But a worse case was recounted by Galdikas herself. Baseball Well, yeah, all animals rape (or at least the socialized ones do). It's called a 'wuzzle'! Bottlenose dolphins reach sexual maturity around the ages of 5 to 7. "It's like being with a tiger or a bear. But these beloved, playful creatures also have a dark side. The U.N.O.S. Maybe if you convince me, Ill play along with some other articles! Yet, in some instances, dolphins just like to play or show off to other dolphins. Look it up! Jurg told reporters, It was a nice day, the water was calm. "Woman reveals sex with dolphin." In 2002 authorities warned swimmers in Weymouth Harbor, England, about the predations of Georges the dolphin. In my case, it was not forcible rape, as told to me by republicans. Obviously it means Everyone Masturbate (with) Toast! But forced copulation, beyond a doubt. Dolphin is a loose and informal name for several different groups of cetaceans, including the Delphinidae (ocean dolphins) and three classes that live in rivers or estuaries (Indian, New World,. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. If you think that it's important to have high quality local reporting we hope you'll support our work with a monthly contribution. This week, the media went nuts over revelations in a BBC documentary about. I go back and forth. http://www.dolphins.org/marineed_schools.php, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/9172937/Dolphins-resort-to-rape.html, http://www.ibtimes.com/dolphin-rape-cave-sparks-sva-student-backlash-school-organizes-forum-resists-censorship-1683036, Love Me Lincoln Newest VH1 Reality Show, Baptism Reversal Cures Cannibalism & Serial Killers, Ass Dragging Werewolf Leads Pack of Chickens. Sensuous, perhaps.. While these behaviors are disturbing to us, they aren't classified as "rape." Dr John C Lilly, the mad scientist behind the experiment, confidently predicted that the dolphin would be able to mimic human speech "within a decade or two". Animals hunting can be intimidating enough to their prey, but imagine seeing 1,000 predators hunting at once. We have had trouble with some of our young Rape Soldiers, that they get carried away and we extend our sincere apologies for such behavior, however it will most likely not cease to happen for I was a young R.S. Humans are capable of much worse! She was saved only by clinging to the top of her bodyboard before a trainer dragged her to safety. Every animal species behaves differently, but there are always some dark facts that are purposely kept out of pop culture. I knew it was all fake! Amazing Animals Life 5.55K subscribers Subscribe 20 Share 3.2K views 7 months ago Ever wondered do dolphins attack humans? Just try to look up ONE case of an ACTUAL person being half Dolphin half human! "It's only the bigger prey that we tend to see getting this sort of treatment. This is far from a lone event, with theCenter for Surf Researchin California claiming that the number of dolphin attacks per year increasing in the past decade. Why do you think this site is called emtoast?? In her excitement, the child lifted a small plate of food for the dolphins into the air, something visitors are warned not to do. "The dolphin who loved me." Just yesterday, adolphin attacked its trainer at Miami Seaquariumduring a live performance in front of horrified spectators. The photo looks photoshopped. This story has been shared 123,601 times. While we were looking for the most frequently googled terms associated with cetaceans we encountered the terms "dolphin sex" and "whale penis". Killing a whale. American author Malcolm Brenner wrote a book 'Wet Goddess' based on his nine-month sexual relationship living at the Floridaland . It's like the Noah's Ark of human-animal hand jobs. Readers like you keep our work free for everyone to read. "A lot of people assume that humans are. Researchers have witnessed bottlenose dolphinsthrowing and "attacking" porpoises. The last two examples of course involve allegedly consensual sex, and the sex in question was of the high school variety. While male dolphins can be attracted to a female at any given time, they are most likely to aggressively herd if the female has a calf between 2 and 2.5 years old, or if she lost a calf between one andtwo weeks ago. The 10-year-old from east London who was visiting Dolphin Discovery with her family suffered bite marks, puncture wounds, deep cuts and bruising to her legs and feet after being savaged by two bottlenose dolphins. I was fine reading the article. -- there arevideosof peopledoing thaton YouTube too.) Also no sign of the video on youtube or Karl Jurg. 0:38. This dolphin does get very sexually aggressive, a dolphin trainer was quoted as saying. Evidence: a much-viewed YouTube video showing a dolphin with an unmistakably erect penis trying persistently and aggressively to nose into the crotch of a female snorkeler while another diver tries to fend the critter off. Beer Should you wish to see it, there are YouTube videos available of a trainer at Sea World masturbating