can a felon own a bb gun in wisconsin

(f) This ordinance shall not be construed to prevent nor prohibit otherwise lawful activities conducted within the following premises: 1. City means the City of Mequon.2. 16-60. For purposes of this section, a firearm is defined as any instrumentality from or with which a shot, bullet or pellet may be discharged or expelled, regardless of whether the propelling force is provided by air, spring or other similar mechanical device, or gun powder. . Dangerous weapons and firearms. (c) Shooting Into Village Limits. No such weapons or instruments shall be discharged on or onto lands less than 200 yards from the boundary of an adjacent platted subdivision. No person, except a law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun, pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow of any description within the city limits. DIVISION 1. 9-2-13. WEAPONS Windsor, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (2) In lawful self-defense. Rules Felons Are Required to Follow Concerning Guns. GENERALLY Neenah, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. No person, except a police officer or other law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun of any description or any bow and arrow within the village nor shall any person have any rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow in such persons possession or under such persons control unless it is unloaded and enclosed or encased within a carrying case or other suitable container pursuant to state law. (a) Definition. No person shall, in the territory adjacent to the city, or in the city but in a conservancy-1 or conservancy-2 zoning district, discharge any firearm in such a manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within a portion of the city not located in a conservancy-1 or conservancy-2 zoning district. (c) Shooting galleries. (d) This section shall be deemed to prohibit hunting within the village subject to the following exception: When acting in a manner consistent with state law and administrative regulations, the village board shall by resolution, declare a hunting season for any wild animal, as that term is defined at Wis. Stats. In addition to state laws, local jurisdictions may also have their own laws regulating air guns. (Rep. & recr. Under federal law, felons may not possess firearms. (c) Within any public building or athletic field owned by the Oconomowoc Area School District, which is similar to 948.605, Wis. MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. BB guns employ round steel ammunition while the shape of ammunition for pellet guns is a different shape and is made of lead. 941.23 pertaining to concealed weapons and all amendments thereto are adopted by reference. No. No person shall in the territory adjacent to the city discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the city. 19.20. Material must be placed on the back of any target to prevent the BB from passing completely through it and targets must be placed so that any BB missing the target cannot enter any adjacent property. 14-34. This section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries approved by the village board, after an advisory recommendation from the chief of police, where proper safety precautions are taken. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Little Chute, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. Chapter 6.16 ARCHERY RANGES Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances6.16.010 Discharging missiles prohibitedArchery ranges excepted.No person shall shoot with, or discharge in or upon any street, alley, public grounds or parks within the City of Wauwatosa, any bow, spring gun, or other similar device which is calculated or intended to propel or project an arrow or other projectile, nor in or upon any private grounds or building where the projectile propelled or discharged by the use of such bow or similar device may endanger the life, limb or property of another, or will traverse any part of any street, alley, public grounds or parks; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent the shooting with or discharging of bows or implements used in the practice of archery or implements for propelling arrows in or upon such properly supervised public areas as may be set aside and designated for that purpose by proper authority having jurisdiction and control over such public areas, or in or upon properly supervised private archery ranges constructed and maintained in such a manner as not to endanger life, limb or property, or to any shooting galleries using air rifles when such shooting galleries are constructed and maintained as required by the building inspector so as not to endanger life, limb or property. (3) Firearms. (c) Except as the common council shall allow by revocable permit fixing the time, and specific place of discharge, no person shall:(1) Shoot, fire or discharge any cannon, gun, fowling piece, pistol, firearms, spring or air gun, or bow or crossbow, of any description, within the city. 856, I, 3-20-12). (a) No person shall do any of the following:(1) Endanger another persons safety by reckless conduct, as that term is defined at Wis. Stats. It is also possible to hunt during the gun (deer) season with a crossbow, but it is strongly advised that you consult legal aid before actioning this advice. No person shall discharge any pistol, gun, air gun, air rifle, BB gun, or other firearm within the city limits, except in self-defense or in the lawful discharge of official duty, or in accordance with written permission which may be granted by the chief of police. WAUSAU CITY PARKS Marathon County, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. Discharging and carrying firearms and guns prohibited. Possession of weapons, discharge of firearms. 