state of decay 2 rare skills

Let me tell you the joys of remodeling your own home. State of Decay 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. I look forward to planting some trees again. I'm kind of a low-energy sort of person, but hey, at least I don't eat a ton. I always slammed my eyes shut when my dad threw a ball to me. I was the worst burglar, and I knew I was bound to get caught. My track team won the state championship. I'll find it one day. I just can't work up the energy to accomplish anything these days. We're all hunched over by the time we're sixty. Nothing and nobody gets by me. When you're breaching interiors, you want to rely on low-caliber close quarters weapons. I promise. I paid for a gym membership for years and never went once. I walked a different way home every day, and found my way onto every rooftop. Every survivor has some Traits. True in any situation. Sorry. I don't need a bed. I need time to myself to recharge. But can you ever really get used to it? I was actually teaching a wilderness survival class when the outbreak hit. I was on a cross-country train trip when the outbreak hit. We should all split up. You don't just have to know your job. I'm not saying I had a problem but some folks probably did. If you gotta transport stuff into hard-to-reach places, there's no better animal. On the plus side, I do appreciate nap time. People told me I should get out more, but why? Once players reach level seven, the skill can be branched off into Pharmacology or Munitions. You do something to me, or to the people I care about? Now that's just par for the course. I've been to a lot of communities like this one, making deals and spreading our message. Don't worry about me. I'm not saying I'm great. I always screw things up. I could always throw further and hit harder than the other kids in school. For a while, it was just me and the zombies. Can't we just move somewhere totally remote? You need the right people if you want to keep productivity high without making mistakes. You're worried about the worm in that tequila? The folks around here look at me funny sometimes. You can't be too careful when your life depends on building something right. That's why you need me. It's way more than just "roller skating in a circle." But I think the whole point was to miss. Maybe it's psychosomatic, but why? Once I got laid off, that was it. It may already be too late. I handled compatibility issues for the million different mobile devices we had back then. I don't even know why I survived, it doesn't make sense. I had an entire mythology built up that now only survives in my head. I've always been a bit big-boned. I didn't even have a car for years. And no crimes. Keep their morale at 30+ to avoid conflicts. It's a medical degree. In the nineteenth century, people only bathed like once a year. I barely slept at night for years, trying to get my law degree. It's best that you didn't know me when I was younger. bLunT. I can show you how to do it. I found this really nice katana sticking out of a zombie skull by the side of the road one time. It took patience and a keen eye to find the best bargains from the comfort of my living room. Rare in this case meaning both the skills and the trader them self. Manuals do exactly that, you change your basic trees to any of the 4 options, even if that character didn't have them available. I was the one whose job it was to pin unruly patients who didn't want to take their shots. I had to be ready for anything. I always felt like I could see every side of an issue. I rebuilt my entire basement on my own. The drugs are just about paying the bills. Every sport, that is. Though State of Decay has always urged players to play the stealthy role and not alert too many zombies at once, shooting down hordes of zombies is just fun. If it plugs into a wall, or if a wall plugs into it, I know how to fix it. At first, I did it to get in shape, but at some point, I started taking it really seriously. I always have something to do with my hands, and I never run out of scarves. State of Decay Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Load me up with anything, and I'll get it there no time. I could always do a stunt on the first try, or gross people out by contorting my joints. This place might be great, but does everyone know how great it is? Honestly, its the sounds of the game that I miss, more than even the game itself. I'm ready to go right at the crack of dawn! I really can't help it. Not just lichen, but mushrooms and other organisms we can use for medication. I kept everything with me in an old shopping cart, and just stayed on the road. I used to stay up late at night, scanning the airwaves for distant voices. I'm used to climbing up to high places and doing intricate work. They can take more damage before being completely useless but still need tending and care. Split-second decision-making is a useful talent in any situation. It's a nervous tic, really. Unless you're me. These traders are accompanied by two other Red Talon members. And give you a understanding on what ones to look out for and what. I thought it was my claim to fame, and it was for fifteen minutes. Underwater Basket Weaving was worth an elective credit. I cant just toss it out. We had no gear, no bullets, and worst of all nothing to eat. In addition to my job, we ran a little bed and breakfast out of our home. I did my share of flower arrangements, but I preferred to work with the potted plants. My job is essentially herding cats. Im full pretty much the moment I sit down. My parents found me at the top of a ceiling-height bookshelf before I knew how to walk. You can't really know a car until the gas pedal hits the floor. In the old world, you could make a living just on music. Skill specializations in State of Decay 2 add some depth to the game. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Recycling. It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. I think I may just know what I'm doing. These fleeting moments sometimes catch my eye, and I have to capture them before they're gone. In the game you can get it through the Recover a Classic Personal Goal. I had to learn stage fighting, so I could get killed by Hamlet a few hundred times. I don't even exercise. I helped people with long-term unemployment figure out how to get their careers moving again. I wasn't a huge hunter, but I kept my rifle in good shape, in case my friends wanted to go. I've spent the entire apocalypse hunting for a good cup of coffee. They said I had sharp eyes. Everyone in my town fishes. Each Community Skill has its own textbook. Well, I'm having my adventures now, dammit. Just think if it as you have to exile for the greater good of everyone. You gotta haul everything up onto a cliff, and then stay aloft all the way down. I taught tumbling to kindergarten-age kids. You've got to relearn everything from scratch. I lived in my parents' basement for years. That stands for "Mountain Unicycling". That be hilarious if there was a book for that. Every time I heard about another burglary, I installed something new. You want running water, or not? When the camp got overrun, I think I was presumed dead. My backpack always ends up hanging at a weird angle on me. I mean I use a hammer and chisel. Most people already think my job is science fiction. I'm just not cut out for drudge work. Maybe I should pop something into THEIR heads. We got decimated before the governor activated more units. The zombies always got through. Well, I'm the only one here. Bees kept salesmen away. We're going to rebuild the world together. I definitely wasn't a doctor back then, but I knew my way around the basics. You fuck with me, you get fucked with back. Ran out of room for notches on my rifle. Now I actually kind of like the taste. Feels like a lifetime ago. I did a lot of guitar work on movie soundtracks, and played in a couple of local cover bands. I'm used to cutting bodies open. I did a tour running supplies into areas where our vehicles and comms couldn't reach. My friends and I used to practice squad tactics in the woods. I drove a van around, selling remedies out of the back. Doesnt seem as hilarious now. Only then are the stat buffs worth it. Plus a few that don't. I was always jealous of the guy selling the RC helicopters. This is the greatest real-world experiment I ever could have devised. I've lost too much already. My job was to squeeze every last ounce out of our annual yields. I'm always the first to raise my hand when we need volunteers. I wake up screaming almost every night, and I can't even remember what I was dreaming about. Operation Drawbridge For me, that meant my family and my fellow police. We were just getting on our feet when the outbreak hit. Every month, my friends brought their Xboxes to my house for some local eight-player Gears. We were on the cutting edge of gene-splicing tech. We used to ride back and forth across the state, taking a slightly different route each time. Stop looking at me! The -re spelling is more appropriate to the history and erudition of the art. My First State of Decay 2 Series: You need a headshot every time. "How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?". I'm never cleaning anything again. I put my body through so much punishment. You should see me catch a shrimp in my pocket. ELL Mar 23, 2021 @ 2:40pm . Aside from me, of course. Somebody had to, right? I make the best foil dinners. I would flip them off and slink away. I'm really just in it for the telescopes. I never had to go to the spice section again. I always take on too much, and it's probably killing me. We used to go nuts with our barricades but you know what? Don't have a lot of lung left in me. Once you've made a shiv out of a toothbrush, you realize anything can be a weapon. (Watch birds. Working underwater is like doing constant resistance training. The constant aching always leaves me in a bad place when it comes to defending myself. Look, I can handle a lot of things, right? Today we're all about reusing. My platoon was called in stateside to defend supply shipments. It was my job to put a hole in the door without putting holes in anybody on the other side. This is frontier life, man. Fun fact, this book actually exists in the real world. I used to hypnotize my friends to embarrass them at parties. That boiler was my nemesis. We're trained to be versatile. I could get ten on the leash at a time. Until we relearn the old ways, we'll need to scavenge factory-produced chemicals for everything. I've got that youthful exuberance that keeps me going all day! I'm pretty good, despite practicing with blanks. I'm actually more comfortable in tighter spaces than I am out in the open. When you're responsible for the residents' mistakes, you learn a lot about stress. We actually did a zombie campaign one. I'm good at figuring out what's wrong when something is dripping or sparking. You don't need to tell me what I've done wrong. I wasn't very handy before the outbreak, but I've read a ton of DIY books