scalp acupuncture for tremors imdur

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Patients with some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic results of scalp acupuncture, especially for older or weaker patients. She could pick up pennies on a table with either hand during the treatment. Most existing textbooks either lack detailed information or only introduce some new research on the topic. That is highly unusual and by no means the norm. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the patients treated for essential tremors before and after acupuncture show the total effective rate of the scalp acupuncture treatment group was 96.7% and the conventional acupuncture group was 73.3% (P<0.05). Thread a second needle from Jie Xi (St 41) toward Zhong Feng (Liv 4) and Zhao Hai (Ki 6). It is accompanied by special manipulations to regulate and harmonize the functional activities of the brain and body, as well as to restore and strengthen the functions of the body, organs, and tissues. When one area is impaired, this area can recover to a certain extent or can be compensated somewhat by other areas with proper scalp stimulation. Finally, Chapter Four presents a large number of treatment strategies and techniques with color figures clearly illustrating the location of stimulation areas. It was difficult for her to walk even with her mother's support and because of Sherry's aphasia, her mother gave the medical history. Afterwards, her speech was so much clearer, faster, and stronger that even she was surprised. Because of all these symptoms, he was extremely agitated, angry, and fearful that his face would never look normal again. Multiple sclerosis is unpredictable and varies in severity. The needles were inserted into the muscle layer, especially at Baihui. FOIA Lisa experienced dramatic improvements of her right arm, hand, leg, and foot with every visit. He systematically undertook the scientific exploration and charting of scalp correspondences starting in 1971. Although each part of the cerebral cortex has its own functions, some variation is possible. The next chapter is a review of essential theories of Chinese medicine related to scalp acupuncture including the Four Seas theory and the Four Qi Street theory that provide readers with a systematic explanation of function and indication based on Chinese medicine. His fatigue was so great he could only walk 23 minutes at a time. The entire Motor Area should be needled and stimulated on the opposite side of the paralyzed limbs. Her pulses were wiry and fine overall, with especially weak pulses in the cubit (chi) positions bilaterally. This was a signal that she could possibly stand and walk. She called the Western medicine physician who had told her she would be paralyzed for the rest of her life and gave him the wonderful news. Regular acupuncture treatment has been found to have positive therapeutic effects on the recovery of movement in the hands, fingers, feet, and toes. Indications: superficial edema, hypertension. Acupoint KI-3 or Taixi, as it is called in Chinese, is one of the effective acupressure points for hand tremors. demonstrated that scalp acupuncture benefitted patients and significant reductions of insomnia were achieved. Scalp acupuncture has been found to have very good effects on the sequelae of stroke including hemiplegia, aphasia, and abnormal sensations in the limbs. A local hospital diagnosed stroke caused by cerebral hemorrhage in his left hemisphere. Scalp acupuncture for MS is accessible, less expensive, safer, more effective, and causes fewer side effects than Western medical treatments. Even after showing some improvement of his aphasia and the paralyzed arm and leg, he demonstrated no excitement and simply said, I do not notice any difference about my throat and swallowing.. Mechanical causes usually comprise peptic esophagitis, carcinoma of the esophagus or gastric cardia, candida esophagitis, and pharyngeal pouch. This case study followed the patient as his post-stroke swallowing status changed and various acupuncture decisions were made. The distribution of weakness is an important clue to locate the level of nerve damage that caused the paralysis. We feel confident that this book will meet these requirements. It can help increase energy, preserve youth, and promote longevity. Monoplegia is impairment in the motor function of only one limb. To test the strength of each muscle group and record it in a systematic fashion is important before and after scalp acupuncture treatment for paralyzed patients. It could stimulate the brain neurons of the underlying area related to the impaired functions by inserting needles into loose areolar tissue layer of the scalp. When PD, MS, or ET is responsible for internal tremors, doctors will aim to treat the underlying condition. He walked back into the conference room without using his cane and his face glowed with pleasure as he told the audience, I walked for about 30 minutes without any rest and without my cane except for security. For scalp acupuncture, the Chorea and Tremor Area replaced the Foot Motor and Sensory Area in this second treatment. Sherry reported without her mother's help that her body was less stiff and that she could walk and move better. Her speech continued improving with less of a heavy sensation in her tongue. Her tongue was purple with a thin white coating. Upon examination, her tongue was red with a thin white coating and her pulse was slippery and wiry. Always put one needle in the ear point Shen Men to help the patient relax and reduce sensitivity to needle insertion and stimulation of the scalp. Through acupuncture treatment, some patients can be cured and many others witness a variety of significant improvements. 