what does kentucky bluegrass look like when it sprouts

Kentucky bluegrass spreads via rhizomes to form a uniform sod. However, it does not grow well in deep . Normally, this would not be a problem if you could irrigate that much in a single session. Kentucky bluegrass gained early U.S. popularity as a pasture grass in Kentucky. Onion grass, or Melica bulbosa, is a perennial grass that can be found in meadows, alluvial fans, rocky woods and hills. Both Tall fescues and Kentucky Bluegrass should be planted during the cooler seasons. Check out my full range of articles on different varieties of grass for your lawn. However, such is the ardent fan following of the emerald lushness of KBG that the versatile grass is also gaining a foothold in the South and South West. As a cool-season grass, it grows most vigorously during the spring and fall seasons. That includes keeping the seeds moist continually through a combination of cover (even a thin layer of soil or compost will help tremendously) and continuous shallow watering. New shoots (rhizomes and tillers) are produced primarily in the spring and late summer. In the first year of growing, 6 pounds per 1000 square feet (2.5 kg. Historically, this restricted the widespread use of KBG south of the challenging transition zone where higher heat and humidity favor warm-season grasses, such as Zoysia grass. Read on for everything you need to know about Kentucky bluegrass, including pros and cons, care and maintenance, and seasonality. Both these varieties can be used to produce a beautiful lawn, but there are some advantages and disadvantages to each. If planted in the transition zone, new leaves appear all year round.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'greenthumbplanet_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_14',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greenthumbplanet_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'greenthumbplanet_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',189,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greenthumbplanet_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0_1');.mobile-leaderboard-1-multi-189{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Check out my full article on how to make your lawn greener and thicker. Tall Fescue is commonly grown in yards in the north and south of America. Should be seeded in the fall. Treat actively growing broadleaf weeds in your established KBG lawn with Pennington UltraGreen Weed & Feed 30-0-4in late-spring. https://www.naturesseed.com/skin/frontend/naturesfinest/vstyle/images/logo.png, Kentucky Bluegrass: How to Plant/Grow and When to Plant, https://www.naturesseed.com/media/wysiwyg/footer-logo.png, Plant at a depth of one-fourth to half-an-inch, Seed at a rate of three pounds per every 1,000 square feet and half that if youre overseeding, Plan to fertilize in the months of September, November, and May (this variety typically requires more fertilizer than tall fescue types), The optimal soil pH for Kentucky bluegrass cultivation is 6.0 to 7.0. As cool fall nights arrive, gradually decrease KBG's mowing height to 2 to 2 1/2 inches. Fall planting allows . What Happens if Grass Gets too Much Nitrogen? Fall aerationhelps reduce soil compaction. During extreme heat or extended drought, the grass will go dormant. The highest quality turf grass for sunny areas is Kentucky Bluegrass (at least 6 hours of direct sun). It thrives in shaded areas and likes a cooler climate; however, it can also cope with hot weather and will even survive a drought. Kentucky bluegrass germinates best when soil temperatures range between 50F and 65F. If you follow the specific planting, mowing, and fertilizing guidelines for Kentucky bluegrass, youre sure to have a thriving, attractive lawn. When seeding, keep the lawn moist until all grass species have germinated. Roughstalk bluegrass grows upright to 3-1/3 feet (1 m) tall from a dense tuft of short stolons (aboveground creeping stems) at the base. Kentucky bluegrass is one of the most popular grass types in American yards. Most grasses like slightly acidic soil, with a pH of 6.2 to 7. . Mowing. Duble, R.L., "Kentucky Bluegrass," Texas A&M Agrilife Extension. After all, what would be the point of investing all that effort into a cool-season lawn if it cant continue to thrive when mercury levels go into a free fall? Usually, weekly mowing will be enough to achieve this result. How can I make Kentucky bluegrass germinate faster? Oh yes, it's grass, too. Read our, Care and Maintenance of Kentucky Bluegrass. You can apply natural amendments like blood meal and fish meal to increase the nitrogen, and you can top up by spraying compost tea every couple months. Finally, follow it all up with some much-needed fertilizer. Kentucky bluegrass lawns typically require more fertilizer than tall fescue grasses. For light cases of thatch (under 1 inch), you can remove a short enough thatch with a rake. When seeding, allow for at least 6 weeks before your estimated first frost to establish itself well enough to survive the winter. The recovery of Kentucky bluegrass following this summers drought has been amazing. Bluegrass. The best time to plant is in the fall, although spring is also a good time; this is why this grass type is classified as a cool-season grass. Use the off-season to maintain lawn toolsso you're ready for an early spring. Well-maintained Kentucky bluegrass develops into a thick, lush lawn. Like many common U.S. turf grasses, this versatile, widely used grass is native to Europe and northern Asia.1 Its first use in the U.S. came as a pasture grass in states like Kentucky, where it still covers the state's gently rolling hills. Tall Fescue. Sod requires just as muchpreparation and maintenance as does sowing grass seed; proper