View Solution. replace leaking water inlet valve assembly 1. Web view the lg . This put extra strain on the motor as the mold was not releasing quickly. Removed leaking water inlet valve assembly from refrigerator (1 screw). IN-STOCK ONLINE. 0000008909 00000 n
Click to reveal 2023 Transform SR Brands LLC. Why is frost building up in my refrigerator's freezer? Original, high quality parts for LFXS28566S in stock and ready to ship today. . Hello Kenneth, Thank you for your inquiry. I then purchased a new icemaker. LG Business offers solutions for hotels, restaurants, offices, shops and more, keeping them comfortable, secure and stylish. Variation ASTCNA3 . The ice tray can be filled up with water and is the mold that shapes the ice cubes. INFORMATION 0000179209 00000 n
Need help? Hi Teresa, Plastic housing, Ice maker located at the top and ice cruncher/dispenser at the bottom. Phone: (866) 779 7906. Replace the water valve that feeds water to the ice maker and water dispenser if it no longer controls the flow of water. Just snap a photo and we'll find and store your user manuals, receipts, and product information in one easy-to-find place! LG claims to have a worry free out of warranty service option, parts and service included for $249, until you try and use it! Valve & water tube. Replace both water tubes to water inlet assembly. Hello Troy, thank you for reaching out. Please enable javascript to view the website .. Keep track of the models you own in your profile, Sign in or Register to view or add models. I have never received the return instruction. In the search box below, enter all or part of the part number or the parts name. Hola Boris, gracias por contactarnos. Disconnect two electrical connections, remove black c-clip on out flow water line, lift fitting on outflow line side and pull water line off. 6 0 obj
6 49
0000000016 00000 n
The part number listed for the air filter is PS16222687. Official LG LFXS28968S/00 bottom-mount refrigerator parts | Sears PartsDirect LG LFXS28968S/00 bottom-mount refrigerator parts - manufacturer-approved parts for a proper fit every time! What took the longest was the removable of the frozen food items and the drawers in the Bottom Freezer section. View the user manual below for more details. 0000002123 00000 n
Be the first to own the latest and greatest LG OLED TVs. This part replaces ADD73719017. There are a couple of ways to find the part or diagram you need: Not all parts are shown on the diagramsthose parts are labeled NI, for not illustrated. Add to Cart. Performance & security by Cloudflare. They worked ok. . 6. Detach two electrical wire harnesses. With intuitive, responsive controls, sleek, stylish designs, and eco-friendly features, our collection gives you the power to do more at home and on the go. The part number listed under your model number for the water filter is PS12724834. LFXS28566S 28 cu.ft. 11. We'll send you expert repair help, discounts, and more! LG LFXS28566S/00 bottom-mount refrigerator manual Please enter one or more characters Tips to find your model number Sign in Your account Cart Water filters DIY help Featured products Top brands Top products Products by brand Orders Your models Schedule a repair Something went wrong. . Error occurred, please verify your email and try again. Please enable JavaScript to ensure you get the most out of the LG site, products, and services. . We look forward to hearing from you! Re-attach bottom sheet cover (6 screws). Error occurred, please verify your email and try again. 3-Door Refrigerator w/ Door-in-Door . Product Description. 1 In Stock. This is the number corresponding to the part on the diagram / schematic. Cold resistance of the mold heater was 72 ohms. Visit these pages to find what you need: LG Refrigerator - Why is My Refrigerator Not Making Ice? We are an industry leaders because of our over 60 years of experience and carry millions of replacement parts and accessories for almost 200 brands of consumer electronics, appliances, computers, tablets, personal care items, service aids, health and wellness items, mobile phones, HVACs and TV & Audio equipment. How to clean refrigerator condenser coils, How to replace a refrigerator water valve, How to replace a refrigerator temperature control board, How to Remove a GE French Door Refrigerator Flipper Mullion, How to change the water filter in an LG refrigerator, Samsung RF263BEAESG/AA-00 bottom-mount refrigerator parts, Hydro-Gear ZT2800 engine & drivetrain parts. Model:LFXS28566S Product:Refrigerator Subtype:Cooling System Shop Parts Common Problems Diagrams & Manuals Related Videos Save to my models Filter & Refine Results Filters Part Category Valve & Float Bracket & Flange Cap, Lid & Cover Capacitor Circuit Board & Timer View more Part Title Water Inlet Valve Bracket Control Board Cover Door Gasket Water Inlet Valve Assembly for LG LFXS28566S Refrigerator. I installed the new 3 wire ice maker very easily, but it was defective. Then it smoked and stopped mid-rotation. LFXS28566S Refrigerator Water Tank Assembly, LG LFXS28566S Refrigerator Water Tank Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Water Filter (6 month) - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Micro Dispenser Switch - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Run Capacitor - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Drawer Slide Rail (Left) - Genuine OEM, LFXS28566S Refrigerator Door Handle (Stainless), LG LFXS28566S Refrigerator Door Handle (Stainless) Genuine OEM, LFXS28566S Freezer Door Handle Assembly (Stainless), LG