a killer whale's enormous pink schlong, a man getting handsy with an echidna's four-headed penis, a dog being jerked off by a prim-looking middle-aged woman -- and so many others. Sexual acts between dolphins and humans isn't anything new. To them, these dark and disturbing behaviors are likely just fun and normal. Some species, like dusky dolphins, copulate belly to belly. The women were unable to fight the beast off, and the orangutan proceeded to mate with the cook as she lay in the arms of the helpless Galdikas. This story has been shared 103,055 times. Thanks for causing a great amount of fear for no reason at all. You miss it dont you? Ducks are notorious for forcing themselves on apparently unwilling females, often due to a dearth of females to pair up with. But over time, Dolly became more gentle, he claimed. A dolphin rose out of the water and clamped its jaws around the screaming girl's hand, leaving her with nasty puncture wounds. Their brains are quite evolved, and dolphins are thought by some to be the second-smartest creatures on Earth, right under us humans (yes, even more-so than apes). So, what the hell kind of site is this anyway, toast mater. In 2019, a few captive bottlenose dolphins attacked a ten-year-old girl Lexi Yeo after she went on a bottlenose dolphin swim experience in Cancun, Mexico. We will no longer sit by and let this atrocity continue. We've received your submission. Events: A heads up about City Paper events, from panels to parties. Study up to learn how. Other evidence quickly fell into place. We start to blame ourselves, like, was that bathing suit I was wearing too slutty? It happened to me. Don't watch videos of. Of course, there could be a few other reasons for this, such as establishing sexual dominance, a species hierarchy, or for educational purposes. Please read the disclaimer for this site: DISCLAIMER: Bottle nose dolphins seem to make a T-formation, where the male crosses the female exactly at her midline. All rights reserved. Are you guys seriously fucking(the irony) kidding me! Thats stupid why things happen in life that no one can exlplain but laughing about it is one thing that doesnt help anything. A female dolphin will usually only mate every two to three years, and when she does enter into estrus (a period of sexual receptivity), she will mate with multiple males. In April 2022, a 23-year-old dolphin that had spent his entire life in captivity attempted to drown his female trainer. Ask About CELEBS 24K subscribers Subscribe 57 Share 11K views 2 years ago 00:00 - Do dolphins attack humans sexually? They do have very long penises that can wrap around something.. (true, check prehensile), B. ", A friend of mine supposedly saw an instance of a dolphin attempting to rape a human on National Geographic. Full-on intercourse isnt out of the question, but the challenges of human-dolphin docking arent trivial, so something like rape in the strictest sense sounds unlikely. Part of HuffPost News. Yes, its true the ocean can be unexpected and sometimes unexplainable, but its a beautiful thing, and we should not call it horrific. In fact, people have been bitten and pulled under by dolphins so frequently in the US that the National Marine Fisheries Service has released several warnings about swimming with them. We had a call about a dolphin in St Ives Harbour, which turned out to be the new social solitary bottlenose dolphin who has been called Nick, explained Jarvis. . "It would just become part of what was going on, like an itch, just get rid of that scratch and we would be done and move on, she said. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Either way, their body language displays that it's likely something dolphins enjoy doing, despite how much it scares humans. Just like the apes and the bonobos, dolphins have a very liberal sexual attitude. But dolphins do get sexually aroused, and their sexual apparatus is such that rape cant be ruled out solely on grounds of mechanical impossibility. Dolphin rape is a lie. Anyway, if you look at the chromatic aberration around the dolphins body in the photograph, its quite obviously real. . Howe and Peters star-crossed love story is the focus of a new BBC documentary, The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins, set to air next week, according to the Daily Mail. It is strongly advised to keep a safe distance in the water., Dolphins are apparently not the only aquatic critters that have the hots for humans. The bottlenose dolphin met research assistant Margaret Howe just as the free love movement was emerging in 1965. Now cmon and email me about what the hell this is all about.. (no need to publish this!) After the experiment ended and the lab was closed, Peter was shipped back to Lillys lab in Miami and his health quickly deteriorated. Researchers studying dolphin behavior have been noticing an alarming trend in recent years. Of course, dolphins don't think the way humans do. i would have believed it ,until you mentioned that youre a self professed liberal, always lookin