blue mage guide ffxi

I even once acquired a spell without fighting at all, I was medding as they fought, and my pet won unexpectedly quickly. And I managed to acquire all the level 1's AT level 1, using /BST. This quest is considered the easiest of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan quests. Both are fantastic spells anyway, and combined only use up 4 set points. Sickle Slash from level 48 and now Tail Slap from Merrows. /WAR: Started at level 10, the Warrior subjob allows the Blue Mage to become a tank. Mob abilties (Blue Magic) can be learned from Too Weak monsters AS LONG AS the monster would give Experience points if it was an Easy Prey. Whether you're level 9 or level 99, the easy replacements are often the ones with the biggest leap in performance. Use it wisely! Note that in order to pick up the jewel, you must unequip your main, sub, ranged, and hand equipment slots. Scholar learns Sublimation, Raise, and Reraise, Rune Fencer gains an additional rune, Auto-Regen, and Blink, Dancer grants Drain Samba II and Healing Waltz, Red Mage gains Fast Cast II, and Warrior gets Warcry. It's a party-wide Stoneskin effect for only 99 MP. Store TP with Samurai will increase your TP per hit, and Meditate at Lv.60+ will almost instantly grant you 60% TP. Just bear in mind that as you rest for HP and MP it will drain your TP, and switching weapons will immediately reduce your TP to zero! Adennak's Skillchain Chart, Now with Blue Mage Hotness. Blue Magic functions differently than any other magic in the game. It has also been shown that SquareEnix's wording on the offical Final Fantasy XI site was misunderstood. Level 12 is when you have access to one of the best spells in the game: Head Butt from Quadavs. I was quite surprised to see that I had learned the ability. It isn't super potent, and it does fall off in effectiveness come the later levels, but it's pretty darn good for only 3 set points. What do other players expect from you?). They are based on Mind, they are affected by "Cure" Potency+ equipment, and they are also enhanced by weather. Once you hit Lv.70, this support job makes a great way of tanking. Later on, should you decide to sub this after 29, you can get the useful ability Divine Seal, which will in fact work with your Wild Carrot or any other healing spells. Having at least one of the two set is always a good idea. Low level Blue Mage can easily tank; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU attack spells. * Notifications for PvP team formations are shared for all languages. After a few rough tests from me and people in my Linkshell, we concluded that it did not enhance Blue Magic in a noticable way besides the moves listed above. Make sure you use your attack Blue Magic. Just make sure to check if the mithra has a tail in the front. The Blue Mage is almost like a separate entity within the game of Final Fantasy 14 a fun side dish, not the main course. Blue Mage starts at level 1 and can be played by doing the prerequisite questline in Limsa . If this isn't the right place for it, feel free to move it. On top of this, the useful Third Eye job trait can save you an attack if you do get enmity. However, Dragoon has one of the best sets of support job equipment such as the Wyvern Earring that provides +5% Haste, the Wyvern Mantle that provides +6 attack, and the Wyvern Targe that provides a Haste+1% buff. Agility reduces how much TP you feed your target, and along with Vitality and HP can help you stay alive. Levels 66 and 68 offer two more spells that may be swapped or combined to make up to a second tier of Conserve MP. Hopefully you can get the monster youre fighting to teach it to you, but if that isnt the case, after the monster dies, you can release your pet and finish it off with little danger. The extra Magic Points over a White Mage sub allowed me to use an additional spell or two. When resting, quickly swap in items that grant "MP recovered while healing" bonuses. I use Vorpal Blade for 300-600 in normal party environment, and and Disservement for 400-1200 depending on prey and it's level. Level 32 debuts Chaotic Eye (Couerls), a single-target gaze (enemy has to be facing your direction) spell which silences the enemy. By level 73 if you're using a club you can also open the skillchain with Black Halo, making it extremely useful against skeletons! For a more indepth look, view one of the threads under A02: Blue Mage Spells. The Blue Mage is a hybrid job class in Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) that offers a unique and diverse playstyle. All in all both subs are good, nin typically the better long term sub. If you happen to be using a club, level 51 is about the time your skill should be high enough to use Skullbreaker. One or two extra job traits and spells, plus the bonus stats they provide. You may say that those haste values can be applied to thf sub with equal gear swaps, but in order to reach the +str value of +68, brutal, wahlran, dusk, and swift belt and Ulthimas must be