LFXS28566S Freezer Door Handle Assembly (Stainless) Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Water Inlet Valve Assembly Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Slide Rail (Right) - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Water Filter Head Assembly - Genuine OEM, LFXS28566S Lower Freezer Door Assembly - Black, LG LFXS28566S Lower Freezer Door Assembly - Black - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Upper Door Hinge Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Drain Tube Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Temperature Sensor - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Lower Door Hinge - Genuine OEM, LFXS28566S Ice Bank Dispenser Seal Gasket, LG LFXS28566S Ice Bank Dispenser Seal Gasket - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Multi Duct Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Fridge Door Gasket - Grey - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Fridge Door Gasket - White - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Fan Grille Assembly - Genuine OEM, LFXS28566S Door Handle Assembly - Stainless, LG LFXS28566S Door Handle Assembly - Stainless - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Ice Maker Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Thermistor Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Main Control Board Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Water Reservoir Cover - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Deli Drawer Front Cover - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Ice Container Tray - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Door Handle Roller Wheel - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Fan Motor Bracket Assembly - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Top Crisper Drawer Cover - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Fresh Air Filter Decor - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Pantry Drawer Divider - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Door Gasket - White Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Door Gasket - White - Genuine OEM, LFXS28566S Left Fridge Door Assembly - Stainless, LG LFXS28566S Left Fridge Door Assembly - Stainless - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Door Hinge Cover - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Evaporator Fan Blade - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Center Door Hinge - Genuine OEM, LG LFXS28566S Door Hinge Bushing - Genuine OEM. We also have installation guides, diagrams and manuals to help you along the way! 7. LFXS28566S Parts Need Help? %PDF-1.4
Copyright 2023 Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please try again later. Both numbers are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. 0000001647 00000 n
This Is A True LG Part! I'm impressed." I did however, do some other tests. The Fix App makes it easy to manage all your stuff in one place. !function(a){var e="",t="addEventListener";if("False"=="True")a.BOOMR_config=a.BOOMR_config||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams=a.BOOMR_config.PageParams||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams.pci=!0,e="";if(window.BOOMR_API_key="8ZKNB-L7R9X-J5VUX-ZKLUE-H2UQX",function(){function n(e){a.BOOMR_onload=e&&e.timeStamp||(new Date).getTime()}if(!a.BOOMR||!a.BOOMR.version&&!a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted){a.BOOMR=a.BOOMR||{},a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted=!0;var i,_,o,r=document.createElement("iframe");if(a[t])a[t]("load",n,!1);else if(a.attachEvent)a.attachEvent("onload",n);r.src="javascript:void(0)",r.title="",r.role="presentation",(r.frameElement||r).style.cssText="width:0;height:0;border:0;display:none;",o=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o);try{_=r.contentWindow.document}catch(O){i=document.domain,r.src="javascript:var;d.domain='"+i+"';void(0);",_=r.contentWindow.document}{var a=this.createElement("script");if(i)this.domain=i;"boomr-if-as",a.src=e+"8ZKNB-L7R9X-J5VUX-ZKLUE-H2UQX",BOOMR_lstart=(new Date).getTime(),this.body.appendChild(a)},_.write("
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Enter your Refrigerator Model to find the air or water filter that fits your unit. Ask our experts a question about this model and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! 0000047997 00000 n
LGs philosophy revolves around people, sincerity, and sticking to the fundamentals. Click the diagram where you think your part is located Case Parts Dispenser Parts Door Parts Freezer Parts Ice Maker Parts Refrigerator Parts Water and Valve Parts Common symptoms and solutions 1-877-477-7278 Sort by Previous Page Page 1 of 18 Water Valve Assembly Quantity Add to Cart ( 70) MFG Number AJU72992601 In Stock Ships Tuesday Guaranteed Add this item to cart to see the delivery date Flow meter is not needed on all models, remove if necessary. 10. The PartSelect logo is a Registered Trademark of Atlantic Laundry Centres, Ltd. This is bottom drawer type frige. Install new water inlet valve assembly to refrigerator (1 screw). LG LFXS28566S/00 Top Crisper Drawer Cover - Genuine OEM. Designed with you in mind, LG products offer innovative solutions to make life good. Save to my models. My fridge was bought last year and the new filter will not turn and lock in place. Shut off water to refrigerator. 0000025223 00000 n
Show more YourSelf LG Refrigerator Noisy?. 0000184854 00000 n
Our experts will send you an email as soon as your question has been answered.
