guinea pig miscarriage signs

How is your piggy doing? A stressed guinea pig will show signs of aggression and irritability. Fortified diets may lose half of their vitamin C content within 3 months of manufacture. Consult your veterinarian about any special dietary requirements your guinea pig may have during the recovery period, as well as any other recommendations that may be helpful in helping your guinea pig to recover quickly from the pregnancy toxemia. (Reasons & What To Do). Like people, apes, and monkeys, guinea pigs cannot produce their own vitamin C. If they do not get enough of this vitamin in their diet, their bodies supply of vitamin C disappears quickly. #1 Get them a cage mate. Mental and physical factors can be the cause of decreased hunger in guinea pigs. You are using an out of date browser. Others cause hair loss but do not seem to affect the skin, and still others burrow into the skin and may cause intense itching, hair loss, and skin inflammation. This is critical in maintaining their comfort. Exotic DVM 8 (4), 27-30. I've been feeding her with a syringe mushy pellets however the link you sent me doesn't talk about mushing any type of fruit or veggie. Some types of mites cause no signs. If your pet is slobbering or drooling, your veterinarian will evaluate this problem carefully. The teeth of guinea pigs grow continuously throughout the animals life. Some of the symptoms exhibited in calcium deficiency are similar to those of ketosis; it is, however, a less severe condition. Those healthy guinea pigs have smooth, tidy fur and skin, whereas ill guinea pigs have matted and greasy fur. Guinea pigs affected by these illnesses may die suddenly without seeming sick. Vitamin C added to fortified guinea pig diets is not very stable and breaks down with exposure to moisture, heat, and light. The female guinea pig I adopted just two weeks ago, Charlotte, is 11.5 weeks old. This is my first post on this forum. However, treatment speeds healing and reduces the chance the infection will spread to others. Though, if your guinea pigs have health issues and sickness accompanied by the below-mentioned signs, then that means their life will come to an end soon. Your guinea pig is making some unusual noises, How Long Can Guinea Pigs Go Without Food? Your veterinarian can diagnose this condition by examination and laboratory tests. Shes still sneezing though. Cancer is uncommon in guinea pigs until they reach the age of at least four years old, then of which between 1/6 and 1/4 of guinea pigs develop tumors [2] [13]. According to the Guinness book of the world record, the guinea pig named Snowball lived the longest, 14 years, whereas the average life expectancy of guinea pigs is 5-8 years. If you gently touch the animal's belly and run your hand along the surface and look for small lumps and bumps. She seems to be pretty young herself, which might be why the pregnancy didnt make it, but Im not sure. Prevention of health problems in guinea pigs is key. Some signs that your pets digestive system is upset are diarrhea, weight loss, loss of energy, lack of appetite, and dehydration. You should understand these signs, which indicate that your guinea pig will not have much time left. Though there may not be significant differences among different breeds, each guinea pig is unique so its a good idea to spend plenty of time with your cavy to get used to your guinea pigs behavior. Hay is necessary because of its high-fiber content, which helps maintain the guinea pig digestive tract and also wears down constantly growing teeth. I find my local "normal" vets are particularly experienced so use them as a first port of call only visiting the exotics when my vets and me know that it is above their knowledge level. The diagnosis is aided by blood tests and examination of fluids from the lymph nodes or chest cavity. Covering guinea pigs in a soft blanket and feeding water in small quantities with the help of a syringe to your guinea pigs is what you may do, but do not force them to drink when they deny. 1 There were approximately 1,500 guinea pigs in this farmone of many cropping up throughout Peruwhich consisted . Infections of the respiratory tract should be treated. When your guinea pigs are turning aged or falling ill, you might get worried, assuming that they will die. Tumors are rare in young guinea pigs but are more common in guinea pigs that are more than 5 years old. My little guinea pig just had a miscarriage yesterday and it came to me as a shock because I wasn't aware she was a "she" when I got her and her companion from a pet shop I took them to a local vet who has a specialty on exotic animals and the vet sexed them, the vet said it was 2 males just like I wanted it to be and it all went fine until a When you bring a new guinea pig home, its a good idea to find a vet in your area that treats guinea pigs and take your new pet in for an initial checkup to establish care. Some usual signals of a guinea pigs body vitals are: You can check the body temperature of guinea pigs through a thermometer, and you can examine their heart and respiratory rate by setting a timer and counting. The affected guinea pig may die suddenly of ketosis without ever demonstrating signs of illness. Your vet may want to investigate this, especially in aging guinea pigs, to make sure this isn't a chicken-and-the egg scenario and the treatment is appropriate for the root cause. I'm relieved that she's healthy and that she won't be having any pups. Is it because of the way youre holding it? Guinea pigs can become pregnant as early as 4 weeks of age, so it's important to keep an eye on your female guinea pigs if you don't want them to have babies. Probiotics (supplements that contain live bacterial cultures) may help to restore the healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Capello V (2006) Radiographic anatomy of the guinea pig skull. This latter type of mite usually infects the inner thighs, shoulders, and neck. Lack