Strange. Hi flabergasted. -Ann. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. After I caught her layering financial transactions (essentially stealing money from our family) I confronted her and she apologized. At first, you think this is sweet and so . In fact when I told him I was pregnant I said I am telling you because you deserve to know. It is particularly suspicious when she failed to tell you that she was no longer protected by her customary birth control until after oops, Im pregnant. Why didnt she give you a heads-up that she had pulled the goalie? so I did the math over and over again to possibly show him that she may have been sleeping around. Also, take precautions during intercourse because that is how he will trap you for marriage. Stuart: Sorry to hear the pain that you are carrying. Couples become closer once they become parents. She then says it was an accident, but it was actually the result of a well-conceived plan (figuratively and literally). Mostly the symptoms from her very poor lifestyle. 25 Signs He Wants to Get You Pregnant #1 He gets very excited around babies and children. First If you arent married to her dont marry her. He recently used Tinder while home for a holiday break. I decided to support her and send her money and to keep our relationship for ever. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. To recap, here are the 8 Pregnancy Trap Red Flags. She may want to: seal the deal on your relationship (even if Red Flag #1 doesnt apply and things seem to be going well). I worked my ass off, did most of the cooking, cleaning, chores and helped with the kids homework every night while running a business. I see so many red flags and want him to process all this. Each red flag is intended to get your attention and help you pause to consider the possibilities. Some signs he's trying to get you pregnant are: He talks about babies frequently He tries to forego birth control, like condoms He often initiates sex when you are sleepy or otherwise preoccupied He keeps trying to coax you to have unprotected sex in the heat of the moment He insists on getting condoms all the time I feel all is lost. All these seem directed at the woman. She needs a car to get a job to pay for her kid or we will be paying for it. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Its a HuGE responsibility, you need to prepare that human for living on earth and hopefully teach them to make the earth a better place. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". You see, men are naturally protective over the woman they love. #3. Anyway- NEGGING, reminding you of all his 'options' and mentioning other girls for no reason. Several did everything including stripping for me. Youve made it clear you dont want kids now. To make a long story short, I moved to a new town, was anxious to meet someone quickly and ended up seeing a girl for about a week before realizing she was a compulsive liar / narcissist. He's ready to start a family. But his life is ruined. He wants to be your hero. I feel horrible as a women stating the obvious that this is very conveint for her to be pregnant by a US Service member who can get her out of her small town. Your partner keeps track of your ovulation days and wants to have sex with you on these days. Some of the most common signs of pregnancy with period-like symptoms include: irregular menstrual bleeding changes in the consistency of menstrual blood cramping and bloating breast tenderness fatigue nausea and vomiting More back and forth reveals that her doctors tests indicate that she is 7 weeks pregnant, 60,000 hcg, which would put fertilization at +/- 2 days of when we slept together. Our son sadly is a loveable man who is gullible. Wake up and be cautious not to fall into regrets. The next evening she called me on a video call send I asked her what the doctor treated her with to which she started laughing and said shes pregnant. Kat Cook: Thanks for adding these stories of a woman using the pregnancy trap multiple times. Well they got divorced and he abandoned me, she has neglected me all my life and now I am extremely unhappy and feel lost in this world. Trap Red Flag #6. Trapping a man with a pregnancy and other forms of taking his reproductive rights away is partner sexual abuse. She hijacked and altered the course of my entire life. As funny as this sounds it is a real sign that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. I believe I got trapped years ago wanting to get away from her but easing away doing it nice, thinking about not hurting peoples feelings, it has gone on to wreck my life having a daughter who I love, now with a new family. She cost me a lot of money. Just remember you reap what you sow. Is there any chance this couldve been faked? Many women even feel unattractive and insecure about their bodies. But then when you're alone, his demeanor changes dramatically for the worse. when He knew I was not on BC. He said when he asked her about being on the pill she said she was taking some antibiotics and it made it less effective. Another case is when he carries a condom but pokes it without your knowledge. My ex told me she wanted to have my kids after we were seeing each other for a week. She had to get up and have to puke several times. He discourages you from using birth control pills. I spend every day 13 years later thinking I messed up badly. Why doesnt he want you to use control pills if you havent had any complications after usage? The doctor prescribed her some abortive pills and she took them. The contents of this website are based on the opinions of Ann Silvers unless otherwise noted. He's insecure and doubts you. He tries to avoid birth control, He seems nervous when you talk about birth control He often initiates sex when you are sleepy or otherwise preoccupied He talks about children or pregnancy frequently We recently visited each other & ended up sleeping with each other but the energy was different he was too nervous to maintain ( if you catchmy drift) I could also tell he felt obligated to HER although HE WAS MY MAN not hers ! She may just have been seductive because she was revved up by her hormones. 