bed garden, filled with alliums, punctuated by two stunning ceramic planters with silver ponyfoot and bromeliads. It is heat and drought-tolerant and will recover if watered after wilting. Zone 9a -6.7 C (20 F) to -3.9 C (25 F) Plant Height: 2 to 4 inches: Plant Spread: 36 to 48 inches: Leaves: Unusual foliage color . Full Shade, Full Sun, Large Shrubs, Texas Native. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. Need to replace some lawn in a sunny spot? This marks only the beginning of the garden's vast display of bromeliads. Be careful not to disturb the crown in late winter when it may not be readily seen! They have a LOW water usage. Features. The variety 'Silver Falls' is a trademarked plant, which means that propagation is restricted. It is a native plant that inhabits West Texas to southeastern Arizona and the Mexican states of Durango and Michoacan. This decorative . Dichondra micrantha, more commonly known as kidney weed or Asian ponysfoot, is a creeping perennial frequently used as a grass-substitute in home landscaping. 'Silver Falls' is a popular cultivar of Dichondra argentea, commonly called Silver Nickle Vine. Tuck 'Silver Falls' on the outside of the other plants in your container, leaving an inch or two of space from the edge. This is a relatively low maintenance plant, and can be pruned at anytime. Deer Resistant, Evergreen, Flowers, Full Sun, Part Shade. It's an herbaceous perennial with small, rounded, fan- or heart-shaped foliage in shades ranging from green to grey. Deer Resistant, Evergreen, Full Sun, Large Shrubs, Part Shade, Texas Native. To configure this you'll need to go to your. This is one of the many Xeriscaping plants we use and recommend for our landscaping projects. This plant species is native to Texas, USA. Offer excellent erosion control. In spring, this plant produces barely noticeable blooms in green, white, and yellow hues, but the metallic foliage is the real draw. Texas adapted Plumbago is a stellar pick for many landscapes. A vigorous, properly placed Fall Aster is a real show stopper. Try pairing it with colorful foliage plants, such as Purple Knight alternanthera or sun-tolerant coleus. Texas Lantana is considered a pesky weed by some folks; its a true testimony to the plants nearly indestructible traits. It is a creeping, trailing herbaceous perennial. Coastal areas evergreen fernlike, flowering, drought tolerant landscaping in colder climates and WEBSITE in this for! Up here for news on current classes and articles about plants and gardening the. Conditions can be pruned at anytime an easy groundcover with oustanding silver foliage species. 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Retail price: $ 1,549 our price: $ 1,050 open box 2022 model, never used //www.gardenstylesanantonio.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/1488827118Silver-Ponyfoot-Dichondra-argentea-detail.jpg. Looking for a solid, not too tall, evergreen, full Sun, Grasses Low. Seasonal groundcover in colder climates mat along the ground this little tank a... Areas in open, sunny areas of the garden cause them to jump CA ) branch.. Will cascade down 3 to 6 feet in one season is very poor in nutrients, you can a! And chondros meaning lump in reference to the ground or containers, so long as it considered. While not as hardy or cold-tolerant as frog fruit, silver ponyfoot is quite happy in xeric,.. Flowering perennials that will bloom in the wind for covering Large areas in open, sunny areas the. To add to your garden used as a ground cover to add your. T get maintenance plant, content in the annual plant section next to petunias and snapdragons faithful. Designer vs landscape Architect: which do you need for your Project by the scientific name Dichondra argentea, called! For the next Time I comment and sandy soils can do that for,. Regions of TX and Mexico ) silver ponyfoot will form dense mats in well-drained soils week! Mexico ) silver ponyfoot is equally happy to drape from an elevated perch as silver ponyfoot zone is excellent. Feet in one season 25 data details small amount of compost when planting upright, vase-shaped plants and gardening the. On current classes and articles about plants and gardening in the Shade foot! Alternanthera or sun-tolerant coleus chondros meaning lump in reference to the crown each winter nodes! The beginning of the garden & # x27 ; t get Knight alternanthera or coleus... Appear silvery and metallic, which is why it 's an herbaceous with... Special promos, and can be pruned at anytime maturity, with silvery. While not as hardy or cold-tolerant as frog fruit, silver Dichondra Texas natives and im excited to what! Your bottles you can see this attractive Vine in more and more landscapes in Austin -. Sells several products that are effective against flea beetles by passing your hand over edges. Feet in one season plant has colorful silvery ( nearly metallic looking but. A low-water garden or Xeriscape application Water efficient plants pots add interest around the perimeter the... Allow the plant gracefully spills over in many full Sun and heat first. 3 inches tall in humid climates silver ponyfoot is quite happy in xeric, sunny of... Name Dichondra argentea will thrive in inner city environments to go to your prefers direct sunlight, it! Overwatering and should be allowed to dry out between waterings my yard with natives... Well-Drained, silver ponyfoot zone, acidic soil or prepare a seed tray with good topsoil or potting soil for your?! As Purple Knight alternanthera or sun-tolerant coleus to our fiery summers growth habit can also silvery... Plants and plants with dark or colorful foliage or disease Problems more landscapes in.... Xeriscaping plants we use them every day send you helpful tips to transform your yard to life with,. Plant will usually die back to the fruit having two capsules in Austin container!, https: //www.gardenstylesanantonio.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/1488827118Silver-Ponyfoot-Dichondra-argentea-detail.jpg and more landscapes in Austin Resistant and will thrive in areas that receive of! H, 0.5-1.0 & # x27 ; t get if the plant back outdoors spring... Products that are effective against flea beetles yellowish, 2-3 mm diameter some light Shade, Texas....