lt thomas mcinerney

Howse then raised the issue of U.S. Special Forces troops seizing the server farm in Germany. In addition to his Vietnam Service, the McInerney served overseas in NATO; Pacific Air Forces and as commander of 11th Air Force in Alaska. & President of BENS (Business Executives for National Security), a nonpartisan organization of business and professional leaders headquartered in Washington, DC., which works to engage the business community in securing Americas future with a more efficient defense establishment. The downturn in the economy has limited our ability to generate proper ad revenue just as our traffic was skyrocketing. Former National Security Council Staffer for President Donald Trump Rich Higgins join us to give us his thoughts on what it would mean for America if Joe Biden becomes President due to his a national security threat due to being . McInerney then served as deputy chief of staff for operations and intelligence, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, from June 1983 to July 1985, when he became commander of 3rd Air Force, Royal Air Force Station Mildenhall, England. U.S. military officials did not mince words about the veracity of McInerneys claims. We expected that. Unfortunately, he did not receive this information until after he had already taken the first jab. Its called the FedNow payment system.. Case-in-point: I was told by a doctor that a lady died two weeks ago right after she got the shot and her insurance company would not meet their obligations because they said that is an experimental vaccine.. And Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and trusted confidant to the President of the United States, now appears on fringe conspiracy radio call-in shows and offers support for a movement that thinks the government is run by Satan-worshipping pedophiles. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. Please support our non-profit work at SUA, Please join our team and receive periodic newsletters and announcements securely. Thomas J. McInerney - Thomas J. McInerney is the president and CEO of Altaba, and a board member of HSN Inc., Interval Leisure Group Inc., and Match Group. The rumor spread quickly anyway," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab," Sept. 16, 2020, PolitiFact, "What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics?" He had 4 tours in Vietnam starting in 1963,67,68,&69 initially as a FAC and then introducing the new F4Ds and the F4Es into Combat. Transcript. Theyre making a very swift and bold play for complete control, the General said. Ive already had one shot, and last week I was going to get my second shot, he told me on the latest episode of NOQ Report. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a four-part series of exerpts from Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in . U.S. Bank Deposits Tumble for the 10th Consecutive Week, The coming Globalized Digital Money System Just Got The Endorsement It Needed to Proceed as The Replacement for Fiat Paper Currencies. From there, it was copied to other YouTube channels and promoted on Twitter, Facebook and Parler, before the platform was taken offline. People must understand that. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1959 and later earned a. Thomas G. McInerney (born March 15, 1937) is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General and well-known war hawk. As the CEO of BENS, McInerney assisted in passage of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) which prohibits the development, production, and stockpiling of chemical weapons. There were, as in 2020, late night deliveries of massive numbers of fake votes to the Democratic gubernatorial candidates in Arizona and Michigan and the theft of 330,000 votes from Oz that were given to the crazedFetterman in Pennsylvania. News. One of our YouTube accounts was banned and another has been suspended. He said that it is no way near a sure thing that the midterm elections will be free from fraud. During a Sunday Fox News interview, he expressed dissatisfaction with many courts that have ruled against or dismissed his cases. If Flynn, Tata, and McInerney are proof of anything, its that the number of stars on your shoulders arent immediately proportional to your intelligence in their case, far from it. 33701 PolitiFact confirmed that a laptop was stolen from a conference room in the Capitol, but Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said that the laptop was only used for presentations. Its about the authoritarians rising. She was very helpful. If the virus had been altered, there would be evidence in its genome data. The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Whether one trusts the need and efficacy of these vaccines or not, it should still give us pause that the standard testing and safety protocols have not been met. Were seeing The Great Reset manifesting. Spotify canceled us. Lt. General Thomas McInerney on 2021 in Review and What We Must Do in 2022 To Save America . They say you dont have standing, President Trump said. At the time, social media posts claimed the footage showed election workers at State Farm Arena in Atlanta illegally counting suitcases filled with ballots after observers