nightly business report alternative

Is there a comparable replacement? In todays low quality tv, this show set the standards for quality business news. While there is an abundance of financial info on CNBC, I valued NBR, which I have recorded nightly for the past 6 years, because it was so concise. She is very biased, unfair, and a obviously a liberal Democrat as are all her staff. Its carried by 183 public television stations in all 50 states, reaching 96 percent of all U.S. households, according to APT. The best business news program and format on television was cancelled-a sad tribute to an era which values false reality TV series above true reality reporting. I wish they would reconsider putting it back on air. It was done as a service for public television. . There is no possible replacement contents anywhere in the television world. I used to be a contributor to PBS but have become discouraged with its content being less informative/educational and more entertaining/political. I just realized that NBR is now kaput. Ghoxty 3 yr. ago. Nightly Business Report was unparalleled in it's format and content. This is such a dreadful loss.. Ill just go to CNBC during this time to catch up on daily financial news, OH wait, its all reality re-run shows for 4 hours! I could not agree more. So sorry to hear of the closing NBR! AND SCREWED US. Lets get real. I could trust what they said and not worry that someones personal company was profiting from the advice which was biased towards them. But it also educated me about parts of the economy I wasnt familiar with like housing and its effects on todays economy in simple, straightforward way that I as a layperson could understand. Where else can you go for daily information on the market in thirty minutes. i dont need another cooking show, or drama/mystery theatre. Just the facts. My DVR has been on the fritz for about a month and the NBR shows would playback distorted. Bill and Sue are tops w/me and will be hard to replace!! NBR has been part of our evening routine for years, along with PBS news hour & BBC news. No, not yet. I cannot imagine my life without it. GOOD GRIEF!!!! Mi am sick! Whos with menbrNbrNBrNBR! Compaq. Some consideration should be given to those without a smart phone savvy, I can not understand what other financial programming fills the void of this showIm very disappointed with this decision. If its $$, let us know. I recently began viewing on YouTube. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Current is an editorially independent, nonprofit service of the American University School of Communication. You have the best audience in the land, people with money that want to invest. The reality of it is a shame. Searching for and viewing multiple two or three minute video clips to try to get the same info NBR provided just isnt practical. And correspondents who (especially the real estate correspondent) sometimes appeared to be voicing VNRs provided by publicists & industry groups. Is this thing on? It is/was an informative, insightful evening report. NBRs no BS, straight-forward approach to financial news irritated some viewers perhaps more accustomed to bat-swinging pundits who smash coffee cups and yell at each other over hot stocks or the merits of tariffs and tax breaks. Just last year, APT awarded the series with its Program Excellence Award, she added, congratulatingNBRand presenting station WETA for their delivery of credible, well-produced, unbiased information to help business executives, financial professionals and the general public manage their business or personal finances. We will have to try to locate financial programming elsewhere (we rarely missed NBR) but will miss Sue, Bill and all those whove contributed over the years. In 30 minutes we had a very good portrait of the stock market situation. This is a Rolls Royce in financial programming. The dumbing down of the nation just took a huge step in that direction. I am single with earnings of 100K+ and owe 289K on my mortgage. what a loss! Or on YouTube. Who did this and why??? I have watching NBR since I saw the show. I sold my business in 2014 and I am a full time investor. If they didnt cover it then it wasnt important to me. Read more. Sorry to see this program leave the air. It was a precise summary of the markets with enough content to encourage a deeper dive. We have supported PBS for some time because they carry good programing. We joined all those viewers in mourning loss of this show. So sad. For the past couple of years Ive had a regular routine of watching the first half hour of Jim Cramers Mad Money program from 5 to 5:30 pm and then NBR from 5:30 to 6 pm. APT has fully funded the show through its Exchange, a subscription service for public TV stations, since CNBC began producing it. I think people should respectfully request that CNBC reconsider its decision to leave NBR and PBS. Yikes I relied on Nightly Business Report! VERY SHORTSIGHTED WITH NO LOGICAL EXPLANATION. The anchors, Bill and Sue, were professional, personable and well informed. What a shame to lose a quality production which was not openly partisan. Linda Bryan, St. Paul, I couldnt have said it better .I am devastated with all the garbage onT. Wonder if a petition would help ge the show back on the air, just a thought. How sad. Im not sure that Comcast understands what its subsidiary received in good will for parenting with PBS. Very saddened by the loss of an informative and interesting show. Toss the good stuff and push the crap? I built my portfolio upon the great news and info from those wonderful folks that were, and hopefully will be again, the heart of NBR.uncle ernie. I just heard the news! What are they going to replace it with? It was the best, hope they can figure out a way to bring it back it was the main reason i supported Public Radio no more. There is always MSNBC on line, provided bt Microsoft. Sad. "Nightly Business Report produced by CNBC" (NBR) is an award-winning and highly-respected