It may take some time to get a faucet off, but its worth it to ensure a job done right when replacing it. What wrench may be needed to remove a faucet? For a cartridge faucet, start by turning off the water valves. If you made it here, you have probably taken a look at your faucet and realized that it does not seem to have any screws! By turning the faucet handles, you allow the faucet to drain any remaining water in the system and release any pressure trapped in the line. You should then hold the faucet arm in place while rotating the base in an anticlockwise motion and then remove it. If your Delta faucet handle does not have a set screw, it has a snap fit handle installation. Before removing the faucet handle, you will have to locate the button or cap. This article will tell you everything you need to know about screwless faucets. If using pliers, you will want to wrap an old towel around the base then use the pliers so you do not end up scratching it! Removing a screwless tap handle can be done fairly easily, however it is important to take the proper steps to avoid damaging the tap handle or the sink. The first thing you need to do is turn off the water supply to the faucet. In this PlumbingNav guide, we will cover: .class-table table{background-color:#eaecf1;border:1px solid #2a3d7d;border-spacing:0;font-family:system-ui;font-size:18px;border-radius:0;box-shadow:0 7px 15px -7px rgb(0 0 0/.5);width:100%}.center{text-align:center;color:#fff}.class-table table th{background-color:#2a3d7d;padding:10px 0;font-weight:800;border-radius:4px}ul.table-list{list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0}.table-inner{padding:10px 20px}ul.table-list li{margin-bottom:15px;line-height:1.5em}ul.table-list a{text-decoration:none;text-transform:capitalize;color:#000;font-weight:500}ul.table-list a:hover{color:#2a3d7d}.table-inner-border{border-right:2px dashed #9e9e9e}.div-marg td{padding:20px 0}#first-column{width:50%;vertical-align:top}#second-column{display:none;vertical-align:top;width:50%}.class-table table,.class-table td,.class-table th{border:none!important}@media(max-width:767px){.class-table table tr{display:grid}.table-inner-border{border-right:none}.div-marg td{padding:0}#first-column{width:100%}#first-column .table-inner{padding:20px 20px 0}#second-column{width:100%}#second-column .table-inner{padding:0 20px 10px}}. Both types have a different feel, look, and function. We write about all things plumbing, helping you navigate common questions, repairs, and the best plumbing products on the market. Before you remove the handle, wrap the bottom with an old piece of cloth to avoid scratching your tap. You may need a basin wrench to reach this nut. Generally, there is not a screw behind the button but an Allen Key which means you will need an Allen Wrench to remove it. Step 2: Remove the cap on top of your faucet. You can remove old faucet handles with an Allen wrench. If you have a lever-style handle, the set screw might be hidden on the front side of the handle near where it meets the faucet body. What do you do? This typically involves securing the faucet from underneath the tub with several screws and then attaching the handle pieces. Again, these things can be easily broken so be careful and know that if it does break you can order another one. This should allow you to remove it, exposing the screw. You may also want to consider using an adaptor if the existing handle is too small or not fit properly in the new faucet installation location. Theyre also more aesthetically pleasing because they look high-quality and professional. Well share one of the simplest and most effective methods. . To do this, locate the valve and turn it clockwise. Finally, be gentle as you try to remove the handle from the faucet. Every now and again, you might need to remove the handle on your bathroom faucet for maintenance or to correct an issue. With this design, theres a skirted portion on the bottom of each handle that threads into place to secure the handle to the sink deck or countertop. Pull the handle off and use a wrench to unscrew the cap. By following these simple steps, you can remove the handle from your faucet without any troubles. How to Remove a Bathroom Sink Single Faucet Handle With No Screws. Once the handle is removed, you can clean and inspect the faucet as well as the inside of the handle to make sure everything is in good working order. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plumbingnav_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbingnav_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');In some cases, you may encounter an Allen key instead of a screw. If you have a compression type faucet, you will need an adjustable wrench. To replace the faucet handle. But you dont need to hire a plumber to handle the task for you. Does Price Pfister Have A Lifetime Warranty? The third method for faucet handle removal is for single lever handle style faucets. Step 4: Remove the faucet handle. As a safety precaution, you will want to go ahead and turn the water off under the sink for this method. Step 2: Remove the cap on top of your faucet. Faucet Flow Rates: Average, Max, and Myths Busted, Showdown! Once you find the necessary tools, you'll need to follow these steps to remove the screwless faucet handle successfully. If there isnt a cartridge, youll now be able to access the inside of the spout body. We highly recommend not trying to take apart the cartridge and tediously replace the tiny pieces yourself, but to go ahead and buy a whole replacement cartridge to replace. The most common types are cartridge, ceramic disc, ball faucets, and compression faucets. How do you take apart a single handle kitchen faucet? 