HI, Sign up here if you would like to know when Dawn's Foundations e*book will be made available I wonder what you would think about this situation: suppose two people have all these aspects you consider important, and they very much love each other, but the woman is scared of commitment and the man is very much into marriage and kids (which she's afraid of). The other is venus conjunct Jpiter in apex and mid heaven and kiron in basis. Ive noticed a lot of politicians and famous people have planets at 0 degrees in their chart. Aries moons will really stalk and obsess over someone just to get bored of them 2 weeks later. Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart. Ishtar in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): These people would likely be the types of people to be empathetic and supportive towards the likes of those they are romantically or sexually interested in progressing with. Then, find where it saysAdd New Person underPartner as shown below: Then enter in the birth information of Person B. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Jupiter Theres a lot of honesty between you two as you guys help each other to grow and expand, its very supportive. Leo suns, Leo risings, Sagittarius suns, and Sagittarius risings have the best hair, hands down. The energy of a composite affect the individuals in the relationship and draw from their energies, but the composite chart doesnt focus on the individuals, unlike synastry charts, which show us how different energies within the individuals interact with each other. I want to find my twin flame because I got really interested in this subject hence my insecurity in my relationship increases day by day due to the fact that my partner of 6 1/2 years has been friends with his ex for over 7 years and because of this my fears try to convince me that she is his soulmate whereas I am not. Composite Sun shows the purpose of the relationship, whats its function and value of the relationship is. They feel at home with each other, but if that feeling ever leaves, the relationship can crumble apart. Chiron square Uranus PS If you are able to respond to me via my email address, that would be very helpful. This is really nice for not only love, but even friendship. Theres a definite strong connection to her 4th and just the 4th angle in general, making her possibily feel at home with me. Hi Leeloo They also love the idea of phone s*x andFaceTime s*x. Theres definitely some exhibitionist shit going on here LMAO. Cancer would have desires that relate to family and helping others they will be the type of person to be aware of family problems before others do due to wanting to make everything work out with their family, and theyd want to be there to help others with the likes of others and their family problems. Moon square Moon eros conjunct sun mercury and neptune Neptune square Moon Be the light i need pls lol, Just to name a few synastry Do you know how to find the location of Priapus in a natal chart? Ive mistaken Gemini risings for Scorpio risings before. I dont see Lilith-North Node in synastry talked about a lot. just to mention a few we have- What emphasis this and even gets more undermined is the Progressed Composite and even the Transits in the Composites. Hi Leeloo, In fact the Venus person will make them feel so talented, they can discover new income or have a material growth. Both transits and progressed or solar arc Lunar positions will be active in the year you marry. :). They did a study using 20,892 charts and the composite and Davison method failed. Ishtar in an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): These people would likely be the types of people to be very intelligent and social when they approach the likes of a possible romantic or sexual relationship with someone. NN/dsc cnj ve/ma Astrological Indicators of Marriage Our hypothesis In this study, the Astro Investigators examine the astrological aspects between natal charts of married couples to determine if astrology has a role in making a marital commitment. * Composite Cancer personal planets For example, if the composite sun is in the 4th house, there is a need for security in the relationship. I spent over an hour looking at different charts of sapphic celebrities and that was the general consensus. Theres anurturing presence about Venus in here, after all its the house about home and family. Hello, If you see someone you like and you see that you have a nice composite chart with that person, it won't matter unless you merge with them in some way. Aquarius would have desires that relate to speaking up for others and being creative they know that there are people who are saying all the right things, and others wont listen to them, so they kinda act as a megaphone for them! My best friend and I have Composite Sun in the 3rd, which is often to be felt like a sibling relationship to a lot of people and it really does. They are a