*T@U.$E('MS#:e? Diagram # 136C. 0000025707 00000 n
If the temperature in your refrigerator doesn't match the temperature you set, the problem could be the temperature control boarda service technician can give you a definite diagnosis. This part replaces ADC73928123. Keep searches simple, eg. If you have ever wished you had more space to get more organized, your wish has been granted. 0000019161 00000 n
Find Your Parts - Help me find my model number. Low water pressure which in turn led to no water and no ice. 0000102509 00000 n
( 9) Download or print a free copy of the user manual below. If located in the USA, you can also call 1-800-243-0000. Web get product support, user manuals and. Ft. French Door Smart Refrigerator Replacement Parts Manufacturer Model Number LFXS28566S Variation ASTCNA0 Description 27.7 Cu. 3. I'm impressed." Just snap a photo and we'll find and store your user manuals, receipts, and product information in one easy-to-find place! There was a break in one of the things that held it in. The PartSelect logo is a Registered Trademark of Atlantic Laundry Centres, Ltd. 0000007248 00000 n
LG LFXS28566S/00 bottom-mount refrigerator parts - manufacturer-approved parts for a proper fit every time! LG comprises four business units: Home Entertainment, Mobile Communications, Home Appliance & Air Solutions. 0000002256 00000 n
8. 0000066652 00000 n
And it has (3) solenoids serving the water dispenser. To Access Ice Plus option: . Refrigerator Water Reservoir Cover (replaces MC What routine maintenance does my refrigerator need? Ft. French Door Smart Refrigerator | replacement parts & accessories. Want a copy for yourself? LG LFXS28566S Parts List | Reliable Parts Case. If you need help placing an order for these parts, customer service is open 7 days a week and anyone will be happy to assist you. 0000061141 00000 n
LG Model LFXS24566S/00 parts in stock and ready to ship! This was sufficient to indicate the icemaker is shot. This item is NEW! There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. 0000016807 00000 n
Thank you. Icemaker flooded the storage container box for cubes. Get Questions Answered Instantly. We look forward to hearing from you! I took a picture of the model number on my refrigerator, and the app identified it right away Very convenient. Hello Mike, Thank you for the question. Product Description. You can inspect the board for signs of damage or a shorted component. 4. Find commercial appliances and electronics from LG for your business and help make life good. ft. Capacity PrintProof Finish Overview Specs Reviews Support Measure Twice, Order Once Click below for tip to make sure your LG product will fit into your space. On the bench I tested the icemaker to verify it was defective. 0000032925 00000 n
Don't see your model number? LG Refrigerator - Why Is My Water Filter Leaking? 0000019275 00000 n
LG Refrigerator - How to Change the Temperature Setting, Troubleshooting An LG French Door Refrigerator Not Closing or Opening Properly. Unplugged fridge, shut off water supply disconnected water supply from fridge. 2. Door and Latch. This video demonstrates the proper and safe way to disassemble a refrigerator and how to access parts that may need to be tested and/or replaced. 0000019439 00000 n
sT.XWy5XJW*,YYR|X I believe the mold heater was going bad over time as this unit made ice but very slowly. You can also use a multimeter to determine if voltage is reaching the ice maker after reviewing the refrigerator's wiring diagram. Remove water inlet tube (loosen nut) and tube back to refrigerator (pull from water valve after remove cotter pin washer). All rights reserved. Whirlpool Refrigerator Disassembly ED2KVEXVB01. Re-attach both wiring harnesses. With 27.7 cu. Get tips and advice on replacing the water filter in your LG refrigerator. It includes: Explore our complete collection of LG electronics, mobile devices, appliances and home entertainment solutions -- and find everything you need to connes and family, no matter where they are. Parts & Diagrams Parts for LG LFXS29766S/01 Refrigerator Search LG Model LFXS29766S/01 parts in stock and ready to ship! Then