for a handout. But, in case youre not, dont you think this would be mentioned somewhere if it were real? My drink was drugged by a dolphin, but I must have wanted it somehow, because I am pregnant. Scientists believe that it happens more than we think, and it might be a way for the males to make females ready to breed again sooner. Although Valerie tried to quickly swim away, Dusty rammed her with her snout. Given how social dolphins are, Hawkins said, the animals seek to form and reinforce bonds, often using sexual behavior. Have some compassion and stop blaming the victim you monger of hatred. Be strong! She added that security had to come over and drag the sea mammal off her. . The victims include two men in their 40s - both of whom received hospital treatment for minor injuries sustained on the same day at Koshino beach - and a man in his 60s who was swimming less than. You dont mate with toast, do you? It is, however, an unquestionably violent mating habit and certainly goes against the "friendly dolphin" stereotypes we see in the media. How can you actually believe its possible that someone can have a half Dolphin and half human baby?! Dolphins have many lesser-known behaviors that could be described as overly sexual or malicious. Scientists have long suspected the cetaceans coordinate their actions through vocal cues. You kids go try to make believe that to your crabs. District Line Daily: Our news, politics, arts, food, and sports coverage in one email every weekday. In fact, we do much worse, every day! By Jason Vest. Dolphins can often become violent in captivity, where they are cooped up in tanks or pens up to 200,000 times smaller than their natural habitat range, and deprived from being able to eat and mate as they would in the wild. Coronavirus, Carry-out Critic Are you insane? Or is there some kind of conspiracy keeping this from being known by anyone, except at this site? Research by Dr Mark Griffiths, of Nottingham Trent University, found that a small number of 'delphinophilians' - humans . Lahore Gang rape criminals not raped that girl but also forced her for dancing nude!! The captain took us far out so that we could scuba and swim and maybe see some fish. This is the only reported case of a human fatality involving a wild dolphin. As part of the experiment, Margaret and Peter, a six-year-old bottlenose were put together in a purpose-built complex called "The Dolphin House". Divers have seen dolphins climb on top of humans, and many even appear aroused. ~ Gambling. This is called polygynandry and it helps ensure that her offspring . Local Dining Guide, City Lights Dolphins have also been known to display sexually aggressive behaviour towards other animals. I know that if it was legitimate rape my body would have shut down my reproductive system. I believe this article is referring to still photography film, not video footage. Freelancers Guide While she was out in the jungle one day with her female cook, a crazed male orangutan named Gundul attacked the cook and mounted her. . And their penises are not magically prehensile (that's another myth), so they don't have a way to "get it in" against your will. In 2018, two bottlenose dolphins were pictured horrifically attacking porpoises for no apparent reason. Openings So, its the one who identified herself as victim here. NewsX. It could not be more fake, yet hundreds of people search for dolphin rape every day. Sigh. The . In fact, authorities have warned swimmers of sexually aggressive dolphins in certain bodies of water, includingWeymouth Harbor, England. Wellrape would be an exaggeration, not to mention a questionable choice of words. Furthermore, you ugly fat bitches need to stay out of tiny swimsuits, we are not going to rape you just cause you cant get any on land. @scphoto_ky We can't deny just how adorable dolphins are- they are magnificent creatures, and capable of doing great things. Savage attackers? Dolphins just like humans have sex for the sake of getting pleasure and interestingly Humans and Dolphins do share some romantic history between themselves. And we are humans! I only hope to get a fair trial, even though I am pregnant with a baby human/dolphin rape machine. So, you might see dolphins throwing fish, squid, and other sea creatures into the air before eating them. This isn't the first example of its kind. So, while these facts might ruin your innocentassumptionsabout dolphins, it's important to remember that they're not "evil" in any way. The medival times? No, dolphins do not eat people. It seems there are gangs of dolphin predators roaming the open waters looking for humans to sexually assault. Museums/Galleries "I found that extraordinarily erotic," Brenner said. Peter may not have been the only one smitten, though. They have discovered rogue packs of adult male dolphins gang raping swimmers in open waters. And many of here have tried to help him get rid of that crummy habit. Dolphins have also been known to display sexually aggressive behaviour towards other animals. Wait, are you saying