complementary aspects, and many times you should feel like the partner is the other half of the coin. i'm wondering what you think about this. They just tend to think about shit over and over again. The Venus person will almost act like a Virgo Venus, trying to help the house person a lot. The Inner Sky, Steven Forrest: https://www.amazon.com/Inner-Sky-Wiser-Choices-Fulfilling/dp/0979067715 The composite chart is the chart of the relationship itself. Hi, Jamie :) All aspects between Sun Moon Venus and Mars in all combinations are extremely significant in synastry, and generally all aspects between the personal planets, Mercury and love planets included. This is such a communicative and blossoming match, theres a possibility of love letters, and sultry words whispered in ears to become produced with this overlay. Ive also seen this take a dark turn and Ive seen people theyve met online get obsessed with them and start stalking them. All This is why I started studying astrology. Heavy transits arent always bad, for example a transit from Pluto over the composite Sun can be the birth of a new relationship. :o ^.^, What u think about Yods? Entering a birth time is optional, but including it will provide a more accurate birth chart. Its intoxicating and almost obsessive even possessive. The moon is your temperament and how you react moment to moment. Its extremely odd because I have a Natal Pisces moon and she has a Gemini but like I said, the Composite does not care. Soulmates moon septile venus You both will take out sensuality in each other, along with other desires. Maybe Ill do a post about it. This model describes the best identified relationships. Ascendants are trine Lib/Aqu. Pls help me! Ive noticed sapphic women tend to have Venus-Uranus, Mars-Uranus Mars-Neptune, and/or Venus-Neptune placements. Sagittarius would have desires relating to adventures and learning about new topics they might be people who would get easily bored in a relationship if their partner does not stimulate them intellectually or bring anything new to them. May 2016 When you say friend, do you mean friendship only? The house person will be deeply attracted to them, especially if their Venus is close to their ascendant, and the problem is you may idealize the house person. soulmates and twinflames checklist. Venus square Pluto My Composite Marriage Indicators PDF will help you uncover the key markers in your composite chart that suggest a strong foundation for marriage and long-term commitment. I can also imagine it to even push you guys away from meeting, which you guys would never know because you guys never met. Love, appreciation, and support flows between you guys peacefully. The combined Moon is 12d33m of Capricorn and the Ascendant is 22d14m of Gemini. Gemini moons despite being super social and funny, theres still a tinge of awkwardness to them? Can the sun moon be in the same sign but not conj in degrees? Also for aspecting personal planets and angles, Ive noticed there usually are 3+ aspects, but this isnt always the case. At least at first. Yet emotionally, Im a tad bit more controlled than her when I want to be. This model describes the best identified relationships. He is Pisces Sun , Libra Moon, Libra Ascendant born on 17 March 1987/21:00 deepstrology. A Scorpio or extremely Plutonic person can play the freedom-loving Uranian part subconsciously, it does not matter. Ive noticed people with their Mars at 0 degrees tend to not be very s*xual or dont care much about it, like it happens when it happens, sort of attitude. Capricorn would have desires that would relate to getting to the top and cutting out the shit they dont need from their lives they dont like being held up by things they do not need, and they want to be known for doing what they do the best. Houses:1st house Ishtar: person would be someone that has a romantic and sexual appeal that others can see.2nd house Ishtar: person would indulge in things that would be indulged in during a relationship, sexual or romantic.3rd house Ishtar: person would have a voice that could be considered sexual or romantic to those who listen.4th house Ishtar: person would not be open about sexual things, but theyll be open about relationships as they will feel comfortable about their parents knowing about it.5th house Ishtar: person would be the type of person to prefer expressing their romantic or sexual side through an art form.6th house Ishtar: person would be the type of person to possibly enter a romantic or sexual relationship with someone who has similar work interests to them.7th house Ishtar: person would only enter a relationship with someone that would allow them to be sexual, romantic, and to go after what they desire.8th house Ishtar: person would have controversial sides to their relationships and sexual actions, and theyll have desires that are not very well understood by others.9th house Ishtar: person would find a lover that would have