Two years on now, and it happened again, last night. She started walking up and then all of the sudden it was like a pounce of pressure on the upper half of my body mostly on my face and exposed hand. Has this ever happened to anyone who has no cats !? This has been going on a long time. It can be very scary. Its been very eerie. If its a positive feeling, just go with it, say hi and go back to sleep. Thats a completely different subject, but its one thats just as interesting. The rebuttals to all of those that experience this were all giving potential logical explanations. Tonight Im going to ask my housemates if they ever get that feeling (although I doubt it because they all have a couple of cats with them at night). It also walks up higher to my shoulder and I feel as if someone put their hand on my shoulder. Scared me because I was just settling down to fall asleep, it was late around Midnight or so. And when you see it as a blue and white spirit, does it appear as a solid object that you can touch or can you see through it like a ghost? Im answering this post because the cat came to see me again and Im concerned that someone in my family is going to get sick and die and theres any explanations anyone could offer I would appreciate it thank you. The funny thing is my adult daughter is experiencing the same thing and she lives in a different home. But this morning when I felt it I just laid there with my eyes closed just to see if it was just a dream but no it continued to step one foot on the bed between my legs and one step by my wrist, so I thought ok instead of sitting up in my bed Im just gonna try to move the blanket by my hand but I couldnt move it, so than I sat up and I feel the cat jump off my bed! Its real and its scaring me badly. Hi I to have the cat jump on my bed. Thanks for sharing your experiences. So what ever it is. At first I thought it was my childhood cat whom meant the world to me and I loved him so dearly that I miss him everyday butI dont want to think that he wouldnt have crossed over. If your cat has developed a sudden fear of the dark, there are 3 explanations: The cat experienced a frightening experience at night. I felt cats walking over my face and purring (thats why I Googled the subject and ended up here). Prayers to all. I hope it gets better for you With all the stories related here, it is truly remarkable that no one has been injured by these phantoms of the night. Youre welcome, Rob. I cant say for certain whether she is avoiding the master bedroom as a result of this phenomenon, but I certainly cant rule it out. Perhaps this was a message of some sort, perhaps it was something my cold-addled mind made up, perhaps it was something more sinister. I did at first and then the people started showing up. For example, a couple of months ago, while out in the car, I casually mentioned to my husband that my friend hadnt been around for a week or more. One night it walked to the bend of my back and stopped. now cant sleep, dog on bed, or not, still getting pawed. I thought that it could be caused by slight spasms or tremor from awakening. If I roll over, he goes to the other side. Funny that I finally searched this, because my husband brought it up last night. I have to wonder if this phenomenon has some form of innate intelligence or psychic ability to be able to hear what we are saying/thinking wherever we are. I havent heard from anyone who has experienced that. But it happened more and I would try to see which one it was. This so-called animal/spirit is not the holyghost. A couple days later things were going nuts and I had to wake my wife. Thanks for sharing your experiences. This is the only logical explanation I have been able to come up with. WebIf you have a playful cat, its possible that the interaction with you around the stools is play. Im generally of the mind that 99.9% of strange things have a totally logical explanation. When I move my hand or feet the invisible cat feeling dissapeer for a short time and then it comes back after that. I do but not while this is happening. Max died on July 3,2017. Pray to the Almighty Father Yahweh to bless your enemies and He will heap hot coals on them if you are sincere and truly believe in The Father. Dreams can seem very real! It felt so real, the couch and pillows moved and I could clearly hear the cat screeches. My family thinks Im soft in the head. Id rather not feel anything that I cant see. I thought maybe my cat did it, but I wasnt sure. 3. For a while anyway. Jump from the It is a demonic entity..i have come across the same thing except i confront it. Of course nothing was there. And found this page. Until I tried to pet it. It felt like a dog biscuit or something similar. Losing a pet is losing a family member. I am on my phone talking to my husband. EMF detected. My youngest son could see the reflection of little people or other beings of some sort examining his sleeping brother on the TV screen. The strangest one of all is the feeling of someone stroking my forehead in the way of reassurance. lol. It was the tombstone I took a picture of. Easily explained somehow, i had hurt myself during the night and dreamt of a reason for. Much to their total amazement and relief, more and more people visiting Kims blog are finding that they are not alone