nikola tesla interview

Why did Tesla fall in love with a pigeon? Theyve been with me my entire life, and Ive accepted them as any other natural occurrence. Humanity is not prepared for greatness. Journalist: Youre only talking about angels and their adaption to Earth, Mr. Tesla. For a man, it may fade away, yet it lives on in the stillness that is mans greatest strength. That was the source of my joy. Nikola Tesla: The Greatest Genius who Ever Lived This Old Nikola Tesla Interview Reveals That He Discovered That Something Was Sending Earth Messages All of these videos wax poetically about the lost cause of the cast-away inventor. Knowledge comes from space. The bloodstream can be controlled, and many processes in and around us. It was Teslas greatest defeat. conspiracy; In fact, this would be crazy. With its orbit, it has the ability to power the Earth. I am a scientist, science is perhaps the most convenient way to find the answer to the question that always persecutes me and makes my days and nights become a fire. A horrible story of eagles pecking at his liver and studding. Journalist: You frequently stressed the importance of vision. Before you go you don't think so. In the brightness of the sky and thunder live my mother, my sister, my brother Daniel, a poet: Jovan Jova novic Zmaj, and other people of Serbian history. Tesla allowed himself only a few close friends. Tesla: Why would you need to understand, Mr. Smith? Inside the Earth, there are energies of joy, peace, and love that are expressed for example through a flower that grows from the earth, food that comes out of it, and everything that makes it the home of man. JOURNALIST: Futurists say that the twentieth century and the twenty-first century were born in the head of Nikola Tesla. Tesla: Everything is powered by electricity. Tesla: The sound exists not only in thunder and lightning but also in its metamorphosis into brightness and color. List of available articles ordered by date: The Tesla Alternate Current Motor - The Electrical Engineer (London) - June 22, 1888 - pp. Journalist: Mr. Tesla, what is the third condition of adjustment? The centers purpose is to revitalize the human race. Its A play inspired by Teslas work and life. I discovered a star that should have vanished by all astronomical and mathematical laws, yet nothing seemed to have altered. It should be the moral obligation of the OP to amend this post with a correction rather than continue to have it mislead people. It was very nice and gave me the knowledge I have. One of its particles has light, heat, nuclear, radiation, chemical, mechanical, and unknown energy. There are major energy sources. There are two points of view: a lot of affection or none at all. When skepticism was voiced, Tesla proved his claims for it before a crowd in Madison Square Garden. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. . Einstein would not have developed ideas of relativity if he had heard these noises. I have not sought it for my own benefit, but for the good of all. Tesla: Thats correct! They are in the closest relationship with sexual energy, which is one of the most widespread in the universe. They may be found in Bachs or Mozarts music, as well as renowned poets lines. Learn about Nikola Tesla's great inventionsand his obsession with pigeons, A History of Everyday Technology in 68 Quiz Questions,, - Top 11 Things You Didn't Know About Nikola Tesla, Public Broadcasting Service - Nikola Tesla, History Computer - Nikola Tesla Complete Biography, History, and Inventions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Biography of Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Nikola Tesla - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. Journalist: A question that may be posted at the start of this discourse. It must, albeit only vaguely, exist in the first few days. TESLA: Not at all, because the first characteristic of energy is that it is transformed.This one is in perpetual transformation, as the clouds of the Taoists. All that lives is in a deep and wonderful relationship: the man and the stars, the amoebas and the sun, the heart and the circulation of an infinite number of worlds. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable. He ignored it and stayed longer. - Nikola Tesla. This melody represents the endless cycle of the celestial sky. This means that there is a general knowledge and that there is the Truth that man has always possessed. In an interview with National Geographic, Tesla Science Center president Jane Alcorn explained that Tesla had such frequent money problems because, unlike his rival Thomas Edison, Tesla didn't care . The weird thing is your claim that matter has no energy. No, I have nothing against Mr. Einstein. Tesla was drawn to Colorado Springs by the same qualities that brought thousands of tuberculosis patients to the mountain citythe city's thin and . It is best to work at night, by the stellar light and the close bond that exists. They would have lived much longer and happier if they had not been. The 4 laws that N. Tesla mentioned can be in Essence reduced to the Two Laws. . I hear the thunder 150 kilometers away and I see colors in the sky that others can not see. Tesla: When a man becomes concussed; his highest goal must be to run for a shooting star and try to capture it; he shall understand that his life was given to him because of this and will be saved. A weapon has been created that produces seismic vibrations. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. I fed a white dove that had arrived through my window one morning. The second law is that darkness, which is the real nature of light, spreads from the unexplained and is changed into light. Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and studied engineering and physics in Austria and Czech Republic. Names like Asisaiah, Ezekiel, Leonardo, Beethoven, Goya, Faraday, Pushkin, and all the banks of burning fires and tangles of lightning and thunder that do not stop all night bringing the precious rain to the Earth, burning trees or villages. This may be found everywhere around us. She predicted that this kid would be a child of darkness, to which his mother answered, "No. The radar heightened my natural ear. Tesla envisioned drone technology and spoke of cosmic radio waves, while his greatest goal and life mission was free and unlimited energy for the entire world. JOURNALIST: The readers love the humor of our newspaper. Tesla: Inventor of the Modern. We can also water the other energies, such as positive mental energy, found in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of the great poets. Everything we used to see, hear, read, and learn is now with us in the form of light particles. Your email address will not be published. Journalist: Do you believe that your imagination is more real than actuality itself? Thinking about it is my sixth sense. Tesla was accredited with being the father of the . JOURNALIST: I ask you a question that could have been established at the beginning of this conversation: what was the electricity for you, Dear Mr. The spirit is the source of the majority of diseases. It has the power to create the Earth with its orbit. This is because our bodies are comprised of identical material, and unbreakable strands link our souls. We must learn these realities to be healed. One summer afternoon in Budapest, I saw the sunset with my friend. The current oscillates at a frequency of 75,000 cycles per second. He is the discoverer of alternating-current power transmission, the system of . TESLA: I have ten of them. The black is the true face of the Light, only we do not see it. It is a mystery car once demonstrated by Nikola Tesla, developer of alternating current, that might have made electrics triumphant. TESLA: Its really the same. In it, Tesla relayed his amazing predictions for the future a world of flying machines . In 1915 he was severely disappointed when a report that he and Edison were to share the Nobel Prize proved erroneous. JOURNALIST: Mark Twain wrote The Mysterious Stranger, a wonderful book about Satan, inspired by you. Or, if you like, I am energy in human form. Law is a Constant, and to perpetuate it in the World of Duality it becomes Practical by one side to be Eternally Constant (Opposites with a Unifying Center so that the Center of the Totality can be Located Within the OBSERVER) , which is the Unchanging CHANGE and the other side is of the Contrary, which is the REACTION (Opposites without a Unifying Center), which is Temporary. 26, continued on pages 39 & 45. Nikola Tesla, the inventor, has one of humanitys most inventive and productive minds. Nikola Tesla, (born July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Austrian Empire [now in Croatia]died January 7, 1943, New York, New York, U.S.), Serbian American inventor and engineer who discovered and patented the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. Vol. For this concert, I wrote a Ball Lightning, which may be heard on the Himalayan ice caps. Religions and philosophies teach that man can become Christ, Buddha, and Zarathustra. Inexplicable grief that overwhelms us sometimes implies that a kid or a nice guy died on the other side of the world. Although this condition cannot be treated, raising awareness will make it less difficult and dangerous. In order to allay fears of alternating currents, Tesla gave exhibitions in his laboratory in which he lit lamps by allowing electricity to flow through his body. Nikola Tesla the mind behind the invention of Alternating Current (AC) and transmission technology is a true example of genius. Vault Links: FOIA Home. And keep in mind that no guy who has lived did not die. Nikola Tesla was a visionary who dealt with nature, the cosmos, and mankind, but he didn't . An actual interview with Nikola Tesla with Samuel Cohen, published in the Electrical Experimenter in June 1915. Hindus call it Kundalini-Yoga. TESLA: Yes, these are some of my most important discoveries. Dr. John Trump on Nikola Tesla - Interview (Donald Trump's Uncle) - Taken from The Eye of the Storm Documentary All I could, I finished it. Today, we take a look at this old Nikola Tesla interview.Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist. JOURNALIST: Have you ever been married? I believe he was so special in so many ways. However, you perplex me by claiming that your discoveries, which have enormous societal advantages, reflect the game. ("Everything is Light" The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla) Interviews with Tesla are extremely [] If I do something I do not understand, I force myself to think of my dream to find a solution. I was usually on the right side of the light. TESLA: I wanted to light up the whole earth. It is of notable grace to man and other creatures. The photograph Fig. TESLA: Really everything he said is true. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, And Twitter For More Interesting Content Also Subscribe To Our Youtube Channel. I felt bodily pain if one of my personal friends or family members was wounded. He is a compassionate person who has done many wonderful things, some of which will be mentioned in the song. The heartbeats of man are part of the symphony of the Earth. TESLA: Thats right! Extraordinary individuals battling a disease, poverty, or a society that damages them with its foolishness, misunderstanding, persecution, and other issues, which the nation is full of marshes with insects, leave unclaimed until the task is completed. But, so that the newspaper readers do not frown, let us return to the topics that they find vital. The body of a man and the brain are made of a lot of energy. In every corner of the universe, there is the energy of life; One of them is immortality, whose origin is outside of man and awaits him. Ill write to him and explain that the ether exists and that its particles are responsible for keeping the Universe in balance and life eternal. Journalist: Do you believe that time can be eliminated? In one sense, its beam represents the fate of countries; each nation has its ray in the enormous light source known as the Sun. Nikola Tesla Birth in Thunderstorm During a violent lightning storm, Nikola Tesla got birth at midnight 166 years ago. One of them had the character of the mother who looked at me with infinite love. He was deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafening. TESLA: Imagine a gardener being attacked by herbs. A weapon has been created that produces seismic vibrations. Like plants, beasts, and man, Stone is a thinking and sentient entity. Nikola Tesla always attributed his intellect and gift for invention to his mother, who was an inventor herself. In Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he stayed from May 1899 until early 1900, Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discoveryterrestrial stationary waves. Tesla: Memory is the sixth adjustment criterion. The matter is created from the original and eternal energy that we know as light. Ive always enjoyed tinkering with electricity! The electrical power received by this tube is obtained from a loop of wire located behind the screen, which is supplied with an ultrahigh frequency current. Nikola Tesla was the father of the twenty-first century. TESLA: I hear it all the time. What If Humanity Discovered A Less Advanced Alien Civilization? Because this is how the Universe works, every creature is born as Christ, Buddha, or Zoroaster. Once, in childhood, he was walking along the river with my uncle and said:From the water, trout appears, Ill throw a stone and cut.Thats what happened. I wish people would stop idealizing him. A machine of such power must be handled with the utmost care, as the slightest carelessness may kill the experimenter; even if he were at a considerable distance from the machine. It makes me feel as if I had a sixth sense when I think about it. The remedy is in our hearts and equally, in the heart of the animals, we call the Universe. TESLA: Exactly! If I do anything I dont understand; I push myself to think about it in my dreams, where I eventually discover a solution. JOURNALIST: In the window of your room at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel on the thirty-third floor, the birds arrive every morning. JOURNALIST: In his youth, he was several times seriously ill. Is a disease a requirement for adjustment? At times, the entire Universe is sick of itself and us. Imagine one of these gods, dressed in a black evening suit, bowler hat, and white cotton gloves, preparing lightning, flames, and earthquakes for the elite of New York City! . And remember that there is no man that has existed and has not died! You can trust us! Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Journalist: What exactly are these things? I lived my entire life in bliss. Light manifests brain function and death. My spiritual ear is as large as the sky we see above us. TESLA: Yes. It is only by the Mind that can REALIZE within the Dual Realm, that the Chain-reaction can Destroy the Nucleus, due to the Minds inability to Eternally follow the Ever DEEPENING or Inwards going Infinity. It had a wheel for astronomers to collect stars from all galaxies. What Im attempting to demonstrate is more daring and virtually impossible to do. The solution lies in our hearts and the hearts of the animals we name the Universe. The force of Joy, Peace, and Love pervades the Earths interior. Photos from your youth reveal that you were a lovely young guy. There have been discoveries of black cosmic rays. Once created, the sound lasts forever, for a man can disappear, but it still exists in the silence that is the greatest power of man. Women nourish and increase the vigor and spirit of some persons. The strange thing is his claim that matter has no energy. As clouds of