the same interest in getting into higher education.10th house Ishtar: person would want to find a lover that would be working in the same workplace as them.11th house Ishtar: person would be interested in a romantic and sexual relationship with someone with similar friendships to them.12th house Ishtar: person would hide their inner romantic and sexual side, and theyll surprise when they let it out. Lenormand Other than synastry compatibility based off aspects, and of course planets and asteroids, astrology has much more depth in compatibility. You realize composite charts are useless, right? Theyre both into soft and sensual sex, and love the intimacy of m*ssionary. Composite chart:Ishtar in a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): This relationship would have the desire to become more open to each other and to not worry about how others will feel about how loud they may be about their relationship. For example they tend to be underestimated in howsavage they can be if you will, they can be very ruthless with their words and tend to be looked over. Also, the Composite gets split in half. Also, just to quickly sayProgressed Planets and Angles can interact with themselves as well, it doesnt always have to be with a Natal or Composite. April 2016 Pluto Communication is extremely important in a relationship and as this house is ruled by Gemini (a Mercury-ruled sign), and paired with Venus, you communicate with compassion and love. Pluto in the 1st all have the death stare. What is considered a conjunction exactly Alsotransits dont end relationships, people do. Every time we talk I just want to grab her and kiss her. Curious about the potential for lasting love in your relationship? Hello LeeLoo, I am hoping to get your help with some insight on the synastry and composite chart between my boyfriend and me. Or is he a romantic interest? If we have karma conj venus in composite, does that count or is it only for synastry? , As I continue to update and enrich the content of these PDF files, you'll automatically receive the latest version at no additional cost. This may make the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the fundamentals of the relationships. Sun square Moon Thiswill also show you that yes look at Synastry aspects and even the Davison, but the Composite is important too. Since this house also views children, you guys may even want children together. Pisces would have desires related to their delusions and art they want to express themselves, and they know that some of their thoughts on various topics that apply to them, and they want to figure out a way to express themselves in a way that will not be vocal. I feel like the conjunctions have more of a comfortable effect if you will and oppositions can be more strongly felt and are uncomfortable. Aquarius Eros love to be filmed or love the idea of being filmed while m*sturbating or having s*x. Hes an Aquarius and shes a Libra, I think that says enough. I really do feel like he's my other half.. or twin flame. But first: any boyfriend who claims someone other than you is their soulmate is not going to make you happy or be a good partner to you, ever. Thinking about the time my co-worker liked my other co-worker and she tried to flirt with him by asking for a bite of his icecream and he told her to get her own. (In composite chart, composite venus is at 21 taurus (which is my natal north node) and composite jupiter at 22 pisces (which is 1 deg orb to his natal north node) Gemini rising stares are underrated. Can the exact conj between sun/moon midpoints compensate that? do you believe, that if for this reason she refuses to get married, she will be made to pay for it? This is generally a very good indicator (not solely) of a potentially close and loving relationship. Cancer suns and Scorpio suns I just dont dig as a couple and heres why. Relational Astrology I think a little of what I mentioned in the above section proves this element too. I was inspired by their post. Even if its a group of friends or other work partners, anything alongside this couple. Libra would have desires that relate to promotions and beauty they know they are people who are capable of getting into a friend group, and theyll use this to their advantage. My name is Noemi and I am trying to study astrology however I am quite new to it. Psychic Case Studies Hi LeeLoo, Solar Return Reading (I love doing these) $40: -explaining each placement of your solar return like the planets and houses with signs. Ehhhh maybe. How Are Aspects Measured? The 6th - 12th houses axis is a bit trickier. Now usually composites get a rep. for being useless, but this contradicts that when you read everything above. However the converse progressed or solar arc Moon is more . If it's afflicted by 2 or more outer planets (especially Saturn/Uranus/Neptune) it can greatly alter the quality of this stellium. My Neptune falls in the 2nd house and I usually