berkeley high school class of 1966

Brother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Friend . Berkeley High School Moncks Corner, SC 1946 Yearbook Berkeley High School Moncks Corner, SC Alumni List Last Name: Amanda A 2002-2006 Bridget Aaron 1978-1982 Harlie Aaron 2008-2012 Raygen Aaron 1999-2003 Eshal Aarzoo 2006-2010 David Abbot 1974-1978 Alice dawn Abbott 1989-1993 Brittany Abbott 2003-2007 Cathy Abbott 1985-1989 Lets dance. Page Hits: 1,973, Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! Ed Madden and Janet Haynes Lehman from Historic Haddonfield. VIEW ALL. The local office of the Bay Cities Telephone Company sat on the site of today's administration building at the corner of Allston Way and Milvia by 1911. Thank you again for an unforgettable weekend. "The majority of white students and Asian students who come into school don't choose the small learning communities, they only choose IB or AC" and this policy hasn't been removed because parents have fought against students having to be placed in a small learning community if they did not want them to. Kohn and Weir met one of their unnamed sources, Jack Scott, through civil rights attorney and Cal alumnus Michael Kennedy; Scott then introduced the two writers to other key sources. Casa Grande Senior High School, Type: nonconference Opponent: Casa Grande Comments: Dismissal at 2pm (halfway through 5th). has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. 9/5/2017 contributions: This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. Its at the base of the shopping district and few blocks from the beach. [25] These core groups, called hives, are composed of about 120 students who share 4 teachers in their core subject areas: Math 1 (or Advanced Math 1), Physics 1, English, and Ethnic Studies/Social Living. A BHS teacher said that "freshmen often will decide their learning community based on stereotypes within the school. Berkeley High School is a public high school in the Berkeley Unified School District, and the only public high school in the city of Berkeley, California, United States.It is located one long block west of Shattuck Avenue and three short blocks south of University Avenue in Downtown Berkeley, and is recognized as a Berkeley landmark.The school mascot is the Yellowjacket. I want to shake your hand, give you a hug, and marvel at whatever has brought us to this time in our lives. You and the reunion "team" are to be congratulated! We're importing an electronic juke box for the event so we can select the music we want throughout the night. One of the attendees was a chiropractor who played football for HMHS in the 80s, his son is a top player on this years team, which is headed for the playoffs, by the way. Create a Berkeley High School Berkeley, CA memorial for an individual alum that has passed away. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! Marcus wrote Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock n Roll Music in 1975, launching his career as a cultural critic. In the early 1970s, Gleason became the only music journalist to land on President Nixons infamous Enemies List. Perry had transferred to Cal from Princeton, became involved with SLATE, and graduated in 1964 with a degree in Middle Eastern studies. and will be used to provide support Marcus saw strong and direct links between that course and the Free Speech Movement. at this time. Rolling Stones Berkeley roots may lie deep, but theyre essential to its story. He worked on another Wenner publication, Earth Times, but switched over to Rolling Stone as an assistant editor after that tanked. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at., There are no fees required for participation on this site. [45] We cannot provide this service without your support. Pictures from the Class of '66 Annual Mini-Reunion last weekend in July,2019 at Tavistock follow. That combination, he said, drew a large readership, which then attracted advertisers. We hope this site will be helpful to you in reconnecting with former classmates. The fact that you did this in a noncommercial manner in a world where everything has a price tag deserves recognition and respect, in my view. To participate in the traveling banner event, hit CONTACT US on the left side of the Home Page and provide your name and mailing address. Dave Dalton is flying in from Foley, Alabama. Berkeley High School has been innovative in its high school curriculum. Condition: you will take a picture of yourself (with your family, your cat, whomever),at some location that matters to you(your home, a mountain high, a river wide), with the banner displayed. Indicates an included photo, ADD NEW In 1964, the West Campus of Berkeley High School was opened in the buildings of the former Burbank Junior High School at Bonar Street and University Avenue. After the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) kidnapped Cal undergraduate and media heiress Patty Hearst, the magazine ran a two-part investigative story written by Howard Kohn and David Weir. For a quick look at the current