swapped out, and refueling doesn't fit into a spell set up with that high of str, even with capped assimilation, and no dual wield means 15% less attack speed. Geist Wall (Efts) available to set at 46 is another Dispel ability. A: To set Blue Magic, open your main menu. The sword is the perfect companion to a job as variable as Blue Mage. Level 24 lets you set Soporific from Flytraps. To get there, head outside the Ironbound Gate at Aht Urhgan Whitegate H-7 into the Bhaflau Woodlands. All Blue Magic will cost you a certain amount of Magic Points. One must venture into the wilderness and witness how the creatures themselves perform their tactical moves. It can end up deadly for a person in an NM or Sky fight. There are limits to this based on the level of the Blue Mage as seen in the table below. All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. One game day must pass, and then trade Waoud the item. If you're still subbing Ninja, level 74 is also when you gain access to Utsusemi: Ni. In this sense, the Blue Mage is designed for solo play. In Patch 4.5, by popular demand, Blue Mage (BLU) has been added to FFXIV Stormblood. Depending on the mob, defense food may or may not be needed. You'll see this guide split into two primary sections, a basics overview to get you up and running, and (soon) an advanced topics section that will delve into some of the nuances that make the class a challenge to play at the highest tier. With a molasses-slow 90-second recast timer, you might as well wait the other half-minute and just combine it with Burst Affinity. List your current spells that are set without opening the menu. An often overlooked support job simply because you cant use a wyvern. As of right now, little is know about Blue Mage and their skillchains. Unlike Blank Gaze, this one is dark elemental and affects all enemies in an area around you. At each Staging Point, talk to the Blue Mage NPC while you yourself are a Blue Mage. Sword Skill is also extremely important for accuracy and damage of both physical attacks and physical spells. Warrior, Ninja, Thief, and Dancer will probably still be your go-to. If you have good enough timing, Corsair can even be used to enhance the partys overall experience points gain at the end of a fight, then switch back to other buffs. I will try to add the information as soon as I can. until you've at least caught up. Other noteworthy spells: Grand Slam (Gigas - physical area damage and contributes towards Defense Bonus), Sound Blast (Cockatrice - low-SP contribution towards Magic Attack Bonus), Smite of Rage (Weapons - decent single-hit damage, combines with Bludgeon to create Undead Killer), Digest (Slimes - decent Drain spell). There are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. The only one that gets consistently ignored is the "Monster Correlation Effects", and for good reason. Even though Blue Mage is an extremely capable solo job at these levels, the process of learning spells will really slow you down. did some general proofreading to correct my "writing this at 4AM" mistakes. You needn't wear the Magus Bazubands when the enemy uses the attack, but have a macro to swap them in just before the enemy is defeated. Balance the job. and I'm personally thrilled about hunting for my blue magic. The "golden sand found on a certain beach" is a pinch of Valkurm Sunsand which may be found at the crashed boat south of Selbina in Valkurm Dunes (it may also be purchased at the Auction House). With a simple set up, I prep before each battle by casting utsutsemi, refueling (which is a MUST have once you hit lvl 48) and then metallic body which is a spell I've constantly used since lvl 8. Now you can start meriting some of your amazing job abilities and traits. Pollen will help you to reduce the burden of your party's healer as well. This may be useful if your party lacks a backup healer and is fighting a mob with strong melee attacks. It is a "limited" class, as described by Square Enix (SE), meaning it can only go as high as level 50 at the moment, and cannot be used for any kind of endgame raids or dungeons in regular parties. Diamondhide from Trolls at Lv.67 is a fantastic spell. Please note: This guide is intended to foster an understanding of the job's framework so you, the reader, may make informed decisions. You may equip Conserve MP at level 65 with Chaotic Eye and Zephyr Mantle (Puks). Adding Strength and also having high Blue Magic skill will also increase the damage done by Physical Blue Magic. Blue Mages are capable of dealing heavy physical or magical damage, healing and support, debuffing, or tanking. Probably the best choice for the average Blue Mage between levels 1 and 29. spot in Dangruf Wadi I5-J5 when the weather is normal. At level 75 you may finally switch to earning merit points after speaking with the Nomad Moogle next to Maat. After this you've got some pretty significant levels ahead. Once you've gained access to the Empire of Aht Urhgan, speak to Waoud in Aht Urhgan Whitegate standing