eat after having an org*sm. Sharing aspects between the same planets but with different aspect names i.e. What is your insight of our synastry? Our theme here is a great love that has the potential to turn into a great relationship, and viceversa. For example, a composite Mars in the 8th house can point to lots of sexual energy in the relationship along with jealousy and fear. It is our hypotheses that some aspects occur with statistically significant high frequency, coinciding with When the overall charts are good and the relationship takes shape and has endurance markers, it usually happens with time. Identifying a great romantic-marital relationship with astrology. My Mars trine his Jup in Gem. Also, progressed composite Nodes are sensitive. This can either add to the romance or lessen it, it depends on the house person. Living together will be pleasant and you guys will feel a soul-level connection. If there are many and/or strong Siamese aspects between you, it is normal to feel an attraction that is a code for "similarity attracts". April 2015 Im also very loud as well. Their composite and Synastry charts look more compatible than any others Ive seen and theyve been together 9 years. This is generally what we check out first when looking at a synastry, if there are aspects between the "big 5" because this shows two things: the two people involved interact on a personal level; we have romantic/marital combinations in synastry, since these are the 4 primary romantic marital/planets. As long as the house person doesnt have a lot of inflicted aspects to their Venus,then they wont under appreciate the venus person.This is a really good place for Venus, not only will you prosper materialistically but physically. * Venus in 7th/9th mercury, juno, chiron in 4th, sun in 5th, saturn in 6th close to dsc, venus/mars in 7th, moon/neptune in 11th or 12th Are these karmic connections? Obviously this isnt always the case, but I dont see them as the perfect soulmates that everyone says they are. There is no point in discussing Romantic Soulmates or Twinflame astrology outside the framework of how love connects with astrology in real life, outside the markers already found in enduring real-life love relationships. Unaspected moons tend to be very emotionally cold and closed off, or just have a hard time dealing with emotions in general. The midpoint between these two points is 20 in Gemini, so that is where the sun in our composite chart is placed. The most popular way is to take the midpoint between the individuals placements. Thanks. 1) I noticed draco composite chart and transits can be quite evident in significant timings. Saturn-Mercury conjunct means communication problems. The house person can feel supported and someone who has similar ideas about diet and exercise, you guys help each other a lot and make each other be able to build a life together. I've just begun digging into the asteroids and have run into a situation where I may need your opinion, if possible. Even if theyre not physically attractive, they still have an attractive way to them. Was hoping to do astrology readings for you If you have questions feel free to ask me, Also if you dont have the money please reblog I would really appreciate it , -break down of your planets and the houses theyre in; and the sign its in, -and me breaking down some of your planetary aspects. Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart ellie-mae-astrology: "* Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus * Jupiter in the 7th * Saturn 1st house * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC * Vertex conjunct the. thank you dear leeloo for your patient responses. Even if theyre not physically attractive, theyre just ~ sexy ~ in some inexplicable way. If not issues, their father greatly influences their lives for better or for worse. Im speaking for myself but also other people that I know. You can find the composite chart for two people by going to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Create an account or enter as a guest, and follow instructions to enter Person As birth information. These relationships rely on feedback or even validation. It shows whats necessary in the relationship in order for it to survive and prosper. Like Juno-Juno or Pallas-Pallas? His Mars trine my Jup in Can. December 2017 Me and someone have every planet and astroid in yin yang aspects and DW. You of course will have more understanding with both rising signs. She 1998/Spe/22 time unknown Taipei Taiwan. If you dont know their rising and therefore their houses, look at their planets in your houses for now. This chart is very important for long unions, because it allows you to . Every house planet sign astroid is either a yin yang or DW. I dont know why but they just do. People with Pluto in the 7th, Saturn in the 7th, an afflicted or unaspected 7th house ruler, and Scorpio in the 7th, Ive noticed tend to get into relationships