2012-5, 1, 2-14-2012), 10.90.040 Penalties.Any person who violates this chapter is subject to a forfeiture of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), plus penalty assessment and court costs.(Ord. No person shall carry or have under his control any rifle, pellet gun, BB gun, slingshot or other weapon other than a firearm, as defined above, that projects any type of missile in public while such weapon is loaded or uncased or uncovered. (Prior code 11-2-1(g)). Class CO Pneumatic range, limited to air or pneumatic handguns or rifles.f. This Section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries authorized by the Common Council, or the firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by persons over sixteen (16) or under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian. (1) No person except an authorized law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty shall discharge any type of firearm within the city or have any type of firearm in his possession within the city unless the firearm is unloaded and enclosed in a carrying case, holster, or some such suitable container, or stored within a dwelling, except as provided for hereafter. (a) Discharge of firearms. General regulations(6) Conduct of the public. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the approved use of such weapons on designated target ranges. SUBCHAPTER I. Here you go! (1) Firearm means any rifle, shotgun, handgun, spring gun, air gun or bow and arrow device. (b) Exception. The statute makes it a crime for a person with a prior felony conviction to possess a firearm, but it does not define the term "firearm.". (3) No handguns, either holstered, cased or uncased shall be worn on a person while the person is inside a public building which has been posted to prohibit the carrying of a concealed weapon. (c) Shooting into city limits. Regulation of firearms and dangerous weapons(d) Reckless use of weapons prohibited. Wisconsin law, which was modeled on the federal Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1990, prohibits the possession or shooting of a firearm within a school zone. (Code 2006, 9.02; Ord. How old do you need to be to purchase a BB gun, airgun, air rifle or pellet gun in Wisconsin? It is intended that this provision be consistent with 167.31, Wis. Stats.7. (e) No person shall fire or go armed with any firearm or bow and arrow or discharge or be in immediate possession of any air or gas propelled gun while under the influence of any alcohol, drug or intoxicant. LicenseRequired. This subsection (e) shall not prohibit any of the following:(1) The discharge of a BB gun when done on private property with the permission of the owner, under the supervision and in the presence of an adult, where the projectile does not leave the private property where the discharge occurs. 37-221. (a) Intent or purposes. 941.24, 941.25, no person shall engage in the business of selling, sell or give away any blackjacks, slingshots, billy, sand bag or sand club, blowgun, dart gun, bludgeon, metal knuckles, revolvers, pistols, rifles, shotguns, machine gun, grenade, bomb or any other weapon in which loaded or blank cartridges, shells, gas, explosives or projectiles are intended to be used, or display or exhibit for sale any such weapon, cartridges, shells, gas explosives or projectiles, except in accordance with a sellers permit or dealers license issued pursuant to subsection (d); and such sale or gift shall be made only to a person not otherwise prohibited from purchasing or using such items by the provisions of subsection (e). (c) Permit. Wis. Stat. Yes, a felon can own a pellet gun in a variety of states. As the Penal Code only states that possessing a firearm . This section shall not apply to the following:(1) A sheriff, deputy sheriff, warden, constable, U.S. marshal, state trooper, police officer or other law enforcement officer while engaged in official duties;(2) The maintenance and use of city-approved supervised rifle or pistol ranges, shooting galleries or firearm, rifle air gun or handgun safety courses;(3) The firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by persons over 16 years or persons under such age under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian;(4) Display of unloaded firearms, rifles, air guns or handguns in public premises;(5) Display or possession of unloaded or loaded firearms, rifles or guns on private premises;(6) A licensed or certified security agency, while actively engaged in the handling or transporting of money, security or other items of value and only as previously authorized by the chief of police or county sheriff. O10-2-09, 1, 10-13-2009; Ord. (1) DEFINITIONS. Chapter 25 Offenses Against Public Safety25.08 POSSESSING FIREARMS OR BOW AND ARROW IN CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS ORPARKS AND RECREATION DISTRICTS PROHIBITED WITHOUT CONSENT. The use of unauthorized fireworks, air guns, paintball guns, firearms, projectile devices or archery equipment is prohibited within the boundaries of the Ozaukee Interurban Trail.9. O8-01-84, 8-28-1994; Ord. No person, except a law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow of any description in his possession or under his control within the City of Verona, provided that this Section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries authorized by the Common Council, or the firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by persons over sixteen (16) or under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian. DNR means the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or any successor agency of the State of Wisconsin.3. Except as otherwise provided, no person shall in the territory adjacent to the city discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the city. (e) Discharge of firearms and other weapons. ARTICLE II. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Firearm means any instrumentality from or with which a shot, bullet or pellet may be discharged or expelled, regardless of whether the propelling force is provided by air, spring or other similar mechanical device, or gunpowder. This section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries approved by the Common Council, after an advisory recommendation from the Chief of Police, where proper safety precautions are taken. (2) The Village Board may authorize, by permit, the use of bow and arrow for wildlife management purposes, such as a deer herd management hunt authorized by the Village Board. Regulation on the discharging of firearms, electric weapons and other devices. (a) No person, except a sheriff, police officer or their deputies, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring or air gun of any description or other dangerous apparatus, within the city or have any firearm, rifle, bow, spring or air gun in his possession or under his control unless it is unloaded and knocked down or enclosed within a carrying case or other suitable container or be unstrung or in the case of a bow. It shall be unlawful to discharge any firearm, shotgun, rifle, BB gun, toy gun, blowgun, dart gun or any other weapon, projecting lead or any missiles within the limits of the village except:(1) In a duly established shooting gallery, shotgun or rifle range, the construction of which has been approved by the police chief. DIVISION 1. Dangerous weapon means any blackjack, slingshot, billy, sandclub, sandbag, bludgeon, metal knuckles, archery bows, any knife having a blade of three inches or more, or other similar article.C. No. ARTICLE II. If the person in question has been previously convicted of committing, soliciting, conspiring, or . (c) Is a law enforcement officer or state-certified commission warden acting in the discharge of his or her official duties. This prohibition shall not apply to authorized law enforcement personnel while they are engaged in their official duties.i. Although Congress had already passed the National Firearms Act of 1934, which made it illegal for felons convicted of a violent crime to own a gun, the Gun Control Act expanded the prohibition to include all felony crimes. No person shall in the territory adjacent to the village discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the Village of Little Chute. A shotgun, muzzle loader, bow or crossbow, or other like weapon or instrument may be discharged within the boundaries of the City, but only under the following conditions and regulations:(a) Shotguns, muzzle loaders, or like weapons or instruments designed and used to propel a single slug, multiple pellets or shot may only be discharged in the City where not prohibited by this ordinance, and then according to the following regulations. Definitions. It is unlawful for any person to discharge or cause the discharge of any dangerous missile from any slingshot or other means within three hundred (300) feet of any inhabited dwelling or building or any public park, square or enclosure.2. (2)No person, except a peace or law enforcement officer or member of the military the line of duty or person acting within the terms of a license to carry a concealed weapon as defined in Wisconsin Statutes, shall have any firearm, spring gun, air gun (whether a missile is expelled by air, gas, or chemical) electric weapon, or paint ball gun in his or her possession or under his or her control unless it is both unloaded and locked or enclosed within a carrying case or other suitable container, excepting on private property the person owns, leases, or legally occupies. Use of firearms.No person except an authorized police officer members of the Armed Forces of the United States or National Guard, while engaged in official duties as such, shall discharge or fire any firearm or air gun within the City or have any air gun in his possession within the City unless it is unloaded and knocked down and enclosed in a carrying case or other suitable container. Different requirements are available to owning an . 28-21. Just remember that certain cities and counties have implemented laws to prevent felons from owning some of these weapons. (1) any pneumatic gun, spring gun, paint ball gun, or B-B gun which expels a single globular projectile not exceeding .18 inch in diameter or which has a maximum muzzle velocity of less than 700 feet per second; (1.1) any pneumatic gun, spring gun, paint ball gun, or B-B gun which expels breakable paint balls containing washable marking colors;. (Code 1989, 11-2-1(a)), Sec. This Section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries or how and arrow ranges approved by the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, where proper safety precautions are taken. Discharge of firearms restricted.No person, except a law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm or dangerous weapon of any description in his or her possession or under his or her control within or into a platted subdivision in the Town; provided that, this section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries authorized by the Town Board, or the firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by persons over 16 or under the direct personal supervision of a parent or guardian. DIVISION 2. Discharging and carrying firearms and guns. No person, except a police officer or other law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun of any description, or bow and arrow, within the Village