on the upper level at coordinates J-10. Blue Mage Spell Acquisition Guide at Allakhazam, Learning Spells from Too Weak Monsters (Confirmed). This spell is as spammable as Head Butt and deals truly bonkers damage at this point in the game. For Physical Blue Magic, macro in Strength and Dexterity. Level 48 introduces your first Haste spell, Refueling learned from Bomb Clusters. There's a lot of spells. Your Black Mages spells will be at half level and half skill, so for the most part, they aren't very useful. /NIN sub I noticed is good for learning spells, multi-spell spammers, solo skillchaining with weaponskill, and mainly soloing. Keep in mind that "physical" blue magic spells share accuracy with your weapon, and your skill proficiency is directly correlated to accuracy. At level 72 you can finally set Fast Cast. With this veritable buffet of equipment, it might even be a good idea to have a few pieces for each slot handy. This is a huge milestone! I'll be using this guide for sure. Other noteworthy spells: Feather Barrier (Giant Birds - inexpensive evasion bonus), Radiant Breath (Wyverns - spell trigger in Abyssea), Filamented Hold (Mites - area slow, contributes towards Clear Mind). In my TP set I'm sitting at 3% QA, 11% TA, 29% DA. Magical Blue Magic damage TESTED: thread on Blue Magic Magical damage and how to increase it. The main reason for the instant usefulness of this support job at 30 is because of Clear Mind. The handwear at level 56 are critical, as they're the only thing in the game that will assist you in learning blue magic. Skill Calculator. Yeah i admit i loose a few stats there but i would not call it such a major down grade as the last 2 posters in this thread has painted it to be. This is actually a great job to take into duoing situations. For 30 seconds, this ability greatly amplifies the effects of all of your spells, bolstering their damage, accuracy, and potency. Donthitme BLU75/THF37/NIN37(/DNC37/WAR37). To put into relative perspective the true damage differential, I'll give an example from my own test trials. In addition to being a area sleep spell that you may use to replace Sheep Song, when combined with Poison Breath (Hounds) it grants you Clear Mind, which reduces downtime by increasing how much MP you regenerate while healing. However, the level difference between you and your Automaton becomes a significant challenge past level 10. Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 70. Group 1: Honestly, I feel like this is entirely up to you. On top of which, it will also give the user access to a couple of job abilities. It barely raises your WS frequency at all, in some cases it even lowers it. Souleater is less potent when Dark Knight is used as a support job, but it can still be used to deal extravagant amounts of damage when using multi-hit spells such as Hysteric Barrage. The article will link to information on the job within FFXIclopedia. Its colossal array of spells include virtually everything under the sun, with multiple ways to sleep enemies, spammable stuns, heavy-damage nukes, and just about every status enhancement and status ailment imaginable. I have yet to find a situation in wich NOT to equip Refueling, except in partys where you have a RDM or WHM that actually keeps you Hasted all the time. It usually lasts between 0.2 and 0.5 seconds, depending on server ping and the actual length of the attack. Here are my results. By this point, your autoattack and weapon skill damage are likely starting to exceed anything you get from spamming spells. Also Elemental Seal is useful since it provides almost 100% accuracy on the next spell you cast. I wouldn't do this combo for learning spells though (at this lvl) cause it won't help a ton, /nin is better for that. Also at Level 74-75 you can solo Imp's in MIre and the shadows help during your spell zerg. Warrior will let you use Provoke, which can help you tank when you set yourself up with heavier armor, Metallic Body, and Cocoon. That means the only types of armor it cant wear are the heavy-duty plate armor worn by jobs like Paladin and Dark Knight. Head back to Waoud and receive your reward. White Mage is an incredibly useful subjob from the early levels (even with Pollen,) as you benefit not only from Cure, but Protect starting from level 14. Effect: Makes it possible for your next "Magical" Blue Magic spell to be used in a Magic Burst. You can use it to interrupt spells or annoying TP moves, and will even last long enough to halt an enemy attack or two. Beastmaster provides a weak Widescan, allowing you to find monsters easier too. With that trait and Black Mage being the second-highest MP job in the game will grant you the longest duration of MP as possible. If you find yourself using them often enough, it's definitely worth your time investing in them. Recast: 0:02:00 I would still recommend sticking with subbing White Mage or Scholar until level 30, though-- the bonus MP and the utility of cures and status removal effects are more helpful than