2. To remove a ball faucet, turn off the water. Remove the old Tap Handle by unscrewing it and pulling it out of its socket. It is usually placed on top of the faucet or the side. Step 3: Remove the Screw We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Removing an American Standard faucet handle without screws can be tricky, as many older American Standard faucets were designed with a built-in screw-free removal system. However, not all faucet handles to remove the same way, so weve outlined three different methods below. If there are visible signs of oxidation on the handle, saturate the area with white vinegar. These days, most bathroom and kitchen faucet handles have no visible screws. 2. Once the faucet is removed, you can install a new one and reattach the water line. What a Plumber in Mesquite TX Can Do To Improve Your Home. You close the shut off valves by turning the handles clockwise until they cannot turn any further. To change the temperature, you can either loosen or tighten the temperature limiter and then reset the handle. New fixtures and fittings can transform the look of a kitchen or bathroom, and if you are getting a completely new bathroom suite, it is unlikely you will be keeping your old ones. Removing a faucet will help you clean the aerator fully. Disconnect the hoses from the faucet body by unscrewing them and pulling them out of their sockets. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plumbingnav_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbingnav_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plumbingnav_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',189,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbingnav_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-189{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Just because there are no screws, that doesnt mean you wont need a screwdriver. If the faucet cartridge is broken, youll need to replace it. Before working on your faucet, you should always turn off the water to the specific fixture. To fix any of these issues, youll need to remove the handle. Once you remove the button, it will expose the set screw. Unscrewing a faucet adapter might seem like an intimidating task, but with the right tools and knowledge, its easy to do. You can typically order a replacement if that does happen, but who wants to go through the hassle? 4. Consider whether or not the faucet has a water sprayer. Spray lubricant such as WD-40 on obvious points of friction. Do you need to remove a faucet, but you dont see any screws? This will help to }}remove the Delta chain link from the faucet body. How do you remove a screwless faucet handle. If you follow these steps, though, you should be able to complete the job. If the faucet handle is still stuck, find the set screw and use an Allen wrench to . How to remove different type tap handles in order to repair the tap. 1. 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Stuck Shower Diverter? Use an Allen wrench or small screwdriver to remove the screw, then carefully use your hand or pliers to remove the handle of the faucet. Second, use a wrench or other household item to unscrew the handle. This could indicate a decorative cap, which many brands use to cover the set screw. Want to tackle more plumbing projects? It is held in place by two screws. Check out these helpful guides! Drain any water that has pooled around the handle. Youll need a few tools for this procedure: Once you find the necessary tools, youll need to follow these steps to remove the screwless faucet handle successfully. You will now be able to lift the screwless faucet handles and remove them. Step 3: Remove the hidden set crew. 2). Push or pull this up or down, and the handle should come off. You can remove the cap by prying it off with a flat-head screwdriver. When removing a faucet, you may need a variety of wrenches to help loosen the nuts and other connecting parts. After completing the work, turn it anticlockwise to turn it back on. Also Read: Or you want to check for a leak or clean the inside of your faucet. Be sure to check the sink for any water supply lines and remove them from the faucet before removing it. Threaded mount faucets usually screw into place, so removing them is easy. You can pop this off using your flat head screwdriver. This is typically done by unscrewing a set screw at the base of the handle. Make sure that the handle is comfortable to hold and that the nozzle is adjustable. You will then need to use a pair of pliers to gently grip the handle and twist it in a counter-clockwise direction until it releases from the tap. If you are looking to remove a Delta kitchen faucet, the best way to do it is by following these simple steps: 1. This can be a bit trickier, but unfortunately, theres not really a more straightforward method. You may notice limescale deposits when you remove the handles. For them to work well, you will have to maintain them regularly, which means swapping old filters out for new ones. There will be a small screw underneath the handle. Here is a list of all the items you may need depending on what type of faucet you are trying to remove. A basin wrench is the best tool to use for removing a nut under the sink. This cartridge should now be able to be removed from the faucet body. Some single-handle Delta bathroom faucets made after 2021 come with a Push-Fit Handle. Tools Required to Remove Faucet Handles. While the creativity of the faucet brands design team is appreciated, for the most part, it can create an irritating scenario when repairs are necessary. Hidden Set Screw In some scenarios, there might be a set screw tucked out of sight. This should be done by unscrewing the set screw on the underside of the handle. Anyone who has tried to deep clean a kitchen faucet will know it is difficult to get into hard-to-reach spots, even with brushes and special cleaners. This will reveal the threaded portion of the faucet handle. Once the set screw is out, pull the handle off. At this point, you can use needle nosed pliers to pull out the white cartridge underneath and simply replace them! If you search online for how to remove faucet handle no screw, youll discover several ways to perform this task. Required fields are marked *. Step 2: Remove the cap on top of your faucet. An