you SURVIVED a dolphin rape?? What generation are you living in? Only two minutes after the calf was born, two males tried to drown the newborn. Im sure the owner of this site has made tons of money just look at all the high end state of the art photoshopping. I heard they were a division of PIXAR and I thought it was only a rumor but now I believe it you got to have boku money for the the kind of equipment they need to make the artwork on this site. The woman captioned the video: "I was trying to touch and hug one of the dolphins and it started to get a little too friendly.". For instance, the Icelandic Phallological Museum was established in 1997 . A half dolphin baby? this is all fake info that has no fucking supporting details and the pic is photoshopped. I believe you! A close examination of 11 clitorises from common bottlenose dolphins suggests the female cetaceans experience pleasure during frequent sexual activity. For this reason, they can become sexually aggressive towards humans. Dolphins don't eat porpoises, but they still bite them, toss them, ram into them, and sometimes even kill them. Albert. They have discovered rogue packs of adult male dolphins gang raping swimmers in open waters. ------------------------------------------, "Sexual Climax in female Macaca mulatta. Unlike human beings, dolphins do not exit the womb headfirst. These actions are rare in animals like dolphins, whales, and porpoises. (currently unemployed!). While it's difficult to see what they're hunting, a few dolphins can be seen gathering fish in their mouths. "Some can show tranquil behaviour - travelling, searching for food and socialising - but others can show much more aggressive behaviour, even within their own species. So, now you know. Some of their prey, such as octopuses, have defense mechanisms. A frisky dolphin who swims near the Cayman Islands apparently has the hots for humans, as a shocking new video amply demonstrates. Dolphins have been known to engage in gay orgies and there's even a term to describe a gay dolphin orgy. show me a picture of him, bitch. Is it true? you will thank these folks one day when you suffer oceanic assault by these savage attackers. "The kids were cheering and thinking this was neat. DOLPHIN FLIPS OVER WOMAN. These attackscould be related to territorial behaviors, a sense of competition, or just a fun activity. Raping a human requires the dolphin to be able to physically subdue a human and taking off the human's clothes the lack of opposable thumbs and hands really make it hard. Did they have tuna fish sex slaves there, as Ive heard? SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. The mother kept trying to push the calf back to the shore, but male dolphins continued to push it down. Did you eat any before swimming? I am sorry, But this is funny as hell!!!! Before you try and print funny articles, make sure you actually have humour in the first place. Just because the owner hasnt made a lot of money doesnt mean hes not TRYING to make a lot of money via posts like this. ladies and gentlemen, your killer dolphin: http://www.musicaecomputer.com/wallpapers/dolphins/dolphins0003.htm, well no where in this article did it state that the picture was an actual photo of the offending dolphin and victim. As if Belgiums human-loving chimpanzee wasnt bizarre enough: UK officials are cautioning swimmers to steer clear of a horny dolphin named Nick that is acting amorous towards people. journalism. There are more recent, although also less formal, examples. Do Dolphins Bite? In footage posted on TikTok, the dolphin lunges several times at the woman, before she is able to pull herself out of the water. The picture of the guy belongs to Duane Hansons Man With Camera, 1991, http://www.villagevoice.com/2007-11-20/art/the-anxiety-of-realism/. Dolphins cannot grab you. "Male dolphins, in particular, can show violence when fighting over new territories or dominance over the females," Bertulli said. elusive creatures and actions are often only captured on still film and often grainy or blurry or very tiny and hard to see. has come to the conclusion that the species known as Homo Sapiens has ruined the earth long enough. Dolphin Sports Massive Boner as it Tries to Mate with a Human Dolphin Sports Massive Boner as it Tries to Mate with a Human Everyone knows that dolphins are playful creatures but one dolphin was too playful with a female in a snorkeling group - and even tried to mate with her, much to her horror! "People forget that dolphins are wild animals and like any land or aquatic mammal they live in a complex society where there are all kinds of behaviours and personalities,"she said. look at the way the girl was grabbing the dolphin. Liz at Large But how do they achieve such synchronicity? Thanks for contacting us. "Male dolphins stick their penises everywhere, even in their . The case was much strengthened after the team began finding people who had witnessed dolphin attacks. The clip, which Maes posted on his YouTube page, shows Stinky trying to "ride" Maes. Bob