8600 Rockville Pike The outcome measures included the patient's (1) subjective evaluation of her percentage of improvement before and after weekly treat Two days later, Sherry arrived for her fourth session and reported very positive reactions to the last treatment. For the last three years and currently, she could not stand or walk by herself due to weakness in her legs and loss of balance. They can undergo changes not only in function and shape but also can take over the functions of nearby damaged cells. Denise, a 79-year-old female in a wheelchair, was brought to our clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1994. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has evolved as its own unique traditional medicine. With more stimulation of the needles on her head, she started to feel a hot sensation in her hands and feet. Third, manual manipulation is very difficult to learn and master without detailed description and demonstration. Many patients also have reported that their bladder and bowel control, fatigue, and overall sense of well-being significantly improved after treatment. It is helpful to have the patient exercise the affected limbs with or without assistance as indicated, between needle stimulations.13 During treatment, some patients may have sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their affected limbs. It can help localize a lesion to a particular cortical region and spinal cord level, evaluate scalp acupuncture treatment, and give the patient encouragement when there is subtle improvement that the patient might not notice. Not believing that she was once again able to walk, he went to her house in person to see this miraculous change. Approximately 300,000 people in the US and 2.5 million people worldwide suffer from MS. He sought treatment from us during a conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2006. Because each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, a stroke affecting one side of the brain results in neurological symptoms on the other side of the body. These headaches may gradually become less severe as you continue to use nitroglycerin. Exercise is also important for the recovery of affected limbs. Although symptoms may resolve completely between the episodes, permanent neurological problems usually persist, especially as the disease progresses.18 Many risk factors for multiple sclerosis have been identified, but no definitive cause has been found. For electrical stimulation in body acupuncture, fewer than four needles should be stimulated in each limb. Stimulate all needles with vigorous thrusting, lifting, and twirling. Ren Paralyzed muscles may be flaccid, flabby, and without appreciable tone, or may be spastic, tight, and with abnormally high tone that increases when the muscle is moved. In some patients it is a mild disease but it can lead to permanent disability in others. In our practice, the combination of scalp acupuncture and regular body acupuncture ensures the best results, especially for the further recovery of paralyzed fingers or toes. As a result, she had incontinence of bowel and urine. It is suggested that only one to two pairs of the scalp needles be stimulated at any one session or the brain can become too confused to respond. She also had more energy and started to do some housework again. Each one reflects our experience, thought processes, strategies, and special techniques for treating patients suffering from disorders of the central nervous system. However, facial paralysis may continue to develop and get worse for seven to 10 days after initial symptoms occur. Patients may present dragging foot, unilateral muscle wasting in one or the other hand, or slurred speech. She also experienced a sensation like electricity shooting downward through her spine, radiating to her feet. The more general acupuncture therapy is often called body acupuncture. absence of or decrease in body movement arm, back, or jaw pain black, tarry stools bladder pain bleeding after defecation bleeding gums blood in the urine or stools blurred vision body aches or pain burning while urinating burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, "pins and needles", or tingling feelings chest pain or discomfort Four months before, Lisa fell off her bicycle and hit her head on the left side, above and behind her ear. Paralysis can be localized, generalized, or it may follow a certain pattern. To treat loss of taste, the lower 2/5 Sensory Area in the scalp should be stimulated. Normally it takes several months or even as much as one to two years for this treatment to be effective. Scalp acupuncture is frequently used in rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and traumatic brain injury. It is very helpful to play or chat with young patients as if they are friends or family members before the treatment. Results showed seven cases fully recovered, 13 cases markedly improved, eight cases some improvement and two cases failure in FNN group. In another body of work examined in the meta-analysis, Huang Na et al. Needles should be inserted in both upper 1/5 Motor Area and middle 2/5 Motor Area and stimulated bilaterally. Existing pharmaceutical treatments offer alleviation of symptoms but cannot delay disease progression and are often associated with significant side effects. The duration of the ailment was from four days to two years. Acupuncture, a therapeutic technique of Oriental Medicine, can be traced back more than 2500 years. Its effects can range from relatively benign in most cases, to somewhat disabling, to devastating for some people. In Part Two of our book, we discuss in detail many common central nervous disorders. When choosing Hua Tou Jia Ji points, the pair of points for stimulation should be one above and one below the site of injury level. She was very surprised to find that she had regained the ability to control her legs again. Infected by West Nile virus, she had immediately developed quadriplegia. The Chorea