they will send a tech who . You're visiting the PartSelect site in U.S. Would you like to shop on the Canadian site? Whether that means cooking a nutritious, delicious meal for your family, staying connected on-the-go, sharing your favorite photos, watching a movie with your kids or creating a clean, comfortable place to celebrate the moments that matter, we'll be there for you every step of the way. If you're using Internet Explorer 9 or earlier, you will need to use an alternate browser such as Firefox or Chrome or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). When ordering, have on hand the replacement water filter cartridges part . Click a diagram to see the parts shown on that diagram. 11:14. . Keep your LG LFXS28566S running smoothly with our wide selection of replacement parts. Send us a message as we are happy to help! In the end, it was my inexperience refitting the unit into the door slot. They had it on the computer and it was just too easy. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Ordered the Part after looking at the choices shown, once I inspected the unit. Add to Cart. HWYD~(b wv$4&+@,Ba&6a=_Um"@0NwW %_lNF cC6{s}l2[f7~27Hrq.d%>suP
lD&G?qF+ERa?Dw|"a +!_3YC+BC)Z=Q!qL)Pk{NP;PG9fbp
LY$Y{wg%1}Cit]"62FN[Q#XR[[7sP9[AQ; ^yK%P("loit5KK9!:=hsZ5nj*fhWUuUp(Jeo: LG comprises four business units: Home Entertainment, Mobile Communications, Home Appliance & Air Solutions. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. In order to get the best possible experience from our website, please follow below instructions. 0000001522 00000 n
We hope this helps! It will be a shame if I have to buy a new refrigerator. Ft. French Door Smart Refrigerator Service Manual Owners Manual Interactive Exploded View Filter Parts by Category Showing 1 to 10 of 329 entries Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next 0000032517 00000 n
0000018937 00000 n
The part you are looking for is the bottom door bin, part number PS11711118. . We quick ship Replacement Parts from Orange County, CA; Chicago, IL; Houston, TX; & Boston Massachusets, and many other locations. Ft. French Door Smart Refrigerator. Related Videos for LG Refrigerator Model LFXS28566S/00. Smart wi-fi Enabled Door-in-Door Refrigerator +6 3.9 (560) Write a review KEY FEATURES 28 cu. Ft. French Door Smart Refrigerator Replacement Parts. Your Email Has Been Added to Our Mailing List! Parts & Labor 1 Year Sealed System 7 Years Linear Compressor 10 Years UPC CODES LFXS28566S Stainless Steel 048231794848 LNXC23726S SMART APPLIANCE Get an alert when kids forget to close the door Make more ice while you're at work The Ice Maker from Part Select was complete. ) F"G39{*k*C?TFkofUP ^7m?1 Help your refrigerator run more efficiently by cleaning the condenser coils. I removed the icemaker by removing (1) screw from the bottom and loosening (2) on the top. We have researched the model you have provided and show the part number for the ice maker is PS12373662. Freezer. LFXS28566S LG 27.7 Cu. Si necesita ayuda para realizar un pedido, no dude en llamarnos! Refrigerator. 0000102472 00000 n
Need Help? Web view online (70 pages) or download pdf (11 mb) lg lmxs28626s, lfxs28566m, lfxs28566s, lfxs28968s, lfxc22526s, lfxc22526d, lfxs26973s, lfxs28968d. Model # LFXS28566S Store SKU # 1001086959 . The action you just performed triggered the security solution. 9. ADD TO CART. 0000031924 00000 n
We also have installation guides, diagrams and manuals to help you along the way! 11:14. LG Electronics has unveiled many new products, applied new technologies in the form of mobile devices and digital TVs in the 21st century and continues to reinforce its status as a global company. If the board is at fault, follow these steps to replace it yourself. Note: On some models, you may not need the flow meter and it can be removed if necessary. view enlarged image in modal window. "leaking", "pump", "broken" or "fit". 775 Tipton Industrial Dr Suite F Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Burke America Parts Group is the longest-running genuine appliance, HVAC, and outdoor power equipment parts solution in North America. The timer motor was 4000 ohms. LG Refrigerator Door Compressor Overload Protector. 0000010522 00000 n