in the bizarre things that are now being visited upon them, for whatever reason. , Thanks for sharing your experiences, J. Im sorry youre dealing with the mystery cat if that is what it is. The painful cramp was now been bent over a bar with all its might. Were all assuming these are cats and in most cases thats what they seem to be, but maybe something larger would be a big dog rather than a person? Others are having experiences that arent very comforting. However a couple of months ago I moved about two hours away from home for college and into my friends house. The same thing is happening to mewith no cats around. This is indeed NOT a deceased pet! does it leave for days, weeks or months only to return? It also breathes on my face occasionaly. There have been some comments reporting that some pet dogs react by running out of the room in what appears to be fear and agitation, but so far, I dont think anyone has reported the reaction of their cats. My message from her was to keep reading books as that is the best way to learn, which was something she always used to say to my Cousin and me. Originated in Nevada but we felt it here. I can feel it/them come right up to my face and then I feel a quick breeze or puff of air in my direction. It sounded as if she was in an empty room or space that I couldnt see. I have decided to not be afraid of it anymore. Feel free to share your experience in the comments below, and discuss your situation with others. Creepy! It only helps a little to know Im not alone. Taking them and there claims seriously may affect your normal life; So dont do it! 6- the figure doesnt look totally solid; but when I touch a part of the body I feel it as a solid thing; most the touches happened as holding there hands; there were many different experiences; sometimes I felt that there hands are similar to ours but they feel smaller and very soft; sometimes there hands have 3 fingers! I thrn saw two glowing green eyes & heard a growl. I can actually interact with these cats but only with my spriritual body, not physical. I sincerely hope the script helps and it all goes away, but maybe it is real. I felt the mattress sink down as they sat on the bed. I thought at first it was a neuropathy issue, but the weight is too heavy on my body, as if my cat is walking on me. 98%. It feels good to know that youre not alone. It was a comforting feeling. However, based on your experience, their return certainly wont come as a complete shock to me now. The really strange thing is that our cat is an outside cat/Barn cat and was not in our house, nor did he have any way of getting in. I never felt it happening when done, but it felt sore the morning I found it on my shoulder. As a writer, artist, and website owner, transparency is very important to me. Thanks for sharing. Love to all.. Kin. I just figured it was my Dad in heaven. I never experienced it after I moved from her house. It seems your dog knew something was in your room, especially if he doesnt usually act that way. I still experience the cats, and I dont like it, but Im not as afraid as I was. Hi, Marie. I can also be warned of its presence by the wind from my fan by a spiraling direct air current in the bend of the back of my knees. For a while after she passed it felt like she was there but that was because she slept with me every night for years). As of today I felt the entity walk on my pillow while I lay down. I wouldnt want to sleep in that room again either. Like Ive said many times, we cant all be imagining things or losing our minds. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If so, did you figure out what it was? I was thinking I am going nuts! Its so interesting that so many others have felt this. I used to have other theories that the footsteps were actually my blood pulsing through my veins making contact with the sheet. As of now I will be resorting to my religious beliefs to send it to where it belongs. The next day i thought nothing of it other than my wicked imagination. In his situation, it started out as a cat but its definitely not feline. I would immediately order it to leave, San. About a month later it happens again. I can feel this animal lick my toe, place its paw across the toe as though holding it in place. Usually around 4-5 am she'll come up and find your hand and just wants to be petted on her head. Sometimes the best path is protection. Lately Ive been getting irritated about it and I think it knows. I am a hunter and had harvested a beautiful blacktail deer and was In the process of hanging it up in my garage and skinning it one late afternoon. So I stayed uo for awhile, tried to settle back down and relax, got on my phone and was just playing around on my phone online. Once I let it go, it just put my cellphone back to where it found it (more-less), moved a little and to be honest, I dont really remember what happened past that moment. Since i love cats beyond description, i am very happy with the phenomenon. I tell the cat to leave the room but she just continues to walk around me on the bed, playing at my feet, laying by my back or laying by my head. heres a theory for you. And I KNOW it wasnt my living cats. I must i drifted off, there was no cat, i just imagined it. I am also skeptical in these matters yet I, too, have had the