since. I mostly modeled for local ads, but I looked great, I had an agent, and I was going somewhere. If you're going for a gun-only run, you better hope you find someone with the Pinball quirk. I couldn't hold down a relationship because no one else could fit in my house. I mastered the ancient art of shooting things while on skis. All kinds of violence just make me ill. I'm lucky I got out alive. The survivor must have their core skill specialized to be able to use the manual. I don't know what the deal is, I just make it up as I go. Dating just always seemed more fun to me than settling down. I'm pretty sure I could make a turnover out of anything. I don't know how she did it, but somehow she managed to get me this far. I joined a bunch of engineering buddies to build fighting robots for one of those competitions. Some folks used to call it trespassing. I also like winking at people while making finger-guns at them. I used to shoot cans in the yard, pretending I was taking down bad guys. All the work I put into getting that scholarship. anything change about this guy lately maybe..? Oh, I could tell you exactly what caused the outbreak. Come on, what's the worst that could happen? I went through a training regimen that taught me a variety of different shooting techniques. It's half sticking to the plan, and half thinking on your feet. My parents flew us all out each summer to their vacation home on the coast of Spain. There is something wrong with my air passage. Turns out I've got one of the few skills that carries over into the apocalypse. I'm great at banging a gavel. And they are really hard to find again. I'd go back to work if I could, but the outbreak caught me on the other side of the country. I am ready for anything. I can handle whatever you throw at me. Now that sterile environments are hard to come by, I get fewer requests for elective surgery. I used to deliver meals to elderly shut-ins, when their kids were too busy to give a crap. My collection is worth even more, now that they've stopped making stamps altogether! Don't even joke about there being rats here. I studied lichen. I thought video rental clerks all became edgy film directors. I tend to pick a spot and just hole up there. I've read a stack of cookbooks since the outbreak. Taught me independence. People worry about how much I need to sleep, but it's just the way my body works. I served on the front lines of the war on injury and disease. In my current game, most enclave have survivors with no 5th skill. Never did anything harder. I'm just saying, we were all going to die eventually, anyway. Bad situations just disarm me, and I want to cower in a corner. You again? When someone matters to me, they really know it. I worked for a real estate company, fixing problems for tenants at all their properties. The kind with a sledgehammer. Do they look weird? I used to work in LA. I never made any money at it, but I liked being able to connect with other people. Go figure. I used to carry a sledgehammer. When I make something new, I can't wait to see what it does! I know from firsthand experience that plants really thrive when you have a relationship. I survived for months, taking contracts from folks who had problems with outlaws. There are other silly Quirk Skills that give you some nice buffs for a funny name, but there are also some joke skills that are downright horrible to come across. You have to have enough confidence in your vision to lead other people through the worst of it. Everybody gets sad. I end up with more friends than I know what to do with. You should see all the "Computers" endorsements I have on my profile. For me, this world is just a return to the old days, when you had real friends, and real work. Now it's essential. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Scrum Certification. All versions of the game use Xbox Live to provide a cross-platform multiplayer experience regardless of store choice. Using a cushioned mat is dancing. Morale bonus from Shooting training facilities, Keep their morale at 10+ to avoid conflicts. Whenever I pulled someone over for being an asshole, five to one they were a tourist. People tell me they love my cooking. I have to take twice as many pills as anyone else to get the same effect. I did sales for a big fertilizer company. I have three of my own at home. No, you can have the whole can of potted meat food product. When you've got a lot on your mind, you've got to wear yourself out so you can sleep. Why is everyone so worried all the time? It was the worlds best game, before all the GPS satellites got out of alignment. See what happens. No trace. I was the best. I may not be the doctor you asked for, but I'm the doctor you've got. Take a look. It's like playing the game, but in a big hot suit, with no respect. There was only one way to deal with them. I'm used to doing all of the heavy lifting, while other people stare at clipboards. They only come randomly. It was seasonal work, but it paid the bills. With co-op multiplayer support, you can visit your friends' communities and help them through a tough spot, bringing back rewards for your own communities later. We need to get an a capella group going. My so-called "friends" left me behind to die, but I clung to life and proved I didn't need them! I've been around the block more times than you want to know. Excited for it, even. Xbox Live to provide a cross-platform multiplayer experience regardless of store choice youthful! 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