adulthood essay examples

By testing my own system of virtue against theirs of vice and dissipation, I have found the nobility of virtue confirmed: I am vastly more productive than my dissolute peers. To effectively handle stress, an individual must be able to recognize the symptoms of stress and understand the possible cause which is easy as stress changes an individuals happiness level, health, and behavior. It is not an easy matter to be a parent and properly raise a child. The theory highlights and discusses five features which are meant to capture the behaviors and attitudes of young people during this stage of life. Generally, middle adulthood takes the age approximately from 40 to 65. There are some critical moments in life that cause a person to really change and have a different perspective on life. Dont know where to start? A person changes significantly physically and cognitively in middle adulthood, as there is a transition from considering the time of birth to the remaining lifetime during it. 308 qualified specialists online. This paper purposes a proposal for the execution of a research work that would explore the link between bullying and suicidality later in adulthood in the US. How Does Child Neglect Affect a Childs Self-Esteem in Adulthood? The process of identity formation emerges in adolescence but mostly takes place in emerging adulthood. I say action over age because in order to be an adult it takes responsibility, behavior control, emotional control, financial control, and social control. What Happens in Late Adulthood Social Development? Some of my friends talk about better cars and buying houses. The paper will analyze ageism and stereotypes associated with late adulthood. Opposite to popular opinion, there are not many adults, within the ages of thirty-five through sixty-five, dealing with a midlife crisis. In a fast paced competitive world of a multiple of career options, traditional families are being replaced by nuclear families leading to fragmentation of the cohesive social structure. In an earlier post, we covered how to (and not to) write an MBA . I know some of my high school classmates have already married, and some even have children, both facts which make me feel old already. Gradesfixer . Some of my peers are in serious relationships, and a few of them have even talked about marriage. Everyone experiences the challenges of growing up and living in the real world. This relation I deem cardinal, because it arguably underwrites, or at least profoundly affects, the individuals experience of all the other socio-emotional changes associated with the attainment of this stage. Most of us encounter financial struggles, college, marriage, deaths, careers, and so on. For example, I know from friends who live in Muslim countries that it is very common for young men in those societies to stay with their (natal) families: they live at home and return there after work. The Fear of Adulthood in Catcher in the Rye, a Novel by J. D. Salinger (814 words, 2 pages) Catcher In The RyeIn Salinger's Catcher In The Rye, Holden struggles with holding on to the part of him that is still a child while having to make the transition to having adult responsibilities. The fear of losing their parents affects middle-life adults. This paper presents a comparative analysis of Japanese, West African, and American cultures and existing differences, and these disparities impact on social work practice. Home Essay Samples Life Adulthood From Childhood to Adulthood: Emotional and Physical Changes Subject: Life, Psychology Category: Lifestyle & Interests, Developmental Psychology, Life Experiences Essay Topic: Adulthood, Childhood, Personal Growth and Development Pages: 3 Words: 1562 Published: 05 November 2018 Downloads: 299 Download Print STAGE 1: Perhaps the cardinal feature of the socio-emotional development of the young adult concerns their relation to their parents. (2023) '100 Adulthood Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. The impacts of drug abuse are not felt by the individual youth only; they are also felt at a family and societal level. At the same period, the younger generation says about the impact of the modern tendencies, changes of the way of life that give an opportunity to claim that the younger generation is more advanced. From my own experience, I have learned and seen that the Western early adult is an individual with minimal responsibilities to family, clan (extended family), or community; by contrast, the non-Western early adult usually has such responsibilities, and is typically on a fast track to starting their own family. The muscle becomes, Most Americans perceive alcohol consumption and the use of other substances as a rite of passage. When discussing sexuality in middle adulthood, it is first necessary to cover the biological changes that happen during this period in both male and female organisms. This transition is mostly symbolised in this short story by the Jerrys experience of preparing to go through the tunnel after watching the other boys swim through the tunnel. At a personal level, becoming a senior leader in Boy Scouts was an accomplishment that marked my transition from childhood to adulthood. Adulthood is the recognition of oneself and being responsible and accountable for one's actions. 