3. She never did. One of the main signs that your man wants to get you pregnant is when he gets excited around children. He is aware that these are your fertile days and he will use the opportunity to have sex with you. After coupe of days she told me that she got a terrible haemorrhage and she had to be admitted in the ICU. He called himself giving me "free" birth control pills. A woman who has decided on her own that having your baby has some payoff for her and that that payoff trumps your desire to not have children right now is ripe for becoming your baby momma whether youre up for it or not. Thanks for sharing your story Ozoz. He discourages you from using birth control pills, 7. They hold a conversation longer than is necessary A baby mama and baby daddy relationship is supposed to involve communication and activities surrounding the children they have together. We agreed it was best to not go through with the pregnancy, besides, itd affect her last year in school. Just two weeks ago I finally decided to reach out to my step-sons father to discuss what really happened between them. After 2 and a half years of seeing a woman non exclusively Im 100% sure she baby trapped me. I had kept her pain meds locked up and had to give her the doses. He is constantly talking about children: Men usually don't care or even bother to talk about babies, so you should find it strange or weird when your man constantly starts talking about babies, without stopping. Explaining my situation to her on the phone and hearing what she had to say about my situation really helped me expose this girl for lying about being pregnant just to get back to me( trap me). He may experience sudden mood shifts for no apparent reason and without warning. I called her again and she didnt pick up. A bright light in your story is that it sounds like the kids saw reality and you have a strong relationship with them. Some of them seem happy, but I try to warn as many men as I can. Teagin Maddox is a Certified Life Coach who provides analysis and interpretation of high conflict, destructive relationships in the media, targeting the core issue and identifying the covert toxic dynamics at play, an understanding she gained through personal experience and training in domestic violence advocacy. Strange. 2. I suggest you get my book, Abuse OF Men BY Women (available on this eStore and Amazon), to prepare yourself. I mean people dont realize what the cost of bringing a life into this world is and the responsibility on many levels that it carries. Looking back I believe it was morning sickness or illness due to being in first trimester already. She was such a horrible person that we didnt even go to the funeral. I have a feeling that many women just want kids for the sake of it, like its a pet. After a couple of months we couldnt stay apart & decided to become " friends " . We had built trust between each other so eventhough when she insisted to finish inside was so strange at the moment I stopped and asked her if she was sure. I found the birth control pills that she stopped using a few months before I left for Boot Camp. and now Sept 22 she tells him that she lost the baby. The content of my article today Is to give you signs that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. He probably figures if he gets you pregnant you will be baby trapped with him. I said I was only checking up on her. But for the first time ever, she has this attitude of defiance and a little demanding. If you're in a relationship with a man, it's important to be aware of the signs that he may be trying to trap you with pregnancy. My question is, what are the honest percentages of me actually being the father based of the FACTUAL evidence I said. Because he understands that you need your space and your downtime, it's a huge sign that he wants you in his future. You are the one he loves. (Theres more to the story but these are facts). He's trying to keep yourself esteem low to keep you trapped in the shitty relationship. Later on she said she was at work and couldnt answer. Wow yea lot of women evil and heartless out there I came across one well I guess I was young n dumb and was learning lesson I was 21 she was 31 first red flag she said she was pregnant and was threatening me bout child support so I jus stopped speaking to her 4 days later she crying leaving me messages even comes to my house saying she had misscarrige smh was definitely no misscarrige she came to my house the same day she supposedly had miscarriage what woman in right mind state after jus miscarrying a baby would u drive 3 hours cuz at the time we were kinda like jus split up she moved back home smh she asked me why dont I want a baby I said Im 21 to young no career job smh she told me she wanted baby by me because I would be so cute I have nice eyes and hair lol some women out there are crazy but that there told me try trap me smh. You will your partner wants to trap you with pregnancy when he comes up with jokes about you two having a family; In this case, a baby. I was to lose it all for a five-minute furry thing. I ordered my apologies should I have offended her but told her we arrived to the current situation because of her prior actions, way before I even found the footage. Hi Cj Lef. They keep. Or he may strives to make intense, uncoomforably direct eye contact in conversation. Normally, your boyfriend should be kind to babies and find them cute. I dont see my kids since they live