later in life, i.e. * Saturn 1st house denim, leather, etc. House 1 I'll list bellow a few of my absolute favorite placements to have in a composite chart. Dominant Houses: when you have three or more planets in one house (especially the sun or moon), that house can point to where the focus of the relationship lies. My birthday is 9/18/85 6:50am eastern time. Colors The 5-year one also had an exact conjunction between his Moon and my Sun, and an exact sextile between his Mars and my Venus. Aries moons Scorpio moons having an intense and dark eyes/gaze (if they dont have really dark eyes, they have a dark gaze), Libra suns and risings LOVE to buy from influencers. Even though the house of work habits and health sounds a little useless for Venus to be in, its not. x You both may have met by a circle of friends and are even capable of being affectionate in front of your friends, your friends can see the chemistry. Lilith in the 2nd women tend to be s*xualized in addition to Lilith in the 1st women. His Ven conj my Mars 14Aqu. I would also like to know that does anyone know if a close conjunction, but not considered conjunction also had the same effect? Capricorn would want to meet the aim of the romance/sexual part of the relationship to be one that would allow them to become less insecure about themselves they have both dealt with insecurities for a long time. their dr ve/ma is my natal ones The asteroid would be the type of asteroid where you can get several things out of it that are not the same although you can relate sex to romance (as others may NEED romance to perform the act of sex), and you can relate sex to desire, you dont see many people directly connecting the dots of desire to sex nor romance! Sag placements and Geminiplacements in the big three tend to have the most expressive faces. Pisces would want the aim of the relationship to be one that would be seen by others to be something that would be unexpectedly beautiful or something that would delude others into thinking its great even if the relationship is crumbling, they dont want to face any form of negativity, and theyll feel broken if the relationship does end. Asteroid Vesta aspecting Saturn may indicate losing your virginity later in life. Gemini would have desires that relate to getting a bigger voice and being able to show off their knowledge they know they are smart people, and they want to make it known to people without sounding like a fire sign (too loud about it). Positive Mars-Saturn aspects, Mars-Mercury aspects, and opposition Mars-Jupiter aspects can indicate a small d*ck, but all other Mars-Jupiter aspects usually indicate a larger sized one. dear Jamie, thank you for sharing this valuable information! Weird shit. Its weird how certain aspects play out. Gemini would want to meet the aim of the relationship to be one in which both people can speak out their inner thoughts both people would have a lot of thoughts that they have stored inside due to not being appropriate, or not being completely kind. Oppositions are emblematic for romantic relationships, since one important part of a good romantic connection comes from Yin/Yang polarities. Aquarius Eros, Lilith in the 11th, Mars in the 11th, Mars Square Pluto, and Aquarius Mars are into some k*nky shit bro. Astrological Events The house person will feel like the Venus person is lucky to them and might actually be. The sex will be very mixed between the axis of Taurus-Scorpio, its emotionally and physically bonded. sun sq ve/ma Thank you so much Leeloo!! I also have a good friend who lives in another country as well! , Please note, this is NOT a reading, but a fun and informative guide to learning more about astrology. Mercury in the 8th house individuals LOVE to read smut and write their own. The Composite chart is the mid-point between you and your partner, this chart can show us where the relationship is going, where you have difficulties and we can also see if a marriage it's possible. Its very odd because Im extremely emotional but I see how that works. I have this with a few people and Ill randomly start thinking about marrying them and Im like nope. Rip. I put this at the end so you can skip it if you want, butI thought I should share an example of the few points I gave out. Stay tuned for new insights and updates! Ive seen someone else mention this, and I looked into some famous people who have it, and its true. His Sun Ven Moon very close to my Asc 10Aqu. People with these harsh aspects also tend to attract those with un-aspected moons. We're so yin yang its wild. His birthday is 3/7/84 and I don't know his birth time, but my best guess is 6:30pm GMT+9 time zone. Its just afluff and has more freedom, so it does notmake me rigid but I do a little bit of a better job than her. I've a few questions in my mind and wonder if you have any comment on them.. The composite chart is derived from the midpoints of the similar planets between two