2023, The results of the natural observation applied to show that parents should draw more attention to their children in order to eliminate the risk of cultivating a problematic adult. In this stage, work and parenting are important factors that affect his life. I found these experiences very fruitful with regards to reflection, which in turn helped me to conceptualize myself as an adult, not a teen or a young person, and I know a great many of my friends felt the same way around this stage. The movie focuses on the character Lester Burnham, a man in his, Aging is an inevitability of life. Middle Adulthood: Developmental Theories Subject: Developmental Psychology Study Level: School Words: 541 This paper discusses middle adulthood: Communication and emotions, physical and cognitive development in middle adulthood, developmental theories, personal experience as a nurse. However, other adults have severe memory loss that destabilizes their lives. For most, this will mean at least a partial rupture with the cognitive college bubble, and a renegotiation of their conceptions of self and of their work in their new post-undergraduate context. Adulthood is something that will occur whether we are ready or not. The midpoint of a person's life is a period from age 35 to 64, and it is described as middle their adult, Peck (1968) suggests that it is psychologically healthy for middle-aged adults to redefine the people in their lives so they can find value in their relationships (Zastrow, 2011). Essay Example, The Term Social Construction of Reality, Essay Example. "100 Adulthood Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." The essay summarizes Religiosity and Interpersonal Problems Explain Individual Differences in Self Esteem Among Young Adults with Child Maltreatment Experiences. Our experts can deliver a Development Stage: Early Adulthood essay tailored to your instructions for only $13.00 $11.05/page 308 qualified specialists online Learn more I use popular conceptions of youth as 'transition' in relational terms that are . My experiences have encouraged me to reflect upon what I want from the next stage of life, but old age and dying are still very, very far away to me. STAGE 1: When I was eighteen, it seemed that the whole world was before me, an almost unlimited vista of promise. In my own personal experience, this developmental milestone has profound consequences: I realized that I had achieved the fullness of my adult height. The study will take a cross-sectional perspective reliant on a review of online scholarly materials on the impact of aspersers of recent currency. Environmental influence presents the other side of influence affecting peoples development in their middle adulthood. It appears there are gender differences between males and females, as females appear to go through the major transitions to adulthood at a younger age and leave home faster than men (Holloway, 2010). Being successful to me has never been being rich and all of that, for me it's more of not struggling, having family, and most of all being happy. 2023 As he goes, It is a proven fact that as we age our body goes through many physical changes. Biologically speaking, children are growing. My concerns are much more immediate: grades, time with friends, my job, paying my bills, etc. This misconception is perpetuated through cultural norms where people believe that drinking is a social facilitator where friends can meet and enjoy alcohol (Piehler & Dishion, 2014). From this I was able to generalize those behaviors that were childish and puerile, versus those that were responsible, adult, and mature. Again from personal experience, this fact is often discovered to the chagrin of many young people who enter college, upon the attainment of the freshman fifteen: as the metabolism shifts from furthering the process of physical growth to a more stable equilibrium in the body of the young adult, the individuals habits of eating and patterns of activity may produce new consequences. If it is college, that route should be pursued or if it is the working world, that route should, Introduction The study of adulthood development was a new study that began in 1978 by Levinson since then expands rapidly from year to year. In essence, for traditional cultures in parts of the world such as East Asia, South Asia, the Islamic world, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America, becoming an adult means starting ones own household and ones own family. Though I can think about it rationally, it seems so far awayassuming I die of old age, that is, rather than by accident or disease. When the reader is first introduced to Sammy, it is apparent that he is the [], Childhood friends give children more than just a playmate, learning to make friends and maintaining them are crucial aspects of a childs development skills that help them not only in their personal lives but also [], As such, it is the duty of the parents to seek professional help whenever they observe antisocial tendencies in their children. It is the stage where one achieves freedom from the direct control of their parent from the former stage of childhood. STAGE 2: For me, this meant redefining my relationship with my parents, and starting my own social life. Some of these stages include physical, cognitive, personality, and social development. True, for some, much of the identity may already have been formed and defined to some extent over the course of adolescence, but it is this period that invites a great deal more reflection and conceptualization on the part of the individual regarding their identity. Johns age-related changes [], Overview The current learning and teaching era stresses globalization; thus, elementary educators must adopt and incorporate multiculturalism and diversity in their learning plans. Retrieved from This paper studying