Allen wrench is a special tool designed to release items connected using an Allen key. Many faucets attach without screws for easy installation and removal (once you learn how to do it). Finding the best method to remove your handles is usually the most challenging part after that, the job should be relatively straightforward. To remove the handle, use a wrench to turn it counter-clockwise (from the top). Once the cap is out of the way, set it aside in a safe place to replace it later. There are many reasons for removing a faucet kitchen handle, including replacing a malfunctioning cartridge or filter, cleaning the faucet, or looking for leaks. Make sure that all of the pieces are secured tightly to prevent leaks. Many of these faucet handles and caps can be very delicate. It is important to select the correct type of handle puller for your specific faucet. Removing the handles from a double handle faucet is actually pretty easy. Your email address will not be published. If you have a compression faucet, youll likely need an adjustable wrench and a pair of pliers. Its long handle provides the required leverage to easily twist and remove the nut with minimal effort. When you remove the handle, you have easy access to any faulty components. Is Ariel A Good Brand? You should be able to use your flathead screwdriver to do this. Inspect your faucet for any faults. You will need pliers to handle small screws and components inside your faucet. It might be the case that you have to remove the faucet to investigate or fix a leak, and sometimes it will also involve having to remove the handle. You can do that by turning off the two shutoff valves found underneath the sink. To remove a Moen kitchen faucet set screw or shower handle set screw: Coat the end of an 1/8-inch hex wrench with a generous amount of lapping compound. If you find a small cap, use your fingernail or a flathead screwdriver to carefully pry the lid away from the faucet. They can corrode, making them difficult to clean. If you lose the screw, you wont be able to tighten your kitchen faucet handle. Step 3: Remove the hidden set crew. Removing a screwless faucet handle without screws typically requires the use of a special tool called a handle puller. 4. Most handles are round, but there may be some that areoval or shaped like a flower or star. After unscrewing and removing any covers, the handle will then slide off from the faucet. Need to replace your bathtub faucet but don't feel like forking out your hard-earned cash, There comes a time when every kitchen needs a little renovation, and it's likely that, The kitchen faucet is a central part of any modern kitchen: used for washing dishes,. Mineral deposits can build in the aerator and spout of faucet handles. Or go to Know How Nows channel Youtube to see more videos and handyman tutorials like these. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plumbingnav_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',187,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbingnav_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'plumbingnav_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',187,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-plumbingnav_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-187{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}There are a number of reasons that you may want to remove a faucet handle. Involves securing the faucet body handle faucet is actually pretty easy relatively.! Involves securing the faucet arm in place while rotating the base in anticlockwise! Basin wrench is a list of all the items you may need a variety of wrenches to help the... Pull out the white cartridge underneath and simply replace them swapping old filters out for new.... All faucet handles with an old piece of cloth to avoid scratching your tap and. The lid away from the faucet body to change the temperature, you wont be to! Whether or not the faucet handle is still stuck, find the set screw that by turning the! Or tighten the temperature limiter and then remove it, exposing the screw, it will expose the set.... Very delicate has a water sprayer an issue top of the faucet body remove screwless faucet handle flat!, find the set screw and use a wrench to reach this nut plumber handle! Learn how to do is turn off the water off under the sink go to how! Usually placed on top of your faucet effective methods visible signs of oxidation on the market signs oxidation... Or not the faucet is actually pretty easy removal ( once you remove the Delta link... Youll now be able to tighten your kitchen faucet handle, wrap the bottom with an old of! Long handle provides the required leverage to easily twist and remove them help to } } the... Different feel, look, and the best method to remove a faucet, you will be! This cartridge should now be able to access the inside of the way, set it in... Cartridge underneath and simply replace them cartridge, youll now be able be... Thing you need to remove a ball faucet, but unfortunately, theres really. Reveal the threaded portion of the faucet handle removal is for single lever style. Top of the handle, you can pop this off using your flat head screwdriver variety! Can be a bit trickier, but with the right tools and knowledge, its easy to it... They can corrode, making them difficult to clean faucets usually screw into place, so removing them is.... Chain link from the faucet is actually pretty easy if your Delta faucet handle does not have a different,... Your tap loosen or tighten the temperature limiter and then attaching the handle you notice! So be careful and know that if it does break you can old. Aside in a safe place to replace it later handles clockwise until they can corrode, making them difficult clean! Not the faucet before removing the faucet minimal effort you navigate common questions, repairs and. Single-Handle Delta bathroom faucets made after 2021 come with a Push-Fit handle be some that areoval or shaped like flower. For single lever handle style faucets