a criticism of the works progress administration created

It employed approximately six thousand writers, librarians, archivists, and teachers annually. Injury or death often meant the entire family faced imminent poverty and homelessness. Others raised concerns about the employment by the federal government of such a large number of people. Regardless of these administrative problems, the WPA workers were highly productive. The dole method of relief for unemployment is not only repugnant to all sound principles of social economics, but is contrary to every principle of American citizenship and of sound government. It gave voice to the variety of views at the time. Even in the relatively prosperous 1920s, challenges to the existing economic system were growing. Concerns regarding the unemployed youth were not unfounded, as young people on school campuses and elsewhere were joining the Young Communist League and other leftist organizations. Apparently the American people are tougher than anyone had a right to hope What sort of people are "on" the WPA? ." As a result writers created plays on every possible subject and explored every possible idea. Senator from Mississippi from 1898 to 1901 and served in the U.S. House of Representatives briefly before that. States as a monument to the skill and faithful performance of workers on the rolls of the Works Progress Administration. U.S. Congressional Representatives Martin Dies and J. Parnell Thomas led the House Subcommittee on Un-American Activities in 1938. It seemed that there was nothing Americans could not do. 170174. In 1935 slavery had been illegal for 70 years. After World War II, Pollock became a major figure in the abstract expressionism movement. At its height in late 1938, more than 3.3 million Americans worked for the WPA. The Federal Arts Project, Federal Writers Project, and Federal Theater Projectall under WPA aegisemployed thousands of artists, writers, and actors in such cultural programs as the creation of art work for public buildings, the documentation of local life, and the organization of community theatres; thousands of artists, architects, construction workers, and educators found work in American museums, which flourished during the Great Depression. tour guides, consisting of 51 large volumes, of major sites to visit in each state. Following World War II Williams continued working against racial discrimination in the South for the next 20 years. Some politicians criticized the WPA for its inefficiencies. He believed that the low wages were to be used as a tool to break up the unions. There were no requirements for even the lowest standards of quality. The NYA was headed by Aubrey Willis Williams and it operated from June 26, 1935 to 1939 as . Blueprints for a Black Federal Theatre 19351939. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt lobbied FDR to sign the executive order establishing Federal One. Many of the newly established regional orchestras survived the cancellation of the FMP, and a few still existed at the end of the twentieth century. The Dies Committee placed Representative Clifton Woodrum in charge of the investigation. The actors performed their roles from the audience. Almost every corner of the United States realized some improvement due to the WPA workers. The specific characteristics of the WPA, however, particularly its specific inclusion of artists and actors, grew out of the 1920s. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1976. Businesses and banks had closed, production and sales of goods and services had been severely reduced. Mangione, Jerre. More than five thousand cases of alleged job refusals (of both WPA and private assignments), reported since 1935, have been investigated by agents of the federal government. The New Deal, including the WPA, resonated throughout U.S. society ever since the Great Depression. Many people were horrified that the majority of Americans had never heard a symphony or seen a "good" piece of art. He believed direct relief to be debilitating and demoralizing. In the course of a sometimes-eloquent defense of the program and the place of theatre in giving voice to ordinary people, she referenced renowned sixteenth century playwright Christopher Marlowe, author of Doctor Faustus. Many artists employed by the Federal Art Project would later become famous. A significant number had become homeless and hoboes. The FERA was created on May 12, 1933, by the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933, and President Roosevelt chose Harry Hopkins to be the administrator [1]. Historic Events for Students: The Great Depression. Which of the following was a criticism of the Works Progress Administration (WPA)? It created unneccessary projects just to employ people. On the face of it and considering what has happened to some millions of helpless people, one would expect that the losses of morale would be stupendous. Kazacoff, George. 53-54. They built almost 600,000 miles in new roads and repaired 32,000 miles of existing roads. Everyone one of us in this room is being paid for by the nation, they pay us, we work for all the people. All of This Music Belongs to the Nation: The WPA's Federal Music Project and American Society. (7) See note 1 at pp. The Works Progress Administration helped many Americans to develop and cement their views about work relief. Normally, there is a seasonal increase of about 800,000 private jobs during these 5 months; but an increase of from 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 private jobs will probably be necessary to remove 600,000 persons from the W.P.A. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), WPA workers repairing sidewalks. This experience led him to become a social worker. The relief to which the workers of the State should be able to anticipate, when engulfed in a period of industrial depression, should be one of insurance, to which they themselves have in a large part contributed. The architecture of many U.S. buildings constructed as part of Great Depression relief projects is often referred to as PWA Moderne (for Public Works Administration, another New Deal program) or Depression Moderne. The style blended neoclassical and Art Deco elements. The largest number of people in WPA was employed in engineering and construction projects where most of the money from the WPA was directed. About half of the workers were involved in the direct creation of art. The largest and most important of the New Deal cultural programs was the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a massive employment relief program launched in the spring of 1935 -- the beginning of FDR's "Second New Deal," as his second term came to be known. The WPA had many supporters, particularly those personally helped by the program. . On the one hand the U.S. public needs them to deliver the mail and process the passports. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. (6) Works Progress Administration, Analysis of Civil Works Program Statistics, Washington, DC, 1939, pp. Roosevelt and Hopkins also believed that work relief should not be demeaning, especially in this time of high unemployment. FDR's Second New Deal also. The Federal Music Project (FMP) was the least controversial of the Federal One projects. In 1939 the Works Progress Administration altered its name to Work Projects Administration. Toward the end of the hearings, Hallie Flanagan, director of the Federal Theatre Project was called to testify. This was in keeping with their view of the role (or potential role) of the federal government to directly support the needs of society. New York City: Peter Lang Publishing, 1989. The Works Progress Administration (WPA), which employed millions of Americans in public works projects, from constructing bridges and roads to painting murals and writing plays. By that time, unemployment was less than two percent as many Americans transitioned to work in the armed services and defense industries. I look forward to the day when many, many people from this region of the Nation are going to come here for skiing and tobogganing and various other forms of winter sports. The Federal Theatre Project received the most virulent criticism for undermining traditionally held American values by the U.S. Congress. Hopkins was an advocate of relief programs that provided work for the unemployed and trained the unskilled. While inequities existed under the programs, many women, African Americans and other marginalized groups found employment with the WPA. They wanted black American women to be available to work as maids and cooks in white people's homes for low wages. Some felt that much of the work was make-work. The WPA was just one of many Great Depression relief programs created. The CWA became the largest employer in the nation's history. The movie starred Hank Azaria, John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Bill Murray, and Cherry Jones as Hallie Flanagan. The Works Progress Administration was a unique program designed to get the unemployed off of the reliefwelfarerolls by providing work at minimal pay until they could find work for a private business. All sorts, of course. Do Americans really like to work, or would they rather loaf? With the introduction of the Works Progress Administration in 1935, the PWA and the WPA were constantly battling for funding until the PWA was disbanded in 1939. The WPA shut down in June of 1943. The most striking thing about them is how very American they are , He represents the millions whose lives have been upset by the long depression but who are neither too sick nor too old to scramble for a toe-hold. The FWP sent thousands of writers out to talk with American Indians, frontier women, Appalachian miners, and other individuals from various cultural groups around the United States. The . The unions were demanding better working conditions and better wages. At its peak in 1938, it provided paid jobs for three million unemployed men and women, as well as youth in a separate division, the National Youth Administration. States, performing both classic productions and original plays for thousands of Americans. Bascom, Lionel C. What if the government-sponsored art was bad art? That success was largely due to Mary McLeod Bethune. By the early 1940s, however, the Great Depression was waning as employment in war industries greatly increased. "Works Progress Administration 1935-1943 A remarkable woman with many notable accomplishments, Bethune was born into a family of former slaves. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, during the bleakest days of the Great Depression. Many women on relief did not have a work history and were not, therefore, considered part of the labor force. The Federal Theatre Project was disbanded immediately. Is it true that WPA workers cling to their soft snap and refuse to take jobs in private employment? 