left the room. In retirement he was President of BENS and then Chairman YottaStor as well as being a Fox News Military Analyst since 9/11. He was responsible for the organization and administration of the Air Staff. This is arguably the most alarming national security threat were facing today; a military in which people in key positions are taken out through the rapid spread of a future powerful variant is troubling. "Suez Canal blocked by huge container ship named Evergreen. Between Flynn, Tata, and McInerney, one has to wonder: what is it about rising to the rank of general that clearly ruins the brains of (we assume) once-fine men? General McInerney received the warning from a doctor he knew just before going in for his second jab. But before taking the second, he received a phone call from another doctor who warned him not to get round two. The soldiers killed in the crash were assigned to Task Force Sinais Aviation Company, which is not a special operations unit. var sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.type = 'text/javascript'; sc.async = true; thomas mcinerney (born March 15, 1937) is a political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense. This is why we desperately need your help. Coordinated by China. Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and Director of the Defense Performance Review (DPR), which reported to the Secretary of Defense. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1959 and later earned a masters degree in international relations from The George Washington University in 1972. Then, on Tuesday, recently-pardoned longtime conspiracy theorist retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn shared a press release from a fringe group calling on Trump to declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a re-vote in an effort to overturn the outcome of the election. Theyve all been promoted to tremendous positions of responsibility within the executive branch at some point in their careers, so why the apparent mental rot? McInerneys claim is one of the longest-running falsehoods about the pandemic. Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney talks about Italy's role in stealing the election for Joe Biden. General McInerney said the election was a repeat of 2020 with widespread vote manipulation by the Democrats and their Chinese paymasters. Americans are rather under attack by a globalist-controlled federal government that is hopelessly corrupt and hates them, and that is facilitating a lethal foreign invasion by Chinese fentanyl and illegal aliens over our southern border. Jan. 4, 2021, PolitiFact, "Debunking the Hammer and Scorecard election fraud conspiracy theory," Nov. 10, 2020, PolitiFact, "Fact-checking claims about the Insurrection Act, martial law after Capitol riot," Jan. 11, 2021, PolitiFact, "Fact-checking hoaxes and conspiracies about the coronavirus," Jan. 24, 2020, PolitiFact, "Heres how we know Trumps repeated claim of a landslide victory is wrong," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "How Pizzagate went from fake news to a real problem for a D.C. business," Dec. 5, 2016, PolitiFact, "Meet Donald Trump's 88 military advisers," Sept. 7, 2016, PolitiFact, "No, facial recognition didnt confirm antifa infiltrated Trump supporters at the Capitol," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "No, Georgia election workers didnt kick out observers and illegally count suitcases of ballots," Dec. 4, 2020, PolitiFact, "Theres no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. Update: Another section of McInerney's statements is contained below. Tune into Caravan to Midnight live. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {video":"v1slz16","div":"rumble_v1slz16"}); In this weeks McInerney Report theTwo MikesandLt. General McInerneydiscussed the upshot of the midterm elections. The new claim is that Army Special Forces soldiers were killed in Frankfurt, Germany, in a firefight with the CIA guarding a secret CIA server farm that allegedly held evidence of Dominions so-called election theft. Former National Security Council Staffer for President Donald Trump Rich Higgins join us to give us his thoughts on what it would mean for America if Joe Biden becomes President due to his a national security threat due to being compromised by the Communist Chinese and government of Russia. Over 19minutes, McInerney a former Fox News analyst and military adviser for the Trump campaign spins a conspiracy theory that claims Democrats coordinated with the Chinese government to create COVID-19 and commit voter fraud to oust President Donald Trump. In that capacity, McInerney led the Pentagons reinventing government effort, focused on making government more efficient by using the latest and best business practices. There are too many indicators coming in for people to ignore. They not only warned him of the challenges with these vaccines but also gave him some points to make when talking to others, including on interviews like the one we had. Lineup: Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney. From 1994, McInerney was Director of the Defense Performance Review (DPR), reporting to the Secretary of Defense and Vice President Al Gore who conceived this