Here's the latest on the California wildfires. About the show. CORWIN: His eyes are keenly trained to find what seems impossible. (on camera): Here's one of the best examples of what's happening to the water here. But, after agreeing to an interview with us, he canceled. None of what's happening is occurring in a vacuum. CORWIN: It's easy. At this hour many people are being allowed to return home. Still, 12,000 people evacuated, waiting to find out the fate of their homes, hoping for the best. You have to see it to believe it. Moral ground : ethical action for a planet in peril /. We should think for the next two, three generations. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think you're making the argument that, you know, it's better to have it up here the because real estate values are so low. Scientists call it a positive feedback loop, and it's causing Greenland's ice to disappear. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. Some people say it's climate change. CORWIN: So, basically, it's providing this layer of viscosity to the ice to slide on. View Jordan Allen - Planet in Peril Part Iand 2.docx from SCIENCE 101 at Royal Palm Beach High School. A 56 percent greater chance. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): Greenland's ice sheet, 40 percent of it gone in the past 40 years. (on camera) The guy has, like, what: one, two, three, four, five rifles. Then we lift up and she takes off, racing across the ice. (on camera): These roads, as bumpy and -- and terrible as they are, what's even worse about them is that the roads are the conduit for the habitat loss. In each place the poor and disenfranchised are usually the ones bearing environmental burdens. You don't think your child coming down with cancer. COOPER: More people are born, economies boom. OK, now let's get the bears back together. COOPER: Tough talk, but here's something that might surprise you. COOPER (voice-over): If you thought the debate over what's causing the Earth to warm was settled, think again. CORWIN: Simply put, the survival of our species of human beings is directly dependent upon the survival of rain forest habitat. I'm Anderson Cooper. You can see the water channel coming over it now. But not all of the trees are cut down for big profits. Planets in Peril is a slim volume, yet it contains a great deal of insight into the mind of CS Lewis in regards to the writing and possible sources and meanings behind the Ransom trilogy, otherwise known as the Space Trilogy. by Rebecca Libauskas. to protect the future of a planet in peril? OK. COOPER: Rick, thanks very much. Support human-caused climate change, Inhofe's thinking goes, and you get more funding. west ridge academy utah tuition; aerie offline cropped tank CORWIN (voice-over) However, finding the tracks is only the beginning. Going to have a special hour on the fire, starting at 11 p.m. Eastern Time. By 2100, we will be more likely one meter -- three feet -- instead of one-and-a-half feet. l agree completely. planet in peril transcript planet in peril transcript. There's at least a billion dollars in damage here in San Diego County alone. That means they won't be out hunting today, killing untold numbers of wild animals. That melt is picking up steam, raising concerns for even more sea level rise, putting the Carteret Islands and others like it in further jeopardy. That is good planning on the part of local officials. STEFFEN: Yes. It doesn't take long for them to pick up one of the illegal roads made by poachers. They were awarded a Nobel Prize for their work. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MICHAEL R. NIGGLI, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC: There are a lot of people returning to their homes right now. Most often, it's: "Well, look, it's cheaper to have plants in this neighborhood than it is anywhere else in this very expensive city." Written by an award-winning historian of science and technology, Planet in Peril describes the top four mega-dangers facing humankind - climate change, nukes, pandemics, and artificial intelligence. brings together the testimony of over eighty visionariestheologians and religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders, naturalists, activists, and writersto present a diverse and compelling call to honor our individual and collective moral responsibility to our planet.. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, OK. We're flying right over it now. TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Anderson, the battle continues here tonight. We're right on them. COOPER: Really? He's exploring how a warming planet is impacting the polar bear. GUPTA: That sounds pretty scary. COOPER: Nothing to do with science and everything to do with money. CORWIN (voice-over): Amstrup loads the tranquilizer dart into the gun as we circle low over the mother bear to make sure we don't scare her away from her cubs. This isn't happening. Yes, straight across. But despite all of that, the rain forest is being pillaged at a rapid rate. Usually these channels are up to 20, 30, 40 feet deep. It's those types of numbers that have led to an unprecedented move. Five hundred homes lost here in Lake Arrowhead. We are changing our climate, he says, and are risking a different planet. Many coral reefs often die after bleaching. So we go down a ladder here? We're going to go home now. Definitely. We've arranged to visit one small tribe, the Kraho Indians in the Tacantin state of Brazil. COOPER: Tamara