Berkeley High School . Details about the scholarship/Trust are on the website under the heading CLASS GIFT. Thanks to Nelson Widell, Gale Griese Butcher, and Conni Spiegle for arranging everything. While visiting with Gleason that summer, Wenner proposed a new magazine. The list of names is also useful for getting together a Berkeley High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of The very fortunate news is that we have been given this amazing gift of still being here. Pick a subject and get started. Enjoy, learn, connect. Barbara Frost Nilmeier is happily and fully retired from the travel industry after 30-plus years as an agent in Walnut Creek. Behind the scenes, much of the credit went to Gleason, who insisted that the magazine either go out of business right now or else cover Altamont like it was World War II.. Looks good!" About 25 of us reunited last Saturday night on the patio at Tavistock to catch up on each other's lives and enjoy the cool, clear air. (Board Policy 0410, Board Policy 1311, Board Policy 4030, Board Policy 5145.3, Board Policy 5145.7), The Board also prohibits retaliation against any district employee or job applicant who complains, testifies or in any way participates in the district's complaint procedures instituted pursuant to this policy. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." 1988 Berkeley High School Yearbook 1987 Berkeley High School Yearbook Bill Kain, 427 St. Johns, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, 2. There will never be another 50th for us. 20th Anniversary! [17] Taking into account these preferences as well as a student's zip code, a lottery system determined the student's placement in one of the small schools. April 16, 11:00 am to Noon, Saturday morning - HMHS Library - A Time to Remember Friends. Brother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Friend . San Franciscos status as a global rock capital had diminished, and Wenner felt NYC would be a better location in which to consolidate. While writing about music for the Daily Cal, Fine would flip through Wenners early clippings and morgue files. Berkeley High School 1966 Class, Berkeley, California. may be the next best thing to finding Berkeley High School yearbooks. Ron Stolowitz reports that he still loves Berkeley, as does his 23-month-old granddaughter. We would all love to have you join us! Please help by looking over the "Missing" list and contact anyone you can. In January, her debut memoir, The Lady with the Crown: A Story of Resilience, was published by Fuze. And, of course, some of the memories are not so wonderful. The rebuilding was financed largely through Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal program the WPA. Berkeley High School Class of 1969, Berkeley, CA, Berkeley, California. 1966 Spring. We are a small, Carroll said his time at Cal affected his ideas about sex, politics, civil rights, and seemingly everything else. He was so special to me and it was gratifying to hear that he was special to others as well. and will be used to provide support The whole scene, he said, was unbelievably seductive. For him, everything seemed connected to everything elseincluding marijuana, which somehow was involved in stopping the war in Vietnam. In addition to capturing that spirit, Rolling Stone hired good writers and didnt look like it was thrown together in the backseat of a station wagon.. How to Post Your Reunion Announcement We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." 10/3/2017 "Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious . There are still rooms left at the hotel, and were saving a place for you at the dinner table. Our 50th birthdays came and went at warp speed and for most of us this is our chance for the next big one. This area is for comments on One political staff writer, Tessa Stuart, graduated from Cal with a rhetoric degree in 2009. She has been a Cal football season ticket holder since 1966 but will miss her first Big Game since 1960. Carroll declined but followed up six months later. One worry, however, is the fact that because academic disparities among racial and socioeconomic groups are established in elementary and middle school, these programs aimed at closing the achievement gap at BHS won't make that much of a difference. In order to make this happen we need your input/feedback. The magazine, he said, isnt afraid to write from a specific point of view or put its passions on its sleeve.. According to biographer Hagan, many of Wenners friends from that time described him as the most ambitious person they had ever met. Connect with the Berkeley Information Network (BIN), your go-to source for community and social service organizations, agencies and more! But we are still here! at this time. Five months will fly by, especially with the holidays, so please get your checks in and make your reservations at the Doubletree now (details below under. VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES, Business Website 9/25/2017, "I love your service and will continue to support you." They did a fabulous job. Copyright 2005-2023 Digital Data Online, Inc. Material on this website is protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. [3] The tree is apparently no longer there, pending results from a future investigation. 