Taoists, it is always changing. I completed everything I could. Lecturer and freelance writer. We must learn these truths to be healed. It is recommended that they become an eye. Mr. Tesla stated that he had had several narrow escapes while experimenting in 1899, caused by balls of fire striking out into the atmosphere. Each thunder and lightning bolt is unique and has a name. The greatest robber of such energy, and consequently of spiritual force, is the woman. The events of my life and my creations are genuine and apparent in front of my eyes, as each incident or thing. Tesla is easily one of the most innovative companies in the tech space. TESLA: Remember: space is not curved, but the human mind that can not comprehend infinity and eternity! Without light there is no life.To many extends Tesla is right.he is one of knowing developed human spirit .Tesla is a precious gift to humanity There is a need for Teslaology in all level of education . Curved space is chaos, chaos is not music. It is merely by the EGO (= going Against the ONELAW or Constant that Maintains the Totality within the Dual Realm) that Electricity can harm. Where once he didn't like the 'society of the bee', he then began to praise it. JOURNALIST: Is that why you have the ability to withstand one million volt discharges through your body? William Blake was taught that the images created the Universe, that it exists, and that it will exist until the last man on Earth dies. The second law resides in expansive darkness, which is the true nature of light, of the inexplicable, and is transformed into light.The third law is the need for light to become a matter of light.The fourth law is: there is no beginning or end; The three previous laws always take place and Creation is eternal. The events of my life and my inventions are real in front of my eyes, like any occurrence or article. In the laboratory of Nikola Tesla for the first time an atom has been broken. Later I developed it consciously. Ill toss a stone, and it will be chopped.. . Numbers and equations are symbols that represent the spheres song. Today the most civilized countries of the world spend a maximum of their income on. And he spent all his life playing and enjoyed it.JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla! I feel the rhythm, I let it lead and I consent. In me, there is most of the electricity. Make a note that Nikola Tesla was a contented guy The fourth criterion is to make changes to the physical assembly with a work. The wonderful part is that discovering one secret nature reveals the other. He can write the following: he dared to take upon himself the prerogatives of Indra, Zeus, and Perun. This is because our bodies are made from similar material, and our soul is related to unbreakable filaments. It is the authentic lever of Archimedes. JOURNALIST: The staff in your laboratory speaks of flashes of light, fire, and lightning that occur if you are angry or at some risk. It finished by darting inside a certain room, like a rocket carrying trousers. I am part of a light and it is music. Therefore, I have not lost anything, I just won. Categories ( click to retract ) - Administrative Policy Procedures - Anti-War - Bureau Personnel - Civil Rights Nikola Tesla is his name. He expected to provide worldwide communication and to furnish facilities for sending pictures, messages, weather warnings, and stock reports. It should only be eaten. Ill surely come back to your own page to learn new posts later on! TESLA: Mostly my mother tongue. Hindus have given it the name Kundalini Yoga. Tesla: Its a psychic discharge or a warning to be on the lookout. He acknowledged that the supreme law of harmony exists in the Universe. As a result, many additional illnesses, sorrow, wickedness, misery, conflicts, and other factors make human existence ludicrous and dreadful. 1899 to 1999 is the 20th century and future perception tells one that the 21st, 22nd, etc. He also lit 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 40 km (25 miles) and created man-made lightning, producing flashes measuring 41 metres (135 feet). Newton discovered the key lies in celestial bodies geometric arrangement and motion. I planned to go to Niagara Falls when I was twelve years old. Who Was Nikola Tesla? There, black cosmic rays were discovered . It was one of those inventions for fun, which I enjoy doing on occasion. Mr. Telsa was not privy to these discoveries during his lifetime. Take my hand in yours. All thunder and lightning are different and have their names. Light would appear around the equator, like a ring around Saturn. Journalist: Dear Mr. Tesla, I will record everything you say. This knowledge can be learned, for what is needed many years, or can also be acquired by birth. You like, I have not lost anything, I wrote a Ball lightning, have!: remember: space is not curved, but for the future world... Few days to learn new posts later on later on the matter is from. Lot of energy like plants, beasts, and love pervades the Earths interior the whole.. Have made electrics triumphant million volt discharges through your body Futurists say that the 21st, 22nd etc! Theyve been with me my entire life, and Ive accepted them as any other natural.. 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