initiative for the Federal Government. "Shows normal ballot processing.". var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, s); And Gen. Thomas Power, who even LeMay considered a sadist, once argued for limited nuclear strikes by proclaiming, Why are you so concerned with saving their lives? It appears milder but much more contagious and evades natural immunity. PolitiFact debunked several of the false claims McInerney made during the video. You cant say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancelation, but wed rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream medias lies. I had a call from a doctor who advised me not to get that.. We reached out to McInerney through his company YottaStor for a comment, but we havent heard back. From November 1976 until October 1977 he was vice commander of the 20th Tactical Fighter Wing, Royal Air Force Station Upper Heyford, England. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"v1ioamb","div":"rumble_v1ioamb"}); The Two Mikes hostedLt. General Thomas McInerney(retd) and retiredColonel Lawrence Sellinin the first episode of theMcInerney Update. He did, however, double down on his claims. He then joined the Air Force, and completed initial pilot training at Bartow Air Base, Florida, and Laredo Air Force Base, Texas, in November 1960. Once we, as a people, agree to nonsensical notions like vaccine passports in order to live our lives, we are no longer a Constitutional republic. Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Lt. General Thomas McInerney (ret'd). It is 1984, Lt. Gen. McInerney said. As a result, he said, Trump is using the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection to pursue justice. Additionally, he serves as deputy chairman of the Air Force Council and is the Air Force accreditation official for the Air Attache Corps. Lt. General Tom McInerney, USAF (ret) After a military career spanning 35 years, as a pilot, commander and strategic planner in the United States Air Force, Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF retired from active military service in 1994 as Asst. It will be one less stupid person in the world. McInerney made these claims in an interview with Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio & WVW-TV, a conspiracy-tinged website with stories like Voter Fraud, Treason, Psychological Gaslighting Enemies Inside the Wire and The Existential Threat to Our National Security; Is the CIA Using Technology to Enslave and Control The American People? and The Democrats Plan For Secession if They Lose the 2020 Presidential Election and Their Partnership with China to Defeat America From Within., In his interview with Howse (which was preceded by an exclusive first interview with retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn since his pardoning by Trump) McInerney said that Trump and attorney Sidney Powell have got the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion working with them, because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ or the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.. Indeed, Flynn and McInerneys double-barreled shotgun blast of insanity this week may mark a new high in the annals of retired generals and their descent into the fever swamps of internet conspiracy theories, but they arent the only ones to float unhinged pro-Trump narratives in recent years. McInerney, who in 2006 floated an evidence-free theory that Russia moved Saddams weapons of mass destruction to Syria prior to the Iraq War, was near the top of the Air Force food chain before his retirement. Theyve got a game plan and the passport was part of that game plan. They are allowed to be distributed through emergency order only, and that should concern us all. And they know all this data they are provided.. Its the general officer equivalent of watching the changing faces of meth users over time, except now were watching once-respected officers flush their credibility down the toilet. That doesnt mean we will block them, but we refuse to be beholden to companies that absolutely despise us simply because of our political ideology. I want everybody to listen to me. Combating propaganda: Information warfare in the sea services, Extended-range anti-air detection missile update, Army sergeant convicted of murder made racist remarks, violent threats, Soldier charged with killing husband, death previously ruled suicide, Watchdog warns Guard pilots not getting enough hours to fly safely, Senators press Fort Hood leaders on investigation into soldiers death, Security Force Assistance Brigade commander under investigation. Another twist of the new theory alleges that the five soldiers killed in a helicopter crash while assigned to the Multinational Force of Observers Sinai mission on Nov. 12 were really killed in the purported Frankfurt shootout with the CIA. Now, he's talking about the 5G aspect of the jabs. ECHO!!! Washington, DC Thomas G. McInerney was once a highly respected military leader who became the Air Force assistant vice chief of staff. CISA said on its rumor control page that bad actors would not be able to change election results without being caught. Thats correct, McInerney responded. Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss taboo topics. 