31 likes. I have found this to be true, and I bet you have, too. To add, the development of interactive feedback loops would give districts the potential to continuously measure effectiveness and then implement alterations or modifications to its programs. A number of famous performers have played at the Berkeley Community Theater on the Berkeley High campus. We are so appreciative! [5][6] In 1957, Stan Getz was one of the featured performers of the Berkeley Jazz Festival.[7]. Would you like a sneak peek at anon-functioning view of The Office? An American Studies seminar taught by Michael Rogin and Larzer Ziff fired his imagination. The unused rooms will be returned to the hotel on March 25, 2016. In the fall of 1970, a "school within a school" opened at Berkeley High, called Community High School. Classreport, Inc. All Rights Reservede1 Carol McDonald Palmer lives in the Central Valley near two of her four sons and five of her twelve grandchildren. Berkeley's class of 1968 was the last segregated high school class to graduate from Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools. We have 15 rooms reserved at Svendgaards Inn, right the heart of Carmel. Hmmm, I said in my articulate way. West Campus is currently closed, but the main building is being used as the administrative offices of the Berkeley Unified School District. Business Website. There are no friends like old friends, and your Class of '66 mates, with whom you graduated from HMHS almost 50 - that's FIVE-ZERO - years ago, are as good as it gets. Thank you for your support! He also hosted Wenner and others at his Ashby Avenue home, which served as a kind of salon. [52], The 2020 episode of Reply All titled "Candidate One" was about the school body president elections for the 2019 school year. A significant portion of students and faculty alike were involved with the various forms of political activism which characterized the sixties in Berkeley, including protests against the Vietnam War, advocacy for civil rights and third world studies, and supporting People's Park. 9/14/2017, "We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. Berkeley High School is a public high school in the Berkeley Unified School District, and the only public high school in the city of Berkeley, California, United States. In addition to the smaller schools, there are two Comprehensive Learning Communities which compose nearly two-thirds of the student body, between 1000 and 1300 students. Thank You! The cost is $99 per person/$198 per couple and includes appetizers, the buffet dinner, wine with dinner, facility rental, decorations, gratuities, two bartenders and the music. After graduation, Perry attended dance parties in San Francisco, sampled psychedelic drugs, and worked for the Cal psychology department in an animal facility off Grizzly Peak Boulevard. 9/14/2017, "We have been using the website for more than 10 years now. Its album reviews, however, failed to impress Marcus, who complained to Rolling Stone associate editor Charles Perry. He was reporting from the Greek Theatre in December 1964 when police hauled off FSM leader Mario Savio after he tried to respond to UC President Clark Kerrs address. The school mascot is the Yellowjacket. family-owned business and yet freely host over a million class websites. Iam much more interested in how you and I got to this place and time almost 50 years later than inthe high school trivia. 10/3/2017, "Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious spirit." contributions: This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. Home > Looking for BHS alumni not on this site? Asked about the magazines niche today, Fine noted that its biweekly publication schedule allows it to run news stories that monthlies cant. Academic Choice (AC) and Berkeley International High School (BIHS) - part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program as of 2007[update] - make up this Comprehensive Learning Community. I suppose that for each and all of us, whatever your HMHS activity or interest back then, there was time to play it out and explore as only young teens can. Doubletree will make a group block of up to 15 suites available on a courtesy basis at a preferential rate to those attending the reunion. Berkeley High School Class of 1962 Reunion - 1962 CLASS REUNION Created by: Carolyn Kirkpatrick 4 Photos Class of 1968 Created by: Bruce Cole 51 Photos Recently Joined Members View all Berkeley High School recently joined members Mohsen Tamasaby joined this school Genora Jordan-mcclanahan joined this school Joseph Rodriguez joined this school American, Alaska, and United all fly here, so you can make connections from just about anywhere. Being the premier rock magazine wasnt a coveted title in 1967, Carroll said, but it was a big deal ten years later. He didnt make it that long. A learned man once taught me that the unconscious is timeless. Wenner was eager to publish the story, which was immediately denounced by leftists and the Hearst media empire. And according to Weir, the FBI was incensed because it knew less about Hearsts underground activities than the magazine did. Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? to receive the group rate. Rolling Stone wouldnt have happened without the Free Speech Movement. VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES. Laurel, NJ. Please read Our Story, ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 To make your reservations call 1-800-228-3851 and reference the HMHS Reunion. Here are the rates, and the Pine Inn will honor these discounted rates for as many nights as you want to stay. 5. Berkeley High School has been rated by several independent organizations. 3. By 1974, there were several small schools within Berkeley High: Genesis-Agora (formerly Community and Community 2), Model School A, School of the Arts, and College Prep. By that time, several Berkeley writers and editors had moved on. All Rights Reserved. I have read about our "sort of" classmates who did not finish at HMHS. Start One Now! This site is to be operated by members of our class. REUNIONS, Your participation is requested! Reunite with old classmates, learn about class reunions and take a look back at your yearbook photos! Cash bar. 4/27/2018, "Your site is amazing. Still living and working in Oakland, architect Michael Murakami says hes still designing stuff and enjoys visiting his and Nancys granddaughters in Zionsville, Indiana. She has retired from journalism as well as teaching journalism at Cal. Also, if anyone reading thiswants to come but has hardship issues, please contact me privately; we will see what we can do to get you here, quietly and confidentially. Fully retired, David Howekamp has lived in Lafayette with Marily for 50 years. ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 Early contributors and editorsincluding Greil Marcus, Charles Perry, and Jon Carrollwere Cal alumni, and their stances on politics, drugs, and music were staples in the magazines unique editorial formula. That network began to take shape after Wenner enrolled at Cal in 1963. Click here to register for free at and view other 1966 alumni. We are one of the premier social networking sites dating back to 2003. Preservation Hall Jazz Band recordings. VIEW ALL. Berkeley High School was also the first public high school in the United States with an African American Studies department, established in 1969.[9]. No protected images or material on this website may be copied or printed without express authorization. We received this note from the Haddon Fire Company: Our class sent a donation and this note to the Fire Department in honor of Craig Maull who died in the line of duty in December 2017. 9/11/2017, "Thank you for your assistance. FAQ, Does your High School Class have a full-featured Alumni Website? . Gregory Ferguson, a Berkeley class of 1968 graduate. 2090 Kittredge Street Berkeley CA 94704 510.981.6100, Join us for a story time with yoga poses along with books, music, and movement activities. [47], Berkeley was the subject of "School Colors", an episode of PBS's Frontline about racial politics at Berkeley High School. LEARN MORE OR TO VOLUNTEER provides free Class Websites Page Hits: 1,956, Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! 45th Claas Reunion. Thank You! Wenner contacted the Ramparts art director and lifted some design elements from that magazine. Afterward, they used a rope to rappel down from the third floor of the closed library. VIEW ALL. VIEW ALL, Hi I am Ed Rounds I am a musician I play banjo,harmonica,uke,xylophone,accordian,vibriphone,organ,tenor guitar,baritone uke,kazoo,slide whistle,orchestra bells, keyboard and drums. We cannot provide this service without your support. VIEW ALL, If you have any questions or comments But that still leaves over 180 dynamic, wonderful people still here who shared some memories. ADD NEW 122 likes. 5/2/2018, "Thank YOU for helping us get the word out! Tennis: Boys All Levels Match vs Alameda (Home), April 18, 20233:30 pm - 3:30 pm Buddy Boenecke, Janet Haynes Lehman, Ed Madden, Josh Gitomer, Bob Lehman, Janet Haynes Lehman, Bob Lehman, Ed Madden, Vicki Meece Knowles, Lois Young Hinski, Mike Fessler, Gale Griese Butcher, Rob Shannon, Conni Spiegle, Joan Lazo Trojan, Sally Cooper (standing), Kathy Widell, Nelson Widell, Josh Gitomer, Mary Ellen Cahill, Jacque Liggett Grossman, Kathy O'Neal Chesbro, Barbara (Mark's finance), Mark Sutterley, Rick Starnes, Kathy Howell Starnes, Josh Gitomer, Lois, Ed, Jacque, Kathy C., Janet, Mike, Joan, Sally, Nelson, Kathy S., Conni, Bud, Vicki, Rob, Gale, Mark, Mary Ellen, Josh, Jeff, ****************************************************, 1st row: Kathy Starnes, Lois Young Hinski, Conni Spiegle, Joan Lazo Trojan, Sally Cooper, Carole Kelling Yeager, Gale Griese Butcher. Fine, a Laguna Beach native, said he and his father bonded over their shared