nightly business news program that airs on public television. I am going to tell all my friends to boycott NBC and Comcast for internet service. How depressing to loose NBR. The distributors spokesperson told me there are indeed preliminary discussions to put together a successor to NBR. That may be true, but you have to endure all of the financial pundits who fancy themselves celebrities instead of the intelligent informed journalists that appeared on NBR. This was a quality show with excellent journalists. No more. ), Well said. As a sustaining contributor to PBS, I can only implore that that some comparable program can fill that spot because any investor will tell you that there is currently no other like NBR. cancellation but not surprised. Bonehead decision to drop the popular Nightly Business Report. Even worse is all the other garbage on TV that you have to sift through just to get the basics, and even if found you have to dodge the biases. Incredible they were unable to monetize a program with affluent viewership. Vic_Sinclair 3 yr. ago. Watch PBS get a new one, however, because it is Supporters like US that get what we pay for. Unfortunately, that can not be said of most news reporting with the possible exception of NHK news. Ask any non-profit and see how their current income compairs to when theTrump Tax Plan took effect. Where ever I was in the country I always knew I could check on what was current in the financial world. Best of everything to Bill and Sue, a great team. I looked forward it, and learning about the shock , and investments. It is not NPR, it is you! It's helpful. PBS??? Serious? and just when weve started getting some volatility in the market !!!!! MCI Communications Corporation photographs and audiovisual materials, 2000-239. After 2o years of watching NBR, it will be greatly missed!!! I have been watching NBR since the late 90s before the internet bubble burst with Paul and Susie and sorry to see it go. The featured contributors were insightful and informative. This program and their hosts will be very missed. I cant imagine life without it. It has been informative and objective, and I have trusted it for the past 15 years. This authoritative report analyzes IP activity around the globe. Another reliable source of business news gone. Please do not forget noblesse oblige.). ! Smartest women reporters on any TV show! I liked the smart overall summary & selected detailed presentations something I DONT get from the many talking head programs now offered 24/7 on cable news. What a complete unbiased financial television program with fantastic industry guest speakers input. All I wanted was a clean concise market overview at the end of the day to relax to and watch. To my mind the program lost its mojo about a year before Linda O Bryon left. We also have CNBC on most of the morning however we would have to watch CNBC 24/7 to get the same concise, succinct analysis and evaluation of business and the Market. I miss NBR. Eastern for the blue collar, Hum See the facts and if do not believe then retry your 2018 taxes (TurboTax) using 2017 details to see you likely benefitted (Federal only) being in the 89%. Cannot believe PBS was derelict enough to let this thing go. When I could not watch, I would listen to the podcast. I refuse to watch her. Thank you for the time and insight you were able to provide. Extremely disappointed. Can anything be done to encourage the continuation of this excellent program? They are trying to destroy PBS. Take a pulse, think about it. I am deeply disappointed by CNBCs decision. I am deeply disappointed in CNBCs disision to end NBR. I am stunned to learn of the ending of this valuable program that provided authoritative business news. Im so sorry to hear this. Only thing I watched in PBS so hard to justify further donations. Couldnt we do the same with The Business Report to make it financially viable? My husband and I are devastated by the loss of NBR, a trusted and well done program. WHAT A LOSS, A CONCISE AND BALANCED PRESENTATION, UNDERSTANDABLE TO INTERESTED PEOPLE. The long-running business news show, which premiered in 1979, provides In-depth coverage of business and economic news as well as market analysis. Maybe this loss is a Wake up Call to save The news Hour or NOVA by getting more involved with PBS. Have watched for years. Makers of Compaq Non-Stop E-Business solutions. PBS, which had funded and distributed NBR since the early 2000s, cut its funding; the show returned to APT for national distribution in 2011. BBG TV generally is more sane, balanced, and informative (ie, "boring") compared to CNBC, which is totally fine by me. Such a shame to lose such a quality nightly business program. I got to this Current page when I searched NBR. If there are other wider audience web sites, we should share that information. So sad that this show will no longer be on public television. What a big disappointment. Would like to know the best half hour alternative to this show if anyone has ideas. Sort of a much older brother to todayS concept of BRAND. Ive been watching it for decades. My Dad, an immigrant with 6 years of education, was able to leave a substantial legacy by watching the program and my father-in-law and his wife watched in Florida and with us when they would visit. I knew very little about stocks, bonds, etc. I dont get it. Please reconsider and/or offer something of similar substance. As many others have responded, I have been watching this show for decades, since the early 80s, and learned so much, presented in a professional unbiased manner in language easily understood by laymen. Have they no understanding of their roll in educating the public about the daily state of the economy and the markets? Please bring it back. Its the same with employee morale. Through it he taught me about businesses and stocks. Brown Media Archives January 25, 2021 After a week of showing the BBC World News in the program guide, our local PBS station also listed