adolescence as a social construction, describes the transition into adulthood in modern America, describes development theories and primary research methods. In middle adulthood, the physical development starts to decline with strength and co-ordination, hearing and vision starts to decrease, memory becomes less efficient and body fat now starts to account for about 20% of total body weight. The present paper aims at comparing how the principles of emerging adulthood are applied to the traditional culture of India and the modern US culture. On the other hand, higher education offers prospects for much better jobs, and the chance to become both more productive and more wealthy, which is my own aspiration. The paper argues how the subjects developmental trajectory in middle to late adulthood aligns or deviates from the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects. Being a man, I have learned to take responsibilities aimed at providing for the needs and giving direction to members of my family. Child abuse has been pointed out to heighten the risk of obesity development in adulthood. Due to unsettlement in career and being on the move, results in delay marriage as well. At the same period, the younger generation says about the impact of the modern tendencies, changes of the way of life that give an opportunity to claim that the younger generation is more advanced. It is around this time that many young adults enter the workforce (my own first job was at the age of seventeen), and pursue at least some higher education. People find themselves changing majors in college or taking different classes to explore their interest an find out where that best fit for their future, "The transition to adulthood represents a special window in the life course, providing insight into how childhood benefits and disadvantages persist, fade aways, or are disrupted as an individual relocations into adulthood." These advantages come mostly at 18 although others such as renting a car and the right to legally drink alcoholic beverages come at 25 and 21 respectively. These three people are in different crisis at different times in their lives. (2023, March 8). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage, Good Adulthood Essay Samples for College, Childhood Trauma and Bullying: Adulthood Effects. Adulthood gets to experience all of those feelings during the holidays by watching children feel the same way. This dramatic increase in the demographics of older adulthood has given rise to the discipline of gerontology, or the study of old age and, 1. As an adult I always wanted to be successful. The earlier the diagnosis and discovery of a drug abuse, the higher [], In this regard, the seriousness of the issue is depicted in research results that indicate that at least 50% of children and youth in the US have experienced bullying situations as either bullies or victims [], It is, however, important to note that motor development ability mainly depends on the weight and organization of the body of a child. To install StudyMoose App tap I know from talking to friends who have graduated that unfortunately, many are in for a rude awakening, when they find that their four-year degree in anthropology or gender studies, etc., is of little interest to most respectable employers other than the (mostly) taxpayer-funded world of academia. Why Is Early Adulthood Development Important? Late adulthood cognitive development is a complex and detailed topic. Differencies and Similarities between Childhood vs Adulthood: [Essay Example], 1030 words GradesFixer Free photo gallery The measure of the proposed law seeks to amend section 6, 20, 20-A, 20-B and 22 of the Republic act 9344 or the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act as amended so that a child under the age 18 but above the age of 9 at the time of the commission can be held criminally liable and subjected to appropriate proceedings unless it can be proven that he acted without discernment, in which case he will be . Aging is a part of human life and entails not only physiological but also psychological, emotional, and social changes. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Psychology of Sexuality in Middle Adulthood, Religion, Meaning in Life During Late Adulthood by Krause & Hayward, Development in Early Childhood and Early Adulthood, Young Adulthood and Millennial Leadership, The Effect of Obesity on Adulthood Development, Occupation, Culture, and Stress in Middle Adulthood, Childhood Bullying and Adulthood Suicide Connection, Peer Relationships Impact on Adulthood Development, Adolescence and Young Adulthood in Educational Psychology, Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood, Adulthood and Aging Widowers and Widows Syndrome, Child Neglect: Impact on Self-Esteem in Adulthood, Child Neglect Might Affect a Childs Self-Esteem in Adulthood, Middle Adulthood Challenges and Opportunities, Social, Emotional, Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood, Importance of Play in a Childs Social Development Towards Adulthood, Social Development from Infancy to Adulthood, Young Adulthood in Developmental Psychology, Parental Negligence Affect a Childs Self-Esteem in Adulthood, Adolescence and Adulthood Developmental Stages Psychology, Personal Development During Middle Adulthood, Life Span Human Development: Early and Middle Adulthood, Personality and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood, Effects of Childhood Experiences on Self Injurious Behavior in Adulthood, Rite of Passage from Childhood to Adulthood, Emerging Adulthood as a Trend of the 21st Century. The stage of life development known as middle adulthood (40-65 years old) is a time that comes with potential changes in cognitive and affective processes. Therefore, moderate physical activity should be recommended for middle-aged and older adults to diminish the negative consequences []. This part of the life is open to many new experiences which can be very good for the morality of this upcoming generation of adults. The kind of childhood that a person is subjected to determines the kind of person they become as adults,in the case of Gacy,he became a serial rapist and killer. During this period, adults experience many changes physically, socially, emotionally, and psychologically. Through the cultivation of such noble virtues, I perfected my discipline and increased my productivity. Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout one's lifespan. As I found through experience, the narratives of self built in high school, and particularly as dependent minors, no longer suit individuals who must now navigate the often far more difficult world of early adulthood, which calls for new narratives (conceptualization), experimentation, and thus, changed experiences as a result. My final year of being a teenager is approaching and I feel as if the most significant period of my life was rushed. When Jane was young, she, Adulthood marks the end of childhood which is a time of significant change in one's life. Personality and cognitive developments are the necessary and natural conditions of life since progress affects everything in the world, from evolution to scientific and technological advances. The child sexual abuse remains one of the most intimidating and stigmatizing traumas for many children and families that are overcoming the acute psychological outcomes in both childhood and adulthood. Substance abuse is also referred to as drug abuse. The paper examined all the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects of development between adolescence and adulthood. A topic we will discuss further in this paper. Still, there is considerable variability here, and this variability dramatically affects life planning: some young adults choose college and not work, others choose work and not college, and quite a few choose some mixture of the two. Dealing with an abusive father, vicious dogs, being chased by a crowd of angry southerners are among the many obstacles Huck Finn faces in his journey to personal salvation, but more explicitly, the saving of his friend Jim. This in turn led to experimentation: how could I eat more healthily and keep active in order to maintain high energy levels and a healthy weight? College and the adult world beckoned, glimmering images of promise and achievement. To be sure, I made mistakes early in my college career: I experimented with a bit of the profligate and dissolute living I now decry, and my grades in certain courses suffered due to a failure to plan on my part. Please note! My new peers and advisors are willing to advise me through my exposure to college. Reflecting upon my current situation as a college student, however, I realized that the purpose of my college education was not the sort of dissolute living to which so many of my peers were committing themselves, but rather to study hard, graduate with a useful degree, and get a job. Many traits in adulthood like responsibilities, wealth, and social status matter to most, but as a child, the only things that matter are what they can dream to achieve one day., What are the five developmental tasks of young adulthood, and how can the accomplishing of one influence the accomplishing of any of the remaining four? 2023. Indeed, one is confronted with certain physical constants, such as height and bone structure, that will be with one for the remainder of ones life. March 8, 2023. For some people, retirement is a symbol of approaching old age and death, so it seems clear why people postpone this decision for as long as possible. Type your requirements and Ill connect you to In result there is psychological adjustment in their lives. The purpose of this paper is to discuss, In this day and time, in reference to science and technology, late adulthood is a stage of life that most of us will be involved in, yet death is an event we all will experience. The UN definition of youth are those aged between 15-24 (, 2019). The communicative aspect is perhaps the main factor that can affect the mental well-being of maturing people and strengthen their mental health. This essay will examine Eriksons and Maslows theories about adulthood and progressive neurocognitive disorders. Emerging adulthood was developed as a separate phase between adolescence and adulthood in the human development cycle, which states that the gap between adolescence and adulthood is widening. (Sharkey, 2012) It is claimed by Wadsworth (2014) that "the teenage years and young their adult years are the best times and worst times of life." Seemed that the whole world was before me, an almost unlimited vista of promise Example the! Always wanted to be a parent and properly raise a child adulthood Topic..., I have learned to take responsibilities aimed at providing for the needs and giving direction members. Not many adults, within the ages of thirty-five through sixty-five, dealing with a midlife crisis &...., deaths, careers, and starting my own social life not felt by the individual youth only they! In career and being responsible and accountable for one & # x27 ; s actions 40! 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