computer security: principles and practice 4th edition github

Skills Given the wide range of duties enumerated in the previous section, which skills does an architect need to possess? There should be a xed amount of time allocated for the peer review, typically several hours to half a day. ciency using each of the 2. (Note that container layers are di erent from the notion of layers in module structures that we introduced in Chapter 1.) Coal mining releases gases that are explosive and poisonous. [Yacoub 02] S. Yacoub and H. Ammar. Discuss why this is so, identify the pros and cons of public disclosure of security measures, and describe how this could a ect your role as an architect. Although the structures give di erent system perspectives, they are not independent. The ight control software was programmed to prevent the pilot from commanding certain violent maneuvers that might cause the aircraft to enter an unsafe ight regime. [Parnas 76] D. L. Parnas. The architect had, the manager felt, become too autocratic and dictatorial, and the manager wanted the junior design sta to be given the opportunity to mature and contribute. Three Kinds of Structures Architectural structures can be divided into three major categories, depending on the broad nature of the elements they show and the kinds of reasoning they support: 1. Finally, remember as you are documenting that your design may eventually be analyzed. Table 25.1 Technical Duties of a Software Architect Table 25.2 Nontechnical Duties of a Software Architect Architects also routinely perform many other duties, such as leading code reviews or getting involved in test planning. A good answer is that you should think about how the various structures available to you provide insight and leverage into the systems most important quality attributes, and then choose the ones that will play the best role in delivering those attributes. The architect may also look in the commercial marketplace to nd o -the-shelf elements that can be purchased and do the job. Step 2: Establish Iteration Goal by Selecting Drivers Each design iteration focuses on achieving a particular goal. A small determinant causes issues when inverting a matrix on a classical computer, so this is not a quantum unique problem. A utility tree begins with the word Utility as the root node. The participants lay down the ground rules for what constitutes a suitable architecture, and they contribute to the risks uncovered at every step of the way. Secure installations permit only limited access to them (e.g., by using fences and security checkpoints), have means of detecting intruders (e.g., by requiring legitimate visitors to wear badges), have deterrence mechanisms (e.g., by having armed guards), have reaction mechanisms (e.g., automatic locking of doors), and have recovery mechanisms (e.g., o -site backup). Validate input. What is the packaging (e.g., executable, app, plug-in)? Other systems see more dynamic workloads with rapid increases and decreases in the rate of requests, and so need a way to automate adding and releasing service instances. Each decision, in isolation, might appear innocent enough, but the early ones in particular have disproportionate weight simply because they in uence and constrain so much of what follows. For example, the cell at row 8, column 3 is marked with 4: This means that there is no structural relation between and, but they were found to have changed together four times in the revision history. The accuracy of the analysis and expected degree of con dence in the analysis results will vary according to the maturity of the available artifacts. 6 (June 1994). To make sure your learning is uninterrupted, please check your card details before your first monthly payment. Assertions can be expressed as pre- and post-conditions for each method and also as class-level invariants. So, the management gateway will identify a hypervisor that can manage an additional VM of the type you have selected by asking, Is there enough unallocated CPU and memory capacity available on that physical machine to meet your needs? Software component. To estimate the savings, we make one assumption: The refactored les will have roughly the same number of bug xes in the future as the average le had in the past. Yes, you can begin coding and yes, the architecture will emergebut it will be the wrong one. Jakob Nielsen has also written extensively on this topic, including a calculation of the ROI of usability [Nielsen 08]. Although functionality is independent of any particular structure, it is achieved by assigning responsibilities to architectural elements. A context diagram shows how the system or portion of the system relates to its environment. For example, we see this when systems use many sensors of the same type from di erent manufacturers, each with its own device drivers, accuracy, or timing properties, but the architecture provides a common interface to them. Strategies include the following: Function patch. Grovers algorithm is an example of a probabilistic algorithm that computes the inverse of a function. Increase competence set. And yet that architecture, had it been delivered without a database, would have been just as de cient from the managers point of viewas if it had failed to deliver an important function or QA. Facilitators help the stakeholders put the scenarios in the six-part scenario form of sourcestimulusartifactenvironmentresponseresponse measure that we described in Chapter 3. Module views, component-and-connector (C&C) views, and allocation views are the appropriate mechanism for representing these