Carter (ph) is the founder of the Sustainable South Bronx, an organization that fights environmental racism in New York and around the country. SCHMIDT: That's what you want to look at now. A worldwide investigation by Anderson Cooper and chief medical . COOPER (voice-over): And a pack of hunting dogs. Words were exchanged, and one of the men took out a gun. He got right up to one of the fire lines today. (on camera) These are Kraho. These men are hunting not just for themselves. The forecast for tonight, no real gusts over about 20 miles per hour. From the CNN documentary Planet in Peril (2007), clip on animals being bought and sold in the JJ Market in Thailand. Most of those strike teams, as we've seen them working in the area with the battalion commander. But it's also something that's having a major impact on people and animals right now. He agreed to sit down with us. COOPER: Illegally logged, for the most part? On the unforgiving frontier of climate change, polar bears, walruses, seals and penguins find their icy Edens in peril. There are about 200 or so who live in this village. GUPTA: The people of the Carterets call themselves some of the world's first climb change refugees. The Planet in Peril - Part I. There are roughly 37 million people who rely on Lake Chad. COOPER (voice-over): The World Conservation Union says the Amazon is home to nearly 1,000 threatened species of plants and animals. For Jim Hansen, that makes the situation all the more pressing. SISTER DOROTHY STANG, NUN/CONSERVATIONIST: The only thing they know is survival farming. That water absorbs the sun's heat and causes more ice to melt. MAN 3065 CHAPTER 9. CORWIN: You've got to lean back. (on camera): This is really the front line of deforestation. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They have been, definitely. But the other reason, says environmental law professor Tom McGarity (ph), is because of race. The water here used to be at least six feet high and now all around me, there's nothing. Somebody is paying for it. She refused, however, to be intimidated. The biggest fire, the witch fire, has already destroyed more than 905 homes and other buildings. COOPER (on camera): They said they were just out looking for small animals just to eat. Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. They have the most success hunting seals in a 20 to 50-mile gap of water between coastland and ice. STEFFEN: Good. We actually saw entire sheets of coral that seemed to be completely dead and washed out. And Amstrup, hanging from the side of his window, aims and takes his shot. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've got a family group. And this is what it looks like here on the ground. They hope to be able to get that thing out, at least, during the next couple of days, but they've got a ton of crews up there. Her home is disappearing. They spend one month every year here, living under extremely difficult circumstances. They're saying that very few people come to this village, very few outsiders. Jungles and rainforests are home to an incredible variety of species . No birds, no buzzing insects. The disenfranchised usually bear the bankrupt of environmental degradation. She says life here used to be good. STANG: Bring back new life to a land that was lost. A huge fire years ago killed 22, when not as many people were ordered to evacuate. These small planes, they measure the wind velocity. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One-third less pollution in the Houston Ship Channel this year compared to last year because of our approach of bringing companies in, telling them what we want and we're seeing those reductions. They're an indigenous people here in the Amazon rain forest. In all, there are 15 active fires tonight. Millions live near coastlines less than three feet above sea level. This is an issue of timing. President Bush today declared a major disaster area here in California. STEFFEN: Yes. COOPER (voice-over): Dr. Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado has spent 17 seasons here, 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. And, even as the story becomes quite clear, we may not be making clear that we are really talking about a different planet. PLANET IN PERIL, however, continues after this break. Investigating our PLANET IN PERIL has taken us to 13 countries on 4 continents. VALENTIN MARROQUIN, CANCER PATIENT: Cook (ph). Some say it's just sinking naturally because it was built on a volcano. (on camera) Every day Ibama agents go out on patrol and stop anyone they come across and question them about what they're doing in this biological preserve. I'm Anderson Cooper. COOPER: Where islands are discovered. COOPER: I've (INAUDIBLE). (on camera): Do you think climate change is a hoax? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're right on them. Genre: Documentary. Moral Ground. Everywhere we've gone, we've been told the same thing. First an update on the California fires. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. And we are living on coconuts. PLANET IN PERIL will continue in a moment. MICHAELS: stunning. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ultimately, they are all dependent on the sea ice. The dry Santa Ana winds have let up. Eight degrees. We also have a refrigerator. Those west winds, Anderson, could fan the flames a little bit for the end of the week, but, so far, about 15 to 20 miles per hour -- Anderson. Today, firefighters were out battling on the front lines, using ground crews to get an upper hand, as well. While difficult to measure exactly how much, scientists believe part of the rise is due to melting glaciers and ice sheets, like the ones we saw in Greenland. They are moving to yet another island. Plus if we have fish from the sea, then we have fish. Action & adventure 2002 1 hr 38 min In this classic installment in the series that inspired the 'Star Wars' saga, Flash Gordon matches with Ming the Merciless while saving the Earth from. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, they are getting sick just because of food shortage. Kraho are trying to take matters into their own hands. That's roughly six times the size of the state of California. Why is it happening? The men draw weapons, but instead of running, Sister Dorothy opens the Bible she's carrying and reads them a passage. Jessica_Roberson5. Over the next few days, we're going to figure out why and report that back to you. Crews have largely contained many of the fires north of San Diego. About 500 homes in that area have burned. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUPTA: Flying over the Solomon Sea in the South Pacific, the ocean and the sky melt together in a blue/green haze. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) STANG: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) COOPER (voice-over): Early February 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun from Ohio, leaves a meeting of peasant farmers, whose land she's helping to protect, and walks into the jungle towards her home. None of what's happening is occurring in a vacuum. Why is our planet in peril? If the islands were uninhabited, it would simply be another mystery in the natural world. Encore: Planet In Peril: Battle Lines Aired December 14, 2008 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. And the IBAMA agents know that. STEFFEN: No, I would not be surprised because we know the ice is retreating. I believe it is. Lake Chad borders four different countries - Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Niger. COOPER: Right. Why? fairbanks ice dogs standings . (on camera): What are these rotating things? COOPER (voice-over): Adaptations, he says, like stronger buildings, better warning systems. Nearly a year in the making, 'Planet in Peril' takes viewers to four continents and 13 countries where environmental change is not a theory, or possibility, but a crisis happening in real time . We're almost at the top of the world. COOPER: I joined him to see his latest -- one of the starkest examples of climate change. (voice-over) For Valentin Marroquin, Manchester, Texas, seemed a fine place to grow up. rapid assessment program. INHOFE: I don't want to be rude, but, from now on, I'm going to ask COOPER: James Inhofe, Republican senator from Oklahoma, is the loudest voice with probably the biggest platform who questions whether man is responsible for climate change. COOPER: A wild west culture where kids like Valentin Marroquin pay the price. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How do we improve the quality of life for everybody? PLANET IN PERIL continues right after this break. Ibama doesn't have nearly enough personnel to protect them all. He tells us we're the first journalists to dive the reef. They say that the water is going to cover this entire island within a few years. And that's all we have for the future. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. A little bit ago in San Diego County, about 200 more people were ordered out of their homes. The danger is hard to see with the naked eye. Models, you see, also underestimated our changing climate. It's an impressive opening in the ice here. Joe Biden, 46th President of United States of America. Hurling yourself backwards over a 1,500 foot cliff does take some practice. (voice-over) Steve Amstrup, a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been doing this for 26 years, trying to learn all he can about what polar bears can tell us about global warming. It's a fact. It is possible. Arson investigators say one of them, the Santiago fire near Los Angeles, had three points of origin. And I would always say, is he going to get there? We stop at a fishing village called Duram Baga (ph) in Nigeria. This used to be a mega-lake, one of the biggest lakes in the world. Arctic temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else on Earth. As Lake Chad disappears, many have nowhere else to go. No food for people. There will be others. STEFFEN: The question is, how can we actually change it for the future? What's happening here is a sobering glimpse into what scientist says the future will look like even if modest sea level rise predictions prove true. COOPER: The very next day, Valentin began chemotherapy. Everywhere we've gone, we've been told the same thing. They may have just found it. They have resumed now. CORWIN: Under nutritional stress because it's simply getting harder for bears to eat. The lake has dried up before. But it's just nerve wracking. People do not have enough food. CORWIN: Not much. Plants and animals lost forever. (on camera): What are these three -- these are tents? It's now the number one killer here. Eighty percent of it covered by ice. Climate change is making a bad situation worse. (on camera): That's a glacier over there and these two glaciers used to be connected by an ice shell? CORWIN: He's got five rifles. So without the climate change, this would still be a peninsula. You