and Tremor Area should be chosen if the patient has tremor or limb spasms. Most patients can recover completely after five to 15 treatments. Even then, only 50% of patients have a chance of improving. There were almost no teeth marks remaining. Hence the common name for stroke in Chinese medicine is wind stroke. worsening angina pain; fast or slow heart rate; or. Scalp acupuncture is an effective treatment for Bell's palsy. Because these were patients in a hospital, the treatment protocol was 6 days per week for about 30 days, with a follow-up check after 3 months. Although we were not at all certain that we could help this patient, it had taken several hours for the family member to give him a ride here and we did not want to turn him away. Treatments for internal tremors can include: reducing anxiety and stress avoiding. She had gotten married and returned to work. Those areas should be stimulated unilaterally or bilaterally, according to the patient's manifestations. Before In the worst cases, people with MS may be unable to write, speak, or walk. She felt so excited about these improvements that she began to cry. Her aphasia gradually improved and she was able to drag her right leg while walking and move her right arm slightly but the paralysis had shown no further improvement for the past eight weeks. Wherever possible or useful, other modalities or techniques to enhance the scalp acupuncture treatments are included with the case histories, which demonstrates the integration of Chinese medical theory and application into the clinical practice of scalp acupuncture. Scalp acupuncture distinguishes a yin somatotope at the front of the scalp and a yang somatotope at the back of the scalp. Research on the effect of scalp acupuncture for dysphagia. Esophageal dysphagia can be subdivided into mechanical and functional causes. Just like any new technology and science, the discovery, development, and clinical application of scalp acupuncture has undergone a period of challenge because it falls outside some fundamental theories of Chinese medicine as well as being a new concept in the Western world. With long-term conditions expectations need to be realistic, although some patients will occasionally surprise practitioners. Her slurred speech sometimes even her mother could not understand. Compared to adult patients, generally speaking, young patients should receive fewer needles, milder stimulation, and shorter time of needle retention. Examination showed he was unable to move his right leg and foot at all with muscular tone at 0 out of 5. The common denominators in most cases are external invasion or internal engenderment of damp heat, which damages qi and consumes yin and blood, thus giving rise to internal stirring of wind. She reported that her balance was improving and her legs felt lighter during the walking exercises. The information presented in the book is primarily a synthesis of two components of knowledge of scalp acupuncture. However, a number of therapies including acupuncture can be used to treat the disease symptomatically and convert MS into remission. She was able to eat better because of less choking. Muscle strength is often rated at six levels on a scale of 0 out of 5 to 5 out of 5.6,a The level of 0 out of 5 shows no muscular contraction, which means complete paralysis; the level of 1 out of 5 shows some muscular contraction, but no limb or body movement; the level of 2 out of 5 shows limb movement is possible but not against gravity, which means the limb can only move in its horizontal plane; the level of 3 out of 5 shows limb movement is possible against gravity but not against resistance by the examiner; the level of 4 out of 5 shows limb movement is possible against some resistance by the examiner but it is still weak compared to a normal limb; and the level of 5 out of 5 shows normal muscular strength, which means complete recovery from paralysis. Poliomyelitis, also called polio or infantile paralysis, is a highly infectious viral disease that may attack the central nervous system and is characterized by symptoms that range from a mild nonparalytic infection to total paralysis. It usually relieves symptoms immediately and may take only a few minutes to achieve significant improvement. He was treated by combined scalp acupuncture and body acupuncture. In these early years of its development, there were several hypotheses for mapping stimulation areas. Treating quadriplegia by acupuncture is very challenging. Damage at any level often interrupts the brain's ability to control muscle movements resulting in paralysis. Techniques such as electrical and laser acupuncture and even new acupuncture points are currently being developed. David, a 52-year-old man, was vacationing with his wife in Santa Fe, NM, in 1993. The nasogastric tube was removed and he had no problem with talking or depression after his sixth treatment. Through this book, we hope to contribute this knowledge and experience to current and future students, practitioners, and teachers, and that it will serve as a stepping stone for further teaching, practice, research, and development of Chinese scalp acupuncture. Her tongue had a red tip, a peeled coating on the right side, was purple in the center, had major teeth marks along the sides, a severe tremor, and a thick, white coating. The .gov means its official. However, while treating children with body acupuncture can be challenging, it can be even harder with scalp acupuncture. The manager at the college told us that the patient had had a stroke from cerebral thrombosis only 11 months before and was a good candidate for the class demonstration. Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is paralysis with partial or total loss of use of all limbs and the torso. It is also a good strategy to ask the parents to talk, play with, or feed young patients during the insertion and stimulation of needles, which acts as a diversion to turn the child's attention away from the needles and makes them less sensitive to the procedure. The patient thrived on this program. Paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic injury of the brain or spinal cord are the most commonly seen problems in our practice. They asked, How quickly could he notice any improvement? David decided to try the treatment but was still skeptical after being told that some patients had immediate improvement and others did not. Location: parallel with and 1.5 cm to chorea and tremor control area. Propranolol may cause fatigue, stuffy nose, or slow heartbeat, and it may make asthma worse. Symptoms of Bell's palsy usually appear suddenly and reach their peak within 48 hours. In Sherry's case, the hemiplegia was caused by a motor neuron disorder. government site. Forty-five successful case histories are given from our clinical experience. The severity of quadriplegia depends on both the level at which the spinal cord is injured and the extent of the injury. It has been proven effective in treating any type of paralysis, sometimes taking only one to two treatments for an amazing amount of recovery. Your therapist will stimulate them manually using heat, pressure, electrical currents or laser light. During treatment, some patients feel heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, and/or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. She received more aggressive treatment that day because it was her last treatment for this trip. Her initial symptoms were an onset of numbness in the right arm followed by subsequent numbness descending down both her legs. To prevent corneal infections, the eyes may be protected by covers or taped shut during sleep and for rest periods. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. and transmitted securely. These cases demonstrate practical application of the principles of scalp acupuncture. Part One of this book is designed to give practitioners fundamental knowledge of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and pathology in Western medicine. With such little information available, it has been almost impossible to apply this technique widely and with confidence. Below the level of injury on the neck there was minimal contraction and movement of arm muscles, which indicated that the muscular tone of her arm was a 2 out of 5. During the treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. Though shocked and stunned watching her walk up to greet him, her doctor was thrilled with her progress and hoped for more excellent results. Chinese scalp acupuncture, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, stroke, dysphagia, brain injury, Bell's palsy, Yu Zhi-shun's Experience on Head Points for Paralysis,, Fertile Ground for Alternative Medicine,, Easing the Pain, Acupuncture Program Looks to Help Relieve Discomfort of Troops, , He Teaches and Popularizes Chinese Medicine in USA,, China News On Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jason Hao, DOM: Pioneering the Use of Scalp Acupuncture to Transform Healing,, Observation on Specificity of Acupuncture Location in Treatment of Acute Apoplexy by Scalp Penetration Needling,, Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Five-Needle-in-Nape Acupuncture for Treatment of Post-stroke Pseudobulbar Paralysis Dysphagia,, Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Six Unique Skills, Clinical Observation of 80 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Clinical Observation of 48 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Lisa, a 10-year-old girl in a wheelchair, was brought by her mother to our clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1993. According to the individual's condition, regular body acupuncture, electrical acupuncture, and moxibustion, as well as physical therapy and massage can combine with scalp acupuncture to speed up the time of recovery. Since scalp acupuncture is a modern technique with just 39 years of history, much more research needs to be done so that its potential can be fully explored and utilized and more paralyzed patients helped to regain a normal life. When stroke patients pass the acute stage they should start rehabilitation as soon as possible. Body acupuncture was added 15 minutes after scalp acupuncture began. It is important to instruct patients to move their affected limbs actively and passively, if possible. Those symptoms typically lasted a few weeks to several months. Since then, the techniques and applications of this science have been expanded and standardized through further research and experience. Facial paralysis, according to Chinese medicine, involves both disregulation of qi and blood causing mal-nourishment of the channels in the facial region, as well as invasion by pathogenic wind-cold or phlegm. Vertigo and hearing area. Fred could move his right arm up and down more and he was able to start walking to our clinic on his own. Although scalp acupuncture has the best and fastest response, other techniques are necessary for a fuller recovery. It is now our opinion that a patient with paralysis should be treated no matter how long ago a stroke has occurred as long as the limb shows no muscular atrophy. The audience reported that he was taking much larger steps, was lifting up his legs rather than dragging them, and was turning around without hesitation. In advanced stages, both regions of the body are affected. The numbness and tingling in her limbs did not bother her as much, she had more energy, and had not experienced incontinence of urine for several weeks. Primidone, a drug used to treat seizures. He had a red tongue with a thin, yellow coating. Paralysis refers to complete or partial loss of muscle strength and voluntary movement for one or more muscles. Because sensation is usually impaired in affected areas, this can manifest as numbness, reduced sensation, or burning sensation and pain. The signs and symptoms of dysphagia include difficulty controlling food in the mouth, inability to control food or saliva in the mouth, difficulty initiating a swallow, coughing, choking, frequent pneumonia, unexplained weight loss, gurgly or wet voice after swallowing, nasal regurgitation, and swallowing difficulty. Find a doctor near you, schedule an appointment, or call 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536). Oropharyngeal dysphagia is often caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Bell's palsy. Location: parallel with and 1.5 cm to chorea and tremor control area. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. Imdur Oral Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity COMMON side effects If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression i fainting If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe. Tom was able to move his arm, hand, and even his fingers in any way or direction that he was asked by the audience. Barbara had very positive responses to scalp acupuncture treatment. Diplegia affects the same body region on both sides of the body (both arms, for example). Regular acupuncture treatment has been found to have a positive therapeutic effect on the recovery of movement and reducing abnormal sensations of the hands, fingers, feet and toes. Common symptoms of spinal injuries include arm and leg paralysis or weakness, difficulty breathing, tingling, numbness, or pain in affected limbs, and incontinence of both bowel and urine. Some people present with silent aspiration and do not cough or show outward signs of aspiration. Her tongue was red with a thin, white coating; her pulses were fine and wiry. According to Chinese medicine, trauma to the head (or anywhere else in the body) causes the blood to extravasate outside its normal vessels, obstructing the flow of fresh new blood to the area. During the treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. Jia Huai-yu reported on 1,800 cases of paralysis due to stroke treated on the Motor Area by scalp acupuncture in 1992. When evaluating a patient with paralysis, the practitioner should follow a systematic approach that includes inspection of muscle, palpation and percussion of muscle, manual muscle strength testing, and assessment of motor function. The following is an excerpt from Chinese Scalp Acupuncture, by Jason Jishun Hao, DOM, MTCM, MBA, and Linda Lingzhi Hao, CA, PhD. Exercise is very important for the recovery of affected limbs. It is hardest to achieve improvement for a patient with paralysis for a long time, especially if there is also muscular atrophy and rigid, inflexible joints. Traumatic brain injury is a serious condition that may lead to permanent or temporary impairment of the brain's functions. Unlike traditional acupuncture, where one needle is inserted into a single point, in scalp acupuncture needles are subcutaneously inserted into whole sections of various zones. Maximum phonation duration of seven seconds indicated reduced breath support, likely resulting from vocal cord paralysis. It helps the blood circulation and keeps muscles active, accelerating the results from ongoing acupuncture treatments. An ongoing relationship with your primary care doctor is strongly encouraged. Tell the child that those are normal and are a good sign for improving more quickly. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. When treating chronic progressive diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the effects are sometimes temporary. Her fatigue and bladder control were improved but she still had a lot of mucous and leg tremor. Those symptoms are warning signs and a large proportion of patients with TIA may develop full strokes in the future. For example, in a report about the scalp acupuncture treatment of seven veterans with phantom limb pain at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2006, the results were as follows. Communicate with the patient and any relatives often in order to gain their confidence, to encourage them, and reduce their fear and anxiety. Examination showed that the tremor as well as teeth marks in her tongue were less, the thick, white coating was less, and it was peeled more on the front part of her tongue. Rotate the needles at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger for 13 minutes, twirling them as vigorously as the patient can tolerate and repeat the stimulation every 10 minutes. His treatment strategy was modified to take care of depression. Indication: tinnitus, vertigo, diminished hearing, Menier's syndrome. Denise had a very positive response to her initial scalp acupuncture treatment. After each treatment from the third to the fifth visit there were gradual improvements in all her limbs. At the beginning of the third visit, his wife reported that Fred's mood and attitude were much better after the last treatment. For the benefit of the seminar audience, Barbara demonstrated many different kinds of movement of her four extremities such as jumping, running, and easily raising her arms, which brought audience applause. The symptoms of brain injury depend on the area of the brain affected. Stimulate this needle with vigorous thrusting, lifting, and twirling. Retain the needles for 3045 minutes. This method is based on elementary functional neuroanatomy, and has nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine. Common acupuncture points include Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), Jian Yu (LI 15), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limb paralysis and Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Feng Shi (GB 31), Zu San Li (St 36), and Kun Lun (Bl 60) for lower limb paralysis. 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