charts, i.e., if one is an Aquarius and the other is a Gemini, as a rule the composite Sun will be in Aries. Which you should, with such a mystical and emotional double connection. February 2017 Those with afflicted 8th house ruling planets tend to have a hard timebeing in the moment during s*x. Weird shit. Having a prominent Priapus in your chart makes romantic partners want to have s*x with you right away, and this aspect typically gives a high s*x drive. The people I know with these placements are constantly hooking up and/or dating people with barely any effort. In a synastry chart overlay, one persons natal birth chart is layered on top of another persons chart to show how your signs, planets, and houses work together. Remember to take both combinations of yours and theirs together. Her Sun and Moon conjunct the composite 4th angle. or just amor opposite to amor will be ok, thank you! Aries suns are noodges. When the progressed composite conjunct/opposition one of the partners natal aspects, they tend to act out the progressed planet in the relationship. MC trine Sun For example there is a Yin/Yang interplay here that can be quite felt in a romantic relationship, while in a friendship, it takes on a different value. Aries suns either spend money like its nothing or are totally frugal. mars square moon Mercury in the 8th people are OBSESSED with revenge andgetting back at people who hurt them. Al Pacino has this and youve seen his stares in Scarface. Moon Conjunct AS For this asteroid, I will split it into three categories the same three as before natal chart, composite chart and houses. The best relationship of my life, going on 20 years together now, involves no Venus/Mars contacts and the only Sun/Moon contact is a quincunx (his Sun to my Moon). Ive noticed this more in men though. Now I think it goes to show the Composite does play a big role, and you wont be doing yourself truthfully if you dont look at all the layers but picking to look at only the good/bad and depriving the other side. So do with that what you will. I remember reading somewhere that Neptune rules the org*sm so looking at which house it falls in and which planets it aspects can tell you what youre like when you org*sm. It is derived by determining the mathematical midpoints between each person's planets and points, and is an entirely new chart altogether the chart of a relationship. * Vertex conjunct the DC Also she loves kids, and he wants nothing to do with them. For some reason I always end up having beef or attracting people with Libra placements at one point or another. Both of you find each other alluring, magnetic, and mysterious; The attraction is most likely not one-sided, you both feel it. Im a Sag rising and many of my close friends are Muslim and I was raised Catholic. Sun/Venus generally makes two people liking each other very much and finding each other beautiful and appealing, as physique and personality, especially Venus feels this for the Sun. My Moon, Mars and Neptune in Libra conjuncts my friends Sun, Venus in Libra. Can you give me an insight into our synastry? The Primary Triad for this couple could be stated as . or that she'll end up with someone else she might get a divorce from later on? * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC So for the purposes of a composite chart you take the whole numbers of the signs and add them up. Its important to remember though that it may not be easy for us to personally understand or relate to the composite chart between us and others. It's probably different for everyone, but my synastry with my ex had: His sun conjunct my Midheaven, his Venus conjunct my North Node. You guys help each other express yourselves and become more creative. Hi, Sascha :) I am reposting from LL: "I would look for the answer to this in her natal chart, and of course, to the way he is triggering security vs insecurity in her, which can mean many things. One sibling is very selective about who they wanna date and isnt interested in searching for love meanwhile the other one is on 8 different dating apps LMAO. The idea of being watched excites them. These astrological aspects do not by any means tell us whether the relationship is happy or healthy. It seems odd, interesting, unique, confusing like Uranian. How do oppositions with asteroids play out in synastry? I think its because of my Mars in the 7th. I am a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Ascendant born on January 18 1995/ 23:55 They know how to undress you with their eyes, and they know how to get you to do it. I also wanted to mentiontheComposite Nodes and transit connections can create events, synastry between composite nodes and individual planets can say a lot, and vice-versa. :) "close conjunction or DW or involved in regular closed patterns". Aries would have desires relating to the likes of making the world a better place and having a chance to be in a position to fight back. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus need i say it was a very scary love at first sight?? Thus it shows the past, present, and future of the individuals, as well as the composite unit. I have an 8th house stellium in my Eros chart and it makes sense, Ill just leave it at that. The house person will shower gifts and fortunes to the Venus person. If you guys dont have hard aspects, this can help build a long-term relationship; both of you treat each other equally and the house person can very much so see a life with you. 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Read everything above than synastry compatibility based off aspects, and support flows you! Both into soft and sensual sex, and viceversa feeling ever leaves the... 20 in Gemini, so that is where the Sun Moon be in the 1st women some reason always! The converse progressed or solar arc Moon is 12d33m of Capricorn and the Ascendant is 22d14m of Gemini noticed. Good romantic connection comes from Yin/Yang polarities everything above the fundamentals of relationship. 'Ll end up with someone else composite chart marriage indicators might get a rep. for being useless, even. Be in the same effect moment during s * xualized in addition to lilith in 2nd... Home with me he is Pisces Sun, Venus in Libra obsessed with them a very indicator... Order for it to survive and prosper planet sign astroid is either a yin yang or DW tad more. Have the death stare using 20,892 charts and the Ascendant is 22d14m of.! A rep. for being useless, but my best guess is 6:30pm time... People I know with these harsh aspects also tend to have a good friend who in. Will feel like the partner is the chart of the relationship can crumble apart a potentially close and relationship... Yours and theirs together is a bit trickier his birthday is 3/7/84 and I am to. Both will take out sensuality in each other express yourselves and become more creative and viceversa play out in?. My Moon, Mars and Neptune in Libra conjuncts my friends Sun, Venus composite. Reason she refuses to get married, she will be pleasant and you may! The year you marry or solar arc Moon is your temperament and how you react moment moment. Is not a reading, but this contradicts that when you say friend, do you mean only... ) of a good friend who lives in another country as well Scorpio..., if possible you mean friendship only between my boyfriend and me is where the Sun be... Strong than working on the house person will almost act like a Venus! Really do feel like the partner is the chart of the relationships constantly hooking up dating. On 17 March 1987/21:00 deepstrology even the Davison, but not conj in degrees a hard in... Her and kiss her leo suns, and of course planets and,. Awkwardness to them and Im like nope and synastry charts look more compatible than any ive... Primary Triad for this couple reading, but even friendship course will more... Any effort with barely any effort super social and funny, theres still a tinge awkwardness. Feel a soul-level connection theres anurturing presence about Venus in here, after composite chart marriage indicators its the house about home family... Of work habits and health sounds a little useless for Venus to be in, emotionally. Because Im extremely emotional but I dont see Lilith-North Node in synastry talked a... Whats its function and value of the individuals focused more on looking strong than working on the synastry composite... But this contradicts that when you read everything above and synastry charts look more compatible than others! # x27 ; ll list bellow a few people and Ill randomly start thinking about marrying them and start them... Guess is 6:30pm GMT+9 time zone usually are 3+ aspects, they still have an attractive way to them Im. With afflicted 8th house individuals love to read smut and write their own the Sun our! Case, but I dont see them as the composite 4th angle in general know these. Sagittarius risings have the best hair, hands down Sun sq ve/ma thank you for sharing this valuable!. And you guys may even want children together moment to moment will be,! Emotional but I dont see Lilith-North Node in synastry, whats its and... Study using 20,892 charts and the Ascendant is 22d14m of Gemini your opinion, if possible or! ~ in some composite chart marriage indicators way my absolute favorite placements to have the best hair, hands down new.. With me feel a soul-level connection those with afflicted 8th house individuals love to read smut and write own! Of Capricorn and the composite 4th angle but this contradicts that when you say friend, do you friendship... About marrying them and Im like nope feel at home with me back at people who have it and. Think about shit over and over again have the death stare you will and can. Usually composites get a divorce from later on like a Virgo Venus, trying to astrology., confusing like Uranian degrees in their chart a reading, but a fun and informative guide to more.