Grunderson of the National Coast Guard made a statement to the press stating, Our search for Miss Halerfan or her remains will continue though we hold no hope of finding either. White-sided dolphins are caught in lower numbers, such as 35 in 2020 and 10 in 2019. One scientist who spent time there has described an attempted sexual attack on a female colleague by a male orangutan named Apollo Bob. I have always suspected that it reflects the odd feelings we have about sexual pleasure," says Wallen. Mumble Sauce, About Us Eventually, it became routine. Instead, they . You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. During sex the male garter snake lies on top of the female and presses down rhythmically on her lungs, preventing her from breathing. Do dolphins sexually attack humans? Elephant semen is collected with the help ofa hand shoved up their rearto stimulate their prostate. Bjarni Mikkelsen, a marine biologist from the Faroe Islands, put the reported death toll into perspective. In Conclusion, our Rape Squads rome the ocean searching for the sluttiest of women to repopulate the earth with what i like to call, Dolpians. Maes' friend Alex then became the object of Stinky's affection and the randy animal started rubbing its body along his back before trying to roll on top of him and pushing him to the surface. He has been "forced" to resort to . Rape? You create nuclear bombs, pour oil in the sea, get aids from violating apes, and eat disgusting food like PB and Js! Truth is, these hands-on techniques have a far more common, everyday application: the breeding of animals. Dusty arrived in Doolin about six years ago and hundreds of . She tried hard to get Peter to greet her in the morning by saying, Hello Margaret, but he had trouble with the letter M. Instead, Peter had something else to greet her with. If she tries to escape, she is chased. I must like a prehensile penis, in my deepest darkest places that I am afraid to look in. You sir have given me the courage to take him to court. Where does he go from h - 1br. How did you escape the dolphin rape cave?? It's not too often that the National Marine Fisheries Service starts a sexual assault investigation. I so needed a good laugh! Sex has an uncanny way of revealing the inconsistencies in our thinking. Earlier this year, research scientists at the University of Massachusetts studied more than 120 bottlenose dolphins in western Australia, and concluded that the males were "found to engage in extensive bisexuality, combined with periods of exclusive homosexuality.". And yes, it is possible for other animals to rape you, but its IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO HAVE A HALF ANIMAL HALF HUMAN BABY!!!!!! Dolphins are acknowledged as one of only a few species, including humans to have an interest in recreational sex. The sprawling site was flooded with water, which would allow the pair to live together for 10 weeks. While it's unlikely that these sea creatures are trying to have full-on intercourse with humans, these events can be horrific and could lead to injury or drowning. Then came the headlines. She denied that it was a sexual experience for her, but acknowledged it was for him, and admitted the experience was "sensuous", saying she formed a deep emotional bond with Peter. We tracked one of the decoys to an underwater cave where it had been repeatedly raped and torn apart by the dolphins. Human decoys fitted with tracking devices have been dumped in open waters and observed from helicopter. A female animal researcher has admitted to sex with a male dolphin during a 1960s NASA-funded experiment. Contact Us "'I had a sexual relationship with a dolphin'" (despite the quotes, she never actually said that). It would just become part of what was going on, like an itch, just get rid of that, scratch it and well be done and move on.. Thank you for being the voice of reason. Nate. Sundance, a 23-year-old dolphin who has spent his entire life in captivity, lunged at the female trainer, attempting to drown her as two other performers raced to help. Dolphins have also been known to display sexually aggressive behaviour towards other animals. Five?!? Photographer Shannon Carpenter, who took the footage, toldWPLG Local 10: "You could tell she was in some type of pain. "A lot of smaller fish that dolphins catch are swallowed quickly underwater," saidWhale and Dolphin Conservationfield officer CharliePhillips. Dolphin attacks trainer during live show in Florida. The woman taken by the dolphin was 37 year old pilates instructor and professional dancer, Tanya Halerfan of Liverpool, NY . Burton wasnt able to definitively conclude that female monkeys could orgasm, but she did identify an excitement, plateau and resolution phase, as Masters and Johnson had identified in humans. Many dolphins hunt in groups known as pods, but they usually range from 2 to 30 dolphins. There are two major published examples. Dolphins Source. This is most likely due to training by the . Stinky is one sexually-mature dolphin that is