NBR in its usual time slot this week. | Learn more about Mukund Seshadri's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn What a Sad news to receive beginning this year! Just returned from my holiday vacation, hoping to catch up on business news, only to find out NBR has been cancelled!!! We watched most every day, was a nice synopsis of news from a financial perspective. I was puzzled why there was no Monday show recorded, searched on-line & saw Bills announcement & was shocked. Your email address will not be published. The show was a good fit and surely at minimal cost to CNBC since they used their vast international news gathering resources and deep bench of talent to present the 30 minute weeknight shows which often repackaged or summarized material broadcast earlier in CNBC. Those of us who are passionate about this show need to take coordinated action! The program provided us with concise and good quality information about events affecting not only the equity markets but the American Economy as a whole. I dont subscribe to cable for that very reason. And I hope many more write CNBC (Google it) of their disappointment. This is smart television which will be deeply missed.. What a sad announcement. Looking back at Nightly Business Report, the series was created in 1979 and produced through March 2013 under the direction of Linda O'Bryon, WPBT's . I JUST started watching this year! In the past year, my young adult children have been avid viewers as well. However, if 2 guests opt to use the primary and secondary room,. And professional dont like screaming tv or where the financial wizards talk over one another. So sorry to see it cease production. Thank you for so many years of your service. It is all we have in the evening for a thoughtful and thorough discussion of the days sock market events and advice for moving forward, all in a concise format. Sorry Phil and Bob, the women leave you in the dust Diana Olick! The final show in you tube. I will really miss this show. Is a very important program, even if has become an encapsulation of material shown on CNBC during the day. What a sad day. I cannot understand why CNBC this incredibly important program.discontinued NBR. With no show like it around. I too was devastated when I learned the Nightly Business Report was off the air! Kigo is a web-based, scalable solution that provides vacation rental managers with all of the critical features they need in one, easy-to-use solution, including reservation management, distribution, marketing, revenue management, eSignature and websites. I am a loyal fan for over a decade. Why werent the viewers consulted? They would be better served if they would sell their pimping time to private industry as commercial time. V. Today this was a beacon of light . From 19:30hrs to 07:00hrs (Nightly Closure) on Monday 8th May 2023 to Friday 30th June 2023. What a bummer. BARR TO LEAD CHAMBER RIVAL'S NEW LEGAL ARM: The conservative business group seeking to win over former allies of the U.S . What an excellent and informative program. Very sad. Great to see how we all generally see this issue in the same way. I dont know the shows national ratings or average number of viewers, but it filled a place in my nightly news of the day viewing. Hope there is a future somewhere. i have been a viewer since very early on. Calgary Alberta. Every night from 6 to 730 I watched public televising and always learnEd from nightly business report. No one is reporting who. I agree with all other comments about being stabbed in the heart, receiving a terrible Christmas present, losing a trusted friend, etc. Too bad they arent the ones fired. I think they really did a good job.. The headquarters address is Comcast Corporation, One Comcast Center, 1701 JFK Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19103, telephone 215-286-1700. Makes you want to cry! A sad loss. I have watched and recorded these programs nightly since 1980. Been watching for 30 years, cant believe its ending. This is terrible. Really, dont subject use to the garbage, alarmist, breaking news formats! Please bring the show back. Please do not shutdown it down, maybe Ads can help your business. But I note, sometimes with annoyance, that it is accompanied by commercials for trucks, gorilla glue , kitchen fixtures and even the This Old House magazine.Why couldnt we have The Nightly Business Report accompanied by similar commercials for banks, investment firms, insurance companies and other financially related institutions. And feel ok about posting it? Politicians seem to only act when it may affect their power and livelihood like social media breakup crap (Facebook, Google). Sue Herrera was a class act. similar material now.. Just like you, I have been a true addict of NBR for decades, it never came to mind, that a so well concise quality program could get off the air; i am so disappointed. ? Like many viewers, I became curious when I heard that NBR was going off the air. I seldom missed a show for over 25 years since recording availability. The one show I watched faithfully. CNBC enjoyed producing Nightly Business Report for the past five years. This decision sucks to high heaven. The person in charge at Comcast (who probably made the decision to drop NBR) is Brian L. Roberts. It saddens me that this program is over. Bert Roberts on Nightly Business Report, 1993 December 30, 2000-239-IV.-B.-93-2-11-3-1, Box: 103. I am very active in stock market and will miss this program as a great source for stock market information. This has been my favorite show for 15 years or so. PBS has always been a bright spot in the dark annals of television, but this is clearly the end of the era. It wasnt important to me received in good will for parenting with PBS i couldnt have it... Contents anywhere in the past five years its carried by 183 public television in... In all 50 states, reaching 96 percent of all U.S. households according... 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