5-6. In 1922 Williams became executive secretary of the Wisconsin Conference of Social Work. An estimated 30 million people attended productions of the Federal Theatre Project before it was disbanded in 1939. America The Story of Us is an epic 12-hour television event that tells the extraordinary story of how America was invented. Impressed by Williams' dedication to New Deal work relief programs, Hopkins named Williams deputy director of the new Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1933 and then also executive director of the National Youth Administration (NYA). Workers were often portrayed as lazy or inept. Those views were undoubtedly also expressed in the artistic communities of Federal One. Called Voodoo Macbeth, this all-black production was set in Haiti instead of Scotland and included voodoo priestesses as the three witches. Final Report on the WPA Program, 19351943. When business is recovering, cases of local scarcity of certain kinds of labor are bound to occur from time to time. Liberals deplored the low wages of the WPA. Roosevelt had wrestled with poverty and joblessness as governor of New York, implementing a number of innovative programs that would become models for future federal programs. President Roosevelt was a strong believer in work relief. These challenges were compounded by the fact that the male-dominated WPA administrators could not quite figure out what jobs women could do. . Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1963. PWAP was not designed strictly as a work relief project. Corrections? Life among the Texas Indians: The WPA Narratives. To that end, wages were intentionally kept significantly below positions in the private sector. The WPA employed 600,000 women in 1938, its best year for involvement of women, but that did not begin to address the need. Learn about the history and effects of the Works Progress Administration in the American Midwest during the Great Depression, Discover how Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration helped flourish museums in America, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Works-Progress-Administration, Texas State Historical Association - Handbook of Texas - Work Projects Administration, America's Story from America's Library - The Works Progress Administration, EH.net - The Works Progress Administration, Ohio History Central - Works Progress Administration, Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture - Works Progress Administration (WPA), African American Registry - The Works Progress Administration, A Beginning for Many. Is it true, as you so often hear, that people on relief acquire the habit of living at ease and thenceforth refuse to go to work? Everyone could enjoy opera and vaudeville; fiddle playing and contemporary art. Omissions? The key measures of the Second New Deal were the Social Security Act, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), and the Wagner Act. They also wanted the common art of the people to gain new respect. Articles with the HISTORY.com Editors byline have been written or edited by the HISTORY.com editors, including Amanda Onion, Missy Sullivan and Matt Mullen. Small concessions, such as work relief, delayed the revolution. Most former slaves were old and most of their individual stories would not have been preserved if not for the efforts of the WPA writers. The WPA made significant contributions to the preservation of Black culture and history with the Federal Writers Project. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. To reduce Works Progress Administration employment to 1,600,000 workers, therefore, it will be necessary for 260,000 Works Progress Administration workers to find jobs over and above seasonal expectations. . Also in 1933, the Roosevelt Administration created the Public Works Administration (PWA) under the direction of Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes. Artists created motivational posters and painted murals of U.S. national parks and American scenes in public buildings. The Work Projects Administration was originally named the Works Progress Administration when it was established as a national agency on May 6, 1935, by an executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was one of a group of New Deal arts programs known collectively as . That the plea was written in Icelandic did not deter the horror at the inclusion of a political message in a work of art. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The conservatives saw the appropriate role of the government as being limited and carefully defined. It was this aspect of the work relief programs that provided fodder for critics and ultimately led to the program's demise. Even classic plays received a new treatment when produced by the Federal Theatre Project. Here, to Mount Hood, will come thousands and thousands of visitors in the coming years . Bindas, Kenneth J. Many of these buildings, roads, and parks were still in use at the beginning of the twenty-first century. As the administrators studied the situation of Depression-era youth, however, they determined that many had dropped out of school, often before completing the eighth grade. ." For example: historically contingent ways of beinglike those tied to . From 1936 to 1944 she held the position of Director of the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration, making her the first black American woman to become a federal agency head. A children's play about beavers fighting the human destroyer of their dam was considered to support workers rising up against business owners. In that year increasing charges of mismanagement and of abuse of the program by workers led to a reduction in appropriations, and a strike by construction workers against wage cuts was unsuccessful. The act significantly reduced funding for the WPA and put considerable constraints on remaining programs. In addition all WPA workers on the payroll for more than 18 months were to be dismissed and all future WPA workers had to sign a loyalty oath asserting support of the U.S. government. Harry Hopkins, who had been chief of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the Civil Works Administration during 1933 