same experience only after we bought a cat for the first time - feeling what seems to I just layed there and even opened my eyes to verify I was completely awake. Another time I was scratched on the ankle, and it bled a little. I moved rooms and didnt feel it for some time them it visited a couple of times but just walking feeling all over the doona. Visitors may be unsettling your cat. He disappeared within 2 or 3 seconds. My husband thinks its our previous dog we had to have put to sleep as he was dying of kidney failure. Im feeling it less than I used to, but it still comes around now and then. Our first mini, Katy, died in 2003 and thats when we got Maggie. Its where you are at the R.E.M. Sometimes it even feels like the cat is padding me or the quilt and I can feel the full weight of the cat on me or the bed. Cat-proof Ledges 9 6. Curled up on the couch. 4- If someone watching me in my room during the communication ; I think he will think I am talking while I am sleeping he will hear my voice but not the voice of the being; for me I am totally awake and I hear my voice loudly and the beings voice. Weird. Thats why Im wondering if what you feel on the bed is a dog rather than a child. Renouncing them in Jesus name works at times but they or it seems to always wind up back in my bed. My then-husband and i had just turned out the light. The pressure is so real and has become so intense I started sleeping on my couch. I can relate to most of the stories here about the lightness of the walking, it almost feels as if it could be a cat, but I never feel it just jump up on the bed or on to the just appears. They are literally messing with me right now. I just believed when it did happen. !I almost had heart attack! I dont think that youre overreacting either. I am convinced that it is a succubus. I feel it on the side of the bed or at my feet and walking towards my head. I feel I cant tell others, but yet I know there are many who could tell stories..we just dont talk about it. Ive never actually seen them on my bed, but I definitely feel them too. Do not fall for it. Hi, Gary. But still, it startled me. 2 Make your Patio a Comfy Place to Relax 3 1. Hey guys Colton back here with an update to my theory and it turns out that is 100 percent true at least for me that it is something like my legs expelling energy causing feelings of movement. However Before he moved in with us (Nyla the cat, and myself) and when he is away on business for a few or more consecutive nights in a row. And none of this started until I slept in that air bnb that my family rented over Christmas. It has gone as far as having intermittent contact. (29) And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Good luck Debby.Kim has been admirable in providing a really great support group for us here so please keep posting as it gives us an outlet in which to tell our stories and to express our fears and concerns. Whatever this thing was only shook me up once or Twice. I was kind of scared, but excited at the same time because I think it validates other dimensions. Its scares the crap out of me. Idk hes been gone for so long, but this has only been happening in the last year or so. I thought it was him that jumped on my bed, but he would never come into my room and never has. I am now questioning whether it has been weatherby at all or did something pretend to be her to get me to let my guard down. But nothing was there. Their utmost goal is to keep themselves warm. This is happening to me as well although I feel something a little larger than a cat or maybe its more that one thing. I got up and it stopped. He doesnt believe it. Ive had many other experiences. I went through a bizarre time when I swore something was always in the bed with me and I would slam on the light switch to nothing there. Move the smoking stick around your body starting at the feet and use the figure eight motion as you move the stick up your body. The problem Im having is learning to live with it because theres no way to make it go away through prayer or meditation or reaching out to your higher power candies your symptoms and help some comfort please feel free to email anyone who would like to share if they are experiencing the same thing I am. Has anyone else heard a light thud on the floor? Well, I guess I dont hear it every time because I normally sleep with a fan on. My cats also seem to watch for something. I sleep on a water bed. Thats a plausable theory. Two days ago I reported that for the past three weeks I hadnt experienced any strange sensations or feelings and the total absence of anything happening was so palpable that it created its own type of anxiety each night. Hi, Marsha. Thank you for sharing. I dont miss it either! I was so tired that I just passed out but this is the first time Ive ever had that feeling that someone is standing there watching over me. I have his ashes here in the house but I dont think thats relevant. I figured that he would chase it away, and I wouldnt be alone. It makes me feel very comfortable and safe when he visits. I have found the following on this topic: 2Co 12:7-9 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. Other times its just one person speaking, but I cant make out any of the words. 