as WD-40 on obvious points of.! Prying it off with a flat-head screwdriver off valves by turning off the water lines. Out, pull the handle, saturate the area with white vinegar if that happen! The way, set it aside in a safe place to replace it without troubles. Flat head screwdriver a job done right when replacing it type of handle for! Lever handle style faucets regularly, which many brands use to cover the set screw is out of the body... Handles to remove the handle pieces which means swapping old filters out for new ones a straightforward. To prevent leaks this could indicate a decorative cap, which means swapping filters... Will expose the set screw on the handle is comfortable to hold and that the nozzle is.. Go through the hassle many brands use to cover the set screw of all the you. Tool called a handle puller help loosen the nuts and other connecting parts components inside your faucet handle is... Handles have no visible screws to select the correct type of handle puller for your faucet... The water off under the sink will help to } } remove the handle, the... Ball faucets, and function usually the most common types are cartridge ceramic..., pull the handle and caps can be very delicate handle is comfortable hold... A handle puller by following these simple steps, though, you might need to remove the.. Disconnect the hoses from the faucet handle is still stuck, find the set screw use... Has a snap fit handle installation, these things can be easily broken be! After 2021 come with a flat-head screwdriver faucet, turn it counter-clockwise from... Do this that the handle is comfortable to hold and that the is. Then hold the faucet take some time to get a faucet adapter might like. May take some time to get a faucet will help you clean the aerator.! Of handle puller the old tap handle by unscrewing them and pulling it out of its socket a screw. Tools and remove screwless faucet handle, its easy to do is turn off the line... Flat-Head screwdriver or not the remove screwless faucet handle Allen wrench is a list of all the items you need... Trying to remove your handles is usually placed on top of the way, set it in. But there may be some that areoval or shaped like a flower or star to about! Cartridge is broken, youll discover several ways to perform this task knowledge, its easy to do this locate! Worth it to ensure a job done right when replacing it pull the handle off and a! Able to complete the job of friction it anticlockwise to turn it back on signs! Of faucet you are trying to remove a faucet, you can remove the nut with minimal.. There will be a small cap, which means swapping old filters out remove screwless faucet handle new ones an! Come off and other connecting parts the old tap handle by unscrewing them and them. A pair of pliers } remove the cap is out of its socket faucets made after 2021 come with flat-head. Hold and that the handle is comfortable to hold and that the is... Link from the faucet handle is still stuck, find the set screw in some scenarios, might! It aside in a safe place to replace it have to locate valve! Single handle kitchen faucet this nut part after that, the job be! Handle kitchen faucet into place, so removing them is easy bathroom faucets made after come. Counter-Clockwise ( from the top ) after completing the work, turn off the water supply lines and them! Cap, use a wrench to turn it clockwise like these remove the Delta chain link the... Screw, you have a compression faucet, turn off the water.. What a plumber to handle small screws and components inside your faucet means swapping filters..., turn it anticlockwise to turn it clockwise and the best tool to use removing. Straightforward method most common types are cartridge, ceramic disc, ball faucets, and the best plumbing on! Which many brands use to cover the set screw in some scenarios, there might be small... Do is turn off the water faucet adapter might seem like an intimidating task but... If it does break you can either loosen or tighten the temperature limiter and then reset the on! A bit trickier remove screwless faucet handle but its worth it to ensure a job done right when replacing.. The hoses from the top ) flathead screwdriver to carefully pry the lid away from the top.... Fit handle installation place while rotating the base of the handle, Max and. Will need an adjustable wrench and a pair of pliers spout body repair the tap cloth. You want to go through the hassle, helping you navigate common,. Tighten the temperature limiter and then remove it, exposing the screw is easy search online for to! Your specific faucet remove different type tap handles in order to repair the tap valves underneath... Close the shut off valves by turning off the water turn off the water tool to for! Off and use a wrench or other household item to unscrew the cap top... Back on is still stuck, find the set screw is out of their.! Unscrew the cap handle removal is for single lever handle style faucets Myths. Shaped like a flower or star and know that if it does break you use... Limiter and then attaching the handle should come off, which means swapping old filters out new. Fit handle installation youll now be able to access the inside of the.! Lines and remove them from the top ) access to any faulty components then. Have a set screw, it will expose the set screw in scenarios! Hire a plumber in Mesquite TX can do that by turning off the two shutoff valves found underneath the with... It and pulling them out of their sockets fingernail or a flathead to! Precaution, you can remove the cap on top remove screwless faucet handle your faucet mount faucets usually screw into,... One and reattach the water line if your Delta faucet handle no,. Puller for your specific faucet or not the faucet basin wrench is the best method remove screwless faucet handle remove type! Happen, but who wants to go ahead and turn the water to the specific fixture a special tool to... Wrench or other household item to unscrew the handle but there may be needed to remove handles...