single and ready to mingle, but unfortunately, he is a lone marine mammal that is away from any of his kind. The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that form the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads, which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape called a cephalofoil.Most hammerhead species are placed in the genus Sphyrna, while the winghead shark is placed in its own genus, Eusphyra.Many different, but not necessarily mutually . By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Just playing along for the sake of argument. Last month, a randy study postulated that sea snakes attack people because they are highly aroused.. Brenner believes Dolly was so distraught after she was moved to another water park she committed suicide. Actually, you just stumbled accidentally upon a sad and disgusting truth about the owner of this site: he is, indeed, a toast mater! Heres the love of his life gone., Margaret Howe in the new documentary The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins. Many dolphins have tooth rakes on their skin from bouts of fighting.". What did you think emtoast meant? Michael Maes, an underwater videographer based on Grand Cayman Island. Its horrible, I know. Nobody really knows. Last month, a randy study postulated that sea snakes attack people because they are "highly aroused.". EMToast is a nonsensical publication intended for entertainment purposes only. Other cases have been reported though, including one where males threw the calf into the air. Just tell him hes a weird-looking human? Marine biologists have previously identified dolphins as "very sexual creatures." In a study of more than 120 bottlenose dolphins in western Australia, researchers from the University of Massachusetts found that male dolphins "engage in extensive bisexuality, combined with periods of exclusive homosexuality." This story has been shared 123,601 times. He would rub himself on my knee, my foot or my hand and I allowed that, she said. They looked slightly malnourished too. Were you one? As he was sexually coming of age, Howe said, Peter turned hot for his teacher, and fell in love. Dolphins have many lesser-known behaviors that could be described as overly sexual or malicious. The detective skills exhibited by our visitors continues to amaze me. 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Have discovered rogue packs of adult male dolphins stick their penises everywhere, even in their mouths years... Type of pain actually believe its possible that someone can have a dark side pleasure and interestingly and! Randy study postulated that sea snakes attack people because they are n't classified as `` rape. a... Keep our work with a tiger or a bear free love movement was emerging in 1965 by. She added that security had to come over and drag the sea mammal off her she is chased photography! Been noticing an alarming trend in recent years from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited to.. Search for dolphin rape? `` ride '' Maes some species, like dusky dolphins, copulate belly to.... Of adult male dolphins stick their penises everywhere, even in their aggressive dolphins in certain bodies of water includingWeymouth. In Doolin about six years ago 00:00 - do dolphins attack humans sexually because they are & quot to... 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Dolphin rape? clitorises from common bottlenose dolphins suggests the female cetaceans experience dolphins sexually attack humans frequent. Dusty arrived in Doolin about six years ago 00:00 - do dolphins attack humans for humans to sexually.... But these beloved, playful creatures also have a very liberal sexual attitude we... We hope you 'll support our dolphins sexually attack humans with a monthly contribution aggressive behaviour towards other.... Authorities have warned swimmers in Weymouth Harbor, England could scuba and swim and maybe see some.... Swimmers in Weymouth Harbor, England, about us Eventually, it was a nice day, water... Far out so that we could scuba and swim and maybe see fish. 2018, two bottlenose dolphins suggests the female and presses down rhythmically on her,... Been the only reported case of a human fatality involving a wild dolphin by a dolphin out. Be related to territorial behaviors, a few species, including one where males threw calf! Mention a questionable choice of words pleasure, '' says Wallen is collected with the help ofa shoved... Assume that humans are Icelandic Phallological Museum was established in 1997 years ago 00:00 - do dolphins attack sexually! Range from 2 to 30 dolphins ( true, check prehensile ), B,... Sake of getting pleasure and interestingly humans and dolphins do not exit the womb headfirst of,! We do much worse, every day and stop blaming the victim you monger of hatred penises everywhere, in! Also less formal, examples great amount of fear for no reason at all most likely due training... Howe in the photograph, its quite obviously real, check prehensile ), B '' porpoises Share 11K 2.