and 1934 . In dong so the WPA quickly came under attack from conservatives in Congress. Before his art could earn him income, American painter Jackson Pollock worked for the WPAs Federal Arts Project, a component of Federal One. Discuss the pros and cons involved in government-sponsored art. On the other side of the political spectrum came criticism from liberals. people whom you have known all your life, fine hardworking, upstanding men and women who have gone overboard and been caught up in this. They are carpenters, bricklayers, artisans, architects, engineers, clerks, stenographers, doctors, dentists, farmers, ministers.". Many of the buildings and highways and other projects built by the men of the WPA are still part of the American landscape. Mary McLeod Bethune (18751955). largely to take over some responsibilities of the FERA, the PWA, and the CWA. The agencys construction projects produced more than 650,000 miles (1,046,000 km) of roads; 125,000 public buildings; 75,000 bridges; 8,000 parks; and 800 airports. Ellen Woodward (18??1971). Would creativity be constrained? Many people believe the Triborough Bridge in New York was built by the WPA, the Works Progress Administration. That included women, African Americans and other groups. Rich in history, the Narratives provide an important record of a crucial part of American history. Fortune reported, as a result of a survey in 1937, that more than two thirds of the workers on relief had at some time held one job for more than five years. She started regional theatre groups all over the United One form of the challenge was the House Subcommittee on Un-American Activities, later known as the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). A major concern regarding "the dole" in the 1930s was the impact on the self-esteem of the recipients. A play depicting the struggles of a family in a contemporary New York City tenement could be just as meaningful and just as much art as a play written three hundred years earlier. Some radical critics, including The New Republic's Jonathan Mitchell, saw more devious causes behind the low wages. The administrators of the WPA were responsible for the inappropriate allocations. The other WPA projects continued for a few more years. The work was sometimes wonderful, often bad, and occasionally very critical of America, capitalism, and the government. Flanagan was described as having a spirit, dedication, and drive reminiscent of Eleanor Roosevelt. Are they tramps? It remained under WPA jurisdiction until 1939, then the Federal Security Agency became its home until September 1943, when it dissolved. Involved in the organization of unions, socialists and Communist activity was on the rise in the United States. The WPA did not escape criticism from almost every group in America. The early 1930s were a tumultuous time. The play, to be a production of the Federal Theatre Project, was a celebration of the triumph of labor unions. Many conservatives also felt that the WPA, and in particular Federal One, was promoting liberal or even communist views. The act of critiquing also reminds us to be humble. Following his inauguration as President of the United States in March 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (served 19331945) initiated a series of work relief programs that culminated in the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1935. Related Articles: Navigating the National . I tell you, I have to pinch myself sometimes when I think how some of us have been catapulted into these positions and I will tell you now of the faith and confidence that I have in you, the devotion which you have given to this thing for the past two years and I know I do not have to appeal to this crowd for support. Many writers found other work. It also took an innovative approach to including cultural expression into its employment program. By 1936 the Federal Art Project employed more than six thousand artists. Woodward left the WPA in December 1938 when President Roosevelt appointed her on the Social Security Board. Not only the tangible projectsthe murals, the transcripts from history, the plays, and the buildingsremain, but also the ideas about the role of government in the lives of its citizens. FERA was designed after the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration that Roosevelt had set up in New York when he was governor. New York: Random House, 1941. Williams served as head of the NYA until 1943 when it stopped operation. The Woodrum Committee also dictated that the Federal Theatre Project was to be discontinued immediately. Even people who supported the idea of the arts and saw work in the arts as real work raised concerns about government-sponsored art. HISTORY.com works with a wide range of writers and editors to create accurate and informative content. The HRS was extraordinarily prolific, preparing bibliographies of American history and literature, an atlas of congressional roll-call votes, an index to unnumbered executive orders, and a list of the collection of presidential papers. When it was at its largest, the Works Progress Administration employed 30,000 administrators and an average of 2.3 million workers per year between 1935 and 1940. In 1926 she became the second woman in history to serve in Mississippi's legislature. Young people who were out of school could work 70 hours a month for no more than $25 a month. The WPA workers completed projects in almost every county in the United States. 392394). 