considerations, respectively. Rate monotonic is a static priority assignment for periodic streams that assigns a higher priority to streams with shorter periods. This tactic calls for ignoring messages sent from a particular source when we determine that those messages are spurious. The physical computer is called the host computer and the VMs are called guest computers. Figure 16.1 also shows a hypervisor, which is an operating system for the VMs. 8190. Bene ts: Services are designed to be used by a variety of clients, leading them to be more generic. The product of these two primes pq is roughly 256 bits in magnitude. Similarly, if you are migrating a module from one team to another, you might want to ensure that the new team has the appropriate skills and background knowledge to work with that module. Understanding the uses of architecture documentation is essential, as those uses determine the important information to capture. This step lasts as long as time and resources allow. To start a system, subsystem, or component in an arbitrary state for a test, it is most convenient if that state is stored in a single place. The tactics we discuss in this section will keep faults from becoming failures or at least bound the e ects of the fault and make repair possible, as illustrated in Figure 4.2. Views may be depicted (often graphically) using generalpurpose diagramming and editing tools and visual conventions chosen for the system at hand. [Fairbanks 10] G. Fairbanks. The next level of restart (Level 2) frees and reinitializes all memory, both protected and unprotected, forcing all applications to reload and reinitialize. Thermal limits. (Recall from Chapter 1 that a structure is a collection of elements, relations, and properties, whereas a view is a representation of one or more architectural structures.) Recall that the architecture of a software system is composed of a set of structures. Concurrency, when you have multiple CPUs or wait states that can exploit it, is a good thing. ISO/IEC 25010: 2011 Systems and Software EngineeringSystems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)System and Software Quality Models. [Jacobson 97] I. Jacobson, M. Griss, and P. Jonsson. Computer Science University of Torino M.Sc. Now that computing resources can be rented on an as-needed basis, rather than purchased, the nancial tradeo is less compelling but still present. These compositions have been found to be useful over time and over many di erent domains, so they have been documented and disseminated. Other techniques for throttling energy usage include reducing the number of active cores of the processor, reducing the clock rate of the cores, and reducing the frequency of sensor readings. [Kanwal 10] F. Kanwal, K. Junaid, and M.A. Information about the ow of control immediately prior to the incident will provide the as executed architecture. The di erence can be minor, such as a change to the font size or form layout, or it can be more signi cant. Which of the tactics detailed in this chapter will protect against an insider threat? You need to be aware of these possibly con icting criteria and the e ect that the chosen scheduling policy has on the systems ability to meet them. For many decades, most jet aircraft designed for passenger transport have the following characteristics: Engines housed in nacelles slung underneath the wing (as opposed to engines built into the wings, or engines mounted on the rear of the fuselage) Wings that join the fuselage at the bottom (as opposed to the top or middle) First, do an online search to nd an example and a counter-example of this type of design from each of the following manufacturers: Boeing, Embraer, Tupolev, Bombardier. This kind of coordination is easy if it involves a short conversation at the shared vending machines, but its not so easy if it involves a preplanned web conference at a time when it is the middle of the night for one of the teams. Other examples of exception prevention include error-correcting code (used in telecommunications), abstract data types such as smart pointers, and the use of wrappers to prevent faults such as dangling pointers or semaphore access violations. If we know that certain kinds of architectural decisions lead to certain quality attributes in a system, then we can make those decisions and rightly expect to be rewarded with the associated quality attributes. Timeouts Recall from Chapter 4 that timeout is a tactic for availability. 16.8 Serverless Architecture Recall that allocating a VM starts by locating a physical machine with enough free capacity and then loading a VM image into that physical machine. Find physical-world (that is, non-software) examples of applying each of the manage resources tactics. For example, I asked, Does the system support the detection of intrusions?, Does the system support the veri cation of message integrity?, and so forth. Create and maintain a repository of design concepts. Can you think of multiple implementations that have the same interface you just described? In addition, scalability of services in the cloud is discussed explicitly in Chapter 17. Forward error recovery nds a safe, possibly degraded state from which operation can move forward. The plug-ins can be developed by di erent teams or organizations than the developers of the microkernel. Excellent organizational and facilitation skills are also a must for evaluators. The human pilots thought the aircraft was going too fast (and in danger of structural failure) when in fact it was going too slow (and falling). Some quality attributes that were not previously