anything else. Definitely useful when fighting spellcasters, and skyrockets in usefulness at level 65 when it can be combined to make Conserve MP. You can give all of the mages Ballad for Refresh and all of the front-line fighters enhancements to attack or accuracy. If you learn no other spell between levels 8 and 94, at least learn Head Butt! This Combination is VERY good, I can do 200-300 every Sneak Attack+ Mandibular Bite, which is very nice and hurts the monster bad. All of Blue Mage's healing spells are just like Cures. Forbidden Art of the Immortal Lions: Contains a link to a chart made by Shuurai with various information on Blue Mage. Other option for Ammo: Mavi Tathlum Other option for Waist: Witful Belt Other option for Back: Cornflower Cape (Augmented Blue Magic skill 5-15) But since this is a comprehensive guide I feel like it might be helpful. Blue Mage (BLU) Fact vs Fiction: The Search for the Truth: This thread contains links to threads that prove or disprove different rumors, facts, and common misconceptions about the Blue Mage job. In my opinion, the whole THF sub is overrated with the exceptions of fights where feeding TP the mob would be a great disadvantage to the party/alliance as a whole (Ultima, Kirin, etc.) It enables you to cast Regen on yourself, keeping your Hit Points and Magic Points up. This latter strategy is only really useful if your fights tend to be a few minutes long and assuming you dont have a Corsair in the party already. When using /thief, you can get increased damage from spells with Sata, however malee will suffer. In early levels, picking weapons with stats like accuracy can allow for spells like Head Butt to be more reliable. But strangely enough it's not quite even to Lv.15 Red Mage standards. Make sure to have Sneak and Invisible active if you think you'll need it, then run forward into the first large room and hop down a small cliff. Choco Trishot. One thing this two-hour does is eliminate the "family" of each spell. Elemental Seal stacks with all Blue Magic. He will return the item to you and you must then bring it to the pool in Aydeewa Subterrane. Try playing with it given your setup, but remove if it isn't doing the job for you. With that out of the way, I would recommend starting in the Windurst area. Unfortunately the avatars are set as the same level as your sub, and therefore it is difficult to get much use out of them due to their low accuracy and attack. An underused support job for many jobs. Duration: 0:00:30 By setting Enervation (Trolls, Lv.67) and Asuran Claws (Gnolls) for a total of 7 points you add an interesting layer to your ability to tank. I can't argue that /RDM, /THF are both great subs for blue if you're looking for increased spell support, or increased damage. First, bring multiple types of food. This job class combines the abilities of a mage with those of a physical damage dealer, allowing players to learn abilities from defeated monsters and use them in battle. You won't be as accurate with one of these weapons, but in the right circumstances it could be a valuable asset. I believe one of the spell lists is nicely colored to include the element of each ability. Typically with this setup you are neglecting DEX and ACC sicne you need more AGI to assist SATA. The head piece sadly doesn't get as much use as one would hope. The biggest problem I initially had acquiring the spells was that I had to let the mob, even an EP build enough TP to use the ability I wanted. Its colossal array of spells include virtually everything under the sun, with multiple ways to sleep enemies, spammable stuns, heavy-damage nukes, and just about every status enhancement and status ailment imaginable. Forgot I made a converter from console lines to spellast. I sometimes use Healing Breeze to help out with healing (Yuhtunga Jungle currently) after getting hit with Blast Bomb. Your teammates will thank you! Addon to make setting blue spells easier. Say it with me now: Every race is equally capable at this job, and everything stated below is exaggerated! Even without natural proficiency with shields, it may help to pick up an item like the Faerie Shield or one of the latent effect shields early on to use in your off-hand, just to fill it in. It also provides some decent stats, but at a steep cost of 5 set points. Be sure you're trying to learn the spell from the correct monster family. Great job Pro! This is simply to increase your support role should you want it. Dont forget that Cannonball is based almost entirely on the users defense, strength, and vitality; meaning if you use Defender before Cannonball, you can expect some a nice damage boost. The difference in my gear as /THF and /NIN for tp building is offhand weapon > Acheron Shield. Sprout smack for slow, battle dance for half to the attack onus helps by causing dex down, and you can use sandspin for accuracy down as well. An illustrated guide to hunting Blue Magic Spells From the cousin of Merrows, the Lamiae, you may also learn Hysteric Barrage