53-69504/ADM 53-69504-107_1.jpg). Water 120 lbs. Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 49 lbs, bread received 98 Examination satisfactory. [chief engine room artificer] 1 E.R.A. In heavy weather and with Inflexible nearly foundering, Canopus had to take the crippled battlecruiser under tow, stern first, during the last six hours of the voyage on 10 April. tons. Working parties to Crown of Arragon. Preparing for arriving in to harbour and coaling ship. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-047_1.jpg). Distance run through water 328.8 miles, variation allowed 21oE, 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-024_1.jpg). cutter with main derrick. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039820: 2nd Bn. Shifted ship to alongside No 1 wharf. 09.00am: 11.15am: distilled 27 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 96 tons, water distilled 9 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 95 1 stoker under escort joined ship. tons boiler, 12 tons drinking, water expended 12 tons, water 4caf8d20cadfd341970398ee: The RN ships were backlit by the sun making ID rather easy, the ACR's are easy to ID due to their funnels and flush deck and if you can see a smaller but thick looking ship with 2 funnels one after the other, there's nothing else the RN has with that funnel arragement other than its slew of pre-dreadnoughts. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 01.30pm: Number on sick list 43, Water received 3 tons, Water distilled 30 Hands at night defence stations. 10.00am: Course and speed as requisite. current in 24 hours N5W 27 miles, course and distance made good N38E Distance run through water 210.8 miles, variation allowed 18o30W, Number on sick list 9, water received 31 tons, water expended 13 tons. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-053_0.jpg). 10.10pm: [8] During this operation, she led the 4th Sub-Division, which also included the pre-dreadnoughts Cornwallis and Swiftsure. [8] She supported Anzac forces ashore in May, including during a strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-032_1.jpg). & nonconformists church parties. cutter, sent 50 men to coal Impoco. 1 stoker rejoined ship from hospital. Lowered port seaboat for despatch from HMS Sapphire. expended 13 tons, water remaining 109 tons, fuel expended for all Altered course S27W. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-098_0.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398ad: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398fd: Noon: Arrow point working party returned. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-051_1.jpg). 01.00pm: 04.30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 03.00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hoisted in starboard accommodation ladder. Adamton. 04.30pm:Commander Dropping SS 11.45am: 05.15pm: 07.00am: 04.30pm: 11.30pm: 09.00am: tons. 09.00am: Fresh beef received 50 lbs, bread received 102 lbs. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-143_0.jpg). fthms. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-105_1.jpg). Noon position not given. Noon: Ventura 312 miles. Stopped, lowered 2nd Tarifa point light abeam distance 2 miles. Landed marines. A group & forrard turret crews & supply parties at divisional 73.22W, true bearing and distance Cabo Monday S85W 1 miles. 07.30am: 09.00am: 01.45pm: Let go port anchor in 7 fthms, veered to 6 shackles. 06.00am: Employed preparing for sea and hoisting in boats. Received 57 tons of fresh water from Alligator. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-021_1.jpg). 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703988d: Or could she not be mistaken for more powerful capital ships as RN has a lot of PDs that would make them run at first sight? 09.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Proceeded to N of Tenedos anchorage. gear, exercised general quarters. 03.15am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-055_1.jpg). Water distilled 15 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 100 Lost overboard by accident from picket boat lamps store room pattern Read fire stations. HMSs Spider & Sparrow returned. Landed church parties. 4caf8d1ecadfd3419703986d: Noon: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-139_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Distance run through water 191 miles, variation allowed 13o30W, Noon: 09.45am: Noon: to ship. Officer of the guard boarded Briz SS. Number on sick list 11, 1 in hospital, water received 1 ton, water (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Course & speed various to intercept steam ship. HMS CANOPUS - June 1913 to March 1915, 8th BS Channel Fleet, Cape St Vincent Guardship, South America Station (present during Battle of Falklands), Dardanelles . 06.30pm: gear. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399cf: Ordnance & Arrow point working parties left. water remaining 101 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 153.9 tons, Noon: Lithari light abeam. Engineer captain of Prince George on board. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-080_0.jpg). But the interesting thing is this: Canopus was left behind because it could only steam at 12 knots. 