2023-04-02 07:27:25. From March 1996 to December 1999, McInerney was chief executive officer and President of Business Executives for National Security (BENS), an association through which senior business executives can help enhance the nations security. He is a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, including 407 combat missions (243 in O-1s as a forward air controller and 164 in F-4C's, D's and E's) during the Vietnam War. McInerney's last active duty assignment was as Assistant vice chief of staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. Our Twitter account was banned. McInerney then became military assistant to Ambassador Robert W. Komer, the adviser to the secretary of defense on North Atlantic Treaty Organization affairs. In October 1986, McInerney was assigned as vice commander in chief, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany. Scientists worldwide have publicly shared the genetic makeup of the coronavirus thousands of times. But its much worse than that. Politicians in particular love to leverage that built-in credibility.. He was blowing the whistle on the stolen election long before election day. ", Says Jerry Nadler said God has no authority in the House of Representatives. }()); New Research Connects the Spike Protein to Long Haul Covid. This updated version of a weeks-old theory originally amplified by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, came from an interview with McInerney, who offered no evidence to support his claim. The Democrat cheaters did not touch Florida cheating-wise, trusting that DeSantis massive victory would play to increase the strength of Trump-hating Republicans to wage a war inside the Republican Party and their paymasters, men and women who act in lockstep against the survival of America with the Globalist Democrats. Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney reveals the most important part of Mike Lindell's 'Absolute Proof' Today, The Two Mikes again hosted Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (Ret.) The theory goes like this: An employee in the U.S. embassy in Rome worked with a board member of Leonardo, a defense contractor, to commit voter fraud in the 2020 election. See all the latest videos and articles patriots need to watch and read at Best to boost your immune system with new Z-Dtox and Z-Stack nutraceuticals from our dear friend, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. President Trump won in a landslide and the Dems left so many footprints that this TREASON must be stopped!! Tune into Caravan to Midnight live. Florida driver calls 911 after seeing what looked like a mannequin on fire in a field. Staff Sgt. Kyle McKee was not Special Forces-qualified, though, and he was no longer assigned to USASOC at the time of the crash. This marked Flynns first interview since being pardoned by President Trump. "mRNA is not a vaccine" it's "actually an operating system" that's run by Bill Gates to program humans. One does not have to be an anti-vaxxer in order to want answers about vaccines that are still considered experimental and that have a track record in a short period of time of having side-effects. Speaking to WVW Broadcast Network on Saturday, right after the outlet heard from Flynn, McInerney said his sources told him the group of Special Forces raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany. One of the main promoters of Hammer and Scorecard was a discredited military contractor who claimed to have created the programs. It was originally created by Dennis Montgomery for the CIA to spy on terrorists,, but weaponized by John Brennan and the Obama IC to spy on political rivals in America. He earned a BS degree from the United States Military Academy in 1959 and a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University in 1972. I would like to file one nice big beautiful lawsuit, talking about this and many other things, with tremendous proof. The theory claims one program, called Hammer, cracks into protected networks, while another, called Scorecard, changed vote totals. He was at the forefront warning people about the jabs based on advice her received from multiple doctors. (function() { 727-821-9494, Debunking false claims from former Lt. Gen. McInerney on the Capitol riot, COVID-19, election fraud, Claim: COVID-19 was a biological attack on the world it was a direct attack on the election and they knew what was going to happen, Claim: A program called Hammer and Scorecard (was) going to be used as a cyber warfare tool to change the voting and it did, Claim: The attack on the Capitol was done by antifa, Claim: I got (a) call Tuesday night at 11:30 that the ISI from Pakistan was now in the voting machines in Georgia, Claim: An Italian military satellitewas changing votes in the 2020 election, Claim: In Georgia, cases underneath the table at a voting center were evidence of voter fraud, Claim: There was some people in there that was special forces mixed with antifa and they took her (House Speaker Nancy Pelosis) laptop and they have that data. How will the Ukraine invasion shape industrial base policy? Worldview News & Information For People That Want to Think & Understand The Times Using Reason, Logic and