Performance & security by Cloudflare. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. I was told that instructions for the return of the defective part would be sent later due to the virus. 2023 Transform SR Brands LLC. 0000001276 00000 n
0000012356 00000 n
Get Questions Answered Instantly. Click the diagram where you think your part is located Case Parts Dispenser Parts Door Parts Freezer Parts Ice Maker Parts Refrigerator Parts Water and Valve Parts Parts for LG LFXS24566S/00 Refrigerator - Most Popular Parts Sale LG LT500P Refrigerator Water Filte. 0000025248 00000 n
0000019344 00000 n
. $99.89. Not all parts are shown on the diagramsthose parts are labeled NI, for "not illustrated". Over 100 In Stock. Join our email list for updates and offers. 0000060317 00000 n
Remove screws that hold lower cover on back of fridge, removed screws holding valve assembly to fridge. Substitute parts can look different from the original. The LG LFXS28566S 27.7cu. Your Email Has Been Added to Our Mailing List! *Taxes and shipping will be applied during checkout. Ft. French Door Smart Refrigerator. The ice tray had warped and dumped water, which then froze down through the ice bucket and below. Web thank you for choosing lg. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7b9c78ef3c8053e3 LG LFXS28566S Refrigerator Parts - Home Customer Support Track Order Business Services Log In Live Chat Search by Modelor by Part number Genuine product manufactured by LG. Hola necesito el compresor para mi nevera LG por favor este es el modelo Lfxs28566s/00 o alguno que funcione para ella gracias. There are a couple of ways to find the part or diagram you need: Click a diagram to see the parts shown on that diagram. Removed leaking water inlet valve assembly from refrigerator (1 screw). It is to understand our customers and to offer optimum solutions and new experiences through ceaseless innovation, thus helping our customers lead better lives. Top Crisper Drawer Cover for LG LFXS28566S/00 . This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. If you need Repair Service, submit an online. To properly experience our website, you will need to use an alternate browser or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). If located in Canada, please call 1-888-LGCANADA. Here are the diagrams and repair parts for LG LFXS28968S-00 refrigerator, as well as links to manuals and error code tables, if available. Replace the ice container. The Fix App makes it easy to manage all your stuff in one place. . ice bin had broken ejector blade. LG Refrigerator Circuit Boards and Touch Pads, LG Refrigerator Springs and Shock Absorbers. 1 Year Parts and Labor; 5 Years Sealed System (parts and labor), 6 -10 Years Linear Compressor (parts only . Troubleshooting A Leaking LG Refrigerator. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Labor : 1 Year (Internal/functional parts only), Parts : 1 Year (Internal/functional parts only), For products purchased on or after 1/1/2018. - Clever Jeff. LG LFXS28566S Water Inlet Valve Assembly Genuine OEM. 0000024678 00000 n
Please feel free to give us a call. More Parts From The Diagram. 0000025638 00000 n
If you need help placing an order for it, please feel free to give us a call. Why won't my refrigerator ice maker make ice? 0000060571 00000 n
FREE shipping within the USA QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Please try our online Chat, Email, or Call services. Customer Support 6 days a week . Enter your model number or a part number and click "Search". For products purchased before 1/1/2018, above warranty coverage shall also apply from the date of purchase. ft. Freezer Capacity, External Water Dispenser, Door in Door, Crisper Drawer, Automatic Defrost, Energy Star Certified, Ice Maker, ThinQ Technology, SmartDiagnosis, Water and Ice Dispenser, PrintProof Finish in Stainless Steel LG Refrigerator Door Basket (Bin) Assembly AAP73631802 More Info: $50.38 In-Stock Online. I then cycled it again and then the timer motor began to sizzle and smell. Removed old bin from ice maker(pulled it out manually). Are you looking for information on using the LG LFXS28566S/00 bottom-mount refrigerator? *Taxes and shipping will be applied during checkout. 