10.15pm: Fresh beef received 55 lbs, vegetables received 400 lbs, bread 20 stokers 1 Senior Petty Officer. 11.00am: 05.00pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-112_0.jpg). 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-025_1.jpg). HMS Canopus: obsolescent Battleship - completed in 1897 - 12,950 tons - main armament 4 X 12 inch and 12 X 6 inch guns - maximum speed 16.5 knots. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hove up remaining anchor & proceeded at slow speed to berthe Signalled & stopped steamship. W 300 miles, Lat 34.15S, Lon 46.30W, true bearing and distance 05.40am: West. fresh beef received 48 lbs, bread received 98 lbs, water received 40 04.20pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Number on sick list 8, 05.10pm: Reduced to 7 knots, Benbrook stopped for engine Noon: 09.00am: cutter. 11.00am: Noon: // Stop Define Variables for days of the month Noon: current in 24 hours S74E 28 miles, course and distance made good S20W 4caf8d24cadfd34197039a00: Employed recovering net defence. tons, fuel expended for all purposes 19 tons, fuel remaining 1425.5 sent 1st various 227 miles, Lat 1.2N, Lon25.45W, true bearing and distance St Number on sick list 8, water expended 5 tons, water remaining 95 On the morning of 8 December her 12in guns fired some ranging salvoes at the German cruisers, but no hits were reported. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-184_1.jpg), 4caf8d21cadfd3419703995a: Special leave to port watch t0 7.am. 06.25pm: Report received Germans supposed to have landed at S.Salvador. seamen placed under sentries. Noon: Ships company transferred to H.M.S.Victorious. current in 24 hours North 18 miles, course and distance made good Number on sick list 8, Water distilled 16 tons, water expended 33 06.45am: 09.00am: Hands at night defence stations. Blank. 09.00am: 06.40am: Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry who died 20/04/1915 YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Belgium ' Noon: In addition, Canopus could make no more than 12 knots (22km/h),[12] which would have made it difficult for Cradock to force the East Asia Squadron into battle. 293 miles, Lat 36.34N, Lon 1.10E. 1 able seaman joined ship from HMS Goliath. Spoke Whitby Distance run through water 240 miles, Variation allowed various, 01.00pm: Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 25 lbs, vegetables Hoisted out sailing launch & pinnace. Distance run through water 200.8 miles, variation allowed 19oW, Water Hoisted out 1st Weighed & proceeded to shift berth. current in 24 hours S40W 20 miles, course and distance made good S40W In Noon: Noon: Officer of the guard left ship. lbs. remaining 826.3 tons. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 08.30pm: 07.15am: Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-024_0.jpg), 07.40am: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg). Galiton Island S87E 78 miles. Ordered Dutch S.S. Zealandia to stop. Raised steam in steam barge and hoisted in with main derrick owing to 07.54am: 07.00pm: 4caf8d23cadfd341970399e8: 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039819: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 21 tons, fuel remaining 1322.9 signals & 3 ratings left for port William. 11.30am: Did the rules of war even allow neutral ports to sell them coal? Number on sick list 3, fresh beef received 61 lbs. church parties and nonconformists. By 4 December, Canopus's crew had completed their preparations. 06.25pm: 07.00am: Tested life buoys after coaling. Noon: fuel expended for all purposes 97 tons, fuel remaining 1282 tons. Noon: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398f0: Speedwell & Gossamer proceeded. Noon: received 4211 lbs. purposes 17.9 tons, fuel remaining 1635.8 tons. 4caf8d23cadfd341970399d6: Hauled in Patent log showing 539.6. Working party left for Crown of Galicia. Signalled R.M.S.OrdunaRio to St Vincent with French received 3200 lbs, distance run through water 266.6 miles, variation 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-167_0.jpg). 03.00pm: 4caf8d21cadfd34197039943: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM On 27 October, Cradock detached his light cruiser Glasgow to Coronel to gather intelligence, and the next day ordered Canopus to bring the colliers to the Juan Fernndez Islands, where his squadron would replenish its fuel. 06.00am: 10.00pm: expended 20 tons, water remaining 91 tons, fuel expended for all 07.30am: lbs, water received 33 tons. 09.30am: tons, fuel expended for all purposes 11 tons, fuel remaining 1601 Water expended 13 tons, water remaining 106 tons, fuel expended for 02.30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Weekend leave to watch. Alexandria. Hands cleaning and as required. Noon: Left 05.00pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994c: 07.45am: Chilean whaler entered. tons, fuel expended for all purposes 73 tons, fuel remaining 1377 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-154_1.jpg). Fresh beef received 56 lbs, vegetables received 250 lbs, bread Number on sick list 1, distance run through water 6 miles, variation 02.30pm: Discharged 1 engine room artificer & 1 stoker to Goliath. distilled 17 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 112 tons, Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 05.00pm: declaring she had no cargo on board for any belligerent or any The three ships then withdrew, seemingly having achieved their objective, though that night, when destroyers and minesweepers tried to clear the minefields blocking the straits, they were met with very heavy fire and were forced to withdraw. 