watering is especially critical for both. In terms of winter tolerance, it is the most resilient of all cool-season grasses. Its rhizomes allow it to spread and create new grass plants. The bermuda grass pictured will become dense by establishing many small plants as the runners go out. Lush green sod grass isn't just useful for beautiful yards and gardens; hardy, robust kinds of grass are suitable for sports fields . Sprinkle the seed on top of the sand (or compost) and let it dry for 30- 60 minutes. This is also a smart way to crowd out weeds naturally. All plants need open, moist soil and sunlight to germinate, and Kentucky bluegrass thick rhizomatous growing habit prevents access to these two essentials. Its a turf grass thats often used in playing fields and soccer pitches. By September, the soil has had all summer to warm up to these levels. Here are facts and control options for annual and rough bluegrass. As a cool-season grass, it grows most vigorously during the spring and fall seasons. And now, lets look at the similarities between Fescue vs. bluegrass. Yet, unlike in summer, you won't have the scorching heat to contend with, which dries out the seed. Its seed germinates best when the soil temperature is between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The majority of the seeds of the sod/mat-forming grass now come from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon although it can still be found growing widely on the verdant hills of Kentucky. Most areas that were completely dormant in September have now recovered. Fertilize Kentucky Bluegrass 2-4 times throughout the growing season to maximize spread. Sprouted blades of Kentucky bluegrass are a lush, dark emerald green that has an almost blue hue to it. When mowing, never take off more than one-third of the leaf length in a single session as this will stress the plant. Warm summers and cold winters work best with its natural growth cycle. In case you experience a hot or dry summer, this will also help retain moisture. Water a little, as often as needed, and you will have a lawn in a few days. 14-21 Days. If you test your lawn for its exact chemical structure, youll be able to pick a fertilizer that compensates your grass seeds with the nutrients it needs in the right proportions. Typically, you will need to irrigate with at least 1.5-2 inches of water every week in normal (non-summer) weather conditions. This article will compare Fescue vs. Bluegrass. With that out of the way, let me clarify that spring seeding should only be attempted if the turf has been damaged due to winter weather or if it has not recovered as well as it should have from the problems of the previous year or if you are reclaiming a lawn after new construction. Spot-treat lawn weedsinstead. If you have issues with chinch bugs, make sure to thoroughly soak the soil, as they prefer to attack drought-stricken bluegrass. To establish Kentucky bluegrass seeds, prepare a firm, smooth seedbed and buy high-quality seed. The forage grass was planted and thrived across the vast planes of Kentucky and that is how it went from being the common meadow grass of Europe to the legendary Kentucky bluegrass. Personally, I love the feel of this grass on my bare feet as do thousands of homeowners across the country. Do not treat seeded or overseeded areas until at least 60 days after seeding. If allowed to develop properly, it can withstand low grazing. This allows sun, water, and nutrients to continue penetrating the base of your grass and stops the tips from turning dull and brown. Kentucky bluegrass will do much better when nitrogen is applied. This growth habit distinguishes it from bunch-forming grasses, such as tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). In North Carolina, it is well suited for the mountains and can be grown in combination with tall fescue in the piedmont. Poke the soil to create small holes that allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the grasss roots. This height maximizes leaf blade growth and grass spread. Zoysia is an extremely aggressive spreading grass that can literally choke out weeds. . per 93 sq. Kentucky bluegrass spreads via rhizomes to form a uniform sod. For instance, even when the weather is normal, you would still need twice as much water for KBG as you would for other cool-season grasses. It takes 14 to 21 days for the slow-starter KBG seeds to germinate. A cool-season lawn grass with exceptional winter hardiness, KBG produces a durable and dense lawn with its medium-fine texture and remarkably dark green hue. However, in the cold zone, new leaf growth slows down considerably in winter. When a swath of KBG is seen from afar, as it flowers, it appears to be covered by a haze of blue and that is how the grass earned its moniker. Kentucky bluegrass is one of the most popular types in the North. Bluegrass will become dormant in the summer and may start to turn yellow or even brown if its not watered regularly. It may also be mixed with tall fescue sod, as the rhizomes are able to hold the sod together without the use of netting. When in active growth, Bermuda grass is always true green, although the shade of green can vary. Still keep the soil moist until the Kentucky bluegrass germinates. (Bluegrass Illustration by Russ James) It is important to distinguish between perennial rye and annual rye. The cool season turfgrasses growing in Michigan have been in full-blown seedhead production mode in the last week. Though the plant looks like it has clumping growth patterns, the plant survives from year-to-year through creeping, above-ground stems called stolons, which spread easily throughout the surrounding turfgrass canopy. Plus, it is hard to not be enticed by that green, which is like no other. Jamie is the founder of The Backyard