interest in Rolling Stone. Join us and its yours! ADD NEW Early payment is greatly appreciated since we have installment payment deadlines to meet with the DoubleTree in the next few months. by Jerome Paulos Aug. 26, 2019, 8:00 a.m. Art Williams (class of 1995), Jamal Williams (1989) and Malik Cooper (1995) at the 2019 Berkeley High All Class Reunion Picnic at San Pablo Park on Saturday, Aug. 24. Dennis Stepanek. On Arbor Day of 1902, noted naturalist John Muir joined Berkeley's mayor William H. Marston in planting a giant sequoia in a yard south of the new high school buildings. These are former students from Berkeley HS in Moncks Corner, SC who graduated in 1966. We need a Class Administrator. From accessible computers to Books By Mail. Its current managing editor, Jason Fine, is a Berkeley alum. Pat Preston Taylor and Mark Zipf were able to join us. ADD NEW 10/4/2017, "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. Lottery, Retirement, Vacation, Wedding, Other. Although COVID-19 kept us from breaking a 55th reunion attendance record, we did have the largest number of participants at this years reunion luncheon: 47 classmates! Subscribe to our monthly email newsletter, The Cal Connection. You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." CLICK HERE TO Cal Alumni Association Dina asks, what are you going to do with it now? 9/25/2017, "I love your service and will continue to support you." That coverage landed Rolling Stone one of its first National Magazine Awards. (During his senior year, he lived in North Berkeley with LSD kingpin Owsley Stanley, who later became the Grateful Deads patron and sound engineer. Click here to register for free at and view other 1966 alumni. Living in Sun Valley, Idaho, Mary Jane Burns enjoyed an academic career as a political science professor at Idaho State University in Pocatello. 2023 has brought new beginnings for many , For inquiries or concerns regarding BUSD nondiscrimination policy, Berkeley International High School (BIHS), Academy of Medicine and Public Service (AMPS), ADMIN: SSC/BSEP Meeting Agenda, Apr. On the web site we have 108 classmates out of the 146 for whom we have emails, giving up a 73% participation rate amazing! In 1975, Rolling Stone showed that it could break major stories. We've got 45 classmates signed up for the Reunion and 62 total attendees (classmates and spouses), so the invitation list is looking good. More 1966 alumni from Berkeley HS Moncks Corner, SC have posted profiles on restaurants, etc. . Prior to the Fall 2018 school year, upon enrolling at Berkeley High School incoming freshmen immediately chose to join one of the five learning communities that vary in size, academic emphasis and offerings. [19] Moreover, Green Academy (now discontinued) and AMPS were the learning communities with the most students who scored not proficient in Math and English California Standards Test (CST) scores. It is our shared experience, warts and all, that I want to celebrate. Our Class Site is Fully Funded! There are no fees required for participation on this site. Hope you enjoy these photos from the Class of '66 Mini-Reunion at Tavistock last weekend. It was turned over to the Berkeley Adult School in 1986, which used it until 2004. My husband said, "Wear it anyway" and so I did. Bravos. [17] The argument is then made for elementary and middle schools to make similar efforts in order to reduce those disparities more early on. His work has appeared in a variety of outlets, from Mother Jones to The American Conservative. Class of 1980 Wesley Williams. The class met in a library seminar room, which Marcus described as the most marvelous place imaginable. He and his classmates completed their homework there, often staying past midnight to discuss American history, politics, and culture. There are no prayer requests Ed accepted the award for Ken Weaber. Thanks for inventing it all!" VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES. amsc: 1. Gleason resigned from the magazine over its March 1967 cover story, A Social History of the Hippies. He thought the story misleading and inaccurate, and his anger turned to fury when when no one at Ramparts responded to his resignation letter. with free access for all. Casual dress. Gale Griese Butcher, Bob Greenberg, Bill Kain, Vicki Meece Knowles, Janet Haynes Lehman, Ed Madden, and Conni Spiegle. 10/3/2017, "Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious spirit." PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Mr. Emery Curtice Upon examination of the records of the June graduation class, I am assured that the long- standing tradition of academic excellence at Berkeley High School will continue. Please make checks payable to HMHS REUNION '66. In 2000, in an attempt to better serve its diverse community and close the achievement gap between white students and students of color, BHS began experimenting with the idea of small schools. Linda Schacht Gage still lives in Berkeley. Berkeley High School, Type: nonconference Opponent: Multiple Schools Comments: Dismissal at 2:55pm for warm-ups, Badminton: All Levels Match vs San Lorenzo (Home), April 18, 20234:00 pm - 4:00 pm Iam a stage actor I compose music am into running and health foods(no sugar,red meat,pork,candy sodas,salt etc. It looks GREAT!" Please support this site with your voluntary contributions. 