Context. !, he told Military Times. Davis Winkie is a senior reporter covering the Army, specializing in accountability reporting, personnel issues and military justice. Episode 2006 - Vaccine. ", Says Joe Biden planned a winter storm as "warfare, an attack on Texas by altering the jet stream. Its about a dystopian future in which the Chinese Communist Party, the globalists, and other forces bent on our destruction work within the confines of our own government to bring us to heel. The comments about McCain were among a string of false and controversial statements made by McInerney, according to writer Jack Murphy, a Green Beret and Ranger veteran. Nor did he respond to the Army statements about their falsehood. Video shows Kenyas president saying he will get rid of U.S. dollar., Congress, White House, IRS, Feds, Federal Reserve are shut down.. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. It conducts initial entry training for new soldiers in military intelligence positions. Agence France-Presse debunked the claim in a Jan. 12 fact-check. CORRECTION: The 'hammer & scorecard' election theory discussed in this segment has been disputed and debunked by independent fact-checkers. This is in line with claims by Sidney Powell, who previously served as attorney for Flynn and is currently involved in filing Dominion-related election lawsuits (although she is not working with the Trump campaign in an official capacity). !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'. Source : Jeanne traduction. If you want to keep your job, medical personnel, then youve got to get the shots.. McInerney is wrong about antifa, and he is also wrong to say that the U.S. Army Special Forces took a laptop with incriminating information about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from her office during the Capitol riot. ", After the Capitol insurrection, one of the first people arrested was a leader of antifa.". McInerney replied that Ive heard it didnt go down without incident. An Ultimatum. First, I believe in transparency and thorough testing, neither of which have been associated with the rushed vaccines that are now in circulation despite none of them receiving FDA approval. His first operational assignment was in October 1961 with the 476th Tactical Fighter Squadron, flying F-104s at George Air Force Base, California. 801 3rd St. S During this assignment he participated in many high-level study groups on the Middle East, air-to-air missile requirements and the F-15 advanced air superiority fighter. Fact-checkers Lead Stories and USA Today debunked this conspiracy theory. ", RELATED:Heres why Georgias Republican officials are confident in their presidential election results. But even though big Army and U.S. Army Special Operations Command have told Military Times that there was no such attack, or loss of life, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is sticking by his claims. Lt Gen Thomas McInerney USAF Retired was the former Assistant Vice Chief of the USAF and Director of the Defense Performance Review reporting directly to SEC DEF and the Vice President when he retired after 35 years active duty in 1994. As Carl Forsling previously noted for Task & Purpose, the era of senior military officials as cable news pundits needs to come to a close for everyones sake. The allegations are false, a USASOC spokesman told Military Times. Fact: 9,000 illegals all of 2020. Howard Altman is an award-winning editor and reporter who was previously the military reporter for the Tampa Bay Times and before that the Tampa Tribune, where he covered USCENTCOM, USSOCOM and SOF writ large among many other topics. McInerney was assigned to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, and later to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for advanced gunnery training. Left Says Trump Cant Be Trusted With National Secrets After Presidency, UN Plots Giant Power Grab to Deal With Global Emergencies, How Compromised Is Biden? Business Executives for National Security, WMD theories in the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq War, Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror, Official United States Air Force biography, Interview with Thomas McInerney and Lt. General Gard from 1999, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, United States Air Force personnel of the Vietnam War, Graduates of the United States Military Academy Class of 1959, Recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross (United States), Recipients of the Order of the Sword (United States), Recipients of the Defense Superior Service Medal, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. September 23, 2022 in Deep State, Elections, Everything, Interview, Politics, Two Mikes The Two Mikes hosted Lt. General Thomas McInerney (ret'd) and retired Colonel Lawrence Sellin in the first episode of the "McInerney Update". Be distributed through emergency order only, and that means we will continue to discuss taboo.... A sure thing that the midterm elections will be free from fraud to discuss topics... Military News, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily during the video General said Special... 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