Pros. However, they have slightly different care requirements. This height increases to 3 to 4 inches in summer to help it survive the summer heat. Necrotic ring spot, like many lawn diseases, starts with the grass fading to a yellow to light green color before eventually thinning out. The state of Kentucky lays claim to the nickname "Bluegrass State," but Kentucky bluegrass didn't originate there. This grass is generally the faster growing of the two. Your local agent may recommend you get your soil analyzed first. It's a state; a region; a music genreeven a lifestyle. In fact, you will find the perennial grass adorning lawns in northern states, from coast to coast, because it is best suited for the cold weather of the region. You can encourage Kentucky bluegrass to germinate faster by creating ideal germination conditions. The telltale sign of this severe lawn disease is its pattern, as it often created 3- to 15-inch frog-eye-like rings in your yard. Gradually reduce watering in established lawns to 1 inch every 10 to 14 days. If thatch builds up more than a 1/2 inch, then youll need to dethatch. This aggressive growth habit gives KBG the capacity to recuperate quickly from damage. Kentucky bluegrass, for example, works best when mowed to a height of one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half inches. If you run your fingertip along the midrib and through the keeled tip, it will separate to form two distinct points. This helps prepare KBG for fast spring repairs. 3 inches in spring and fall, 4 inches in summer, at least 2 inches or more to keep from going dormant. It germinates best between soil temperatures of 50F to 65F, or air temperatures of 60F to 75F. It is a cool climate grass, best suited to areas with mild to warm summers and colder winters, like Victoria and Tasmania. . Like other cool-season grasses, the best time to sow bluegrass is during the fall, during its peak growing season. The soil needs to be warm enough for germination and root development so that it will survive through the winter. The irrigation requirement goes up in summer for all grasses. Check out my answer to whether watering your lawn in the sun will burn it? Years after, 3 pounds per 1000 square feet (1.5 kg. Kentucky bluegrass tolerates being mowed as short as 2 to 2.5 inches, although it still benefits from being kept longer (3 inches in spring and fall, 4 inches in summer). Is it Illegal to be Naked in Your Backyard? You can plant Kentucky bluegrass on its own or combine several varieties for a diverse blend. Cook, T., "Kentucky Bluegrass, Poa Pratensis L.," Oregon State University Department of Horticulture. Different grass varieties have slightly different growing requirements and characteristics. Avoid treating newly seeded areas until new grass establishes and you mow it at least three times. A native of Europe and Asia, the perennial grass was the first to make its way across the Atlantic. Pure seed will give you a unified look. Improved varieties developed through Pennington-affiliated grass research and breeding programsbuild on KBG's strengths with improved drought tolerance, richer color, and dense, durable, compact growth that translates to lower maintenance needs. He has real estate experience and he is a home owner. Often, homeowners choose to install a lawn using a grass seed mix rather than sticking with one particular type of grass. This grass requires a relatively high level of maintenance to look its best, but results can be worth it. Once you lay the seeds, you need to keep on a thorough and consistent watering schedule. turf horse tracks). For many lawn owners in the United States, Kentucky bluegrass is synonymous with the ideal lawn. As far as distinctive traits go, Id say that the well-defined midrib, which runs along the entire length of each blade, is possibly its most obvious and discernible trait. . If your lawn goes dormant, water it only a couple inches per month, and itll bounce back when temperatures cool. Growth picks up again in autumn, starting at 22 days between new leaves. Homeowners who live in cooler areas should plant cool-season grasses such as Tall Fescue or Kentucky Bluegrass. Kentucky bluegrass establishes easily from seed, but it germinates more slowly than some other cool-season grasses. However, when compared to the lighter shades of other cool-season grasses, the deep emerald color does appear as if it has some blue mixed in it. Will Kentucky bluegrass choke out other grass? It also requires a lot of water and full sun, so it grows best in places with abundant rainfall and sunny days. When things get hot in the transition zone, you will have to increase irrigation to 2.5 inches of water per week. The main difference between Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass is the root systems and the way the grasses grow. Picking a seed mix with the hardier perennial ryegrass and fescue seed will also help. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Add any additional soil amendments as suggested by your local county extension agent. This is the optimal time for KBG germination, establishment and repair. Scientifically, Kentucky bluegrass is known as Poa pratensis, a name derived by combining the Greek word for fodder Poa and a derivative of the Latin word for meadow, Pratum. Once established, it spreads readily via underground stems known as rhizomes to form a dense, thick turf. In the fall, gradually reduce the watering to every two weeks. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Kentucky bluegrass can be mowed as low as 1.5 inches in the cooler times of the year. Identification: Roughstalk bluegrass is a cool-season perennial grass that can be found in both high- or low-maintenance turfgrass throughout the Midwestern United States. Kentucky bluegrass lawns are more resistant to wear than most cool-season grasses, but thin out when poorly grown or too closely cut. 39-61 Days. Rough bluegrass (also known as rough stem bluegrass) is a perennial grass somewhat similar to annual bluegrass. It takes eight weeks or more for those tiny green, Kentucky bluegrass sprouts -- telltale signs of success -- to form dense growth. Mow to maintain a height of 2 to 2 1/2 inches during cool spring weather. The shallow root system also means that not just the young seedlings but also mature plants get pulled out easily if you are not careful. Kentucky Bluegrass Invasion in the Northern Great Plains and Prospective Management Approaches to Mitigate Its Spread. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com Amazon.ca & Amazon.co.uk as an Amazon Associate this site earns from qualifying purchases. Moreover, it makes for a tasty pasture grass for livestock grazing due to its ability to pile on the pounds in cattle. Proper care for Kentucky bluegrass includes fertilizing, which begins in spring. It is one of the most common types of grass grown in lawns in North America. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. If you already have it growing in your yard, now you know how to best take care of it. Applying fertilizer in spring is critical, but it is only the beginning: You should maintain a fertilizing schedule throughout the growing season if you want the best possible lawn of Kentucky bluegrass. I've got examples that are densely seeded, thinly seeded, and even an example of a single 7-wee. If the seeding, irrigation, and fertility requirements are optimally met, each seedling will grow to cover a radius of 11 to 12 inches per growing season. Bluegrass has pretty low resistance to insects and disease. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greenthumbplanet_com-small-rectangle-1','ezslot_28',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greenthumbplanet_com-small-rectangle-1-0');Moreover, the effort required is less because the ground naturally cracks and heaves as it thaws, making room for the seeds to slip deeper into the soil layers. It is a true grass, being a member of the Poaceae family. "But steps on a brittle lawn can leave an unsightly look.". Kentucky Bluegrass is another attractive variety of grass that thrives in cooler climates. Kentucky bluegrass is sometimes used for grazing livestock. So, use the tips in this article and get ready to have your neighbors admiring your lawn every chance they get. The best time to plant Kentucky bluegrass seed is in the fall when the soil temperatures are between 50-65 degrees F (10-18.5 C.). For weed control in summer, there are similar commercial products that allow you to fertilize grass and kill weeds simultaneously. Examine the grass color. Before planting your Kentucky bluegrass seed, rototill the top six inches of your existing soil. This means it comes back year after year and grows most vigorously during the cool seasons of fall and spring. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'greenthumbplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greenthumbplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Unfortunately, in most states, KBG plants are never allowed to mature to the flowering and seed production stage. For best results, keep in mind these following seeding and growth characteristics for Kentucky bluegrass: Plant at a depth of one-fourth to half-an-inch. If you're comparing two lawns side-by-side, it's useful to know that zoysia goes dormant later in the . High maintenance, as they require a lot of water, fertilizer, and pest, weed, and insect management. When given its preferred growing conditions and proper care, this grass produces a dense, lush, durable lawn that lives up to its reputation. Its wise to consider your climate and the needs of your lawn before making a decision. Alternatively, you can plant the seeds in the early spring when its still col; the grass will have time to grow before the summer. Once you get to summer temperatures of 80 degrees F or more, root growth stops completely and the plant enters its dormant phase. This makes it a great choice for lawns where sports will be played. Kentucky bluegrass is a perennial, cool-season lawn grass. Tall Fescue grows in small clumps, and blades of grass grow vertically. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The midrib is flanked by parallel blade sides that taper and culminate into a boat-shaped/keeled tip. How fast the spread is from thereon will be based on the number of seeds broadcasted. Compared to tall fescue, traditional Kentucky bluegrass varieties have relatively shallow roots, which typically mean a lower tolerance for heat and drought. Once it gets going, Kentucky bluegrass spreads rapidly, but getting new seed to that stage can take some time. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is an evergreen, cool season grass commonly grown as turfgrass for lawns, golf courses and athletic fields thanks to its fine textured . Mowing "shocks" the grass into thinking it is under attack. Different types of grasses thrive at various heights. Generally, Kentucky bluegrass grows better than tall fescue in moderate shade. This grass is generally the faster growing of the two. So, they will in all likelihood be starved to death by the weeds. BEST WITH FERTILIZER: Pennington Smart Seed Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix. Because of this, it does well as a grazing crop when mixed with other cool season grasses. Kentucky bluegrass is a perennial, cool-season lawn grass. By following a watering and fertilizer . Annual ryegrass, like the name sounds, is an annual plant - meaning its life cycle will be complete in one year's growing season. 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