of Grooming 5. Sometimes groups of guinea pigs experience an outbreak of infection, during which all get sick and die quickly. Few maggots might have already got inside the skin, so only plucking off the one you can see will not be sufficient. o [alopecia OR hair loss ], , BVSc, DVP, DACLAM, DABVP(ECM), The Kenneth S Warren Institute. Increasing roughage (fiber in the diet) and decreasing grains and sugars may help treat diarrhea. These are the conditions that invite flies to lay eggs on the skin of guinea pigs. JavaScript is disabled. They also shiver because the fear of death has frightened them. Once a guinea pig has begun to show signs of pregnancy toxemia, the outcome is usually not good. The vet I took her to is exclusively an exotics vet. To prevent this condition, keep the guinea pigs cage clean. How to prevent it: When stroking your guinea pig, try stopping at the middle of their back or just pet them behind their ears instead. Hello everyone. When guinea pigs approach their last hours, they experience some unusual changes in their vital signs. run your fingers down her spine and when you get to the end . How flies are attracted towards guinea pigs and what to do? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The bacteria are spread by direct contact with infected guinea pigs, wild mice, or rats or by sharing food, water, or bedding with infected animals. You must log in or register to reply here. Source:Health issues in Guinea Pigs,Disorders and Diseases of Guinea Pigs,Disease Problems of Guinea Pigs,Biology and Diseases of Guinea Pigs. This can increase the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, or birth defects, depending on when the infection was contracted during pregnancy. Signs of infection may include discharge from the ears, but sometimes there are no signs of infection. So, it is crucial that your guinea pigs must take care of their grooming. Guinea pigs who develop and grow continuously can eat two times the food that elder guinea pigs intake. Wagner J E, Owens D R, Kusewitt D F et al (1976) Otitis media of guinea pigs. Each were a little bigger than a marble. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! The male guinea pig is called a boar while the female is called a sow. Multivitamins are not recommended because some of the other included vitamins could be dangerous for guinea pigs. Your veterinarian can diagnose this condition either by examining your pets fur or by looking at scrapings from your pets skin under a microscope. xD, I went to the vet this morning! Water is vital for life. Abscesses can be surgically drained. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Many antibiotics, including penicillin, ampicillin, lincomycin, clindamycin, vancomycin, erythromycin, tylosin, tetracycline, and chlortetracycline, can cause this problem. Follow the treatment program prescribed by your veterinarian carefully. Use to remove results with certain terms Guinea pigs have an interstitial, antimesometrial implantation between days 5 and 6 post conception. Hi again, I really appreciate the help you've been providing. Guinea pigs do not usually die from this virus, but those that do die often die suddenly without seeming sick. Therefore, further studies are needed to address the specific role of guinea pigs raised as livestock in the ecology and epidemiology of influenza viruses in the region. Unfortunately, even if you do seek treatment there may be nothing you can do. The most common illnesses of guinea pigs include signs of low vitamin C (such as bone and teeth issues, bruising and abnormal bleeding), respiratory infection, dental issues, diarrhea, skin rashes and infection (such as ringworm), pregnancy-related issues, and arthritis. If a guinea pig becomes infected, the illness may take several courses: 1) infection may spread to the bloodstream and cause sudden death; 2) infected guinea pigs may lose weight, develop diarrhea, and die over the course of 3 to 4 weeks; 3) lymph nodes in the neck or shoulder may enlarge; or 4) your pet may be infected without seeming sick. Buying a Cage That Is Too Small. Keep a same-sex pair to ensure you don't have any unwanted litters. The span of symptoms is wide, ranging from none at all, to fully aggressive, restless, swollen mamas, mounting pen mates with visible discharge, ears popping up and down, vocalizing and locking their back legs to brace for the boar's heavy frame. To prevent ketosis, make sure your pet eats a high-quality food throughout pregnancy, but limit the amount of food you give your pet to prevent obesity. Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! Your female guinea pig's calcium stores will drop significantly during pregnancy and nursing. At first, you won't be able to tell the difference in your pregnant guinea pig's growing belly. Pregnancy toxemia most commonly affects guinea pigs that are pregnant with their first or second litters. Guinea pigs have their own peculiar ways of saying enough is enough, and for a human these warning signs arent always easy to decipher. Signs of aging show up at roughly predictable points in a guinea pig's life and can be used to estimate their age (and thus how close to death they may be). Essential Oils and Guinea Pigs: Are Essential Oils Safe for Guinea Pigs? They may have a rough hair coat, lose their appetite, lose weight, have diarrhea, become ill, or die suddenly. Guinea pigs without signs of illness may carry Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria in the nose or throat. Her rear and back feet were bloody as well, and there was blood in other spots in the cage. Theres really no other way to gain an understanding for your guinea pigs, than to observe them carefully and take note of their behavior. Symptoms and Types. It most commonly affects guinea pigs that are pregnant with their first or second litters. Usually its a subtle sound, that might become more intense if you ignore it. They seemed very knowledgeable. Pregnancy takes an average of 70 days for the birth of one guinea pig and 67 days for the conception of six guinea pigs. It may not display this or other websites correctly. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 3 Do not wait to seek help. Four read more . You are using an out of date browser. She runs up to take it. In guinea pigs, conjunctivitis is usually caused by infection by bacteria, such as Bordetella or Streptococcus species, that cause general upper respiratory disease ( see Lung and Airway Disorders Lung and Airway Disorders Health problems among guinea pigs that live alone are usually related to aging, dental disease, reproductive disorders, injury, or improper care. The baby guinea pigs can be physically felt 2 to 4 weeks into pregnancy. Affected areas can become inflamed and more severely infected. If guinea pigs appear to shake or shiver even when there is a warm environment in their surroundings, it is a sign that they are in a state of shock. Animals with severe pododermatitis may require amputation of the affected area to avoid more serious complications. Treatment, if recommended, depends on the type and location of the cancer. It is crucial to understand all the signs of a dying guinea pig so you can take good care of them in those last days, and it will also prepare you for those tough times. Urinary tract issues. Your veterinarian will be able to determine a diagnosis of ketosis by the results of the blood tests, which will show the number of ketone bodies that are present in the blood. They are getting more and more lethargic, 3. See this how to video as a pig gives birth in a farrowing crate. Guinea pigs are good at grooming themselves. Though guinea pigs who suffer from sickness are likely to show less interest in cleaning themselves. Abortion occurs 1-4 weeks after infection, so the abortuses are autolyzed. Another symptom may be that they start to develop a fever and also have a loss of appetite. Many types of bacteria, viruses, and parasites can upset a guinea pigs digestive system. You can put some effort into comforting your guinea pigs, like covering them from a blanket. In other cases, a sick guinea pig has worsening signs that can include loss of energy, lack of appetite, lack of desire to drink, muscle spasms, lack of coordination or clumsiness, coma, and death within 5 days. Grumpiness Basic Questions To Ask Yourself Conclusion Why Guinea Pigs Hide Their Pain (Or Injuries) Antibiotics can cause problems in guinea pigs digestive tracts, so your pet may not tolerate these medications. Also read: How flies are attracted towards guinea pigs and what to do? Guinea Pig Behavior Myths There are a few physical signs that can indicate that a guinea pig is pregnant, such as enlarged nipples and a change in behavior. Also check your guinea pig has a healthy coat, clear bright eyes, a nose free of any discharges, normal length nails (that are not too long) and normal healthy footpads. Guinea pigs that receive these antibiotics may develop diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, or a drop in body temperature. So if you see maggots on the body of your guinea pigs, immediately take them to a professional vet. It does not produce disease in the natural host. As per studies, elder guinea pigs show less interest in eating than younger guinea pigs. Most high-quality commercial guinea pig feed is formulated to contain the correct amounts of these nutrients. Death can occur in less than a week if the antibiotic treatment continues. If you notice that your guinea pig is having difficulty breathing, see your veterinarian as soon as possible. While it is certainly important to clean their cage and move them to other spots within the cage, giving a dying guinea pig space is another crucial way to bring them comfort. A change in behavior is often the first noticeable sign of illness in a small animal. Runny eye or nose - especially if the eyes are red or the discharge is thick. How to help and Cheer up a Depressed Guinea Pig. Common reproductive problems in guinea pigs involve the ovaries or mammary glands (breasts). Respiratory tract infections. Intestinal parasites are not common. Digestive disorders in guinea pigs may be caused by infections or by an improper diet. If left untreated, the cysts may continue to grow and could potentially burst. If the vomiting is constant, blood in the vomit, or if the guinea pig becomes lethargic or unable to eat or drink. This type of hair chewing is referred to as barbering and may also occur in bored guinea pigs housed alone. Lethal guinea pigs are white in colour (not albino) are born blind, usually in both eyes, have crooked or deformed teeth, are often also deaf and often suffer from internal deformities particularly to the digestive organs. Lack of energy/sleeping more than usual. The skin underneath the affected fur may be dry or oily and thickened or crusty. All guinea pigs require a sufficient amount of food like hay, fresh veggies, and fruits. Its not exhaustive but it does list the vets and practices where members have noted they have been cavy savvy. Watch any guinea pig receiving antibiotic treatment carefully. Signs that you might spot which could indicate a guinea pig is unwell include: Reduced appetite. The first group, the people in the western world, keep it as a pet for its beautiful appearance, cute demeanor, and docile nature. The sooner you know about the signs of death in your guinea pigs, the better you will manage the last few days of your guinea pigs life. You may want to consult a vet if your guinea pig is acting in either of these manners. Posture Changes 6. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The infected lymph nodes may become swollen and filled with pus (abscesses), sometimes only on one side. If handling an infected guinea pig is necessary, you should wear disposable gloves or wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling. 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