or have any air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow, in their possession or under their control unless it is unloaded and enclosed or encased within a carrying case or other suitable container pursuant to state law. O9-5-11, 1, 9-27-2011), DIVISION 3. No person shall fire or discharge any firearm or air gun within the City, except a police officer in the lawful discharge of his duty, provided this subsection shall not apply to the target practice of the regular club, or any shooting gallery conducted within the permission of the Police Department. Stats. (2) Operate or go armed with a firearm, air gun, knife or bow and arrow while he is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Firearms, explosives and other missiles. The word gun shall include pellet gun and air gun. #2113). Active and former officers may consume alcohol on Class B or Class B premises if they are not under the influence and if the premise is not posted. Rules and regulations governing. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:e. The use of all fireworks, air guns, paintball guns, firearms, projectile devices or archery equipment is prohibited within the boundaries of the Ozaukee Interurban Trail. No person, except a law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow of any description in his possession or under his control within the city. 938, unless jurisdiction is waived under s. 938.18 or the person is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of criminal jurisdiction under s. 938.183. a rifle of any caliber, air rifle, shot gun of any gauge, pistol or revolver of any caliber. CHAPTER 2. The law states that a felon can't possess a fire arm and a air gun is not a firearm rather if its a .177 or a .50 big bore or a crossbow and of course you can't be on probation or anything like that ..if that was the case you would have to have a federal background check to purchase one the laws might change in the future and you would ch. Possessing or discharging of any air gun, sling shot, explosive, firearm or weapon of any kind is prohibited in all city parks. (Code 1974, 41.02; Ord. O-78-23 1 (part), 1978). (3) No person shall discharge any fireworks, as defined in 167.10(1), Wis. WEAPONS Chetek, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. (a) No person, except a sheriff, police officer or their deputies, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring or air gun of any description, or tipped arrow, except as provided in 24-22, within the village or have any firearm, compound or strung bow, rifle, spring or air gun in his possession or under his control unless it is unloaded and enclosed or encased within a carrying case or other suitable container. (d) Hunting in city limits prohibited. No person, except a police officer or other law enforcement officer in the performance of an official duty, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun of any description, or bow and arrow/crossbow, within the City or have any firearm, rifle, spring gun, air gun or pneumatic pellet gun or bow and arrow, in his possession or under his control unless it is unloaded and enclosed or encased within a carrying case or other suitable container pursuant to State law. Class C Air or pellet pneumatic indoor range (rifles or handguns). (b) Persons alleged to be in violation of this article who are under the age of 18 years shall have their cases handled in accordance with Wis. Stats. The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a Milwaukee man with a felony conviction for not paying his child support should not get special dispensation because his crime was not violent. No person shall in the territory adjacent to the Village discharge any firearm in such manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the Village of Somerset. ARTICLE II. No. 28-36. This section shall not prevent the maintenance and use of duly supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries approved by the common council, upon the recommendation of the chief of police, where proper safety precautions are taken. 939.22(10): (10) "Dangerous weapon" means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; any device designed as a weapon and capable of . CHAPTER 9 ORDERLY CONDUCT Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Code of Ordinances9.01 UNLAWFUL USE OF FIREARMS AND OTHER WEAPONS. (2) A person with a valid hunting license in their possession may have a properly cased weapon at the Barker, Stephensville, Buchman, Koepke boat landings while in the process of launching or recovering a boat for hunting purposes. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Merrill, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. No person, except a peace officer, shall fire or discharge any firearm, rifle, dangerous weapon, spring or air gun within the village limits, nor in the territory adjacent to the village, in such a manner that the discharge shall enter or fall within the village limits. (b) No person shall shoot, throw or propel in any other manner by hand or by any other means any pellet, BB, arrow or any other missile or projectile within the village, except upon licensed target ranges under subsection (c) to the extent of projectiles as specified in the permit for such range. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY AND PEACE Pittsville, Wisconsin Code of OrdinancesSec. The City Council may permit the maintenance and use of supervised rifle or pistol ranges or shooting galleries. Means any rifle, shotgun, handgun, spring gun, air rifle or pistol or... While the shape of ammunition for pellet guns is a law enforcement officer or state-certified commission warden in. 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