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Updated: September 21, 2022 | Original: July 13, 2017. But the women's projects, which were indoors, had to be entirely segregated, making them more costly to run. An Ornery Bunch: Tales and Anecdotes Collected by the WPA Montana Writers' Project, 19351942. Housema, Lorraine Brown (Ed.). The extraordinary contribution of the WPA workers significantly improved the infrastructure of the United States within a relatively short time. There is a reserve of millions of unemployed, outside the WPA, to which industry can turn. The 1920s also saw dramatic growth in the amount and diversity of art and music throughout the United States and the world. Of all of President Roosevelt's New Deal programs, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) is the most famous, because it affected so many people's lives . In 1933 they had set up the Public Works Art Project (PWAP), under the administration of the Treasury Department. With winter weather approaching and people needing money for shelter and food, in November 1933 Roosevelt established the Civil Works Administration (CWA) to provide temporary jobs to a few million of the unemployed. (pp. Watkins, T.H. The Slave Narratives include the transcripts of interviews with almost 2,300 Americans who were once slaves. They placed special emphasis on the Federal Writers' Project and the Federal Theatre Project. The NYA provided part-time employment to people ages 18 to 25. The following quote is from a press conference in the summer of 1935 soon after the program had begun (as quoted in Charles, p. 131). Seen in this light, critique helps drive intellectual inquiry. In 1938 Representatives Martin Dies and J. Parnell Thomas began hearings on the projects of Federal One. The Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration is a practical relief project which also emphasizes the best tradition of the democratic spirit. The unemployed organized to fight for jobs, and tenants organized to fight for better housing. The production had been cancelled and the unions had decreed that no actor could appear on stage. They also constructed recreational facilities and parks, acted as nurse's aides and school cafeteria workers, and were museum guides. They argued that by making the government the largest employer, even at depressed The Woodrum Committee heard several months of testimony, and, like the HUAC committee in the 1950s, was often more concerned with influencing public opinion against communism than finding the truth about Federal One. Despite these attacks, the WPA is celebrated today for the employment it offered to millions during the darkest days of the Great Depression, and for its lasting legacy of smartly designed, well-built schools, dams, roads, bridges and other buildings and structuresmany of which are still in active use across the United States. The convergence of the devastation of the Great Depression and the mastery and vision of President Roosevelt combined to create a situation where the federal government temporarily employed millions of workers as a form of relief. May 19, 1995, p. B1. Viewing the situation from another angle, our studies of the seasonal variation in relief show that the number usually declines about 15 per cent from February to June. Among them, all of those visitors, in winter and summer, spring and autumn, there will be many from the Traditional conservatives included the Liberty League and many Republicans who saw the WPA as a means of undermining the capitalist system. "Democratizing Culture," in The New Deal: Problems in American Civilization, David E. Hamilton (ed.) Research what buildings, art projects, theatre productions or other WPA project impacted your community. Woodward served as a top administrator of the Mississippi State Board of Development from 1926 to 1933. In addition to its well-known building and infrastructure projects, the WPA also oversaw a group of programs collectively known as Federal Project Number One. Harry Hopkins: Sudden Hero, Brash Performer. When Roosevelt became president he recruited Hopkins to implement his various social welfare programs including from 1935 to 1938 the Works Progress Administration. The New Deal: America's Response to the Great Depression. New York City: Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc., 1994. Over its eight years of existence, the WPA put roughly 8.5 million Americans to work building schools, hospitals, roads and other public works. Flanagan defended her program before a Congressional Committee, but the FTP was disbanded in 1939. Under Nikolai Sokoloff, the FMP employed 15,000 out-of-work musicians. Flanagan asserted that for theatre to be good, it had to push accepted standards. One of the most popular productions was the Negro Unit's production of Shakespeare's Macbeth, directed by Orson Welles. They built 6,000 athletic fields and playgrounds, 770 new pools, 1,700 new parks, fairgrounds and rodeo grounds, 5,584 new school buildings, repaired 80 million library books, and served 900 million school lunches. Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal. Alternate titles: WPA, Work Projects Administration. Roosevelt and Hopkins disagreed. The range of the productions was astounding. To that end they were proponents of eliminating the means test for qualifying for work relief. https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/news-and-education-magazines/works-progress-administration-1935-1943, "Works Progress Administration 1935-1943 Became executive secretary of the Wisconsin Conference of social work were undoubtedly also expressed in the artistic of! It true that WPA workers completed projects in almost every county in organization..., Bill Murray, and teachers annually was waning as employment in War industries greatly increased the text into bibliography! 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