2022 Cal Alumni Association. Thanks for inventing it all!" You will thensend the picture to this Class website for viewing by all. Saturday morning, April 16, we meet at the flag pole at HMHS at 10 am for a tour of the school. provides free Class Websites Two words is not enough to express how wonderful this past reunion weekend was for us all. There are no websites on file Have a great time tonight! Please read Our Story, ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 From the outset, the magazine called the journalistic voice of its generation attached itself to the city and its Summer of Love. Welcome to the seven classmates who just joined the web site, most of whom are coming to the Reunion. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Tap Room tonight! Before Fine took over as managing editor, the publication was savaged for a botched story on rape culture at the University of Virginia. Old sheet music and what not.Best regards to the B.H.S. Our Story. . Use our computers or yours, access WiFi and print. Around $60/person for elegant 3-course dinner. Berkeleys influence on Marcus, who grew up on the peninsula, ran even deeper. "I want to say thank you very much to Vicki, Bob, Bill, Gale, Ed, Conni and Janet for their incredible hard work on this reunion! In 1971, Berkeley High students elected a homosexual male African American student as Homecoming Queen. He was at pains to show that she didnt do all the work, Perry recalled.). this website possible by their generous Our Class Site is Fully Funded! . VIEW ALL of Berkeley High School find and contact you. at this time. Post your messages here. Reservations made after March 25 will be subject to the best available rate at that time. Please read Our Story Peter Richardson, Ph.D. 91, teaches at San Francisco State University and has written critically acclaimed books on the Grateful Dead and Ramparts magazine. Students also get to choose two electives. 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Network began to take shape after Wenner enrolled at Cal, from Mother Jones to the hotel directly.... The American Conservative does your High School has been innovative in its High School yearbooks the out... The Daily Cal, Fine would flip through Wenners early clippings and morgue files night. And others at his Ashby Avenue home, which somehow was involved in stopping war! Reunions and take a look back at your Yearbook photos NEW Deal the... Who just joined the web site, most of us this is our chance for the next best thing finding. Place imaginable web site, most of whom are coming to the available! Shared experience, warts and all, that I want to Stay community Theater on the peninsula, ran deeper! Class have a full-featured alumni website learning community based on stereotypes within the School like a sneak peek anon-functioning. And lifted some design elements from that magazine Wenner proposed a NEW.. Could break major stories the night looking over the `` Missing '' List and contact anyone you can continue support! You want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends these discounted rates for as many nights you! To seeing everyone at the Berkeley berkeley high school class of 1966 Network ( BIN ), your source! Flip through Wenners early clippings and morgue files few months it is our shared,!, Ed Madden, and Wenner felt NYC would be a better in. For as many nights as you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends music! To have you join us peninsula, ran even deeper and more: nonconference Opponent casa! Thanks to our Class website for more than 10 years now pole at HMHS morning HMHS! July,2019 at Tavistock last weekend in July,2019 at Tavistock follow the web site, most of are! Happened without the free Speech Movement Frost Nilmeier is happily and fully retired from journalism well... Complained to Rolling Stone as an agent in Walnut Creek 2005-2023 Digital Data online, Inc. Material on this.... Vacation, Wedding, other Conni Spiegle are not so wonderful call 1-800-228-3851 and the. Saw strong berkeley high school class of 1966 direct links between that course and the Pine Inn will honor these discounted rates for as nights... Network ( BIN ), your go-to source for community and social service organizations, and..., Bob Greenberg, Bill Kain, 427 St. Johns, Cherry Hill, 08034! You enjoy these photos from the travel industry after 30-plus years as an in! The Hippies part in the fall of 1970, a Laguna beach native, said he and his classmates their. Readership, which used it until 2004 Berkeley & # x27 ; s Class 1968... Loves Berkeley, California, Bill Kain, Vicki Meece Knowles, Janet Haynes Lehman, Ed Madden Janet... Up on the website for viewing by all do you want to..

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