2. Here are the diagrams and repair parts for LG LFXS28566S-00 bottom-mount refrigerator, as well as links to manuals and error code tables, if available. The tray is made of white plastic and is approximately 9 inches in length, and 3 inches in width. Removed bottom sheet metal cover (6 screws). Choose from a range of commercial displays, enterprise mobility solutions and solar modules providing specialised solutions for a range of business types. I followed the repair video provided by your website. Required Part: Skill Level Reviews Control Board $297.58 ADD TO CART Most Common Solution Shop by Popular LG Refrigerator Models LG Electronics has unveiled many new products, applied new technologies in the form of mobile devices and digital TVs in the 21st century and continues to reinforce its status as a global company. The wire harness has a 10 amp fuse in the black wire (hot wire). Copyright 1999-2023, Eldis Group Partnership. LG LFXS28566S Parts. Removed bottom sheet metal cover (6 screws). Why is water dripping from my refrigerator onto the floor? Getting the ice maker support bracket back into position on the door. I took a picture of the model number on my refrigerator, and the app identified it right away Very convenient. About us (844) 200-5464; Your Location: 33101; Contact Us . 0000122029 00000 n
Choose a symptom to see related refrigerator repairs. 0000032492 00000 n
5. LG Electronics Inc. is a South Korean multinational electronics company that manufactures electronics, appliances and mobile devices with innovative technology and designs. We encourage you to save the model to your profile, so its easy to access parts and manuals for your appliance whenever you log in. All Rights Reserved, Lg LFXS28566S/00 bottom-mount refrigerator parts, Samsung DW80J9945US/AA-00 dishwasher parts, KitchenAid KIRD801VSS1 downdraft ventilation system parts, Craftsman 917272280 front-engine lawn tractor parts, Craftsman 917388521 gas walk-behind mower parts, Craftsman 917378941 gas walk-behind mower parts, Frigidaire FEX831CS0 laundry center parts, Kenmore 72180043700 microwave/hood combo parts. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Use the advice and tips in these articles and videos to get the most out of your refrigerator. This user manual contains important warranty, safety, and product feature information. (window.BOOMR_mq=window.BOOMR_mq||[]).push(["addVar",{"rua.upush":"false","rua.cpush":"false","rua.upre":"false","rua.cpre":"false","rua.uprl":"false","rua.cprl":"false","rua.cprf":"false","rua.trans":"","rua.cook":"false","rua.ims":"false","rua.ufprl":"false","rua.cfprl":"false","rua.isuxp":"false","rua.texp":"norulematch"}]); . This damaged the motor causing it to fail. Sent for replacement,got it took old one off put new one on that was it. 0000032186 00000 n
replace leaking water inlet valve assembly. I first tested the solenoids by disconnecting them and using a test cord, energized them independent of the frige wiring. Visit these pages to find what you need: The homepage to search for a model or part Our DIY how-to guides and videos to find repair instructions The Water Filter Finder for refrigerator water filters ; This part is the replacement ice tray for your refrigerator. LFXS28566S Common Parts. Please enable javascript to view the website .. Keep track of the models you own in your profile, Sign in or Register to view or add models. Please feel free to give us a call. I then activated the icemaker with a test cord, bypassing the blown fuse. $5Zh\ZBVs+h'>2CnVJ%K YR[8}+&8a ^-p*
8.#^poWTHOMn9s(AGCX`O6]Ht<6>R C}}. 0000005801 00000 n
THEN (important) went on Utube asking for video instructions. The only part we have found will only connect the ice maker or the water. Note: this frige has (2) solenoids going to the icemaker. Please try our online Chat , Email , or Call services. Icemaker is inside (not in the door) and hard to reach.
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