2- If you dont like going with these experiences and want them to stop; just ignore them! I cant see anything, and it never makes a sound. I did fall asleep, but left my light on (I never sleep unless it is very dark) . What I would like to say is if you are still feeling this cat moving your bed you should try taking a picture of it. One looked like and adult and the other a child perhaps. We were married for 26 years. Visitors may be unsettling your cat. I dont know if I will continue to keep my eyes closed or if my curiosity has increased after reading this that I may try and interact with the cats. Sometimes,it starts out as a stiff solid feeling in the lower crook of my back,just above the waste. As we walked there I consciously opened up. I wish that I did. This time i ignored them, then i felt like little mice about 3-4 of them run across my forhead. We all, here on this site, know the experience too. I have lost some and they are buried in my backyard. This always used to happen to me. It is used to attract positive energy. It was like I was right there on a third phone. The purring has become more pronounced to. To me, it almost seems mechanical because of the vibrations. I wont be able to sleep either. Hi JHazel and Others I can feel when their paws sink into the bed. I feel the most comfortable when my cat is next to me. Then to my amazement the doona moved again. Im afraid to ask why it is there; I dont want to invite anything negative. I have also had her brush up on my face and walk on my pillow. I thought for sure my husbands cat was on my bed but nothing was there. well here I am ,was trying to research why I felt a cat walking around on the bed and it put me on this sight.Im going through this every night.If it would lay still so you could sleep maybe it wouldnt be so bad.Im the only one here and when I mentioned this to my daughter I think she thought I was loosing it. However, what I tend to do, right or wrong, is to try and force myself to remain as calm as I can and not show fear in order to possibly remove some of their control. Maybe my lack of a reaction did it. We've lost two cats over the past 12 years in our house so maybe it's one of them saying hello. Ed I meditated to awaken the energy but thought i failed, and while i was researching online i felt it wake up, so i laid back and let flow as far as it could. Some cats knead the rug, bed, or sofa as they march around. I do believe,like someone else metioned that there is a whole other life that us people have no clue about and maybe some of us are more in tune with that other so called life.who knows?? When I curse it, I call it Succubus & it responds. I try to do my best to not connect to deeply with clients to take on any of their junk. It would be worth trying the things you mentioned. paws on my face, hearing growls! . One used to sit on my bed at night and tighten the covers around me. I have cats, but theyre not in the bed when this happens. So, I would always think that it was something of the sort that 1) because of the quietness of night, and 2) the closeness of the sheet to my ear seemed magnified and louder. I am experiencing an invisible cat. Hello. We cant all be imagining the feeling of a cat walking on the bed, and we cant all be crazy either. Look up lucid dreaming, Adam. So then, every once in a blue moon this would happen. I used to call out for my dog. I waited to see (or feel) what would happen. Nyla is the only cat I have ever had. When you have sen this first handed you know the face of someone who has seen it too. She was about to ask me a question, but stopped in mid sentence and left. I looked this up because the same EXACT thing was happening to me. I am so relieved to read that other people have this happen to them too. Im included in that timeline with my Ghost Cat as well. I prayed, blessed my room with oil, it left for a week, it is back. Yes, it IS related to my personal experiences as also described by almost all of you as well. That was at different house. Are we close to military base? As the cat came circling around I barely opened my eyes and it wasnt a normal can face. As far as I know I have nothing more than a cat spirit in my home. He was too scared to do anything but continue to watch. Today Is a year that he died, I hadnt had that feeling since then till this day. Sometimes its two cats and sometimes only one. It might pretend to be a cat as I have also heard purring before, but it is merely disguising itself. I am not crazy. Ghost Cats: Human Encounters with Feline Spirits. Ive had some success with spraying my room and bed with the Thieves Essential oil blend deluted in water. I couldnt see these experiences and want them to stop ; just ignore!! Entity walk on my pillow the mind that 99.9 % of strange things have a totally explanation! Just ignore them different subject, but I wasnt sure time I was settling! Face of someone stroking my forehead in the comments below, and it never a... And bed with the sheet Ive had some success with spraying my room and bed with the Essential!, not physical crook of my back, just above the waste body, not.... I couldnt see times, we cant all be crazy either they or it seems your dog something! Feel this animal lick my toe, place its paw across the toe as though holding it in.. 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