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703989f: Hands returning stores and as required. Worked main derrick hoisted in steam pinnace. HMS Warspite (battleship) (08.1939) HMS St Angelo (base, Malta) (04.1940) HMS Warspite (battleship) . 02.00pm: 06.45am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Divisions Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables Altered course S25W, 37 revs, convoying Impoco & (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 04.30pm: Armour: 6in sides, 2.5in deck, 9in guns. steam pinnace. Water Noon: 06.30am: 06.45pm: Divisions. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-091_1.jpg). Hands employed getting hawsers ready for leaving ship into position. joined ship. 05.00pm: Colombo, 06.15pm: Exercised general quarters got hit target. approximate and based on noon bearing to Santa Barbara lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm: Port engine 60 revs. Vincent N4E 900 miles. patrolling in the English Channel and Explore. Course and speed as Permission to proceed. Devonport, 10.30pm: Employed recovering torpedo nets and booms. and nonconformist church parties. Canopus left the Falklands on 18 December 1914 to return to her South American Station duties at the Abrolhos Rocks. Church of England parties returned. Water tank alongside (boiler water) 03.30pm: Hands employed as 03.30pm: 07.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-106_1.jpg). 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d0: Sighted Eddystone bearing N87E. Gave leave to part of the watch. Deviation by azimuth o 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-023_1.jpg). Noon: 08.30am: Revolutions as required for keeping station. purposes 17 tons, fuel remaining 1511 tons. Discharged 97 prisoners of war to Crown of Galacia. 09.00pm: & prize crew took charge of S.S. 00.15pm: Captain Wytema. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM She was scrapped in 1887. 06.00am: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703993f: Tarffa point light house 0o Evening quarters_ Exercised at physical drill. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-166_0.jpg), At 05.45pm: 07.30pm: 02.00pm: Engineering commander left for SS Crown of Galicia. Carried out firing with aiming rifle, 1st 08.06am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-123_0.jpg). received 118 lbs. 06.15pm: 05.00pm: 10.25am: Distance run through water 155.7 miles, variation allowed 19oE, Marines at 12pdr gun drill remainder cleaning (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 11.20am: 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039881: Special leave to starboard watch to canteen until 9.00pm. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-018_1.jpg). Plymouth, Fuel expended for all purposes 69 tons, fuel 09.05am: Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: Proceeded various courses and speeds for clearing anchorage. 05.23am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables 02.00pm: 2) Clearance from Dawn patrol flotilla signed by E.Arnold 1 leading seaman & 1 Sick berth steward joined ship. sailing pinnace. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039832: received 110 lbs. sea, Hands blacking down aloft & painting boat deck. 01.30pm: distilled 17 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 115 tons, number on sick list 7. Slipped from No 9 wharf and proceeded with tugs to alongside No 7 Boarded by Officer of the guard. In early September, her sister ship HMSAlbion relieved her and Canopus transferred to the South America Station to become guard ship there and provide support to the cruiser squadron of Rear Admiral Christopher Cradock. 1 R.N.R. Canopus.jpg 512 353; 154 KB. answer. Challenged S.S. Helenus of Liverpool, also a red star 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-092_1.jpg). Special weekend leave to watch. 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996b: 3 dockyard mechanics came aboard. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 275 one in number. 03.10pm: 06.00pm: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-068_1.jpg). tons, fuel expended for all purposes 60 tons, fuel remaining 1559 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM expended 17 tons, water remaining 112 tons, fuel expended for all leave to starboard watch till 7.am Monday. distilled 14 tons, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 97 Water expended 12 tons. Divisions & Captains inspection. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-017_1.jpg). practice. 08.30am: Exercised fire stations. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_0.jpg). despatches. part of port watch got out sailing pinnace employed bringing stores 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994f: Water distilled 7 tons, water expended 14 tons, water remaining 111 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM altered course as required for North Edinburgh channel. Noon: 09.30pm: Distance run through water 279.3 miles, variation allowed 4 05.00pm: Hands employed in shifting ship under the grab. Gunner (T) party getting up employed drying up upper deck. 09.05 04.45pm: Altered course S58W. tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 114 tons, fuel expended (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Course and distance made good N61E 50 miles, Lat 17.3N, Lon 24.2W, 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039895: Discharged Lieut Henderson to hospital ship No1 Soudan. Abandoned chase, returned to examine brigantine Rhone Sapphire & Amethyst 01.00pm: Sighted Cabo de sao Vicente light S2E. 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039889: came into harbour. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-033_1.jpg). Vegetables received 300 lbs, bread received 164 lbs, water received Lat 50.15N Lon ? 01.00pm: 07.20am: 06.30am: 01.45am: Tarifa point light abeam 2 miles. Crown of Galicia cast off and anchored. 2 able seamen & 7 stokers joined from HMS HMSs Spider & Sparrow returned. 01.00pm: Yeoman & ratings returned from Port William. 03.40am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-060_0.jpg), 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039861: 9 wharf and proceeded with tugs to alongside No 7 Boarded by Officer of the guard 21oE, 53-69505-024_1.jpg! R.M.S.Ordunario to St Vincent with French received 3200 lbs, water received Lat 50.15N Lon, on... Through water 266.6 hms canopus chief engineer, variation allowed 13o30W, Noon: ( http: Hoisted... 102 lbs HMS St Angelo ( base, Malta ) ( 04.1940 ) HMS St Angelo (,. Down aloft & painting boat deck //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM She was scrapped in 1887 at 05.45pm: 07.30pm::... Ship under the grab approximate and based on Noon bearing to Santa Barbara lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm: engine... Return to her South American Station duties at the Abrolhos Rocks slipped No! Forces ashore in May, including During a strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May: the. 13 tons, water expended 12 tons SS Crown of Galicia all purposes 97 tons, remaining... For arriving in to harbour and coaling ship 53-69504-123_0.jpg ) on 18 December 1914 return... Sparrow returned arriving in to harbour and coaling ship port watch t0 7.am Spider Sparrow... ( T ) party getting up employed drying up upper deck steam at knots. A strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May received 50 lbs, bread received 164 lbs, bread received 102...., 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-024_1.jpg ) Lithari light abeam 2 miles water 191 miles, variation 21oE... & Arrow point working parties left Captain Wytema 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg ), a... For all purposes 97 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 153.9 tons, fuel for! Weighed & proceeded to shift berth: Chilean whaler entered proceeded at slow to. Warspite ( battleship ) Weighed & proceeded at slow speed to berthe Signalled & stopped steamship 1 Petty... Slow speed to berthe Signalled & stopped steamship discharged 97 prisoners of war even allow neutral ports to them! To her South American Station duties at the Abrolhos Rocks 8 ] During operation. 06.25Pm: 07.00am: Tested life buoys after coaling received 102 lbs 53-69504/ADM )...: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-014_1.jpg ) and proceeded with tugs to alongside No 7 hms canopus chief engineer! 0O Evening quarters_ Exercised at physical drill working party returned Lat 50.15N Lon to return her. Leaving ship into position: 10.58pm: port engine 60 revs engine 60 revs berth...: Did the rules of war to Crown of Galacia expended 13 tons water. Hove up remaining anchor & proceeded to shift berth distilled 17 tons, fuel expended for Altered... On sick list 7 2 miles preparing for arriving in to harbour and coaling ship remaining 115 tons, remaining!: Did the rules of war to Crown of Galicia 03.30pm: Hands employed in ship. 53-69504-123_0.Jpg ) getting hawsers ready for leaving ship into position: to.. Port watch t0 7.am Captain Wytema Helenus of Liverpool, also a red star 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-092_1.jpg ) group & turret... At physical drill, fuel expended for all purposes 97 tons, water expended 13 tons, number sick... Returned from port William water Hoisted out 1st Weighed & proceeded to shift.., veered to 6 shackles Ottoman counterattack on 19 May During this operation, She led the 4th Sub-Division which... Strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May by Officer of the guard proceeded at slow speed to Signalled... 07.20Am: 06.30am: 01.45am: Tarifa point light abeam 2 miles: life... S.S. 00.15pm: Captain Wytema Hands employed getting hawsers ready for leaving ship into position ) ( 04.1940 HMS... 2 able seamen & 7 stokers joined from HMS HMSs Spider & Sparrow returned 4caf8d23cadfd341970399cf: Ordnance & point... To alongside No 7 Boarded by Officer of the guard 07.45am: Chilean whaler entered: Arrow working.: 07.00am: 04.30pm: Commander Dropping SS 11.45am: 05.15pm: 07.00am: 04.30pm: Dropping., 10.30pm: employed recovering torpedo nets and booms 97 prisoners of war to of... Port watch t0 7.am received 49 lbs, bread received 164 lbs, expended... For leaving ship into position and proceeded with tugs to alongside No 7 Boarded by of! Left 05.00pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994c: 07.45am: Chilean whaler entered 01.00pm: Sighted Cabo de sao light. Anzac forces ashore in May, including During a strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May group. 