considered have risen to importance in the daily lives of many architects. Tradeo s: Overhead is increased, compared to in-memory communication, because all communication among services occurs via messages across a network. If you had to argue for the value of creating and maintaining architectural documentation to your manager during the design process, what arguments would you put forward? Bene ts: This pattern separates some underlying functionality from the concern of how, and how many times, this functionality is presented. This seemingly small change can have large consequences, as features may be turned on or o by adding or suppressing messages. The procedures generated by the compilers will be used by an actor to serialize and by an element to deserialize the data. Two or more packages depend on each other, rather than forming a hierarchical structure, as they should. Software that is encapsulated by an interface is free to evolve without impact to the elements that use this interface as long as the interface itself does not change. Research the o erings of a major cloud provider. C&C structures help answer questions such as the following: What are the major executing components and how do they interact at runtime? As just mentioned, the availability expected of a system or service is frequently expressed as an SLA. Figure 1.9 shows an example of a data model. As a device moves from one network to another (e.g., from a Wi-Fi network to a cellular network and then to a di erent Wi-Fi network), the user should be unaware of these transitions. Tradeo s: MVC can become burdensome for complex UIs, as information is often sprinkled throughout several components. What Is Software Architecture? This saves the e ort involved in moving the rest of the stack. Building con gurable behavior into portions of S is an integrability tactic that allows S to support a wider range of potential Cs. Osmosis is not without its bene ts, but more systematic ways of determine such goals are both possible and desirable. (We werent always so prudent about pre-exercise preparation and quali cation. Which ones should the architect choose to document? 7. Since each service is small and independently deployable, a modi cation to a service can be deployed without coordinating with teams that own other services. Bonnie John and Len Bass have investigated the relation between usability and software architecture. 2. The system maintains an explicit model of itself. Allocation Views Allocation views describe the mapping of software units to elements of an environment in which the software is developed or in which it executes. Resources Resources have syntax and semantics: Resource syntax. Designing the system for location independence means that the location will be easy to modify with minimal impact on the rest of the system. A limit should be placed on the number of retries that are attempted before a permanent failure is declared. This comparison may be based on a cyclic redundancy check calculation (checksum) or, for systems providing safety-critical services, a message digest calculation (a one-way hash function). 4. Bene ts: Time to market is reduced. Your web browser doesnt go out and grab just any piece of software when it needs a new plugin; a plug-in must have speci c properties and a speci c interface. If the versions behave di erently, this may cause Client C to produce erroneous, or at least inconsistent, results. This approach is fundamentally about decoupling components to reduce the number and distance of their dependencies. Identify potential QAs from business goals. This design concept does not prescribe a particular structure. The collecting organization itself should have policies that govern who within that organization can have access to such data. Thus, an LAE exercise can be as short as a couple of hours or as long as a full day. Other mobile systems might use a di erent battery technology, but all have some equivalent capability. Changes happen to make systems work together, even if they were never designed to do so. It speaks for the architect today, when the architect should be doing other things besides answering a hundred questions about the architecture. 23.8 Discussion Questions 1. For one thing, they are often quite small, such that physical packaging becomes a limiting factor. If a modularity violation is identi ed, the unencapsulated secret shared among les needs to be encapsulated as its own abstraction. The load balancer distributes the messages as they arrive. Responding correctly to the event requires resources (including time) to be consumed. We will focus on two categories of quality attributes. Table 22.3 summarizes the characteristics of allocation views. There are many cases where this kind of calculation would be extremely useful, but particularly so in decrypting passwords. On February 25, 1991, during the Gulf War, a U.S. Patriot missile battery failed to intercept an incoming Scud missile, which struck a barracks, killing 28 soldiers and injuring dozens. When used alongside the passive redundancy version of the redundant spare tactic, state resynchronization is based solely on periodic state information transmitted from the active component(s) to the standby component(s), typically via checkpointing. A sequence of events arrive, but not in the prescribed order. You can readily see the qualities that are the focus of each of these structures. He decided to wait it out, to see if the missiles were realthat is, to see if his countrys capital city was going to be incinerated. In Section 20.6, we discuss simple techniques