always think of something like that. HANSEN: We conclude that there is evidence that the greenhouse effect increases the likelihood of heat wave drought situations. But many of them will come back, unfortunately, to this -- Anderson. The thickness of the ice in Greenland has been changing over the last few decades. This reef is dying, which means less protection from storms and fewer fish to eat. And remember, if you want to brake, pull the rope up toward you. Primitive, but they figured out how to keep the bread maker working. Overpopulation, deforestation, species lost, climate change. Combined that with the fact that Carterets sit on top an ancient volcano, that over time collapses inward and they could be sinking naturally as well. Also, I spent the day out there. And that was a 25 percent decrease from the year before. It's called Deer Horn Valley. Clearly, it's a larger operation than that. Steve got (INAUDIBLE) shot, he landed that anesthetic dart right in the shoulder about a minute ago. The shoreline is steadily receding. Brazil is the number one soy producer in the world. The thing is, we've also learned that climate change is impacting total environments as well as the ice on top of Greenland is very quickly melting way. COOPER: So in the summer months ahead, as the temperature increases, water will actually start flowing through here? With dive gear, we head down 60 feet. That doesn't mean these people can relax, however. AMSTRUP: The top of the shoulder. GUPTA: From what we have seen in Greenland, Alaska and Africa, the Earth's climate is clearly changing. At least 20 times greater for 1-3 butadiene than any other city in the U.S. R. MARROQUIN: And our kids get sicker in the country. COOPER: The Texas Commission for Environmental Quality, chief toxicologist Michael Honeycut (ph), disputes the idea. COOPER: Houston Mayor Bill White has pledged to reduce the level of air toxins for those communities, even if it means playing hardball. David C. Downing, a professor at Elizabethtown College, takes it upon himself to correct a gaping hole in Lewis studies. COOPER (voice-over): Even the map of Greenland is changing. A stark finding that for Dr. Steffen raises a very basic question. And we'll go into that in a second. He's going to visit the state tomorrow. And that's true. James Foley's. (on camera): And what is the big picture? Because it is, quite simply, under assault. Sister Dorothy's death became a symbol, not only for the rain forest, but also for the protection of the people who call it home. (CROSSTALK) INHOFE: You, sir, had 30 minutes. How much, how fast, a matter of debate; but tens of millions will be affected in this century. Damages estimates $1 billion, and we're talking about just in San Diego County. Amstrup aims and then fires the dart. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put the noose there. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: We have been trying to get here for a few days now. CORWIN: Very much so. But, today, he's brought the vast majority of the scientific community to his side. The. We're just on top of it. It's not a theory. COOPER: Crime? Big ranching and logging companies were often in her sights. Water held in the soil and in lakes is also disappearing. COOPER (voice-over): Anything goes. You also see dramatic changes in the overall geography of the island, particularly on the coastal areas. She never makes it there. Yes! We're the first people ever to walk here. There's actually no law, no ambient air standards, either state or federal, requiring companies to limit the amount of hazardous air pollutants they pump out. And that's what we see the ice moves faster. And what he's discovered is startling. The Bush administration is proposing adding the polar bear to the endangered species list. (voice-over) After the festivities, we join the tribe for a meeting, where they share grim news of what's happening to their home. RICK SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, the Harris fire. But that also means that the power demand on the grid will go up. (on camera) On February 12, 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang was walking down a path in the Amazon jungle. My colleague, Rick Sanchez, is covering one of the two big fires now happening in this area. Hi, Anderson. In all these places, all these problems are interconnected. Both sides accuse each other of cherry- picking data. Castro Theatre plan in peril after S.F. We're in the wake of the fire and you can see the devastate it's left behind. This journey around the globe is an investigation into the reasons our planet is changing. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They thought that killing her would end it. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): The Earth is warming. COOPER: Huge. We should not just think for ourselves. In fact, we've got some pictures we can show you. The water is more shallow there and the seals are more plentiful. (on camera): It's so disturbing to see this. Recent flashcard sets. Toggle mobile menu. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. It's about the front lines, the places where threats aren't just forecasts of the future, but are happening now. Just let yourself slide down, Anderson. (on camera): It is politically correct to say you care about the rain forest, but why should someone actually care? You could fall right through, and that will be the end of you. 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