in another country which kills me because I was always a very involved parent. (It doesnt always happen that way. If you notice these strategies or a pattern of incomplete follow-through, start watching to see if there's a lot of word play going on or if you feel he's being secretive. And its true that men will do it to control. Of course, not every pregnancy that has some benefit to the mother, such as fulfilling her dream to be a mom, was conceived in a devious way. 7. A few months after I got home I got a call from her crazy sister asking me if I wanted to come see my 2 mo daughter. A few weeks later I spent the night to stay with my daughter. Unfortunately, there are incidents when men use pregnancy to trap a woman too. I honestly think women who do such a thing are not mentally stable. My question is, if a girl would do this for attention or to trap a manwhy ignore him and push him away? Was this step helpful? When I did, she told me she was cooking and would show up after. Ive started over several times in my life. I once dated a guy who was a pharmacist. If you havent read my post about the Fake pregnancy and paternity industry, I suggest you do: #2. And yet he continues to be up her butt still seeing her even though he tried to tell me they werent together but he is a good dad and keen to raise the child. Again, it's a total mind game these warped guys are very good at playing. Im not planning on doing so anytime soon. -joking about getting you pregnant. With the court system the way it is I couldnt see being a money slave for some hoe I couldnt stand. Without expecting it might be possible to be in a relationship that can't improve, we don't think to look for unsustained changes, keeping us stuck for longer than is good for us. My funds are already depleted from my previous divorce and struggle getting back to a fraction of the economic status I was before. He was free to choose whatever he wanted. What are the signs someone is faking a pregnancy? She visited the doctors (without me) and they suggested that with the Accutane she was prescribed shes going to have a miscarriage. Abusers are often able to convince the children that they are the good parent and the other parent is bad.). It sounds like you are feeling both anxious and depressed. First of all, this is a highly spoiled and over indulged way of behaving. Worst part of all of this is Im the bad guy. In all of this theres also one other element. I wanted kids but couldnt stand the women. Very cozy. Hi Mi. 8 Reasons You Keep Seeing Signs Of Your Ex (#4 Will Surprise You), 4 Signs He Wants To Make You His Girlfriend, 6 Signs He Likes Me But Wants To Be Friends For Now, 10 Signs A Married Man Wants To Sleep With You. About 3 weeks later after the first incident, Im at a coffee shop midday seeing another girl I met through work. My gf of 6 months, whos in her final year studying civil engineering told me on 6th June she wasnt feeling well, I should find a clinic for her to visit. My intuition told me that she was about to tell me that she was pregnant. That was June 28th. Thus, if you notice your man being actively involved with children at a party . I reached out again, asking and offering an honest conversation to bring closure to this to which she refused to need me in person because I had shown my true colours when I directed my confusion and anger towards her after seeing the CCTV footage. I am the result of a suspected baby trap, 44 year female and a total failure in life. He is up to something fishy. There is only so much time to run with a false pregnancy story. I know he is feeling bad for her story and is too embarrassed of himself to admit that he fell for it. Absence of meaningful communication. I still havent made a decision. Shes also the same woman who would go to the pool bar with my gf/ex. I told her Id give myself closure since it seemed she had moved on Which is the only point she responded to, saying that she hadnt moved on and she wasnt dating anyone else. Disgusting! He hates secrets. What do you think the man did? Campregnancy gestation includes the 2 weeks before the child was conceivedthe time period between menstruation and ovulation. My future brother in law dated a single mom of a 5 year old, and she, unsurprisingly, got pregnant within 3-4 months of dating. However, if she'd been on pills for a while or she has been using an IUD and suddenly she no longer gives the above as her reasons, the pregnancy is likely to be a trap. Because there's nothing funny about getting pregnant if your partner decides to just put it in you when you've expressed your boundaries. Never looked back. If she says she went off of her birth control for a reason other than getting pregnant and she suddenly got pregnantthe pregnancy might be a trap. Conversation ended. 5. BTW, she didnt need them. Only the 3rd man married her, but Im not so sure that will stop her from looking for a 4th man to trap. Anyways my problem is that shes always saying shes pregnant and weve been having weird miscarriages and stuff or she doesnt want closeness n or cuddling with her and so Im wondering if they could be a red flag or something? Sean: Thanks for sharing your story. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Sounds like he should know better. First saying that Im too good of a friend to her ex (my friend). I have talked to many men in similar situations. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. but He decided to Call her May 8th to tell her he could no longer speak with her. I hope you keep good track and hide these days from him. He's Genuinely Excited When One Of Your Friends Wants To Have A Baby If a man had no interest in having a baby, he'd have no reason to be excited about one of your friends getting pregnant. 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