that allow you to keep track of design progress. [Pang 16] C. Pang, A. Hindle, B. Adams, and A. Hassan. y/ What will the future bring in terms of developments that a ect the practice of software architecture? [Bredemeyer 11] D. Bredemeyer and R. Malan. Future architects are interested in it all, but they will be especially keen to have access to comprehensive and candid rationale and design information. Complex orchestration can be speci ed in a language such as BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). Modus Cooperandi Press, 2009. Once actors start to depend on a resource you provide, their elements will break if the resource is changed or removed. Predictive model. Hardware clocks found in computers will gain or lose one second about every 12 days. Such states and modes may, in some cases, be explicitly captured in protocols. Tradeo s: This pattern is implemented such that communication occurs over a network, perhaps even the Internet. This will require you to add or remove elements that are part of the structure that is de ned by the reference architecture. Communication should be seamless when moving from one protocol class to another, and considerations such as bandwidth and cost help the architect decide which protocols to support. [Hubbard 14] D. Hubbard. As a consequence of this ight control software rule, the stall warning stopped and started several times. Power is no longer free and unlimited. The dashed arrow is a return message. Although other notations are available (such as message sequence charts, timing diagrams, and the Business Process Execution Language), we have chosen these four as a representative sample of trace-oriented notations. Recall that entanglement means that a measurement of one entangled qubit will guarantee that a measurement of the second qubit will have the same value. But for practical software systems, software architects need to be concerned about more than just making separately developed components cooperate; they are also concerned with the costs and technical risks of anticipated and (to varying degrees) unanticipated future integration tasks. 6.1 Energy E ciency General Scenario From these considerations we can now determine the various portions of the energy e ciency general scenario, as presented in Table 6.1. Because I see from your chart that the display console is sending signal tra c to the target location module. What should happen? asked another member of the audience, addressing the rst questioner. One release per month, per quarter, or even per year was common. While this questionnaire-based approach might sound simplistic, it can actually be very powerful and insightful. This list of potential problems forms the basis for the follow-up of the review. DevSecOps is a avor of DevOps that incorporates approaches for security (for the infrastructure and for the applications it produces) into the entire process. Since VM allocation and loading are relatively time consuming, potentially taking minutes to load and start the instance, you typically leave a VM instance running even if there is idle time between requests. Voting also depends critically on having multiple sources to evaluate. The hypervisor does not decide on its own to create or destroy a VM, but rather acts on instructions from a user or, more frequently, from a cloud infrastructure (youll read more about this in Chapter 17). Any design, in any discipline, can be viewed as a sequence of decisions. To the degree that evaluators are outside, they are less likely to be afraid to bring up sensitive problems, or problems that arent apparent because of organizational culture or because weve always done it that way. Often, outsiders are chosen to participate in the evaluation because they possess specialized knowledge or experience, such as knowledge about a quality attribute thats important to the system being examined, skill with a particular technology being employed, or long experience in successfully evaluating architectures. This is done, conceptually, by querying the hypervisors to nd one with spare capacity. Adhere to Standards Standardization in system implementations is a primary enabler of integrability and interoperability, across both platforms and vendors. Lower-level layers may be reused across di erent applications. Script deployment commands. Yes, they had met the requirement in a strict sensethey were not sending any data in the clear. It is also the earliest point at which these important design decisions a ecting the system can be scrutinized. 1.4 Passive attacks: release of message contents and traffic analysis. These design iterations can focus on choosing the major architectural patterns (including a reference architecture, if one is appropriate), frameworks, and components. Failure has a large negative impact on safety or performance, or reduces the crews ability to operate the aircraft due to physical distress or a higher workload, or causes serious or fatal injuries among the passengers. Can you think of multiple implementations that have the same interface you just described the stack of structures focus! B. Adams, and M.A will emergebut it will be the wrong one ts, more! As executed architecture be viewed as a couple of hours or as long as time over! Goal by Selecting Drivers each design Iteration focuses on achieving a particular Goal allocation are. Ect the practice of software architecture at which these important design decisions a ecting the system for the...., per quarter, or even per year was common ( that is de ned by reference! 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