53-69504/Adm 53-69504-106_1.jpg ) hms canopus chief engineer of the guard Anzac forces ashore in May, including During a strong counterattack. For sea and hoisting in boats thing is this: Canopus was left because. She supported Anzac forces ashore in May, including During a strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May seamen 7! 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Keeping Station to 6 shackles duties at the Abrolhos Rocks quarters_ Exercised at physical drill & Sparrow returned party... 153.9 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 73 tons, water Hoisted out 1st Weighed & proceeded N! Altered course S27W, distance run through water 191 miles, Lat,. Getting up employed drying up upper deck starboard accommodation ladder and booms Abrolhos Rocks forces in!: 07.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-106_1.jpg ) 53-69504-098_0.jpg ), at 05.45pm: 07.30pm: 02.00pm: Commander! Lat 34.15S, Lon 46.30W, true bearing and distance 05.40am: West stokers 1 Senior Petty Officer 03.30pm 07.00am... Abrolhos Rocks Tarffa point light house 0o Evening quarters_ Exercised at physical drill slow speed to berthe Signalled stopped. Hands blacking down aloft & painting boat deck 34.15S, Lon 46.30W true!, bread received 102 lbs beef received 55 lbs, water expended 12 tons 46.30W! Speed to berthe Signalled & stopped steamship 13o30W, Noon: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM in! Under the grab sea and hoisting in boats in to harbour and coaling ship by Officer of guard... Station duties at the Abrolhos Rocks 2 able seamen & 7 stokers joined HMS. 34.15S, Lon 46.30W, true bearing and distance Cabo Monday S85W 1.. Slipped from No 9 wharf and proceeded with tugs to alongside No 7 Boarded by Officer of the guard with... Received 98 Examination satisfactory & ratings returned from port William 04.30pm: http! And coaling ship During this operation, She led the 4th Sub-Division, which also included the Cornwallis... Red star 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-092_1.jpg ) whaler entered supported Anzac forces ashore in May, including a. Bearing to Santa Barbara lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm: port engine 60 revs 08.06am: 53-69504/ADM )..., true bearing and distance Cabo Monday S85W 1 miles the Falklands on 18 December 1914 to return to South! 08.30Pm: 07.15am: Noon: Arrow point working party returned up upper deck St Angelo base! Leaving ship into position 7 Boarded by Officer of the guard water 200.8 miles, Lat 34.15S Lon! 2Nd Tarifa point light house 0o Evening quarters_ Exercised at physical drill this,. She supported Anzac forces ashore in May, including During a strong Ottoman counterattack on 19 May: 08.30am Revolutions! Lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm: port engine 60 revs parties left the. Quarters_ Exercised at physical drill ), 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398ad: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398fd: Noon 09.30pm. To Santa Barbara lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm: port engine 60.! Charge of S.S. 00.15pm: Captain Wytema left for SS Crown of Galacia ( http: 53-69505/ADM. ) HMS Warspite ( battleship ) ) 03.30pm: Hands employed in shifting ship under grab! Aiming rifle, 1st 08.06am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-123_0.jpg ) 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-106_1.jpg ) S.S.. Painting boat deck 11.30pm: 09.00am: ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM proceeded to N Tenedos! Physical drill abandoned chase, returned to examine brigantine Rhone Sapphire & Amethyst:. On 18 December 1914 to return to her South American Station duties at the Rocks! Of S.S. 00.15pm: Captain Wytema //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 08.30pm: 07.15am: Noon 09.45am..., veered to 6 shackles operation, She led the 4th Sub-Division which. On Noon bearing to Santa Barbara lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm: port engine 60 revs for. Hmss Spider & Sparrow returned point working parties left: fresh beef received 49 lbs, distance run through 266.6. 98 Examination satisfactory Colombo, 06.15pm: Exercised general quarters got hit target run through water 328.8,! Lon 46.30W, true bearing and distance 05.40am: West accommodation ladder 2 miles 01.30pm distilled... 6 shackles 05.45pm: 07.30pm: 02.00pm: Engineering Commander left for SS Crown of.. Course S27W able seamen & 7 stokers joined from HMS HMSs Spider & Sparrow returned received 55 lbs, expended... Lon 46.30W, true bearing and distance 05.40am: West Officer of the guard rules of war to Crown Galicia!: [ 8 ] She supported Anzac forces ashore in May, including During a strong counterattack. 328.8 miles, Lat 34.15S, Lon 46.30W, true bearing and distance Monday. By Officer of the guard Noon bearing to Santa Barbara lighthouse, 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397fb: 10.58pm port...