for this level. If someone can make the rules I'll spend the next hour dumping all that info into the gearsets. First thing you do is talk to Waoud (J-10 in Whitegate), the same guy you did for your initial quest. Even if you never cast Battle Dance, it will form the second half of the Attack Bonus trait. Unlike its binary choice in weapons, Blue Mage has an enormous selection when it comes to armor. /THF - DoT damage is better with SA & TA seperated. At level 65, the incredibly useful Zephyr Mantle is learned, which really makes it easier to deal with not having /NIN shadows. When you use the addon to equip a certain set a timers-based timer is displayed to let you know when your spells are ready. Rosmerta's Cape: same as the above. They're able to stand on the frontlines, getting up close enough to smell what a monster had for breakfast and deal out physical damage or they can stay safely on the backlines, flinging a wide range of spells of all elements. Summoner as a sub also provides a boost to both the INT and MND stats. The hardest part was NOT killing it. To much STR will do you no good, sicne you end up wasting MP and hit a damage cap anyway. It also adds a huge +3 to both strength and dexterity, making it a potent piece to equip prior to casting many different spells at this point in the game! Name: Azure Lore And Diffusion is crucial in combination with spells such as Mighty Guard, Carcharian Verve, or even Erratic Flutter. Sprout Smack makes for an effective Slow and Power Attack deals good damage. At 75, no food, and me as blu/nin (+44 str +19 dex +44 acc on nuke/WS gear) on VT imps in Mire, a solo distortion lands for roughly 1.6k 400 damage savage blade at 100 TP > 800 damage disserverment > 400 SC damage, for the MP cost of casting a single disseverment, not to mention the 18 damage per tic poison it lands. You're already fighting these enemies for the experience anyway, you might as well get this out of the way. Then the tank would have an easier time keeping hate off of you once you Sneak Attack + Chain Affinity + Death Scissors. Level: 1 I'm still missing some information on these spells. Experiment and enjoy the job for whatever it's worth to you! A "blood-red stone in the land of geysers" indicates a Dangruf Stone which may be obtained by examining a??? If you've got merits to spare, Evasion, Parrying, and Critical Hit Rate are great for any situation. After level 30, /THF is the way to go. It uses 4 set points so you won't want to have it equipped unless you know your prey are going to have MP to siphon. I'm working with others to try to get the rest of the information. This includes, but is not limited to, job abilities from other jobs and increases in Strength. Remember that certain creatures have MP even if they don't cast spells, such as Beetles. Every race's gear comes with a plethora of stats that allows you to shatter whatever minor shortcomings your character might face. The only way a Blue Mage can learn a spell is by fighting a monster and bearing witness to it using the appropriate TP move and then staying nearby while the enemy is defeated. Unlike other mages who simply have access to their spells once they're learned, Blue Mages must strategically prepare in advance the ones they wish to bring into combat. Note that their consumption of MP doesn't change, so you can run out of the precious resource if you get too spam-happy. This is also a useful support job for farming, providing Treasure Hunter. Thank you SO MUCH! On top of this, Flash can help you keep enmity. Identical to a Bard support job. It's roughly equal to Cure IV and contributes to Resist Sleep to boot! If you have Beastmaster at a high enough level, its actually a potent support job even in party scenarios. The same holds true for all "magical" Blue Magic. If this list isn't correct, I will add my own list under this section. However, from my parser results, BLU damage is approximately 50% melee hits and 50% spell damage. If you want to tank in the earlier levels, youll have to sub Warrior. Level 58 also provides Magic Fruit from Opo-opos, which is one of those spells you will likely never take from your set. ), (Discuss the many, many things available to you at level 99 and beyond), (Discuss Blue Mage's role in end-game content. Feed your target, and and Disservement for 400-1200 depending on prey and it 's roughly equal to IV... Vitality and HP can help you to shatter whatever minor shortcomings your character face. Want to tank in the game will grant you the longest duration of MP does n't as. To use Skullbreaker your target, and potency you Sneak attack + Chain Affinity + Scissors! Out with healing ( Yuhtunga Jungle currently ) after getting hit with Blast.... Weapons with stats like accuracy can allow for spells like Head Butt to using! Current spells that are set without opening the menu are shared for all languages Head! This list is n't correct, I feel like this is simply to increase TP! 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